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226 lines (173 loc) · 7.71 KB

File metadata and controls

226 lines (173 loc) · 7.71 KB

Day 5 Log:

  if(!hasArg(window)) {
    window <- 5*mean(width(A))
  if(!hasArg(step)) {
    step <- floor(window/10)
   num.steps <- floor(window/step)
    shifts <- (1:num.steps)*step
    shifts <- c(rev(-1*shifts), 0, shifts)

mean and sd,

shifted.evaluation = shifted 

shifted.z.score <- (shifted.evaluation - mean.permuted)/sd.permuted

Day 4 Log:

CLI cleaning:

The parameters are getting a little wonky. So I'm going to clean them up.

--random shuffle, circle, novl --count all, any

Making novl

The genome has a span budget of L(g) - L(intvs). Calculate that budget

'shrink' the intervals to size of 1, shuffle the list of intervals. While span_budget > 0: make a random span of length (1..span_budget) insert that span randomly into the shuffled list of intervals span_budget -= random span length cur_pos = 0 for i in list of intervals (intvs and gaps): if its a gap, cur_pos += L(g) if its an intv, span = intv.stop - intv.start) end = cur_pos + span intv = (cur_pos, end) cur_pos += span

practical implementation lapper.intervals is a vector fastrnd::shuffle(&mut lapper.intervals)

build_gaps(lapper, genome, per-chrom) probably fastrand shuffle

Day 3 Log:

Didn't keep tight notes. Main thing was that I realized how I was performing the was incorrect (needed to use std::mem::swap instead of let (a,b) = (b.clone(), a.clone()))

Speaking of weird syntax- turns out I had a bunch of it. But I found rustup component add clippy and rustfmt. The latter seemed to help with indenting. The former was able to tell I was using poor design patterns. There were two main errors:

I was manually implementing map with:

let mask = match args.mask { Some(p) => Some(io::read_mask(&p)), None => None }

But I should have been doing

let mask =|p| io::read_mask(&p));

I don't know how long it would have taken me to realize what .map was doing without clippy calling it out.

Similarly, I found that my lines:

if let Ok(lines) = read_lines(file) {
    for line in lines {
        if let Ok(cur_line) = line {

Should have been written

if let Ok(lines) = read_lines(file) {
    for line in lines.flatten() {

That third if let was the only ... thing ... inside the loop. (things like Some and None). So because I was only handling Ok, I could just use flatten. I'll have to look up if flatten is only for Ok and if its only on iterables.

This helped me figure out how to use the match/map/collect a little better and lead to the refactoring of the overlap counters in main (which I think might be a smidge faster)

I started making --no-overlaps. There's commented out code that will run it. However, it's brute force and will fail often. I have an idea for considering the gaps between regions to help shuffle the intervals. But I just realized it'll only work if we enforce --merge-overlaps.

Day 2 Log:

Turns out that build without --release is much slower. But I can do about 1 iteration every 0.7s compared to regioneR 1.5s

[done ] : Data - I need to move everything regioneRust..test_files to here. [done ] : And document the getters [done ] : chrom check: only load -A/-B that have a key in GenomeShift [done ]--any : store_true - count as having any overlap instead of number of overlaps [done ]--no-swap : do not swap A and B [done ]--overlaps : store_true - allow overlapping entries during randomization (maybe make switch to no-overlaps) [done ]--mask : easy enough after changing the GenomeShift [done ]--per-chrom : easy enough after changing the GenomeShift [done ]--circle and I'm pretty much done... [done ] zeros checkd for zsocre [most ] write documentation [half ]--max-retry : 1000 - when using shuffle, maximum number of attempts before quitting Currently won't get an infinite loop, but will silently give a corrupt result.

[later ] : gzip filereading: Would be nice to not require uncompressed bed files as they can get pretty large no_clone : tests : Turn CpGi and prom into toy data

After all of that, I might work on profiling. Maybe I can make some more improvements to speed. later : local z-score? later : I would love to figure out how to dedup the io::read_* .. maybe same as --circle

Day 1 Log:

-A               bed file of regions
-B               bed file of regions
[-g|--genome]    genome length definition.. chrom\tlength
[-m|--mask]      bed file of genome regions to mask
[-n|--num-times] number of permutations to perform
[-o|--output]    output - json file to save each permutation's intersect counts as well as stats: {p-val, etc}

Build into the ArgParser a 'validate' that will ensure all the files exist as a pre-flight check including a check on num-times being high enough to calculate a meaningful p-value


File parsing : 1 - open A/B/genome/mask (read/print a few lines to debug, type casing will be hard) Wasn't too bad .. but now I want to move it to a submodule.. and also done, cool


for the first version, I don't want to deal with a HashMap of chromosomes.

So, step 1 is to parse the --genome and build a HashMap<str, u32> let mut cur_start:u32 = 0 for each line in genome: hashmap[line[chrom]] = cur_start cur_start += line[chrom_length]

Then, when reading the bed file, we push the boundaries up by the hashmap[chrom] shift That way we only have one giant Vec to Lapper against.

build a per-chromosome (from genome) rust-lapper populate lines from files into the rust-lapper

Now, do I have to randomly place across (or within) chromosomes? Would it suffice to turn the genome into a single super long sequence, translate intervals into a single 'super long' sequence


I will probably have to build the region randomizer

I will need to figure out how to use the mask. Like, does it exclude regions which -A/-B overlap? I'm pretty sure it will do the exclude during the randomization i.e. if random place is in mask, retry.

And then I'll just have to copy the

Advanced features

--force-A-random : first version will just randomize A, second version will randomize whichever has fewer regions A or B but with a flag to force A to be randomized

Commands for the different randomizations / overlaps

      #Compute the p-value
      if (alt == "less") {
        pval <- (sum(orig.ev >= rand.ev, na.rm=TRUE) + 1) / (num.valid.values + 1)
      } else { #alt == "greater"
        pval <- (sum(orig.ev <= rand.ev, na.rm=TRUE) + 1) / (num.valid.values + 1)
      #if the original alternative was not the best one, suggest the user to change it
      if(alternative=="greater" & orig.ev<mean(rand.ev,na.rm=TRUE)) message("Alternative is greater and the observed statistic is less than the permuted statistic mean. Maybe you want to use recomputePermTest to change the alternative hypothesis.")
      if(alternative=="less" & orig.ev>mean(rand.ev,na.rm=TRUE)) message("Alternative is less and the observed statistic is greater than the permuted statistic mean. Maybe you want to use recomputePermTest to change the alternative hypothesis.")
      #Compute the z-score
      if(orig.ev == 0 & all(rand.ev == 0)){ #If everything is 0, warning and "empty" results
        warning(paste0("All permuted values and the original evaluation value are equal to 0. Z-score cannot be computed."))
        pval <- 1
        zscore <- NA
      } else{
        zscore <- round((orig.ev - mean(rand.ev, na.rm=TRUE)) / stats::sd(rand.ev, na.rm=TRUE), 4)
    } else {
      pval <- NA
      zscore <- NA
      alt <- alternative

chunk_size = num_elements / threads for i in range(0..threads) for i in range(0..chunk_size) span a thread and do the work