This repo is a compilation of code and resources for the ADALM-PLUTO SDR module for project research of the beamforming concept. The code in the testCode
folder has been compiled from other sources as working skeleton code for the AD936x Tranceiver for testing purposes.
Please note:
- The PlutoSDR being modded in this case MUST HAVE A u.FL on the board for an external clock source!!
- Make sure to check. The early revision PlutoSDRs did not have them.
If the PlutoSDR in use has the 2 Channel Tx & 2 Channel Rx Modification: To access all channels use the following blocks:
FMComms2/3/4 Sink
FMComms2/3/4 Source
- See Screenshot from GNU Radio Companion:
Enable Dual Receive, Dual Transmit and Expand Tuning Range to 0.7 - 6.0GHz for Rev C and newer Pluto SDR:
- Video: Enable Dual TX & Dual RX
- Code: Jon Kraft: Pluto SDR Labs
- Settings Table: Environmental Settings
- Use PuTTY for Windows or a Terminal in Linux for shell access.
- In my case, I connected via the serial COM port with PuTTY in Linux Mint.
Coding Docs:
Pluto SDR Tools and Overview:
Pluto SDR Quick Start Drivers & IIO Scope:
Pluto SDR Firmware Updates:
DIY Phased Array using Pluto SDR:
- Video: Build Your Own Phased Array Beamformer
- Video: Monopulse Tracking with a Low Cost Pluto SDR
- Video: Implementing Time Delay For a Low Cost Digital Beamformer
- Video: Phased Array Beamforming: Understanding and Prototyping
- Video: Jon Kraft: Rapid Phased Array Prototyping
PyADI-IIO: Python for ADI Industrial I/O Devices:
- Web Docs: AD936x Hardware
- Code: Examples, Test, RF Folders.
ADI Kuiper Linux for Raspberry Pi (Debian 10 Buster):
Basic Raspberry Pi Install From Scratch:
Also see the informational documents posted in the assets-docs folder of this repo.