diff --git a/.gitmodules b/.gitmodules
index 692d9223..949b88cd 100644
--- a/.gitmodules
+++ b/.gitmodules
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
[submodule "ncar-physics"]
path = src/physics/ncar_ccpp
url = https://github.com/ESCOMP/atmospheric_physics
- fxtag = 098585940ad763be58ebab849bb8eaf325fda42a
+ fxtag = atmos_phys0_05_000
fxrequired = AlwaysRequired
fxDONOTUSEurl = https://github.com/ESCOMP/atmospheric_physics
[submodule "ccs_config"]
diff --git a/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml b/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
index c12d23a1..ba8fbe40 100644
--- a/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
+++ b/cime_config/namelist_definition_cam.xml
@@ -333,6 +333,19 @@
+ char*256
+ tropopause
+ tropopause_nl
+ Full pathname of boundary dataset for tropopause climatology.
+ ${DIN_LOC_ROOT}/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart/ub/clim_p_trop.nc
@@ -364,7 +377,7 @@
- Include exra checks and logging output.
+ Include extra checks and logging output.
0: No extra checks or output
1: Extra informational output
2: Level 1 plus extra checks and informational output
diff --git a/src/control/cam_comp.F90 b/src/control/cam_comp.F90
index 0782738a..0f432c5e 100644
--- a/src/control/cam_comp.F90
+++ b/src/control/cam_comp.F90
@@ -23,10 +23,12 @@ module cam_comp
use time_manager, only: timemgr_init, get_step_size
use time_manager, only: get_nstep
use time_manager, only: is_first_step, is_first_restart_step
+ use time_manager, only: get_curr_calday
use camsrfexch, only: cam_out_t, cam_in_t
use physics_types, only: phys_state, phys_tend
use physics_types, only: dtime_phys
+ use physics_types, only: calday
use dyn_comp, only: dyn_import_t, dyn_export_t
use perf_mod, only: t_barrierf, t_startf, t_stopf
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ subroutine cam_init(caseid, ctitle, model_doi_url, &
use physics_grid, only: columns_on_task
use vert_coord, only: pver
use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized
+ use tropopause_climo_read, only: tropopause_climo_read_file
! Arguments
character(len=cl), intent(in) :: caseid ! case ID
@@ -163,11 +166,16 @@ subroutine cam_init(caseid, ctitle, model_doi_url, &
call cam_ctrl_set_orbit(eccen, obliqr, lambm0, mvelpp)
call timemgr_init( &
dtime, calendar, start_ymd, start_tod, ref_ymd, &
ref_tod, stop_ymd, stop_tod, curr_ymd, curr_tod, &
perpetual_run, perpetual_ymd, initial_run_in)
+ ! Get current fractional calendar day. Needs to be updated at every timestep.
+ calday = get_curr_calday()
+ call mark_as_initialized('fractional_calendar_days_on_end_of_current_timestep')
! Read CAM namelists.
filein = "atm_in" // trim(inst_suffix)
call read_namelist(filein, single_column, scmlat, scmlon)
@@ -224,6 +232,9 @@ subroutine cam_init(caseid, ctitle, model_doi_url, &
!!XXgoldyXX: ^ need to import this
end if
+ ! Read tropopause climatology
+ call tropopause_climo_read_file()
call phys_init()
!!XXgoldyXX: v need to import this
@@ -270,6 +281,9 @@ subroutine cam_timestep_init()
call phys_timestep_init()
+ ! Update current fractional calendar day. Needs to be updated at every timestep.
+ calday = get_curr_calday()
end subroutine cam_timestep_init
diff --git a/src/control/runtime_opts.F90 b/src/control/runtime_opts.F90
index 12081a81..7031be1f 100644
--- a/src/control/runtime_opts.F90
+++ b/src/control/runtime_opts.F90
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ subroutine read_namelist(nlfilename, single_column, scmlat, scmlon)
! use cam_diagnostics, only: diag_readnl
use inic_analytic_utils, only: analytic_ic_readnl
+ use tropopause_climo_read, only: tropopause_climo_readnl
! use tracers, only: tracers_readnl
! use nudging, only: nudging_readnl
@@ -99,6 +101,7 @@ subroutine read_namelist(nlfilename, single_column, scmlat, scmlon)
! call diag_readnl(nlfilename)
! call check_energy_readnl(nlfilename)
call analytic_ic_readnl(nlfilename)
+ call tropopause_climo_readnl(nlfilename)
! call scam_readnl(nlfilename, single_column, scmlat, scmlon)
! call nudging_readnl(nlfilename)
diff --git a/src/data/generate_registry_data.py b/src/data/generate_registry_data.py
index 33adc954..187cf7be 100755
--- a/src/data/generate_registry_data.py
+++ b/src/data/generate_registry_data.py
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
# end if
_ALL_STRINGS_REGEX = re.compile(r'[A-Za-z][A-Za-z_0-9]+')
+_FORTRAN_NUMERIC_REGEX = re.compile(r'^[+-]?(\d+\.?\d*|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?(_kind_phys)?$')
# CCPP framework imports
# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
@@ -940,9 +941,9 @@ def add_variable(self, newvar):
all_strings = _ALL_STRINGS_REGEX.findall(newvar.initial_value)
init_val_vars = set()
excluded_initializations = {'null', 'nan', 'false', 'true'}
- # Exclude NULL and nan variables
+ # Exclude NULL and nan variables and valid Fortran numeric values that pass the string regex (e.g. 1.e36, -3.2e5)
for var in all_strings:
- if var.lower() not in excluded_initializations:
+ if var.lower() not in excluded_initializations and not _FORTRAN_NUMERIC_REGEX.match(newvar.initial_value):
# end if
# end if
diff --git a/src/data/registry.xml b/src/data/registry.xml
index 9bca0f62..ef2abbc2 100644
--- a/src/data/registry.xml
+++ b/src/data/registry.xml
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ $SRCROOT/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.meta
@@ -348,6 +349,12 @@
current timestep number
+ fractional calendar day at end of current timestep
ccpp error message
+ Fill value for diagnostic/history outputs
+ 1.e36_kind_phys
\section arg_table_tropopause_climo_read Argument Table
+!! \htmlinclude tropopause_climo_read.html
+ ! months in year for climatological tropopause pressure data
+ integer, public, parameter :: tropp_slices = 12
+ ! climatological tropopause pressures (ncol,ntimes)
+ real(kind_phys), public, allocatable :: tropp_p_loc(:,:)
+ ! monthly day-of-year times corresponding to climatological data (12)
+ real(kind_phys), public, allocatable :: tropp_days(:)
+ ! Private module data
+ character(len=shr_kind_cl) :: tropopause_climo_file = unset_str
+ ! Read namelist variable tropopause_climo_file.
