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Spludo Userguide

Create a Spludo Workspace

Create a new folder as spludo workspace. For instance:

$ mkdir spludo-workspace
$ cd spludo-workspace

You can download or clone the git repository of spludo.

No matter what way you used, you'll have the following directory structure:

        core/ - core classes
        build/ - necessary for build
        spludotests/ - the test application for spludo
        splud-gen - the generator application

Installing Spludo with npm

You can easily install spludo with the following command:

$ npm install spludo

Download Spludo

Download the latest and greatest spludo from spludo's download page.

Spludo from the Git Repository

In your spludo-workspace directory just type:

$ git clone git://

If you want to checkout a latest version of major versions branch (for instance v1.0) you may use the following commands instead:

$ git clone git:// spludo-v1.0
$ cd spludo-v1.0
$ git checkout --track -b v1.0 origin/v1.0

This allows you to use multiple different versions of spludo on the same node installation.

In this case you will have to use spludo-v1.0/spludo-gen instead of spludo-gen in the application creation process. This will stick your application to this specific spludo version.

Create and Run a new Application

Now you can execute spludo-gen in your spludo-workspace folder.


$ spludo-gen new-project

Response should be something like this:

 Spludo-Generator -

   Template: new-project

Name of the Project (e.g. myapp): myapp
Spludo Directory [/home/jan/spludo/spludo/]:

   Working ...

Directory created: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/
Created file: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/run_console.js
Created file: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/run_server.js
Created folder: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/controllers
Created file: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/config.js
Created folder: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/static
Created folder: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/lib
Created file: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/lib/index.js
Created file: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/build.xml
Created folder: /home/jan/spludo-workspace/myapp/views


Your spludo-workspace folder looks like this now:

        core/ - core classes
        build/ - necessary for build
        spludotests/ - the test application for spludo
        splud-gen - the generator application
    myapp/ - your application!

In case you did not installed spludo to spludo-workspace/spludo, it will look like this:

    myapp/ - your application!

Now enter the folder

$ cd myapp

and run either in Server Mode:

$ node run_server.js

and open your browser at http://localhost:8000/.

Or run in Console Mode:

$ node run_console.js shell.hello
Hello, back!

Auto server restart on code change

There is also a special mode for the server, which relaunches the server as soon as any of the .js files has changed.

To launch the server in this mode, do not use:

$ node run_server.js

but use:

$ bash run_dev_server.bash


This will restart the server as soon as anything changed. Remember, that this will not restart the server in case of a crash, to help you noticing whenever a crash occurs.

Understanding the Framework

This chapter is intended to give you a short overview about the framework and what you might achieve with it. You should be able to judge, whether the framework is the right choice for your job or not.

Spludo is a framework for Node.JS, thus uses an event loop in the background. You need to understand what this means to benefit from this difference to other frameworks and engines.

Spludo uses the Continuable-Pattern for most framework functions. That means a function call is splitted in 2 function calls.

Instead of:

var alice = getAlice(bob);
// following code

You have to write:

getAlice(bob)(function(alice) {
    // following code

The important part is your following code will get executed as soon as the value for alice is there. So long: the code does not block. No matter if it takes 1ms or 10 seconds to retrieve the value. In the non-evented way, the code blocks until getValue returns - and this is what is expensive when working with I/O on file system or external systems.

Consider this in a non-Node.JS world:

function home_controller() {
     * The next command may take multiple seconds to complete.
     * The server will be blocked, until the page is downloaded.
    var response_text = download_page('');
    return response_text;

In Spludo you write this:

new Controller('home.html', {
    "execute": function() {
        return function(cb) {
            var responseHandler = function(response_text) {
                /* call cb as soon as we have the result from google */


The call to the system function http.get returns a function. You read right: a function. This function is called with a single argument: responseHandler. responseHandler will be called as soon as http.get has the result.

When you are fimiliar with this style of programming, you won't add a new variable for each handler (which you use only one time), but use an anonymous function instead.

