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Logiq: quantum state creation

Creation of a qubit

You can create a qubit with any (allowed) state you want just specify the internal state of this new qubit.
There are mainly 2 ways to create a qubit:

  • Form the vectorial representation of internal state:

    q = qbit(ket(0,1)) 	# |1>
    q = qbit(1,0) 		# |0>
    q = qbit(0,-1j)		# -1j|1>

    j is the imaginary number in python

    In the first example we have passed the ket vector to qbit function, but is equivalent to pass directly the value of the internal state.

  • From a string representation:

    q = qbit("|0>") 		# |0>
    q = qbit("-1|0> +0|1>")	# -1|0>

    This method is really useful if you want to teach something and you do not want to go into details, but it has a problem:
    What if you want to create the state 1/√2(|0>+|1>)?
    You can easily build it defining the vector:

    rd = 1/sqrt(2)
    q = qbit(rd,rd) # +0.70711|0> +0.70711|1>

    But if you want to write it as a string you have to do something more complex.

    To avoid this exists a way to say: "whatever value I insert, you normalize them and create a correct qubit"

    q = qbit("1|0> +1|1>") # IllegalOperationError: A quantum state must have norm 1, this one has norm (2+0j)
    q = qbit("1|0> +1|1>", normalize=True) # +0.70711|0> +0.70711|1>

Creation of qutrit and more

In logiq you are not limited to create only qubit (i.e. a bidimensional quantum state), in fact if for some reason, which could be physical research or implementation of a powerful communication protocol, you can create a quantum state with more than a 2-dimensional state.

The creation of this state is really simple because is identical to the qubit creation but just with more state:

# qutrits
q = qbit(0,0,1) # |2>
q = qbit(1,2,3, normalize=True) # +0.26726|0> +0.53452|1> +0.80178|2>

# A qu... I don't know how naming this
q = qbit("0.7|6> -0.7|9>", normalize=True) # +0.70711|6> -0.70711|9>

Simple, not?

NB: the third quantum state created is a 10-dimensional state because the 10th state (|9>) is the higher I have mentioned, but for a better explanation read this

State with custom basis

In logiq every quantum state has a basis, it serves to measure and represent the state and by default this basis is {|0>,|1>}, which is called stdbasis.

Or better, by default it will create a basis with the same dimension of the state.
So doing qbit(0,1,0) you create a 3-dimensional quantum state with the basis {|0>, |1>, |2>} associated

Of course you can create a quantum state using the basis you want but what does it mean to "associate a basis to a state"?

  • Measurement

    When you measure a state without specifying the basis the "associated" basis will be used to measure

    q = qbit(1,0, basis=hadamard)
    q.measure() # it measure using hadamard {|+>,|->}
    q.measure(stdbasis) # this time it uses the stdbasis basis to measure
  • Representation

    When you print a quantum state it uses the associated basis to represent it, instead to forcing another representation you need to use the printAs(basis) method

    q = qbit(0,1, basis=hadamard)
    print(q) # +0.70711|+> -0.70711|->
    q.printAs(stdbasis) # +1|1>

To change the associated basis, you have to use the setBasis(basis) method:

q = qbit(1,0)
print(q) # +1|0>
print(q) # +0.70711|+> +0.70711|->

Create a quantum state using Qstate

The function qbit is just a shortcut to create a Qstate object.
Both result is equivalent, only change the syntax to use.

  • creation from vector
    q = Qstate(ket(1,0)) #|0>, as qbit() functions

    Notice that Qstate(1,0) does not work!

  • creation from string
    q = Qstate.parse("|1>") #as qbit() functions

The normalize and the basis argument work in both methods, but they can be passed just using the right position and not necessarily specifying it:

q = Qstate(ket(2,1), stdbasis, True) #+0.89443|0> +0.44721|1>
q = Qstate.parse("|+>", hadamard, False) # |+> (normalize=False is unnecessary)

Parsing states from string

When you parse a quantum state from string you have to keep in mind how it works:


The representation is the same used by physics and computer scientist when talking of quantum computing: the Bra-ket notation.

"a|x> + b|y> + ..." where a and b are complex number and x and y are states of a certain basis.

Default assumptions

By default, when you write a quantum state as a string, the parser assume that you are writing a state represented in the stdbasis: {|0>, |1>}
So the state "-1|0>" is parsed in the state -1|0> +0|1>, which is probably what you want to mean

If instead you write "0.7|0> + 0.7|3>" the situation changes: in fact, the parser changes its assumption because |3> ∉ {|0>, |1>} and try to understand the written state using this different basis: {|0>, |1>, |2>, |3>}
That because all symbols ("0" and "3") are in the STD_SYMBOLS.

In the STD_SYMBOLS there are all numbers and all capital letters: 0,1,...,8,9,A,B,...,Y,Z

It works in this way because if you write "x|1> + y|4>" you probably want to mean a 5-dimensional state where the basis is {|0>, |1>, |2>, |3>, |4>} and not a 2-dimensional state in basis {|1>, |4>}

A tricky way to write n-dimensional state without specifying the basis is to write "... +0|n>":
for instance the 10-dim state |3> can be create with the string "|3> +0|9>"

Custom states

You can write any kind of state without specify the basis, the behaviour is to create a new basis with exactly the symbols you use in the state.

For example, if you want to "work" with electron spin, which could have 2 possible configurations: up and down, you can easily write the state and the output will be what you expect 😉:

e = qbit('1|up> +0|down>')
print(e) # +1|up>
#|up>: |(1+0j); 0j>
#|down>: |0j; (1+0j)>

You must specify all configurations (or a basis)

You can do this only if you are not interested in what the basis is!
That because the new basis generated are a simple CanonBasis and you haven't any control on the eigenstate of the basis.

Last trick: because the capital letters are in STD_SYMBOLS, if you want to generate a general state without specify basis you can simply do this:

q = qbit('1|a> +0|b>')

This generates a similar state using {|a>, |b>} as a basis.
If you use the capital letter you obtain a 12-dimensional state

>>> len(qbit('1|a> +0|b>'))
>>> len(qbit('1|A> +0|B>'))

Composed quantum states

You can create quantum states which are the "composition" of other quantum states.

The "default" way to create this kind of states is to use the tensor product (@) but you can also create this using the functions qbit() and Qstate():

q = qbit(
print(q) # +0.70711|010> +0.70711|011>

q = Qstate( #notice the list!
print(q) # +0.70711|010> +0.70711|011>

Of course you can also compose both "single state" and "multiple state" in the same way:

q = Qstate(
        qbit(qbit(1,0), Qstate(ket(0,1))), #|01>
        qbit(1,1,normalize=True) #+0.70711|0> +0.70711|1>
print(q) #+0.70711|010> +0.70711|011>

But this way is not really readable, so I suggest you to use the tensor product (except for particular cases, of course)