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Vehicle Detector System (VDS) data


The vds schema contains volume, speed, and length data collected from various "vehicle detector system"s (VDS) the City operates, as well as details about those VDS.

For a summary of changes vs the old rescu schema, see PR notes. The renaming of the schema represents that RESCU detectors are only one type of VDS the City operates.

Overview of Sensor Classes

VDS system consists of various vehicle detectors, organized at a high level into "divisions":


Nominally only RESCU detectors according to ITSC datadivision table, but also includes various "BlueCity" / "SmartMicro" sensors.
Approx 700K rows per day from ~200 sensors.

  • RESCU loop/radar detectors
    • The City's Road Emergency Services Communication Unit (RESCU) tracks and manages traffic volume on expressways and some arterial roads using various technologies. General information can be found here.
    • Loop detectors installed on the ground of the road surface OR Radar detectors (which function the same way as loop detectors) placed on the roadside. There is some information in the outdated vds.detector_inventory_cursed differentiating between these two technologies but the origin has been lost to time.
    • Gardiner, DVP, Lakeshore
    • Allen Rd & Kingston Rd appear in vdsconfig but have no data newer than 2021-11 when this pipeline begins.
    • 20 second reporting interval
    • Despite data quality concerns (usually due to malfunctioning detectors) RESCU data are the only source of volume counts for highways within Toronto's jurisdiction.
  • Blue City ("BCT")
    • 40 detectors monitoring individual intersection movements at two intersections: Spadina / Fort York & Yonge / Church.
    • 15 minute reporting interval
    • As seen on the map view of ITS Central, BCT sensors seem to count all modes, however this data has not been found in the database.
  • SmartMicro sensors
    • Approximately 40 detectors along Yonge St in midtown and Lakeshore Blvd.
    • 5 minute reporting interval
    • There are SmartMicro detectors on Yonge St bike lanes: SELECT * FROM vds.vdsconfig WHERE detector_id like '%BIKE%'
    • As seen on the map view of ITS Central, SmartMicro sensors seem to count all modes, however this data has not been found in the database.

Division_id 2 distribution in August 2023:

Division_id 2 distribution in August 2023:


Traffic Signals, PXO, Beacons, Pedestals and UPS. Approx 700K rows per day from ~10,000 sensors at 15 minute intervals.

Further investigation is required to determine whether this data for division_id = 8001 under vds.raw_vdsdata can be used for analytics.
Approximately half of all sensors in division_id 8001 had zero volume in August 2023:

More than half of sensors in division_id 8001 had zero volume in August 2023

Remaining division_id 8001 sensors with non-zero volumes in August 2023 (No work has been done to determine whether these volumes are reasonable)

Division_id 8001 sensors with non-zero volumes in August 2023:

August 2023 division_id 8001 Summary:

det_type num_sensors avg_daily_volume median_daily_volume max_daily_volume total_volume
Detector (DET) 9541 349.6113 0 9398 1.03E+08
Preemption (PE) 79 0.234381 0 25 574
Special Function (SF) 435 0.003189 0 1 43

The data from "special function" and "preemption" detectors seem extremely dubious. They both have less than 1 average detection per sensor per day. The regular detectors (DET) may have some utility but it is hard to tell with the prevelance of zeros (the median daily detector volume is zero).

How do I access it? Where is the OpenData (if it exists)?

  • Cleaned data is stored in bigdata, vds schema.
  • Raw data is stored in transnomis postgres database public schema, which can be accessed by remoting in to terminal server and using connection details stored in Airflow.
  • ITS Central is helpful for exploring the detector inventory. Jesse can help you gain access.
  • OpenData: RESCU data was never added to OpenData due to data quality concerns, however this decision should be reviewed with improved availability due to new pipeline and ability to formulate better data quality metrics. In particular veh_speeds_15min could be released in a similar pattern to existing wys OpenData release and may be of interest to public.

Data Availability

  • Tables vds.raw_vdsdata and vds.raw_vdsvehicledata and related summary tables (counts_15min, counts_15min_bylane, veh_length_15min, veh_speeds_15min) have data from 2021-11-01 and beyond pulled from ITSC using the new process described here.
  • Data for table vds.counts_15min from 2017-01-01 to 2021-10-31 was backfilled from rescu.volumes_15min, and contains nulls for certain columns: lanes, num_distinct_lanes, num_obs. Only highway RESCU sensors were included in this old schema.
  • There are various data outages, although many are eliminated under this new vds pipeline. Humans seeking to use this dataset should check the data availability and quality for their required dates and locations and not assume all the sensors have the same data avaibility.

