Day 5 Log:
if(!hasArg(window)) {
window <- 5*mean(width(A))
if(!hasArg(step)) {
step <- floor(window/10)
num.steps <- floor(window/step)
shifts <- (1:num.steps)*step
shifts <- c(rev(-1*shifts), 0, shifts)
mean and sd,
shifted.evaluation = shifted
shifted.z.score <- (shifted.evaluation - mean.permuted)/sd.permuted
CLI cleaning:
The parameters are getting a little wonky. So I'm going to clean them up.
--random shuffle, circle, novl --count all, any
Making novl
The genome has a span budget of L(g) - L(intvs). Calculate that budget
'shrink' the intervals to size of 1, shuffle the list of intervals. While span_budget > 0: make a random span of length (1..span_budget) insert that span randomly into the shuffled list of intervals span_budget -= random span length cur_pos = 0 for i in list of intervals (intvs and gaps): if its a gap, cur_pos += L(g) if its an intv, span = intv.stop - intv.start) end = cur_pos + span intv = (cur_pos, end) cur_pos += span
practical implementation lapper.intervals is a vector fastrnd::shuffle(&mut lapper.intervals)
build_gaps(lapper, genome, per-chrom) probably fastrand shuffle
Didn't keep tight notes.
Main thing was that I realized how I was performing the was incorrect (needed to use std::mem::swap instead of let (a,b) = (b.clone(), a.clone())
Speaking of weird syntax- turns out I had a bunch of it. But I found rustup component add clippy
and rustfmt
. The
latter seemed to help with indenting. The former was able to tell I was using poor design patterns. There were two main
I was manually implementing map with:
let mask = match args.mask { Some(p) => Some(io::read_mask(&p)), None => None }
But I should have been doing
let mask =|p| io::read_mask(&p));
I don't know how long it would have taken me to realize what .map
was doing without clippy calling it out.
Similarly, I found that my lines:
if let Ok(lines) = read_lines(file) {
for line in lines {
if let Ok(cur_line) = line {
Should have been written
if let Ok(lines) = read_lines(file) {
for line in lines.flatten() {
That third if let
was the only ... thing ... inside the loop. (things like Some
and None
So because I was only handling Ok
, I could just use flatten
. I'll have to look up if flatten is only for Ok
and if
its only on iterables.
This helped me figure out how to use the match/map/collect a little better and lead to the refactoring of the overlap counters in main (which I think might be a smidge faster)
I started making --no-overlaps
. There's commented out code that will run it. However, it's brute force and will fail
often. I have an idea for considering the gaps between regions to help shuffle the intervals. But I just realized it'll
only work if we enforce --merge-overlaps
Turns out that build without --release
is much slower. But I can do about 1 iteration every 0.7s compared to regioneR 1.5s
[done ] : Data - I need to move everything regioneRust..test_files to here. [done ] : And document the getters [done ] : chrom check: only load -A/-B that have a key in GenomeShift [done ]--any : store_true - count as having any overlap instead of number of overlaps [done ]--no-swap : do not swap A and B [done ]--overlaps : store_true - allow overlapping entries during randomization (maybe make switch to no-overlaps) [done ]--mask : easy enough after changing the GenomeShift [done ]--per-chrom : easy enough after changing the GenomeShift [done ]--circle and I'm pretty much done... [done ] zeros checkd for zsocre [most ] write documentation [half ]--max-retry : 1000 - when using shuffle, maximum number of attempts before quitting Currently won't get an infinite loop, but will silently give a corrupt result.
[later ] : gzip filereading: Would be nice to not require uncompressed bed files as they can get pretty large no_clone : tests : Turn CpGi and prom into toy data
After all of that, I might work on profiling. Maybe I can make some more improvements to speed.
later : local z-score?
later : I would love to figure out how to dedup the io::read_*
.. maybe same as --circle
-A bed file of regions
-B bed file of regions
[-g|--genome] genome length definition.. chrom\tlength
[-m|--mask] bed file of genome regions to mask
[-n|--num-times] number of permutations to perform
[-o|--output] output - json file to save each permutation's intersect counts as well as stats: {p-val, etc}
Build into the ArgParser a 'validate' that will ensure all the files exist as a pre-flight check including a check on num-times being high enough to calculate a meaningful p-value
File parsing : 1 - open A/B/genome/mask (read/print a few lines to debug, type casing will be hard) Wasn't too bad .. but now I want to move it to a submodule.. and also done, cool
for the first version, I don't want to deal with a HashMap of chromosomes.
So, step 1 is to parse the --genome and build a HashMap<str, u32>
let mut cur_start:u32 = 0
for each line in genome:
hashmap[line[chrom]] = cur_start
cur_start += line[chrom_length]
Then, when reading the bed file, we push the boundaries up by the hashmap[chrom] shift That way we only have one giant Vec to Lapper against.
build a per-chromosome (from genome) rust-lapper populate lines from files into the rust-lapper
Now, do I have to randomly place across (or within) chromosomes? Would it suffice to turn the genome into a single super long sequence, translate intervals into a single 'super long' sequence
I will probably have to build the region randomizer
I will need to figure out how to use the mask. Like, does it exclude regions which -A/-B overlap? I'm pretty sure it will do the exclude during the randomization i.e. if random place is in mask, retry.
And then I'll just have to copy the
--force-A-random : first version will just randomize A, second version will randomize whichever has fewer regions A or B but with a flag to force A to be randomized
Commands for the different randomizations / overlaps
#Compute the p-value
if (alt == "less") {
pval <- (sum(orig.ev >= rand.ev, na.rm=TRUE) + 1) / (num.valid.values + 1)
} else { #alt == "greater"
pval <- (sum(orig.ev <= rand.ev, na.rm=TRUE) + 1) / (num.valid.values + 1)
#if the original alternative was not the best one, suggest the user to change it
if(alternative=="greater" & orig.ev<mean(rand.ev,na.rm=TRUE)) message("Alternative is greater and the observed statistic is less than the permuted statistic mean. Maybe you want to use recomputePermTest to change the alternative hypothesis.")
if(alternative=="less" & orig.ev>mean(rand.ev,na.rm=TRUE)) message("Alternative is less and the observed statistic is greater than the permuted statistic mean. Maybe you want to use recomputePermTest to change the alternative hypothesis.")
#Compute the z-score
if(orig.ev == 0 & all(rand.ev == 0)){ #If everything is 0, warning and "empty" results
warning(paste0("All permuted values and the original evaluation value are equal to 0. Z-score cannot be computed."))
pval <- 1
zscore <- NA
} else{
zscore <- round((orig.ev - mean(rand.ev, na.rm=TRUE)) / stats::sd(rand.ev, na.rm=TRUE), 4)
} else {
pval <- NA
zscore <- NA
alt <- alternative
chunk_size = num_elements / threads for i in range(0..threads) for i in range(0..chunk_size) span a thread and do the work