+ ! Containing this within CAM-SIMA instead of within scheme as otherwise the climo filepath
+ ! has to be passed from physics -> here then the data from here -> physics.
+ subroutine tropopause_climo_readnl(nlfile)
+ use shr_nl_mod, only: find_group_name => shr_nl_find_group_name
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: shr_kind_cm
+ use mpi, only: mpi_character
+ use spmd_utils, only: mpicom
+ use cam_logfile, only: iulog
+ use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
+ ! filepath for file containing namelist input
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: nlfile
+ ! Local variables
+ integer :: unitn, ierr
+ character(len=*), parameter :: subname = 'tropopause_climo_readnl'
+ character(len=shr_kind_cm) :: errmsg
+ namelist /tropopause_nl/ tropopause_climo_file
+ errmsg = ''
+ if (masterproc) then
+ open(newunit=unitn, file=trim(nlfile), status='old')
+ call find_group_name(unitn, 'tropopause_nl', status=ierr)
+ if (ierr == 0) then
+ read(unitn, tropopause_nl, iostat=ierr, iomsg=errmsg)
+ if (ierr /= 0) then
+ call endrun(subname // ':: ERROR reading namelist:' // errmsg)
+ end if
+ end if
+ close(unitn)
+ end if
+ ! Broadcast namelist variables
+ call mpi_bcast(tropopause_climo_file, len(tropopause_climo_file), mpi_character, 0, mpicom, ierr)
+ ! Print out namelist variables
+ if (masterproc) then
+ write(iulog,*) subname, ' options:'
+ write(iulog,*) ' Tropopause climatology file will be read: ', trim(tropopause_climo_file)
+ endif
+ end subroutine tropopause_climo_readnl
+ subroutine tropopause_climo_read_file()
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... read tropopause climatology dataset file
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: shr_kind_cm
+ use cam_logfile, only: iulog
+ use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ use spmd_utils, only: masterproc
+ use interpolate_data, only: lininterp_init, lininterp, interp_type, lininterp_finish
+ use physics_grid, only: get_rlat_all_p, get_rlon_all_p
+ use physics_grid, only: pcols => columns_on_task
+ use physconst, only: pi
+ use time_manager, only: get_calday
+ use ioFileMod, only: cam_get_file
+ use cam_pio_utils, only: cam_pio_openfile
+ use pio, only: file_desc_t, var_desc_t, pio_inq_dimid, pio_inq_dimlen
+ use pio, only: pio_inq_varid, pio_get_var, pio_closefile, pio_nowrite
+ use phys_vars_init_check, only: mark_as_initialized
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... local variables
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ integer :: i, j, n
+ integer :: ierr
+ type(file_desc_t) :: pio_id
+ integer :: dimid
+ type(var_desc_t) :: vid
+ integer :: nlon, nlat, ntimes
+ integer :: start(3)
+ integer :: count(3)
+ ! YMD (01-16, 02-14, ...) corresponding to the time slices of the climatological
+ ! tropopause dataset. Will be converted to day-of-year and stored in tropp_days.
+ integer, parameter :: dates(tropp_slices) = (/ 116, 214, 316, 415, 516, 615, &
+ 716, 816, 915, 1016, 1115, 1216 /)
+ type(interp_type) :: lon_wgts, lat_wgts
+ real(kind_phys), allocatable :: tropp_p_in(:,:,:)
+ real(kind_phys), allocatable :: lat(:)
+ real(kind_phys), allocatable :: lon(:)
+ real(kind_phys) :: to_lats(pcols), to_lons(pcols)
+ real(kind_phys), parameter :: d2r=pi/180._kind_phys, zero=0._kind_phys, twopi=pi*2._kind_phys
+ character(len=shr_kind_cl) :: locfn
+ character(len=shr_kind_cm) :: errmsg
+ errmsg = ''
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... open netcdf file
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call cam_get_file (tropopause_climo_file, locfn, allow_fail=.false.)