In Spludo you write this:

new Controller('home.html', {
    "execute": function() {
        return function(cb) {
            http.get('')(function(response_text) {
                /* call cb as soon as we have the result from google */

This is the reasons, why each Controllers and Views execute-Method return an function, which gets a callback as first parameter. To make super fast non-blocking applications.

Since the framework offers also a console mode and is not bound to html in any way, you can use the framework for any server or command line application.


Create a new folder myapp/controllers.

Create a new file and call it myapp/controllers/main-controllers.js.

And launch the application with

new Controller('hello', {
    "execute": function(params, context) {
        return function(cb) {
            cb("My first test!");

it will output now

My first test!

If you have created a view and/or a layout, you can use context.view_name = 'ViewName' and context.layout_name = 'LayoutName' to wrap the response of the controller into the view and then wrap the views response into the layout.


Create a new folder called myapp/views.

Create a file called myapp/views/MyView.ejs and paste the following content:

The result of 2+5 = <%= (2+5) %>.

Now change your controller at controllers/main-controllers.js to the following:

new Controller("hello", {
    "execute": function(params, context) {
         return function(cb) {
             context.view_name = "MyView";

And launch the application with

$ node run_console.js hello

it will output now

The result of 2+5 = 7.


You are also able to create a full Javascript class for a view.

Create a new file called myapp/views/main-views.js.

new JsView('HelloView', function (params, context, inner) {
    return function(cb) {
        cb('Hello from JsView!');

Now change your controller at controllers/main-controllers.js to the following:

new Controller("hello", {
    "execute": function(params, context) {
         return function(cb) {
             context.view_name = "HelloView";

And launch the application with

$ node run_console.js hello

it will output now

Hello from JsView!


The EjsViews are HTML-Pages with embedded Javascript-tags.

To make a specific view called MyView known to the application you have to put a file called MyView.ejs into myapp/views or the views-folder of a plugin.

Now you are able to use context.view_name = 'MyView' in any controller.

There are two ways to define embedded Javascript.

  • <%= ... %> can be used to evaluate Javascript code and echo it at this position.
  • <% ... %> can be used to inject any Javascript code you want.

For instance executing this ejs-code:

The result of 2+5 = <%= (2+5) %>.

would result in:

The result of 2+5 = 7.

By using the powerful <% ... %> construct, even this is possible:

for (var i=0; i<10; i++) {
    <li>This is the #<%= i %> line</li>


You can also embed entire slots with the slot function


This will include the entire output of the /navigation path, equivalent to a direct call to the navigation url in your browser. The slot function also takes a context as second and the inner as third parameter.


Additionally to the slot function, you can embed a view one or multiple times. This views are called partials.

You may use them like this in the .ejs template.

<%= partials('Section', [{'name': 'Easy'}, {'name': 'Difficult'}, {'name': 'Impossible'}]) %>

This will execute the views views/partials/Section.ejs (or .md or whatsever view engine you use!) and set for each of them.

If you want to include only a single element, use the keyword partial and no array for the parameters.

<%= partial('Section', {'name': 'Easy'}) %>


A layout is just a special view.

That's why you can create a new file called views/HtmlLayout.ejs.

Paste the contents:

    <%= inner %>

Now change your controller at controllers/main-controllers.js to the following:

new Controller("hello", {
    "execute": function(params, context) {
         return function(cb) {
             context.view_name = "MyView";
             context.layout_name = "HtmlLayout";

Relaunching the application with

$ node run_console.js hello

will now output

    The result of 2+5 = 7.


If you want to make specific libraries or helpers available through nodejs's require-system, you just have to create a lib-folder in your application or plugin folder.

Before the application bootstraps these lib-folders will be added to require.path and the lib/index.js will be executed, if available.


Whenever a request occurs (lets say:, the static function BaseApplication.executePath(path, context, inner) will be called.

