The landscape of API strategies grows every day. In the field of PHP there are strategies from simple REST-only resources to fully Richardson Maturity Model Level 3 API engines. Apigility falls into the Level 3 category.
An API will serve data and Doctrine in Apigility tries, at it's core, to map Doctrine entities to API resources. So a Doctrine enabled resource in Apigility will provide GET, POST, PUT, PATCH, and DELETE. It also enables the ORM entity relationships to embed related data in a HAL (Hypertext Application Language) response. This allows complex joins between entities to be represented in the API response.
When you have a Doctrine project with properly mapped associations, metadata, between entities Doctrine in Apigility will give you a powerful head-start toward building an API. Correct metadata is absolutly core to building an API with this tool. To help design your ORM Skipper is strongly recommended.
You can use Doctrine in Apigility to serve pieces of your schema by filtering with hydrator strategies or you can serve your entire schema in an "Open-schema API" where relationships between entities are fully explored in the HAL _embedded data.
If you're familiar with the benefits of ORM and will use it in your project and you require a fully-fledged API engine than this API strategy may what you're looking for.