How was it aggregated & filtered? What pitfalls should I avoid?

  • Detectors/time periods with no records will not appear in summary tables.
  • Some detectors have come and gone, for example the Allen. Check the sensor you want is available in the time period.
  • Zeros/nulls/missing records are all considered zeros when aggregating to counts_15min and counts_15min_bylane in line with logic under previous RESCU pipeline. Aggregation method can be adjusted/examined by going back to raw_vdsdata table.

Future Work

  • Future work is planned under issue #658 to add data quality checks to the new schema.
    • Network wide low data volume warning.
    • Identify individual detector outages.
    • Label good and bad date ranges.
  • Further investigation of new sensor classes (division_id 8001, BlueCity, SmartMicro) to determine utility or if we should store these records at all.

Table Structure

Tips for Use

  • The raw data tables are very large. Make sure to use Explain (F7) and check you are using available indices and partitions.
  • In some cases you may find it easier to select from only the partition of interest. eg. FROM vds.raw_vdsdata_div2_202308 instead of more verbose FROM vds.raw_vdsdata WHERE division_id = 2 and dt >= '2023-08-01 00:00:00'::timestamp.....
  • For RESCU requests, make use of the manually defined fields in vds.detector_inventory for easy filtering.
  • Data quality checks have not been implemented in this new schema. For examples of past work see:
    • @scann0n did some work on identifying good date ranges for RESCU sensors based on volumes from days with all 96 15-minute bins present which is written up here.
    • @gabrielwol created some helpful views to identify periods of network wide or individual sensor outages on the RESCU network.

Lookup Tables and Views


The main table for filtering and identifying VDS/RESCU sensors locations. This view draws info from the various config tables to make it easier to explore and filter VDS sensors. It contains all the combinations of vdsconfig_uid and entity_location_uid which have produced data to date. These dates are updated daily via Airflow vds_pull_vdsdata DAG.
Use the geoms and first_active and last_active fields in this view to select your sensors and then join to counts_15min USING (vdsconfig_uid, entity_location_uid).

  • Criteria for manual fields are defined within case statements here.
  • If you add new rules to expected_bins to reflect new sensor types, see the heading New sensor type added? or Sensor type incorrectly classified? under Data Ops heading.

Row count: 11,558

column_name data_type sample description
vdsconfig_uid integer 382
entity_location_uid integer 10350
detector_id character varying DW0130DWG
det_type text Signal Detectors Manual field. Possible values: 'RESCU Detectors', 'Blue City AI', 'Smartmicro Sensors'
det_loc text Manual field. Only defined for RESCU network. Possible values: 'DVP/Allen North', 'DVP South', 'Gardiner/Lakeshore East', 'Gardiner/Lakeshore West', 'Kingston Rd'
det_group text Manual field. Only defined for RESCU network. Possible values: 'DVP', 'Lakeshore', 'Gardiner', 'Allen', 'Kingston Rd', 'On-Ramp'
direction text Manual field. Only defined for RESCU network. Possible values: 'Eastbound','Westbound', 'Southbound', 'Northbound'
expected_bins integer 1 Manual field. Expected bins per 15 minute period. Possible values: 1, 3, 5, 45
comms_desc text WHD - Glen Rouge From config_comms_device.souce_id
det_tech text Wavetronix Manual field. Only defined for RESCU network. Possible values: 'Smartmicro','Wavetronix','Inductive'
sensor_geom geom geom from vds.entity_locations
centreline_id integer centreline_id from vds.centreline_vds
centreline_geom geom geom from gis_core.centreline_latest
first_active timestamp first timestamp the sensor produced data
last_active timestamp last timestamp the sensor has produced data to date


This table contains details about vehicle detectors pulled from ITSC public.vdsconfig. For more information or help interpreting these fields you can search the web interface for ITS Central.

  • For applications relating to the highway RESCU network, the manual case statements under VIEW vds.detector_inventory can help identify relevant stations.