In this case the path is the relative url for the application (for instance hello/world).

Matching Controller

As soon as a request is issued, the path is used to decide which controller will be used.

Since controllers may be initialized with a String or a RegExp as path the framework first looks up if a controller with a path represented as String matches the given path exactly.

If that is not the case all RegExp paths will be tested whether they match the given path. The first one, which matches the path defines the controller.

Executing the Controller

Now Controller#execute(params, context) will be executed on the matching controller.

params is an Array of capture groups from the controllers RegExp path (in case the controller's path was a RegExp) or an Array with the path as single element.

The controller is able to set context.layout_name and context.view_name and returns the inner value for the view.

Matching View

If context.view_name is set after the controllers execution, the view which matches this name will be searched for.

Since every plugin and the application core can register new views within their views-folder, it may be unclear which one to take. That's why there is a search order:

  1. same plugin
  2. different plugin
  3. core

If the search was not successful an error will be triggered.

If you accidently register the same view in multiple plugins, spludo will throw a warning.

Executing the View

Now View#execute(params, context, inner) will be executed on the matching view. The inner is actually the controllers return value.

Matching and Executing the Layout

Rendering the layout happens if context.layout_name is set after the controllers and views execution (the view is optional).

Since layouts are views, the execution and rendering for layouts is the same as for views.


Whenever you receive insecure content, you may want to validate it first.

The framework has a handy class ready for this, it's called Validation.

This short example shows how to use it:

values = {
   "register_username": "Ab"

var validation = new Validation();
validation.add("register_username","string", {
    "min": 3,
    "max": 12
}, {
    "max": "The username is too long."
    "": "The username is invalid."

validation.execute(values)(function(errors) {
    if (errors.length) {
         * There have been errors
    } else {
         * Everything fine! Do whatever you like with
         * validated elements at validation.getValidatedValues();


There is a global config accessible from all over the application. In config.js of your application, you can set all configuration parameters depending on your environment.

The following example sets the log-level for the entire application to 7 and uses MemoryStorage as SessionStorage.

    "logging": {
        "level": 7
    "session": {
        "engine": "MemoryStorage",


To use the session features of spludo, there is a session_manager global available.

Whenever you want to create a session for the current user, you'll call:

context.session_id = session_manager.createSession({username: username});

This will assign the session_id to the current context.

Removing a session works like this:

context.session_id = null;

The framework will do the Set-Cookie handling for you, as soon as context.session_id is changed or get's lost. That happens because the default implementation is the CookieSessionManager.

If you want to update the session data, without changing the session_id, you can use:

var session_data = session_manager.getSession(context.session_id);
session_data.is_admin = true;
session_manager.setSession(context.session_id, session_data);

This will save the session data in the configured storage. Default storage is MemoryStorage.

The session data is not saved on the clients computer. Instead the session_id is set as cookie and read back.

If you want to inject a specific session by GET/POST parameter you have to implement this in the controller. This should not be necessary in most cases.

Custom Session Storage

You can configure a different storage (like for instance MongodbStorage) by appending this to your myapp/config.js

    "session": {
        "engine": "MongodbStorage",
        "engine_options": {
            "host": "",
            "port": "8089",
            "collection": "sessions",
            "database": "nodejs_test"

Custom Session Manager

If you want to implement a different way to handle retrieval and storage of the session of the session from the request, you can define your own session manager implementation.

You could for example create a LdapSessionManager, which validates the current session always against the ldap server, before preceeding with the request.

As soon as this class is implemented, you can do dependency injection (to use this class instead) in your config.js by adding:

    "session_manager_engine": "LdapSessionManager"

There is already a custom session manager for Facebook-Connect available, it's called: spludo-facebook-session.


This feature is part of spludo since 1.1.

Since you want to seperate the logic which talks to a database or external system from any other logic you may see this task as a service.

This design pattern is widely accepted and core part of spludo's architecture.

