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Hasan Bayat edited this page May 16, 2017 · 12 revisions

Save Game Pro

Another Premium and Complete solution asset for Saving and Loading data.

Why do i get it?

Because Save Game Pro has bunch of features that let you save and load your data in fastest and most secure ways.

You can save everything and load it back see the supported types by Save Game Pro.

We currently support 47 types. you can suggest your new types to us.

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Take a look at online version of the Save Game Pro package documentation


  • Fast (We are using BinaryWriter and BinaryReader to save and load)
  • Secure (AES is under development)
  • Built-in Supported Types
  • Cross-Platform (We are supporting all platforms that Unity supports, but we might not tested some of them) (We use PlayerPrefs for WebGL and other WebPlayers)
  • Easy to use (You can call Save and Load method to do anything)
  • Custom Types (You can your own type to Save Game Pro types)
  • Well Documentation
  • Examples and Tutorials

Supported Types

Let us sort it in Alphabetical:

  1. AudioClip
  2. BoneWeight
  3. bool
  4. Bounds
  5. BoxCollider
  6. BoxCollider2D
  7. byte
  8. CapsuleCollider
  9. CapsuleCollider2D
  10. char
  11. Color
  12. Color32
  13. CompositeCollider2D
  14. decimal
  15. double
  16. EdgeCollider2D
  17. Enum or enum
  18. float
  19. Gradient
  20. GradientAlphaKey
  21. GradientColorKey
  22. int
  23. long
  24. Material
  25. Matrix4x4
  26. Mesh
  27. MeshCollider
  28. PolygonCollider2D
  29. Quaternion
  30. Rect
  31. Rigidbody
  32. Rigidbody2D
  33. sbyte
  34. short
  35. SphereCollider
  36. Sprite
  37. string
  38. TerrainCollider
  39. Texture2D
  40. Transform
  41. uint
  42. ulong
  43. ushort
  44. Vector2
  45. Vector3
  46. Vector4
  47. WheelCollider

✨ Suggest a data type that we have missed

📖 Learn How to Create your own data type saver?

An Example

You can save and load your game data using SaveGame class api:

// Saving character position (rotation and scale also saved)
SaveGame.Save<Transform> (myCharacter.transform, "mycharacter");

// Load the character position if we have any saved data. (rotation and scale also loaded)
if (SaveGame.Exists ("mycharacter")) {
    SaveGame.Load<Transform> ("mycharacter", myCharacter.transform);
} else {

    // Set character to it's default position if there is no saved position.
    myCharacter.transform.position = myCharacterDefaultPosition;

It is very simple example that show how it is easy to use Save Game Pro to save and load game data.

Take a look at examples

API Documentation

SaveGame.Save<T> (string identifier, T data);: Saves a data with the identifier.

SaveGame.Save<T> (string identifier, T[] data);: Saves an array of data with the identifier.

SaveGame.Save<T> (string identifier, T[,] data);: Saves an 2d array of data with the identifier.

SaveGame.Save<T> (string identifier, T[,,] data);: Saves an 2d array of data with the identifier.

SaveGame.Load<T> (string identifier);: Loads a data using the identifier.

SaveGame.Load<T> (string identifier, T outputObject);: Loads a data using the identifier and outputs the loaded data to the object.

SaveGame.LoadArray<T> (string identifier);: Loads an array of data using the identifier.

SaveGame.LoadArray<T> (string identifier, T outputObjects);: Loads an array of data using the identifier and outputs the loaded data to the object.

SaveGame.Load2DArray<T> (string identifier);: Loads an 2d array of data using the identifier.

SaveGame.Load2DArray<T> (string identifier, T[,] outputObjects);: Loads an 2d array of data using the identifier and outputs the loaded data to the object.

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