  • A foreign key referencing vds.vdsconfig.uid is added to the raw tables by trigger function vds.add_vds_fkeys to enable a simple join on vds.vdsconfig.uid = *.vdsconfig_uid.

  • Note that these entries don't have locations associated with them. That is located in the next table entity_locations.

  • Note that there is not a complete allignment between this data and the raw data, which is interpreted as the time between a detector being turned on in the field and configured in the database.

Row count: 10,219

column_name data_type sample description
division_id smallint 8001
vds_id integer 5462004
detector_id character varying PX1408-DET019
start_timestamp timestamp without time zone 2022-09-26 09:04:41
end_timestamp timestamp without time zone null
lanes smallint 1
has_gps_unit boolean False
management_url character varying
description character varying
fss_division_id integer
fss_id integer
rtms_from_zone integer 1
rtms_to_zone integer 1
detector_type smallint 1
created_by character varying TorontoSpatDataGateway
created_by_staffid uuid
signal_id integer 2005518
signal_division_id smallint 8001
movement smallint
uid integer 1 pkey


This table contains locations for vehicle detectors from ITSC public.entitylocations.

  • A foreign key referencing vds.entity_locations.uid is added to the raw tables by trigger function vds.add_vds_fkeys to enable a simple join on vds.entity_locations.uid = *.entity_locations_uid.

  • While it is tempting to join vdsconfig and entity_locations there is not a 1:1 correspondence as the start and end timestamps do not align. It is better to take a specific data point (raw or summarized) and join both vdsconfig and entity_locations tables via foreign keys (vdsconfig_uid and entity_locations_uid) to find the details and location of that sensor at the specific point in time.

Row count: 16,013

column_name data_type sample description
division_id smallint 8001
entity_type smallint 5
entity_id integer 2004114
start_timestamp timestamp without time zone 2021-07-04 22:05:28.957568
end_timestamp timestamp without time zone null
latitude double precision 43.64945
longitude double precision -79.371464
altitude_meters_asl double precision
heading_degrees double precision
speed_kmh double precision
num_satellites integer
dilution_of_precision double precision
main_road_id integer 3741
cross_road_id integer 3471
second_cross_road_id integer 3471
main_road_name character varying Jarvis St
cross_road_name character varying Front St E
second_cross_road_name character varying Front St E
street_number character varying
offset_distance_meters double precision
offset_direction_degrees double precision
location_source smallint 4
location_description_overwrite character varying JARVIS ST and FRONT ST E / LOWER JARVIS ST
uid integer 1


Store raw data pulled from ITS Central config_comms_device table. This table is useful for determing which technology is used by a RESCU sensor. Join vdsconfig.fss_id to config_comms_device.fss_id. Note there may be duplicates on division_id+fss_id corresponding to updated locations/details over time.

Row count: 666

column_name data_type sample Comments
division_id smallint 2
fss_id integer 2000102 Field renamed to fss_id to match vdsconfig table. deviceid in ITSC.
source_id character varying VDSFSS57 This text field can help identify Wavetronix/Smartmicro sensor technology.
start_timestamp timestamp without time zone 2014-04-27 22:29:02.726812
end_timestamp timestamp without time zone 2022-06-24 13:14:57.832010
has_gps_unit boolean False
device_type smallint 10
description character varying


Table to store VDS sensors - centreline equivalency. See vds.detector_inventory mat view for ease of use. Can be joined using: vds.centreline_vds LEFT JOIN gis_core.centreline_latest USING (centreline_id). See update instructions below.

Row count: 392

column_name data_type sample Comments
centreline_id bigint
vdsconfig_uid integer


A table updated daily during the insert into vds.raw_vdsdata to maintain an up to date list of sensor first and last active dates. See instead vds.detector_inventory which contains additional sensor details.

Row count: 11,558

column_name data_type sample Comments
detector_uid integer
division_id smallint
vdsconfig_uid integer
entity_location_uid integer
first_active timestamp without time zone First timestamp with data for this combindation of vdsconfig_uid / entity_location_uid.
last_active timestamp without time zone Last timestamp with data for this combindation of vdsconfig_uid / entity_location_uid.

Aggregate Tables


vds.raw_vdsdata summarized into 15 minute bins.