All services are located at lib/services/*Service.js and follow the CommonJS module system.

Example Service

The smallest service looks like this (located at lib/services/FooService.js):

extend(true, exports, Logging.prototype);
exports.logging_prefix = 'FooService';

exports.doReturnTwo = function() {
    return 2

Usage is like that:

var foo_service = service_manager.get('Foo');

You may not be fimilar with this folder structure and the exports global within modules, but this is how the commonjs module structure is. To make your cold work great in whatever environment it's a good idea to keep the services as a valid CommonJS module.

Generating Services

Since working with databases shouldn't be much work, spludo-gen comes with a task to generate a Service + DomainModels right out of the database connection.

$ spludo-gen service

   Template: service

The database connection name [default]:
The name for your service (e.g. User): User
The database table name (e.g. users): users
The table field for the id [id]:



   User your new service now with:

      var user_service = service_manager.get('User');
      user_service.getUserById(function(user) {
      }, 1234);

Now you can use this service. The generated classes is a file calles lib/services/UserService.js which holds to classes.

The UserService is returned by service_manager.get('User') and has handy methods to getUserById(id), deleteUser(user), updateUser(user, values).

It also contains a User class, which is the type of element's which will be returned by getUserById and have to be inserted as parameter to deleteUser and so on. The generated domain model has some methods like getName+getId (depending on your database structure).

The idea behind getters at this point is, that you can overwrite the way the function returns the value, which wouldn't be possible if the service would only return a raw json object.

REST Services

This feature is part of spludo since 1.1.

If you want to make one of your services accessible as a REST Service, you don't have to write the mapping for each of your functions to HTTP-Methods on your own.

Let's assume you have a lib/services/WebApiService.js.

Simple put this into your myapp/main-controllers.js:

new ApiServiceController("api", service_manager.get('WebApi'));

This will register all methods on it's own with the following mapping:

  • GET /api/users/ to #getUsers(cb, params, context)
  • POST /api/users/ to #postUser(cb, params, context)
  • DELETE /api/users/123 to #deleteUser(cb, 123, context)
  • PUT /api/users/123 to #putUser(cb, 123, params, context)
  • GET /api/users/123 to #getUser(cb, 123, params, context)

The functions within the service have to look like that:

WebApiService.prototype.putUser = function(cb, user_id, params, context) {
     * Your logic ...
    if (user_not_found) {
        cb(404, 'Cannot find that user');
    } else {
        cb(200, {
            'id': user_id,
            'name': 'Hans'

The callback always takes a first parameter which is the http status code. So we return 200 with a valid object, if it worked. But we return 404 if the user was not found.

The result for the caller will look like that (with http code 404):

{"status":false,"error":"Cannot find that user"}

and in case of success like that (with http code 200):


As you can see the verb is used as prefix (GET, POST, DELETE) and depeding on the case if you try to call the collection it calls the pluralized version (methodUsers) or the singular version (methodUser).

To achieve that spludo uses the inflection.js library. If you want to override the mapping use it like that:

new ApiServiceController("api", service_manager.get('WebApi'), {
    'singular': {
        'mice': 'mouse',
        'men': 'man'

This will still keep the Api like api/mice but the methods are:

  • GET /api/mice/ to getMice(cb, params, context)
  • POST /api/mice/ to postMouse(cb, params, context)

It's also possible to override the method (in case you are in a context when you have to send every request with POST). Use the query parameter _method.

This POST /api/users/123?_method=delete has the same effect like DELETE /api/users/123, it calls: #deleteUser(cb, 123, context).


Even though spludo does not force you to use any specific database engine or connection library, you'll get database migrations and service layer generation with no extra work.

All you need to do is to configure a database connection with the proper database driver.

Database Connections

This feature is part of spludo since 1.1.

