The City of Toronto's Social Development, Finance & Administration Division maintains a listing of youth services available in the City of Toronto. This data was an output of the Youth Asset Mapping Project in partnership with FindHelp/211 and was generated using a taxonomy-based search.
The dataset includes the following categories:
- Aboriginal youth
- Disability support and services
- Adult upgrading and literacy
- Schools/educational institutions
- Educational support
- Employment
- Financial services
- Eviction prevention and housing help
- Affordable housing access and applications
- Transitional and short-term housing
- Refugee housing
- Youth justice and legal support
- Other community/advocacy support for youth
- LGBTQ resources
- Recreation for youth
- Settlement newcomer services
- Youth parenting programs
- Youth health services
- Youth sexual health
- Youth well-being
- Youth mental health
- Concurrent disorder programs for youth
- Substance use treatment for youth
- Life skills training
This data contains Findhelp/211 records as of February 2016.
The same data is available for viewing in a map on Wellbeing Toronto. You can also view current records (updated daily) on For additional information and for the latest version of this data, please contact Findhelp/211 at [email protected].
Format: Excel workbook (xlsx); ESRI Shapefile (NAD27, WGS84)
The data is available through the City of Toronto's Open Data Catalogue.
Facilities that provide youth services are frequented by school-age children. School Children are one of the six emphasis areas defined under the City of Toronto's Vision Zero Road Safety Plan, and is the focus of a number of existing and planned safety measures.
Column Name | Type | Description |
AGENCY_NAM | Text | The name commonly used and preferred by the agency, especially if it is the formal, incorporated name and/or the name used on their stationery. |
ORGANIZATI | Text | Organization address as provided |
NEIGHBOURH | Text | Neighbourhood of organization |
OFFICE_PHO | Text | Organization office phone number |
EMAIL EMAIL | Text | Organization email address |
WEBSITE | Text | Organization website |
ELIGIBILIT | Text | A description of those people or groups an organization provides service for. This can include services targeted to factors such as gender, age, country of origin, physical or mental disability, or service restrictions (e.g. no intoxicated persons). |
DESCRIPTIO | Text | Summarizes the organization's relevant services in a way that is easy to scan — in print and on screen — without misrepresenting the organization's structure or its priorities. |
APPLICATIO | Text | Informs the user of necessary preliminary steps to obtain the service. |
LANGUAGES | Text | List languages or dialects an organization says it has available on a consistent basis, in alphabetical order. This is a mandatory field. |
ACCESSIBIL | Text | Any building features that would be helpful to persons with limitations to their mobility, including persons with hearing or vision limitations, or persons who are frail but mobile. Barrier free usually means the premises are designed for use by almost anybody. |
HOURS | Text | Organization hours open |
LEGAL_STAT | Text | Organizations legal status |
DATE_UPDAT | DATE | Records the last time an organization checked over its entire entry |
Note: Supplementary information is available on the City of Toronto's Open Data Catalogue