  • This table only includes division_id = 2, since division_id 8001 is already 15 minute data in raw format in raw_vdsdata and the volume of data is very large (~700K rows per day) for storing twice at same interval. Instead you can query the view vds.counts_15min_div8001 to simplify accessing division_id 8001 data in 15 minute count format.
  • Summary assumes that null values are zeroes (in line with assumption made in old RESCU pipeline), however, the availability of raw data means this assumption can be examined.
  • Note raw_vdsdata is only summarized into this table if the expected_bins value for that vdsconfig_uid in vds.detector_inventory is not null.
  • Partitioned by division_id then year (Column datetime_15min).

Data quality checks:

  • You can compare num_obs to expected_bins * num_lanes. Consider using a threshold.
  • There should be a total of 96 15-minute datetime bins per day. Since small outages appear common, consider not requiring this.
  • Check num_distinct_lanes = num_lanes to see if data from all lanes is present in bin.

Row count: 927,399

column_name data_type sample description
volumeuid bigint 2409198 pkey
division_id smallint 2 Table filtered for division_id = 2
vdsconfig_uid integer 1 fkey referencing vdsconfig.uid
entity_location_uid integer 1 fkey referencing entity_locations.uid
num_lanes smallint 4 Number of lanes according to sensor inventory.
datetime_15min timestamp without time zone 2023-07-17 00:00:00 Timestamps are floored and grouped into 15 minute bins. For 20s bins it doesn't make a big difference flooring vs. rounding, however for 15 minute sensor data (some of the Yonge St sensors), you may want to pay close attention to this and consider for example if original bin timestamp is at the start or end of the 15 minute period.
count_15min smallint 217
expected_bins smallint 45 Expected bins per lane in a 15 minute period
num_obs smallint 84 Number of actual observations in a 15 minute period. Shouldn't be larger than num_lanes * expected_bins.
num_distinct_lanes smallint 4 Number of distinct lanes present in this bin.


vds.raw_vdsdata summarized into 15 minute bins by lane, to be used for investigating individual lane data availability.

  • Excludes division_id = 8001 since those sensors have only 1 lane.
  • Note raw_vdsdata is only summarized into this table if the expected_bins value for that vdsconfig_uid in vds.detector_inventory is not null.
  • Partitioned by division_id then year (Column datetime_15min).

Data quality checks:

  • You can compare num_obs to expected_bins. Consider using a threshold.
  • There should be a total of 96 15-minute datetime bins per day.

Row count: 1,712,401

column_name data_type sample description
volumeuid bigint 2228148
division_id smallint 2
vdsconfig_uid integer 1 fkey referencing vdsconfig.uid
entity_location_uid integer 1 fkey referencing entity_locations.uid
lane smallint 1
datetime_15min timestamp without time zone 2023-06-07 00:00:00
count_15min smallint 8
expected_bins smallint 45
num_obs smallint 45

Across all detectors, here is the percentage of volume by lane, grouped by road width. This summary does not account for differences in data availability between lanes.

Road width Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5
2 Lanes 46.2% 53.8%
3 Lanes 34.7% 36.2% 29.1%
4 Lanes 29.0% 33.3% 24.8% 12.9%
5 Lanes 24.0% 28.5% 22.7% 19.9% 4.9%


Summarization of vds.raw_vdsvehicledata with count of observation (vehicle) speeds grouped by 15 min / 5kph / vds_id. Can be used similarly to WYS but for freeways.

Data quality:

  • Speeds over 130kph represent about 1% of the data which seems reasonable.
  • The most common speed observed is around 90kph which seems reasonable.
  • There are null speed values in raw_vdsvehicledata which are excluded here.
  • Some detectors appear to report speeds centred around 3kph intervals (ie. 91, 94, 97). Multiple 3kph intervals may fall into the same 5kph bin (ie. 91, 94) creating some unusual results for these detectors.

Row count: 6,415,490

column_name data_type sample description
division_id smallint 2
vdsconfig_uid integer 1 fkey referencing vdsconfig.uid
entity_location_uid integer 1 fkey referencing entity_locations.uid
datetime_15min timestamp without time zone 2023-06-13 00:00:00
speed_5kph smallint 0 5km/h speed bins, rounded down.
count smallint 14
total_count smallint 25 Use count::numeric/total_count to get proportion.
uid bigint 6774601 unique id


Summarization of vds.raw_vdsvehicledata with count of observation (vehicle) lengths grouped by 15 min / MTO classification guide (see below) / vdsconfig_uid. Can be used to investigate the mix of vehicle types using our roadways.