+ call cam_pio_openfile(pio_id, trim(locfn), PIO_NOWRITE)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... get time dimension
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ierr = pio_inq_dimid( pio_id, 'time', dimid )
+ ierr = pio_inq_dimlen( pio_id, dimid, ntimes )
+ if( ntimes /= tropp_slices ) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_climo_read_file: number of months = ',ntimes,'; expecting ',tropp_slices
+ call endrun('tropopause_climo_read_file: number of months in file incorrect')
+ end if
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... get latitudes
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ierr = pio_inq_dimid( pio_id, 'lat', dimid )
+ ierr = pio_inq_dimlen( pio_id, dimid, nlat )
+ allocate( lat(nlat), stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
+ if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_climo_read_file: lat allocation error = ',ierr
+ call endrun('tropopause_climo_read_file: failed to allocate lat, error = ' // errmsg)
+ end if
+ ierr = pio_inq_varid( pio_id, 'lat', vid )
+ ierr = pio_get_var( pio_id, vid, lat )
+ lat(:nlat) = lat(:nlat) * d2r
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... get longitudes
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ierr = pio_inq_dimid( pio_id, 'lon', dimid )
+ ierr = pio_inq_dimlen( pio_id, dimid, nlon )
+ allocate( lon(nlon), stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
+ if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_climo_read_file: lon allocation error = ',ierr
+ call endrun('tropopause_climo_read_file: failed to allocate lon, error = ' // errmsg)
+ end if
+ ierr = pio_inq_varid( pio_id, 'lon', vid )
+ ierr = pio_get_var( pio_id, vid, lon )
+ lon(:nlon) = lon(:nlon) * d2r
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... allocate arrays
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ allocate( tropp_p_in(nlon,nlat,ntimes), stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
+ if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_climo_read_file: tropp_p_in allocation error = ',ierr
+ call endrun('tropopause_climo_read_file: failed to allocate tropp_p_in, error = ' // errmsg)
+ end if
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... read in the tropopause pressure
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ierr = pio_inq_varid( pio_id, 'trop_p', vid )
+ start = (/ 1, 1, 1 /)
+ count = (/ nlon, nlat, ntimes /)
+ ierr = pio_get_var( pio_id, vid, start, count, tropp_p_in )
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... close the netcdf file
+ !------------------------------------------------------------------
+ call pio_closefile( pio_id )
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... regrid
+ !--------------------------------------------------------------------
+ allocate( tropp_p_loc(pcols,ntimes), stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
+ if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_climo_read_file: tropp_p_loc allocation error = ',ierr
+ call endrun('tropopause_climo_read_file: failed to allocate tropp_p_loc, error = ' // errmsg)
+ end if
+ call get_rlat_all_p(pcols, to_lats)
+ call get_rlon_all_p(pcols, to_lons)
+ call lininterp_init(lon, nlon, to_lons, pcols, 2, lon_wgts, zero, twopi)
+ call lininterp_init(lat, nlat, to_lats, pcols, 1, lat_wgts)
+ do n=1,ntimes
+ call lininterp(tropp_p_in(:,:,n), nlon, nlat, tropp_p_loc(1:pcols,n), pcols, lon_wgts, lat_wgts)
+ end do
+ call lininterp_finish(lon_wgts)
+ call lininterp_finish(lat_wgts)
+ deallocate(lon)
+ deallocate(lat)
+ deallocate(tropp_p_in)
+ !--------------------------------------------------------
+ ! ... initialize the monthly day of year times
+ !--------------------------------------------------------
+ allocate( tropp_days(tropp_slices), stat=ierr, errmsg=errmsg )
+ if( ierr /= 0 ) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_climo_read_file: tropp_days allocation error = ',ierr
+ call endrun('tropopause_climo_read_file: failed to allocate tropp_days, error = ' // errmsg)
+ end if
+ do n = 1,tropp_slices
+ tropp_days(n) = get_calday( dates(n), 0 )
+ end do
+ if (masterproc) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'tropopause_climo_read_file: tropp_days (fractional day-of-year in climatology dataset) ='
+ write(iulog,'(1p,5g15.8)') tropp_days(:)
+ endif
+ !--------------------------------------------------------
+ ! Mark variables as initialized so they are not read from initial conditions
+ !--------------------------------------------------------
+ call mark_as_initialized('tropopause_air_pressure_from_climatology_dataset')
+ call mark_as_initialized('tropopause_calendar_days_from_climatology')
+ call mark_as_initialized('filename_of_tropopause_climatology')
+ end subroutine tropopause_climo_read_file
+end module tropopause_climo_read
diff --git a/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.meta b/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.meta
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65dfbcf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/physics/utils/tropopause_climo_read.meta
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ name = tropopause_climo_read
+ type = module
+ name = tropopause_climo_read
+ type = module
+[ tropp_slices ]
+ standard_name = number_of_months_in_year
+ units = 1
+ type = integer
+ dimensions = ()
+[ tropp_p_loc ]
+ standard_name = tropopause_air_pressure_from_climatology_dataset
+ units = Pa
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (horizontal_dimension, number_of_months_in_year)
+[ tropp_days ]
+ standard_name = tropopause_calendar_days_from_climatology
+ long_name = Climatological tropopause calendar day indices from file
+ units = 1
+ type = real | kind = kind_phys
+ dimensions = (number_of_months_in_year)
+[ tropopause_climo_file ]
+ standard_name = filename_of_tropopause_climatology
+ long_name = File path to tropopause climatology file
+ units = none
+ type = character | kind = len=256
+ dimensions = ()
diff --git a/src/utils/interpolate_data.F90 b/src/utils/interpolate_data.F90
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c02f5582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/interpolate_data.F90
@@ -0,0 +1,1230 @@
+module interpolate_data
+! Description:
+! Routines for interpolation of data in latitude, longitude and time.
