The following project has been in-officially taken over by me (DarkBahamut162).
It's sources have being displayed down below.
This Theme has been optimized for Project OutFox but also works on ITGmania and StepMania 5!
ITGmania might be your second pick since .mp4 background videos work without much issue on it.
It might work incorrectly when used anywhere else!
Since this theme is being updated periodically: If anything broke or isn't working correctly, please report it ASAP so I can take a look and fix it.
You also might need to switch your VideoRenderer to OpenGL as GLAD breaks the graphics after playing just one round (depending if they have been fixed yet everywhere).
Most additional features have been moved to an additional Theme Options menu. They are as follows:
- EncoreThemeMode: Switch between Encore Normal (Light Mode) and Encore Final (Dark Mode) mode.
- ShowClock: Shows current time and date on most/all menus
- SLFavorites:
Activate ability to favorite songs like in SL
- Hold SELECT and press UP to un/favorite (in StepMania/ITGmania)
- Hold SELECT and press DOWN to un/favorite (in OutFox because it uses the upper config for OF Favorites)
- UseStepCache: Activate StepCache to use the chart's data for more accurate values or enable other features requiring it
- ShowBPMDisplayType: Change the BPMDisplay type from DisplayBPM (default), ActualBPM (total range) and CalculatedBPM (playable range | more accurate when using StepCache)
- ShowCalcDiff:
Show the calculated Difficulty of the currently selected stepchart (currently banner only). Shows DB9 (average steps per second), Y&A (RadarValue Calculation) and SPS (StepCache Only) (median steps per second per steps)
- DanceDifficultyType (Dance Mode Only): Switch between OLD & X-SCALE difficulty ranges
- ShowHasLua: Shows if song has anything lua related (no matter if BG, FG or both)
- ShowRounds: Shows either amount of rounds or length specification during song selection
- ShowStepCounter (StepCache Only): Shows total step quantification amounts (might be useful especially for BEMU/POMU, including scratches and foots)
- AnimatePlayerScore: Have the Player Score animate instead of instantly updating
- AnimateSongTitle: Have the Song Title scroll during GamePlay (not possible on d3d)
- ShowGameplaySpeed:
Ability to show current Speed and Mod during GamePlay. Also enables modifying said speed mods during GamePlay
- Hold SELECT and press LEFT/RIGHT or press either EffectButtons on their own
- ShowOffset: Shows earlies and lates of any timing window during evaluation excluding misses but including perfects (0ms)
Description: Theme by Lightning designed as a tribute to the best rhythm game Konami killed.
Date: Mar 27th 2011 - Jun 18th 2018
Description: A revival of the ITG3 theme for StepMania 5
Date: Mar 27th 2011 - Jan 20th 2021
Description: In The Groove is a dance and rhythm video game, it enters the simulation category inspired by Dance Dance Revolution. Add new forms of games, skins, options, etc.
Date: Jan 7th 2018
Description: ?
Date: April 8th 2018
I could have actually forked it but I didn't. My reasoning was that it wasn't going to be ITG3 anymore but it was being turned into ITG3Encore (something else while starting off using the same code).
- All cmd() transformed to function(self)
- All LoadActor() transformed to Def.*
- Added most Final Encore Theme stuff while adding/adjusting a few other things.
- Fixed Online Mode (I think?)
- Actually fixed Course Mode (Battle, Marathon & Survival Mode)
- Fixed/Better Song List
- Displays _panes & StepArtists and correctly calculate their difficulty color
- Fixed LifeMeterBar/LifeMeterTime (except for Marathon Mode?)
- Added LifeMeterBattery for Courses with Lives
- Looks and functions similar to Pump It Up Pro 2
- Re-Added stuff in Course Mode
- SongTime & HasMods
- RemainingTime & DeltaSeconds
- Forced implementation of NoteSkin via ApplyGameCommand
- Forced implementation of SpeedMods if GamePlay is in Oni mode
- Shows ProductFamily & ProductVersion
- Shows StepCacheVersion (when StepCache enabled)
- Shows Current Game Mode and Current Style
- Shows total amount of playable Single/Double Songs/Courses in current GameMode/Style (if able)
- Shows Current Style
- Shows Current Battle Mode
- Added ability to switch between:
- Game Mode Styles (hold select and press left/right)
- Rave and Battle Mode (hold select and press up/down)
- Shows TimingData and "GrooveRadar"
- Shows StepCounter (when StepCounter & StepCache enabled)
- Shows Player Avatar (Project OutFox AND WideScreen only)
- Shows CDTitle next to the banner frame (VerticalScreen & WideScreen only)
- Shows various indications between Artist and BPM line:
- HasLua
- HasLyric
- HasNoKeysounds & ContainsNullMeasure (BE-MU / PO-MU Mode only)
- HasVideo
- Rounds/Length specification
- Updates BPMs and TIMEs according to Current Music Rate
- Removed D-Pad Modifier since it breaks other Modifiers (like the new SpeedMod)
- Better and sorted List of Options
- Including various other mods added for StepMania/ITGmania/OutFox
- Shows Player's MOD & BPM range within Name Badges
- Added ability to switch between Normal Score, Percentage and EX Score via Player Options
- Added ability to choose between additive or subtractive style
- Updates BPMs and TIMEs according to Current Music Rate
- Better StatsDisplay going from a range of 1-6 instead of just 3
- Added option for a fully functional IIDX pacemaker with selectable target meter
- For 2 Player: both players need to choose IIDX
- Added NoteGraph (red: 0-20 | black: 20-100)
- Added option for a fully functional IIDX pacemaker with selectable target meter
- Fixed Rounds/Songs Display
- Added back Rotation to Judgments & Holds
- Ability to change SpeedMod by 25/0.25
- Disabled on OutFox-specific ones (Amod/CAmon/AVmon)
- Shows Current Speed & Mod
- Re-added marvelous/perfect/great color bar on top of the LifeGraph
The following has been re-introduced from OpenITG's ITG3Encore Theme:
- BPM Display during GamePlay (Disabled in Battle Mode & shows both players BPM if they are different from one another)
- Full Combo Splash Animation
- CustomMods and ScreenFilter
- Encore "Folders"
- OptionsList (Mostly functional)
- Fitness/Workout Mode (1 Player only)
- USB Profile Stats
Stuff might still need to get fixed, even if the fixed and re-introduced list/code are quite long/big.