Data quality:

  • The quality of this data is extremely suspect and unverified, including large unexplained variations between adjacent sensors. Use with extreme caution.
  • There are some suspiciously long vehicles (about 0.05% >= 20m, max = 49m).
  • There are null length values in raw_vdsvehicledata which are included here. The meaning of these are not understood, but make up a significant portion of values in some cases (suspicious).

Row count: 4,622,437

column_name data_type sample description
division_id smallint 2
vdsconfig_uid integer 1 fkey referencing vdsconfig.uid
entity_location_uid integer 1 fkey referencing entity_locations.uid
datetime_15min timestamp without time zone 2023-06-13 00:00:00
mto_class_uid smallint 0 fkey referencing traffic.mto_length_bin_classification.mto_class_uid
count smallint 3 count of observations
total_count smallint 5 Use count::numeric/total_count to get proportion.
uid bigint 4866932 unique id

MTO Classification Guide:

MTO classification guide


A view of individual sensor outages of at least 30 minutes. Could be used in looking for days without outages of a certain duration, or in identifying unreliable sensors with multiple smaller outages.

It is recommended to add a where clause using vdsconfig_uid to get faster results for a sensor.

column_name data_type sample
vdsconfig_uid integer 516
entity_location_uid integer 10238
division_id smallint 2
time_start timestamp without time zone "2004-02-26 00:15:00"
time_end timestamp without time zone "2004-02-27 00:00:00"
date_start date "2004-02-26"
date_end date "2004-02-27"
time_range tsrange "[""2004-02-26 00:15:00"",""2004-02-27 00:00:00""]"
date_range daterange "[2004-02-26,2004-02-28)"
duration_days numeric 1.0


network_outages view can be used to identify/eliminate dates from a study where all detectors are inactive. Runs in about 20s for entire network. Can be used for network health / uptime calculations.

column_name data_type sample
time_start timestamp without time zone "1993-01-11 17:00:00"
time_end timestamp without time zone "1993-01-14 06:45:00"
date_start date 1993-01-11
date_end date 1993-01-14
time_range tsrange ["1993-01-11 17:00:00","1993-01-14 06:45:00"]
date_range daterange [1993-01-11,1993-01-15)
duration_days numeric 2.5729166666666667

Raw Data


This table contains parsed data from ITSC public.vdsdata which stores binned detector volumes (20s bins for RESCU).

  • Column volume_veh_per_hr stores the volumes in vehicles per hour for that bin. Note that different sensors have different bin width which affects the conversion from volume to count (see vds.detector_inventory.expected_bins).
  • For details on converting raw_vdsdata to 15 minute counts, see vds.counts_15min or the corresponding insert script. This method assumes both missing bins and zero values are zeros, in line with old pipeline.
  • This table retains zero bins to enable potential future differente treatment of missing and zero values.
  • Contains data for division_id IN (2, 8001).
  • Foreign keys vdsconfig_uid, entity_location_uid are added via trigger on insertion to this table.
  • This table is partitioned first on division_id and further partitioned by dt, which should result in faster queries especially on division_id = 2 which is much lower volume data and more commonly used. Be sure to reference dt instead of datetime_15min in your WHERE clauses to make effective use of these partitions.

Row count: 1,203,083 (7 days)

column_name data_type sample description
volume_uid bigint 105906844 pkey
division_id smallint 2
vds_id integer 2000410
dt timestamp without time zone 2023-06-29 00:01:02 Timestamp of record. Not always 20sec increments, depending on sensor.
datetime_15min timestamp without time zone 2023-06-29 00:00:00 dt floored to 15 minute bins.
lane integer 1 Lane number, where 1 is rightmost lane.
speed_kmh double precision 99.5 Average speed of vehicles during bin?
volume_veh_per_hr integer 1800 Volume in vehicles per hour, need to convert to get vehicle count.
occupancy_percent double precision 10.31 % of time the sensor is occupied. Potential utility for measuring congestion (vehicle density).
vdsconfig_uid integer 1 fkey referencing vdsconfig.uid
entity_location_uid integer 1 fkey referencing entity_locations.uid


This table contains individual vehicle detection events for pulled from ITSC public.vdsvehicledata.