+! Author: Gathered from a number of places and put into the current format by Jim Edwards
+! Modules Used:
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ use cam_logfile, only: iulog
+ implicit none
+ private
+! Public Methods:
+ public :: interp_type, lininterp, vertinterp, bilin, get_timeinterp_factors
+ public :: lininterp_init, lininterp_finish
+ type interp_type
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgts(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgtn(:)
+ integer, pointer :: jjm(:)
+ integer, pointer :: jjp(:)
+ end type interp_type
+ interface lininterp
+ module procedure lininterp_original
+ module procedure lininterp_full1d
+ module procedure lininterp1d
+ module procedure lininterp2d2d
+ module procedure lininterp2d1d
+ module procedure lininterp3d2d
+ end interface
+integer, parameter, public :: extrap_method_zero = 0
+integer, parameter, public :: extrap_method_bndry = 1
+integer, parameter, public :: extrap_method_cycle = 2
+ subroutine lininterp_full1d (arrin, yin, nin, arrout, yout, nout)
+ integer, intent(in) :: nin, nout
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arrin(nin), yin(nin), yout(nout)
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arrout(nout)
+ type (interp_type) :: interp_wgts
+ call lininterp_init(yin, nin, yout, nout, extrap_method_bndry, interp_wgts)
+ call lininterp1d(arrin, nin, arrout, nout, interp_wgts)
+ call lininterp_finish(interp_wgts)
+ end subroutine lininterp_full1d
+ subroutine lininterp_init(yin, nin, yout, nout, extrap_method, interp_wgts, &
+ cyclicmin, cyclicmax)
+! Description:
+! Initialize a variable of type(interp_type) with weights for linear interpolation.
+! this variable can then be used in calls to lininterp1d and lininterp2d.
+! yin is a 1d array of length nin of locations to interpolate from - this array must
+! be monotonic but can be increasing or decreasing
+! yout is a 1d array of length nout of locations to interpolate to, this array need
+! not be ordered
+! extrap_method determines how to handle yout points beyond the bounds of yin
+! if 0 set values outside output grid to 0
+! if 1 set to boundary value
+! if 2 set to cyclic boundaries
+! optional values cyclicmin and cyclicmax can be used to set the bounds of the
+! cyclic mapping - these default to 0 and 360.
+ integer, intent(in) :: nin
+ integer, intent(in) :: nout
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yin(:) ! input mesh
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yout(:) ! output mesh
+ integer, intent(in) :: extrap_method ! if 0 set values outside output grid to 0
+ ! if 1 set to boundary value
+ ! if 2 set to cyclic boundaries
+ real(r8), intent(in), optional :: cyclicmin, cyclicmax
+ type (interp_type), intent(out) :: interp_wgts
+ real(r8) :: cmin, cmax
+ real(r8) :: extrap
+ real(r8) :: dyinwrap
+ real(r8) :: ratio
+ real(r8) :: avgdyin
+ integer :: i, j, icount
+ integer :: jj
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgts(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgtn(:)
+ integer, pointer :: jjm(:)
+ integer, pointer :: jjp(:)
+ logical :: increasing
+ !
+ ! Check validity of input coordinate arrays: must be monotonically increasing,
+ ! and have a total of at least 2 elements
+ !
+ if (nin.lt.2) then
+ call endrun('LININTERP: Must have at least 2 input points for interpolation')
+ end if
+ if(present(cyclicmin)) then
+ cmin=cyclicmin
+ else
+ cmin=0_r8
+ end if
+ if(present(cyclicmax)) then
+ cmax=cyclicmax
+ else
+ cmax=360_r8
+ end if
+ if(cmax<=cmin) then
+ call endrun('LININTERP: cyclic min value must be < max value')
+ end if
+ increasing=.true.
+ icount = 0
+ do j=1,nin-1
+ if (yin(j).gt.yin(j+1)) icount = icount + 1
+ end do
+ if(icount.eq.nin-1) then
+ increasing = .false.
+ icount=0
+ endif
+ if (icount.gt.0) then
+ call endrun('LININTERP: Non-monotonic input coordinate array found')
+ end if
+ allocate(interp_wgts%jjm(nout), &
+ interp_wgts%jjp(nout), &
+ interp_wgts%wgts(nout), &
+ interp_wgts%wgtn(nout))
+ jjm => interp_wgts%jjm
+ jjp => interp_wgts%jjp
+ wgts => interp_wgts%wgts
+ wgtn => interp_wgts%wgtn
+ !
+ ! Initialize index arrays for later checking
+ !
+ jjm = 0
+ jjp = 0
+ extrap = 0._r8
+ select case (extrap_method)
+ case (extrap_method_zero)
+ !
+ ! For values which extend beyond boundaries, set weights
+ ! such that values will be 0.
+ !
+ do j=1,nout
+ if(increasing) then
+ if (yout(j).lt.yin(1)) then
+ jjm(j) = 1
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = 0._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap = extrap + 1._r8
+ else if (yout(j).gt.yin(nin)) then
+ jjm(j) = nin
+ jjp(j) = nin
+ wgts(j) = 0._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap = extrap + 1._r8
+ end if
+ else
+ if (yout(j).gt.yin(1)) then
+ jjm(j) = 1
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = 0._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap = extrap + 1._r8
+ else if (yout(j).lt.yin(nin)) then
+ jjm(j) = nin
+ jjp(j) = nin
+ wgts(j) = 0._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap = extrap + 1._r8
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ case (extrap_method_bndry)
+ !
+ ! For values which extend beyond boundaries, set weights
+ ! such that values will just be copied.
+ !
+ do j=1,nout
+ if(increasing) then
+ if (yout(j).le.yin(1)) then
+ jjm(j) = 1
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = 1._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap = extrap + 1._r8
+ else if (yout(j).gt.yin(nin)) then
+ jjm(j) = nin
+ jjp(j) = nin
+ wgts(j) = 1._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap = extrap + 1._r8
+ end if
+ else
+ if (yout(j).gt.yin(1)) then
+ jjm(j) = 1
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = 1._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap = extrap + 1._r8
+ else if (yout(j).le.yin(nin)) then
+ jjm(j) = nin
+ jjp(j) = nin
+ wgts(j) = 1._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap = extrap + 1._r8
+ end if
+ end if
+ end do
+ case (extrap_method_cycle)
+ !
