The City of Toronto's Transportation Services Division provides this dataset
of the locations of all of the Walk-In Clinics in the City of Toronto. The geospatial data is in the MTM 3 Degree Zone 10 NAD27 projection, and is current to 2017.
Format: ESRI Shapefile
Walk-In Clinics are often visited by older adults and other persons with medical needs. These populations are often at higher risk of serious collisions with motorized vehicles. This dataset provides locations at which these populations may be located or are likely to visit. Pedestrians and older adults are two of the six emphasis areas defined under the City of Toronto's Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, and as such are the focus of a number of existing and planned safety measures.
Column Name | Type | Description |
ID | Float | Unique identifier for each walk-in clinic |
ADDRESS_OR | Text | Address |
Organization | Text | Name of the organization of the walk-in clinic |
Office_Pho | Text | Phone number |
E_Mail | Text | Email address of clinic |
Website | Text | Website of clinic |
GC_POSTAL_ | Text | Postal Code |
GC_FORMER_ | Text | Former township |
GC_WARD | Text | Ward |
GC_LONGITU | Float | Longitude |
GC_LATITU | Float | Latitude |
GC_X | Float | Easting |
GC_Y | Float | Northing |