All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
Ignore this section until someone decide to add information, please.
- Translation system based on Godot i18n using a modified version of this repository
- Translations to text events and timeline editor. You can use .csv files or use the Dialog editor to create translations.
- Translations to the plugin itself. There's more languages than english.
- file. Who said that keep the things in order is easy?
- Timeline editor view.
- Main screen behaviour. The editor now instances itself only when you select the editor, and free itself if you change the main screen. Keeping free RAM is never easy.
- Leaked instances on exit.
- Translations bug. For some reason, Godot doesn't brings all properties on a clean project. This tries to workaround that.
- Draggable events fixed. There was a bug related the drag 'n' drop system
- Drag 'n' drop system. You can drag and drop events from the event container, or reorganize your timelines.
- Test suit added. Because making mistakes is a human thing, this can prevent making many mistakes verifying the source files. The power of Unit Testing (provided by WAT plugin) and Github Actions in one place.
- DialogBaseNode icon. Because beeing unique is a hard task to do in the actual era.
- Databases now must keep it default values. Nobody wants to know that i use timelines like "food" or "test".
- Banner image. A little witch that gives the welcome is always better.
- Timeline preview. With a new theme and behaviour.
- Documentation about any class that plugin uses. Have you any idea how many time this took me to do? My soul was drained while I was doing documentation, and it's incomplete.
- Dialog bubble. Now it looks more like a bubble than a little square.
[0.1.0] - 2021-04-30
- DialogBaseNode. The base class to create and use any timeline.
- In game text box. For those who wants to make dialogues in squares.
- In game dialog bubble. For those who wants to make dialogues but doesn't like squares.
- Database files. That holds references to files created by the user.
- Plugin core files. Very important.
- Example assets. Some of them are used in the base nodes.