+ ! For values which extend beyond boundaries, set weights
+ ! for circular boundaries
+ !
+ dyinwrap = yin(1) + (cmax-cmin) - yin(nin)
+ avgdyin = abs(yin(nin)-yin(1))/(nin-1._r8)
+ ratio = dyinwrap/avgdyin
+ if (ratio < 0.9_r8 .or. ratio > 1.1_r8) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'Lininterp: Bad dyinwrap value =',dyinwrap,&
+ ' avg=', avgdyin, yin(1),yin(nin)
+ call endrun('interpolate_data')
+ end if
+ do j=1,nout
+ if(increasing) then
+ if (yout(j) <= yin(1)) then
+ jjm(j) = nin
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = (yin(1)-yout(j))/dyinwrap
+ wgtn(j) = (yout(j)+(cmax-cmin) - yin(nin))/dyinwrap
+ else if (yout(j) > yin(nin)) then
+ jjm(j) = nin
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = (yin(1)+(cmax-cmin)-yout(j))/dyinwrap
+ wgtn(j) = (yout(j)-yin(nin))/dyinwrap
+ end if
+ else
+ if (yout(j) > yin(1)) then
+ jjm(j) = nin
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = (yin(1)-yout(j))/dyinwrap
+ wgtn(j) = (yout(j)+(cmax-cmin) - yin(nin))/dyinwrap
+ else if (yout(j) <= yin(nin)) then
+ jjm(j) = nin
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = (yin(1)+(cmax-cmin)-yout(j))/dyinwrap
+ wgtn(j) = (yout(j)+(cmax-cmin)-yin(nin))/dyinwrap
+ end if
+ endif
+ end do
+ end select
+ !
+ ! Loop though output indices finding input indices and weights
+ !
+ if(increasing) then
+ do j=1,nout
+ do jj=1,nin-1
+ if (yout(j).gt.yin(jj) .and. yout(j).le.yin(jj+1)) then
+ jjm(j) = jj
+ jjp(j) = jj + 1
+ wgts(j) = (yin(jj+1)-yout(j))/(yin(jj+1)-yin(jj))
+ wgtn(j) = (yout(j)-yin(jj))/(yin(jj+1)-yin(jj))
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ else
+ do j=1,nout
+ do jj=1,nin-1
+ if (yout(j).le.yin(jj) .and. yout(j).gt.yin(jj+1)) then
+ jjm(j) = jj
+ jjp(j) = jj + 1
+ wgts(j) = (yin(jj+1)-yout(j))/(yin(jj+1)-yin(jj))
+ wgtn(j) = (yout(j)-yin(jj))/(yin(jj+1)-yin(jj))
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ end if
+ !
+ ! Check that interp/extrap points have been found for all outputs
+ !
+ icount = 0
+ do j=1,nout
+ if (jjm(j).eq.0 .or. jjp(j).eq.0) icount = icount + 1
+ ratio=wgts(j)+wgtn(j)
+ if((ratio<0.9_r8.or.ratio>1.1_r8).and.extrap_method.ne.0) then
+ write(iulog,*) j, wgts(j),wgtn(j),jjm(j),jjp(j), increasing,extrap_method
+ call endrun('Bad weight computed in LININTERP_init')
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (icount.gt.0) then
+ call endrun('LININTERP: Point found without interp indices')
+ end if
+ end subroutine lininterp_init
+ subroutine lininterp1d (arrin, n1, arrout, m1, interp_wgts)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose: Do a linear interpolation from input mesh to output
+ ! mesh with weights as set in lininterp_init.
+ !
+ !
+ ! Author: Jim Edwards
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ implicit none
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: n1 ! number of input latitudes
+ integer, intent(in) :: m1 ! number of output latitudes
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arrin(n1) ! input array of values to interpolate
+ type(interp_type), intent(in) :: interp_wgts
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arrout(m1) ! interpolated array
+ !
+ ! Local workspace
+ !
+ integer j ! latitude indices
+ integer, pointer :: jjm(:)
+ integer, pointer :: jjp(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgts(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgtn(:)
+ jjm => interp_wgts%jjm
+ jjp => interp_wgts%jjp
+ wgts => interp_wgts%wgts
+ wgtn => interp_wgts%wgtn
+ !
+ ! Do the interpolation
+ !
+ do j=1,m1
+ arrout(j) = arrin(jjm(j))*wgts(j) + arrin(jjp(j))*wgtn(j)
+ end do
+ return
+ end subroutine lininterp1d
+ subroutine lininterp2d2d(arrin, n1, n2, arrout, m1, m2, wgt1, wgt2)
+ implicit none
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, m1, m2
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arrin(n1,n2) ! input array of values to interpolate
+ type(interp_type), intent(in) :: wgt1, wgt2
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arrout(m1,m2) ! interpolated array
+ !
+ ! locals
+ !
