- https://github.com/ksung25/BaconAna
- https://github.com/ksung25/BaconProd
- Used within CMSSW for producing full Bacon ntuples from MINIAOD/AOD CMS data.
- README with instructions:
- https://github.com/DAZSLE/BaconAnalyzer
- Used for producing Bacon bit ntuples for specific analysis use cases
- README with instructions:
- https://github.com/DAZSLE/ZPrimePlusJet
- Used for analyzing Bacon bit ntupes to produce final results
- README with instructions for Phi(bb)+jet analysis:
- 2016 MC and Data (lxplus): /store/cmst3/group/monojet/production/12a/
- 2017 MC and Data (lpc): /eos/uscms/store/user/lpcbacon/13/
For smaller ntuples see skim/ directory.
- /eos/cms/store/group/phys_exotica/dijet/dazsle/
- 2016(Z'+jet and Hbb+jet): /zprimebits-v12.04/
- 2016(Phibb+jet): /zprimebits-v12.05/
- 2016(lepton info): /zprimebits-v12.05-lepton/
- /eos/cms/store/group/phys_exotica/dijet/dazsle/
- /store/group/lpchbb/
- 2016(Phibb+jet): /zprimebits-v12.05/ and /zprimebits-v12.04/norm2/cvernier/
- /store/group/lpcbacon/dazsle/
- 2017: /zprimebits-v12.06/
- /store/group/lpchbb/