  • Only contains data for division_id = 2. There was some data for other divisions in ITS Central that appeared blank (possible configuration issue).
  • This data can be useful to identify highway speeds and vehicle type mix (from length column).
  • Note that counts derived from this dataset do not align with the binned data of raw_vdsdata. That dataset is presumed to be more accurate for the purpose of counting vehicles.
  • This table is partitioned on year and then month which should result in faster querying when making effective use of filters on the dt column.
  • Foreign keys vdsconfig_uid, entity_location_uid are added via trigger on insertion to this table.

Row count: 1,148,765 (7 days)

column_name data_type sample description
volume_uid bigint 244672315 pkey
division_id smallint 2
vds_id integer 5059333
dt timestamp without time zone 2023-06-28 00:00:03.378718
lane integer 1
sensor_occupancy_ds smallint 104 ?
speed_kmh double precision 15.0
length_meter double precision 4.0
vdsconfig_uid integer 1 fkey referencing vdsconfig.uid
entity_location_uid integer 1 fkey referencing entity_locations.uid



Outdated detector inventory from old rescu schema with unknown origin, likely manual. Archiving in this schema in case some of this information is useful in the future. Only contains information about RESCU network.

Row count: 189

column_name data_type sample description
detector_id text DW0040DEL
number_of_lanes smallint 3
latitude numeric 43.635944
longitude numeric -79.401186
det_group text LAKE "ALLEN" (Allen road), "FGG/LAKE" (Gardiner Expressway and Lakeshore ramps) , "FGG" (Gardiner Expressway), "DVP" (Don Valley Parkway), "LAKE" (Lakeshore)
road_class text Major Arterial
primary_road text Lake Shore Blvd W
direction character varying E
offset_distance integer
offset_direction text W of
cross_road text BATHURST STREET
district text Toronto and East York
ward text Trinity-Spadina (20)
vds_type text inductive_loop Other values: microwave_radar (origin of classification unknown)
total_loops smallint 6
sequence_number text LAKE173
data_range_low integer 20000
data_range_high integer 30000
historical_count integer 9700
arterycode integer 826 Arterycode can be used used to join the data with traffic.artery_data

Data Ops

DAG Design

VDS data is pulled daily at 4AM from ITS Central database by the Airflow DAGs described below.
The DAGs need to be run on-prem to access ITSC database and are hosted for now on Morbius.

vds_pull_vdsdata DAG

A daily DAG to pull VDS data from ITS Central lookup tables vdsconfig, entitylocations into Bigdata vds.vdsconfig, vds.entity_locations tables and from vdsdata of ITS Central into Bigdata tables vds.raw_vdsdata and aggregate tables vds.counts_15min, vds.counts_15min_bylane.


These tasks to update lookup tables vdsconfig and entity_locations run before downstream pull data tasks to ensure that on-insert trigger has the latest detector information available. Also triggers other DAG (vds_pull_vdsvehicledata) for same reason.

  • pull_and_insert_detector_inventory pulls vdsconfig table into RDS. On conflict, updates end_timestamp.
  • pull_and_insert_entitylocations pulls entitylocations table into RDS. On conflict, updates end_timestamp.
  • pull_and_insert_commsdeviceconfig pulls commdeviceconfig table into RDS vds.config_comms_device. On conflict, updates end_timestamp.
  • done marks update_inventories as done to trigger downstream data pull tasks + DAG


  • check_partitions checks if the date is January 1st. If not, the next task is skipped.
  • create_partitions creates new partitions for raw_vdsdata, counts_15min, counts_15min_bylane before pulling data.


  • delete_vdsdata deletes existing data from RDS vds.raw_vdsdata to enable easy rerunning of tasks.
  • pull_raw_vdsdata pulls into RDS from ITS Central database table vdsdata including expanding binary lanedata column. After insert, a trigger function adds foreign keys referencing vdsconfig and entity_locations tables.