+ integer i,j ! indices
+ integer, pointer :: iim(:), jjm(:)
+ integer, pointer :: iip(:), jjp(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgts1(:), wgts2(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgtn1(:), wgtn2(:)
+ real(r8) :: arrtmp(n1,m2)
+ jjm => wgt2%jjm
+ jjp => wgt2%jjp
+ wgts2 => wgt2%wgts
+ wgtn2 => wgt2%wgtn
+ iim => wgt1%jjm
+ iip => wgt1%jjp
+ wgts1 => wgt1%wgts
+ wgtn1 => wgt1%wgtn
+ do j=1,m2
+ do i=1,n1
+ arrtmp(i,j) = arrin(i,jjm(j))*wgts2(j) + arrin(i,jjp(j))*wgtn2(j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ do j=1,m2
+ do i=1,m1
+ arrout(i,j) = arrtmp(iim(i),j)*wgts1(i) + arrtmp(iip(i),j)*wgtn1(i)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine lininterp2d2d
+ subroutine lininterp2d1d(arrin, n1, n2, arrout, m1, wgt1, wgt2, fldname)
+ implicit none
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, m1
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arrin(n1,n2) ! input array of values to interpolate
+ type(interp_type), intent(in) :: wgt1, wgt2
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arrout(m1) ! interpolated array
+ character(len=*), intent(in), optional :: fldname(:)
+ !
+ ! locals
+ !
+ integer i ! indices
+ integer, pointer :: iim(:), jjm(:)
+ integer, pointer :: iip(:), jjp(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgts(:), wgte(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgtn(:), wgtw(:)
+ jjm => wgt2%jjm
+ jjp => wgt2%jjp
+ wgts => wgt2%wgts
+ wgtn => wgt2%wgtn
+ iim => wgt1%jjm
+ iip => wgt1%jjp
+ wgtw => wgt1%wgts
+ wgte => wgt1%wgtn
+ do i=1,m1
+ arrout(i) = arrin(iim(i),jjm(i))*wgtw(i)*wgts(i)+arrin(iip(i),jjm(i))*wgte(i)*wgts(i) + &
+ arrin(iim(i),jjp(i))*wgtw(i)*wgtn(i)+arrin(iip(i),jjp(i))*wgte(i)*wgtn(i)
+ end do
+ end subroutine lininterp2d1d
+ subroutine lininterp3d2d(arrin, n1, n2, n3, arrout, m1, len1, wgt1, wgt2)
+ implicit none
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: n1, n2, n3, m1, len1 ! m1 is to len1 as ncols is to pcols
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arrin(n1,n2,n3) ! input array of values to interpolate
+ type(interp_type), intent(in) :: wgt1, wgt2
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arrout(len1, n3) ! interpolated array
+ !
+ ! locals
+ !
+ integer i, k ! indices
+ integer, pointer :: iim(:), jjm(:)
+ integer, pointer :: iip(:), jjp(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgts(:), wgte(:)
+ real(r8), pointer :: wgtn(:), wgtw(:)
+ jjm => wgt2%jjm
+ jjp => wgt2%jjp
+ wgts => wgt2%wgts
+ wgtn => wgt2%wgtn
+ iim => wgt1%jjm
+ iip => wgt1%jjp
+ wgtw => wgt1%wgts
+ wgte => wgt1%wgtn
+ do k=1,n3
+ do i=1,m1
+ arrout(i,k) = arrin(iim(i),jjm(i),k)*wgtw(i)*wgts(i)+arrin(iip(i),jjm(i),k)*wgte(i)*wgts(i) + &
+ arrin(iim(i),jjp(i),k)*wgtw(i)*wgtn(i)+arrin(iip(i),jjp(i),k)*wgte(i)*wgtn(i)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end subroutine lininterp3d2d
+ subroutine lininterp_finish(interp_wgts)
+ type(interp_type) :: interp_wgts
+ deallocate(interp_wgts%jjm, &
+ interp_wgts%jjp, &
+ interp_wgts%wgts, &
+ interp_wgts%wgtn)
+ nullify(interp_wgts%jjm, &
+ interp_wgts%jjp, &
+ interp_wgts%wgts, &
+ interp_wgts%wgtn)
+ end subroutine lininterp_finish
+ subroutine lininterp_original (arrin, yin, nlev, nlatin, arrout, &
+ yout, nlatout)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose: Do a linear interpolation from input mesh defined by yin to output
+ ! mesh defined by yout. Where extrapolation is necessary, values will
+ ! be copied from the extreme edge of the input grid. Vectorization is over
+ ! the vertical (nlev) dimension.
+ !
+ ! Method: Check validity of input, then determine weights, then do the N-S interpolation.
+ !
+ ! Author: Jim Rosinski
+ ! Modified: Jim Edwards so that there is no requirement of monotonacity on the yout array
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ implicit none
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of vertical levels
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlatin ! number of input latitudes
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlatout ! number of output latitudes
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arrin(nlev,nlatin) ! input array of values to interpolate
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yin(nlatin) ! input mesh
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yout(nlatout) ! output mesh
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arrout(nlev,nlatout) ! interpolated array
+ !
+ ! Local workspace
+ !
+ integer j, jj ! latitude indices
+ integer jjprev ! latitude indices
+ integer k ! level index
+ integer icount ! number of values
+ real(r8) extrap ! percent grid non-overlap
+ !
+ ! Dynamic
+ !
+ integer :: jjm(nlatout)
+ integer :: jjp(nlatout)
+ real(r8) :: wgts(nlatout)
+ real(r8) :: wgtn(nlatout)
+ !
+ ! Check validity of input coordinate arrays: must be monotonically increasing,
+ ! and have a total of at least 2 elements
+ !
+ if (nlatin.lt.2) then
+ call endrun('LININTERP: Must have at least 2 input points for interpolation')
+ end if
+ icount = 0
+ do j=1,nlatin-1
+ if (yin(j).gt.yin(j+1)) icount = icount + 1
+ end do
+ if (icount.gt.0) then
+ call endrun('LININTERP: Non-monotonic coordinate array(s) found')
+ end if
+ !