To configure a database connection within spludo, you need to add such block to your local.config.js:

config.setPathValue(["database_connections", "default"], {
    "driver_name": "MysqlDatabaseDriver",
    "driver_options": {
        "user": "myusername",
        "password": "thisisnopassword",
        "database": "mydatabase",
        "host": "localhost",
        "port": 3306

All possible driver_options depend on the database driver you use, see the [Api Documentation for MysqlDatabaseDriver] for reference of the mysql database driver.

Now you are able to access the database (e.g. "default") by using the following call:

var database = database_manager.getDatabase('default');
database.selectTableRows('users', 'id = ?', [2])(function(error, results) {
    console.log('Fetched user with id 2!', results[0]);

If you want to work with the databases please take a look at spludo's service architecture and make use of the spludo-gen service task!


This feature is part of spludo since 1.1.

Spludo also features a database migration system. The commands are inspired by ruby on rails. All commands will run on all configured database connection.

You may issue any of the migration logic, by calling ant with the correct target

$ ant db:migrate

The available targets are:

db:bootstrap        Load the fixtures and execute pending migrations.
db:fixtures:dump    Dump the current database as fixtures.
db:fixtures:load    Load the fixtures into the database structure.
db:fixtures:reset   Remove the current database fixtures dump.
db:migrate          Execute all pending migrations and create a structure dump.
db:rollback         Rollback all migrations.
db:structure:dump   Dump the current database structure to a structure dump.
db:structure:load   Load the current database structure from a structure dump.
db:structure:reset  Remove the current database structure dump.

If you want to create a new migration, you need to use the spludo-gen tool.

$ spludo-gen migration-create-table
  Create a migration, which creates a database table.

$ spludo-gen migration-add-column
  Create a migration, which adds a column to a database table.

After the migration is generated, it's located at dev/migrations/CONNECTION_NAME/TIMESTAMP_Name.js. The identifier for the migrations is the timestamp, which decreases the possibility that two co workers create a migration with the same identifier.

Migrations are database connection name specific. Thus you can migrate multiple data sources for your application idenpenden from each other.

The db:structure:* targets are used for setting up an initial database structure or storing the current one. This structure file is located at dev/migrations/CONNECTION_NAME_structure.sql. If no migrations have been executed on the database, yet, the db:migrate target will call db:structure:load first and afterwards migrate. This will avoid heavy migration work, if you just want to setup a working copy from scratch.

The db:fixtures:* targets are used for loading a fixtures dump or storing the current database as fixtures. This fixtures file is located at dev/migrations/CONNECTION_NAME_fixtures.sql. You should use

$ ant db:bootstrap

on a fresh working copy. This target executes db:fixtures:load and afterwards db:migrate. This is also helpful for tests!


This feature is part of spludo since 1.1.

A database driver is just a class which implements the following interface. See MysqlDatabaseDriver as reference.

One could use a database driver like this:

database.query(sql, parameters_array)(function(error, results) {
    // error is true or false
    // results depends on the query
database.createTableRow(table_name, values)(function(error, last_insert_id) {
    // error is true or false
    // last_insert_id is the id of the last itemamount of removed rows
database.selectTableRows(table_name, where_condition, where_parameters_array)(function(error, results) {
    // error is true or false
    // results is an array of rows
database.updateTableRows(table_name, values, where_condition, where_parameters_array)(function(error, affected_rows_count) {
    // error is true or false
    // affected_rows_count is the amount of updated rows
database.deleteTableRows(table_name, where_condition, where_parameters_array)(function(error, affected_rows_count) {
    // error is true or false
    // affected_rows_count is the amount of removed rows

For DatabaseMigration-purpose there are also some methods like database#createTable. Please have a look at the [Api Documentation for MysqlDatabaseDriver] for reference.


A storage is just a class which implements the following interface.

One could use a storage like this:

storage.get(key)(function(value) {
    // value is a value or undefined
storage.has(key)(function(has_value) {
    // has_value is a boolean
storage.remove(key)(function() {
    // executed as soon as the removal is finished
storage.set(key, value)(function() {
    // executed as soon as setting the value is finished

There are already some storages implemented. There is a MemoryStorage, which is used as default configuration for the session manager. The MongodbStorage, RedisStorage and MysqlStorage is ready, too.