  • summarize_v15 first deletes and then inserts a summary of vds.raw_vdsdata into vds.counts_15min.
  • summarize_v15_bylane first deletes and then inserts summary of vds.raw_vdsdata into vds.counts_15min_bylane.


  • wait_for_weather delays the downstream data check by a few hours until the historical weather is available to add context.
  • check_rows_vdsdata_div2 runs a row count check on vds.counts_15min_div2 to check the row count is >= 0.7 * the 60 day average lookback row count. A slack alert is sent if the check fails.

vds_pull_vdsvehicledata DAG

A daily DAG to pull VDS data from table vdsvehicledata of ITS Central into Bigdata tables vds.raw_vdsvehicledata and aggregate tables vds.veh_speeds_15min, vds.veh_length_15min.


starting_point senses for external vds_pull_vdsdata task update_inventories.done to finish to ensure detector inventory is up to date before raw_vdsvehicledata insert (due to on-insert trigger to update foreign keys).


  • check_partitions checks if the date is January 1st. If not, the next task is skipped.
  • create_partitions creates new partitions for raw_vdsvehicledata before pulling data.


  • delete_vdsvehicledata first deletes existing data from RDS vds.raw_vdsvehicledata to enable easy rerunning of tasks.
  • pull_raw_vdsvehicledata pulls into RDS from ITS Central database table raw_vdsvehicledata. After insert, a trigger function adds foreign keys referencing vdsconfig and entity_locations tables.


  • summarize_speeds Deletes data from RDS vds.veh_speeds_15min for specific date and then inserts summary from vds.raw_vdsvehicledata.

  • summarize_lengths Deletes data from RDS vds.veh_length_15min for specific date and then inserts summary from vds.raw_vdsvehicledata.

  • done acts as a starting point for downstream vds_check DAG.


  • wait_for_weather delays the downstream data check by a few hours until the historical weather is available to add context.
  • check_rows_veh_speeds runs a row count check on vds.veh_speeds_15min to check the row count is >= 0.7 * the 60 day average lookback row count. A slack alert is sent if the check fails.

vds_check DAG

  • t_upstream_done waits for the done task to be completed in vds_pull DAG before running the data checks.
  • check_missing_centreline_id checks for rows in detector_inventory with missing centreline_id.
  • check_missing_expected_bins checks for rows in detector_inventory with missing expected_bins.

Data Ops: something went wrong predictably, how do I fix it?

Need to retry a task?

  • Task groups are organized to include "delete" statements prior to each insert, so you should safely be able to re-run any failed task group.

New sensor type added?

  • If new sensor types are added, you may need to update vds.detector_inventory expected_bins case statement and run inserts to add those records to conuts_15min and conuts_15min_bylane. (This process could be improved with use of triggers, but would require many other changes).

You may use this query as a base for identifying the expected_bins of a new sensor:

WITH data_ AS (
        SELECT DISTINCT dt, vdsconfig_uid, dt - lag(dt, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY vdsconfig_uid ORDER BY dt) AS dif
        FROM vds.raw_vdsdata WHERE vdsconfig_uid IN 
        ( --edit sensors here!
        ORDER BY vdsconfig_uid, dt

SELECT DISTINCT ON (vdsconfig_uid) vdsconfig_uid, dif, cnt
    SELECT vdsconfig_uid, dif, COUNT(*) AS cnt
    FROM data_
    GROUP BY 1, 2
) a
ORDER BY vdsconfig_uid, cnt DESC

Sensor type incorrectly classified?

  • If you find yourself updating an incorrect value for expected_bins, see example. You will need to manually update those rows in counts_15min and counts_15min_bylane

Raw data missing fkeys?

  • If there are updates to the vdsconfig or entity_locations tables following inserts to raw_* tables (this shouldn't happen anymore since there are now task dependencies), you may need to update those rows to add manually fkeys and then summarize those records into downstream tables. See examples for vdsdata and vdsvehicledata.

No/low data system wide?

  • The pipeline is running succesfully but producing low/no volumes of data? First double check Transnomis Database and ITS Central, then contact Simon Foo (ITS Central/Transnomis) and Steven Bon (City of Toronto).

No data for a specific sensor?

Updating vds.centreline_vds

See script here for an example of spatially joining sensors to the centreline.
Additionally, here is an example QGIS map used to verify results / manually identify centreline_ids.