+ ! Initialize index arrays for later checking
+ !
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ jjm(j) = 0
+ jjp(j) = 0
+ end do
+ !
+ ! For values which extend beyond N and S boundaries, set weights
+ ! such that values will just be copied.
+ !
+ extrap = 0._r8
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ if (yout(j).le.yin(1)) then
+ jjm(j) = 1
+ jjp(j) = 1
+ wgts(j) = 1._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap=extrap+1._r8
+ else if (yout(j).gt.yin(nlatin)) then
+ jjm(j) = nlatin
+ jjp(j) = nlatin
+ wgts(j) = 1._r8
+ wgtn(j) = 0._r8
+ extrap=extrap+1._r8
+ endif
+ end do
+ !
+ ! Loop though output indices finding input indices and weights
+ !
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ do jj=1,nlatin-1
+ if (yout(j).gt.yin(jj) .and. yout(j).le.yin(jj+1)) then
+ jjm(j) = jj
+ jjp(j) = jj + 1
+ wgts(j) = (yin(jj+1)-yout(j))/(yin(jj+1)-yin(jj))
+ wgtn(j) = (yout(j)-yin(jj))/(yin(jj+1)-yin(jj))
+ exit
+ end if
+ end do
+ end do
+ !
+ ! Check that interp/extrap points have been found for all outputs
+ !
+ icount = 0
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ if (jjm(j).eq.0 .or. jjp(j).eq.0) then
+ icount = icount + 1
+ end if
+ end do
+ if (icount.gt.0) then
+ call endrun('LININTERP: Point found without interp indices')
+ end if
+ !
+ ! Do the interpolation
+ !
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ do k=1,nlev
+ arrout(k,j) = arrin(k,jjm(j))*wgts(j) + arrin(k,jjp(j))*wgtn(j)
+ end do
+ end do
+ return
+ end subroutine lininterp_original
+ subroutine bilin (arrin, xin, yin, nlondin, nlonin, &
+ nlevdin, nlev, nlatin, arrout, xout, &
+ yout, nlondout, nlonout, nlevdout, nlatout)
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose:
+ !
+ ! Do a bilinear interpolation from input mesh defined by xin, yin to output
+ ! mesh defined by xout, yout. Circularity is assumed in the x-direction so
+ ! input x-grid must be in degrees east and must start from Greenwich. When
+ ! extrapolation is necessary in the N-S direction, values will be copied
+ ! from the extreme edge of the input grid. Vectorization is over the
+ ! longitude dimension. Input grid is assumed rectangular. Output grid
+ ! is assumed ragged, i.e. xout is a 2-d mesh.
+ !
+ ! Method: Interpolate first in longitude, then in latitude.
+ !
+ ! Author: Jim Rosinski
+ !
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ use shr_kind_mod, only: r8 => shr_kind_r8
+ use cam_abortutils, only: endrun
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ implicit none
+ !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Input arguments
+ !
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlondin ! longitude dimension of input grid
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlonin ! number of real longitudes (input)
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlevdin ! vertical dimension of input grid
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! number of vertical levels
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlatin ! number of input latitudes
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlatout ! number of output latitudes
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlondout ! longitude dimension of output grid
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlonout(nlatout) ! number of output longitudes per lat
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlevdout ! vertical dimension of output grid
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arrin(nlondin,nlevdin,nlatin) ! input array of values to interpolate
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: xin(nlondin) ! input x mesh
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yin(nlatin) ! input y mesh
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: xout(nlondout,nlatout) ! output x mesh
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: yout(nlatout) ! output y mesh
+ !
+ ! Output arguments
+ !
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arrout(nlondout,nlevdout,nlatout) ! interpolated array
+ !
+ ! Local workspace
+ !
+ integer :: i, ii, iw, ie, iiprev ! longitude indices
+ integer :: j, jj, js, jn, jjprev ! latitude indices
+ integer :: k ! level index
+ integer :: icount ! number of bad values
+ real(r8) :: extrap ! percent grid non-overlap
+ real(r8) :: dxinwrap ! delta-x on input grid for 2-pi
+ real(r8) :: avgdxin ! avg input delta-x
+ real(r8) :: ratio ! compare dxinwrap to avgdxin
+ real(r8) :: sum ! sum of weights (used for testing)
+ !
+ ! Dynamic
+ !
+ integer :: iim(nlondout) ! interpolation index to the left
+ integer :: iip(nlondout) ! interpolation index to the right
+ integer :: jjm(nlatout) ! interpolation index to the south
+ integer :: jjp(nlatout) ! interpolation index to the north
+ real(r8) :: wgts(nlatout) ! interpolation weight to the north
+ real(r8) :: wgtn(nlatout) ! interpolation weight to the north
+ real(r8) :: wgte(nlondout) ! interpolation weight to the north
+ real(r8) :: wgtw(nlondout) ! interpolation weight to the north
+ real(r8) :: igrid(nlonin) ! interpolation weight to the north
+ !
+ ! Check validity of input coordinate arrays: must be monotonically increasing,
+ ! and have a total of at least 2 elements
+ !