If you want to define a new route, you use a sinatra-like way.

But instead of calling a global get/post-function, you construct a new object, which implements the Controller interface and give it the path (can be a String or a RegExp) as first argument.

For example:

new Controller("ping/hello/world", {
    "execute": function(params, context) {
        return function(cb) {

This gives you the power to extend the controller and reuse it in your application to keep your code DRY.

This is a sample implementation for a SyncController and its usage:

// Definition of the SyncController:
SyncController = function(path, sync_function) {
    var options = [
        path, {
            execute: function() {
                var args = arguments;
                return function(cb) {
                    cb(sync_function.apply(this, args));
    Controller.prototype.constructor.apply(this, options);
extend(true, SyncController.prototype, Controller.prototype);

// Usage:
new SyncController("ping/hello/world", function(params, context) {
    return "pong!";

As you can see, the SyncController is a controller, which does not need the evented way and wants to return the value.

There are plenty other use cases for this. For instance an ApiController, which receives SOAP or just returns a value which get's wrapped into a SOAP-Reply or a JSON-String.

You are also able to use RegExp objects as path.

new SyncController(/^user_comments/\d+/\d+$/, function(params, context) {
    var user_id = params[1];
    var page = params[2];
    return "Hello user #" + user_id + ". We have no page " + page;

The SyncController is already part of Spludo. And it's implemented exactly this way.


If you want to redirect to any url in your application, you may use the static ContextToolkit.applyRedirect function.

This can be done within controller or view, even though you are encouraged to use it only in the controller.

ContextToolkit.applyRedirect(context, "/hello");

After the execution of the path is finished, the page will redirect to hello.

Mind the preceeding slash. It's necessary because this function just sets the HTML header Location. You may even use absolute url's here:

ContextToolkit.applyRedirect(context, "");

Static Files

If your application is also intended to serve static files (like images, css or the favicon.ico), the static file dispatching for spludo is right for you.

Create a new folder myapp/static.

Every file you put into the static folder will be matched as route and delivered prefixed with static/. Thus if you put a screen.css with the following contents into the static folder, you'll be able to access it at the path myapp/static/screen.css.

body {

Tests (vows)

To be able to run the tests, please install vowsvows-website.

You can easily write your own tests. Create a folder called myapp/test and create a file called myapp/test/math-test.js.


var vows = require("vows");
var assert = require("assert");


    "Math for beginners": {

        'topic': function() {

        onePlusTwo: function() {
            assert.equal(1 + 2, 3);
            assert.equal(2 + 1, 3);

        thisWillFail: function() {
            assert.equal(1, 2);


If you run now:

$ ant test

your tests will get executed. One failed and another one successful.

You can also generate a junit-like xml file for your tests, be calling:

$ ant test-xml

The result may be found at myapp/build/test_results.xml and can be integrated into a continuous integration environment (like hudson).

If you want to test if spludo-core works as expected, you have to use the ant build tool and type:

$ ant core-test

This will run the spludo core tests and output the results. Everything should work fine!

Code-Sniffer (jshint)

Checking whether your code style is valid can be done by using the task

$ ant lint

This ant task runs the tool jhint (assumes jshint is in the shell path) and outputs the result. If jshint is not yet installed, you can install it by using npm:

$ npm install jshint -g

You can also generate Checkstyle-like xml for a jshint report, by calling:

$ ant lint-xml

The result may be found at myapp/build/jslint_report.xml and can be integrated into a continuous integration environment (like hudson).

Buildscript (ant)

All the build tasks of spludo are called by using ant. You can add own tasks by editing your applications myapp/build.xml.

You may list all available targets by using:

$ ant -p


Buildfile: build.xml

        This is the DocsForIt application built with spludo.

Main targets:

 clean               Clean the build directory
 core-api            Generate the spludo core api
 core-clean          Clean the spludo core build folder
 core-lint           Execute jshint on the spludo core
 core-lint-xml       Execute jshint on the spludo core (with xml output)
 core-test           Execute the core tests
 core-test-xml       Execute the core tests (with xml output)
 db:bootstrap        Load the fixtures and execute pending migrations.
 db:fixtures:dump    Dump the current database as fixtures.
 db:fixtures:load    Load the fixtures into the database structure.
 db:fixtures:reset   Remove the current database fixtures dump.
 db:migrate          Execute all pending migrations and create a structure dump.
 db:rollback         Rollback all migrations.
 db:structure:dump   Dump the current database structure to a structure dump.
 db:structure:load   Load the current database structure from a structure dump.
 db:structure:reset  Remove the current database structure dump.
 lint                Execute jshint
 test                Execute the tests
 test-xml            Execute the tests (with xml output)

Even though ant is a powerful tool, some tasks (like converting the text output from jsl into a checkstyle.xml) are pretty difficult to achieve. That's why the framework has a folder called build which contains a helper script called convert_jslint_to_checkstyle.js.

Since this script is written in Javascript it's easy for Javascript developers to extend/maintain it. You should think about such strategy for your own project, too - as soon as you reach the maintainable borders of ant.

Continuous Integration (hudson-ci)

There are some build steps necessary, which should be used depending on the amount of features you want to use.

  • Generate api docs (jsdoc toolkit)
  • Run Tests (vows)
  • Run Checkstyle (jshint)

An Invoke Ant for the general setup, cleaning the build folder is necessary to avoid unused files.


Run Tests

An Invoke Ant for Testing is necessary, because we want to run the tests at all.


The Post-build Action "Publish JUnit test result report" must be activated and given myapp/build/test_results.xml as Test report XMLs.

Generate Api-Docs

Generation of the api docs needs JsDoc Toolkit installed (unzipped at any place).

This BuildStep is necessary, because you'll need to create a file, which fits the jsdoc-toolkit path of your installation.

cd $WORKSPACE/myapp/
echo "" >
echo "" >>

An Invoke Ant for Api-Docs is necessary, because we need to generate the api docs at one point.


The Post-build Action "Publish Javadoc" must be activated and given myapp/build/api as Javadoc directory.

Run Checkstyle

Checkstyle can be used to check whether your Javascript code is valid by jslint.

An Invoke Ant for Checkstyle is necessary, because we want to run the validation


The Post-build Action "Publish Checkstyle analysis results" must be activated and given myapp/build/jslint_report.xml as Publish Checkstyle analysis results.

Bootstrap Manager

Spludo also features a Bootstrap-Manager. A component, which takes some seconds to get ready for the first request, may register itself like this:

var bootstrap_token = bootstrap_manager.createMandatoryElement(
    'Pre caching of some elements.'

and free the token, as soon as it's done:


This works of course evented. The ConsoleApplication, ServerApplication or TestApplication waits for the BoostrapManager to emit the "end"-event, before it starts serving pages or running tests.


Since you can't (and do not want to) set the order in which the plugins will be loaded, you will run into a problem if you need a specific order.

The BootstrapManager has a handy method called whenReady(parts, callback). The parts is an array of mandatory element names and the callback will be executed as soon as those are ready.

In case they have been already ready, the callback will be run without any interruption.

The following example is used with the sitemap plugin, to add urls to the sitemap after the plugin sitemap is ready. It fits best into the lib/index.js of the application.

bootstrap_manager.whenReady(["plugin.sitemap"], function() {


This feature is part of spludo since 1.1.

If you want to execute something when the entire application is loaded, you can register on that event.

bootstrap_manager.whenLoaded(function() {
    console.log('I am there!');

This function is used internally to run tests, when everything is set up. But could be used in your own workflow.