+ if (nlonin < 2 .or. nlatin < 2) then
+ call endrun ('BILIN: Must have at least 2 input points for interpolation')
+ end if
+ if (xin(1) < 0._r8 .or. xin(nlonin) > 360._r8) then
+ call endrun ('BILIN: Input x-grid must be between 0 and 360')
+ end if
+ icount = 0
+ do i=1,nlonin-1
+ if (xin(i) >= xin(i+1)) icount = icount + 1
+ end do
+ do j=1,nlatin-1
+ if (yin(j) >= yin(j+1)) icount = icount + 1
+ end do
+ do j=1,nlatout-1
+ if (yout(j) >= yout(j+1)) icount = icount + 1
+ end do
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ do i=1,nlonout(j)-1
+ if (xout(i,j) >= xout(i+1,j)) icount = icount + 1
+ end do
+ end do
+ if (icount > 0) then
+ call endrun ('BILIN: Non-monotonic coordinate array(s) found')
+ end if
+ if (yout(nlatout) <= yin(1) .or. yout(1) >= yin(nlatin)) then
+ call endrun ('BILIN: No overlap in y-coordinates')
+ end if
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ if (xout(1,j) < 0._r8 .or. xout(nlonout(j),j) > 360._r8) then
+ call endrun ('BILIN: Output x-grid must be between 0 and 360')
+ end if
+ if (xout(nlonout(j),j) <= xin(1) .or. &
+ xout(1,j) >= xin(nlonin)) then
+ call endrun ('BILIN: No overlap in x-coordinates')
+ end if
+ end do
+ !
+ ! Initialize index arrays for later checking
+ !
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ jjm(j) = 0
+ jjp(j) = 0
+ end do
+ !
+ ! For values which extend beyond N and S boundaries, set weights
+ ! such that values will just be copied.
+ !
+ do js=1,nlatout
+ if (yout(js) > yin(1)) exit
+ jjm(js) = 1
+ jjp(js) = 1
+ wgts(js) = 1._r8
+ wgtn(js) = 0._r8
+ end do
+ do jn=nlatout,1,-1
+ if (yout(jn) <= yin(nlatin)) exit
+ jjm(jn) = nlatin
+ jjp(jn) = nlatin
+ wgts(jn) = 1._r8
+ wgtn(jn) = 0._r8
+ end do
+ !
+ ! Loop though output indices finding input indices and weights
+ !
+ jjprev = 1
+ do j=js,jn
+ do jj=jjprev,nlatin-1
+ if (yout(j) > yin(jj) .and. yout(j) <= yin(jj+1)) then
+ jjm(j) = jj
+ jjp(j) = jj + 1
+ wgts(j) = (yin(jj+1) - yout(j)) / (yin(jj+1) - yin(jj))
+ wgtn(j) = (yout(j) - yin(jj)) / (yin(jj+1) - yin(jj))
+ goto 30
+ end if
+ end do
+ call endrun ('BILIN: Failed to find interp values')
+30 jjprev = jj
+ end do
+ dxinwrap = xin(1) + 360._r8 - xin(nlonin)
+ !
+ ! Check for sane dxinwrap values. Allow to differ no more than 10% from avg
+ !
+ avgdxin = (xin(nlonin)-xin(1))/(nlonin-1._r8)
+ ratio = dxinwrap/avgdxin
+ if (ratio < 0.9_r8 .or. ratio > 1.1_r8) then
+ write(iulog,*)'BILIN: Insane dxinwrap value =',dxinwrap,' avg=', avgdxin
+ call endrun('BILIN: Insane dxinwrap value')
+ end if
+ !
+ ! Check that interp/extrap points have been found for all outputs, and that
+ ! they are reasonable (i.e. within 32-bit roundoff)
+ !
+ icount = 0
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ if (jjm(j) == 0 .or. jjp(j) == 0) icount = icount + 1
+ sum = wgts(j) + wgtn(j)
+ if (sum < 0.99999_r8 .or. sum > 1.00001_r8) icount = icount + 1
+ if (wgts(j) < 0._r8 .or. wgts(j) > 1._r8) icount = icount + 1
+ if (wgtn(j) < 0._r8 .or. wgtn(j) > 1._r8) icount = icount + 1
+ end do
+ if (icount > 0) then
+ call endrun ('BILIN: something bad in latitude indices or weights')
+ end if
+ !
+ ! Do the bilinear interpolation
+ !
+ do j=1,nlatout
+ !
+ ! Initialize index arrays for later checking
+ !
+ do i=1,nlondout
+ iim(i) = 0
+ iip(i) = 0
+ end do
+ !
+ ! For values which extend beyond E and W boundaries, set weights such that
+ ! values will be interpolated between E and W edges of input grid.
+ !
+ do iw=1,nlonout(j)
+ if (xout(iw,j) > xin(1)) exit
+ iim(iw) = nlonin
+ iip(iw) = 1
+ wgtw(iw) = (xin(1) - xout(iw,j)) /dxinwrap
+ wgte(iw) = (xout(iw,j)+360._r8 - xin(nlonin))/dxinwrap
+ end do
+ do ie=nlonout(j),1,-1
+ if (xout(ie,j) <= xin(nlonin)) exit
+ iim(ie) = nlonin
+ iip(ie) = 1
+ wgtw(ie) = (xin(1)+360._r8 - xout(ie,j)) /dxinwrap
+ wgte(ie) = (xout(ie,j) - xin(nlonin))/dxinwrap
+ end do
+ !
+ ! Loop though output indices finding input indices and weights
+ !
+ iiprev = 1
+ do i=iw,ie
+ do ii=iiprev,nlonin-1
+ if (xout(i,j) > xin(ii) .and. xout(i,j) <= xin(ii+1)) then
+ iim(i) = ii
+ iip(i) = ii + 1
+ wgtw(i) = (xin(ii+1) - xout(i,j)) / (xin(ii+1) - xin(ii))
+ wgte(i) = (xout(i,j) - xin(ii)) / (xin(ii+1) - xin(ii))
+ goto 60
+ end if
+ end do
+ call endrun ('BILIN: Failed to find interp values')
+60 iiprev = ii
+ end do
+ icount = 0
+ do i=1,nlonout(j)
+ if (iim(i) == 0 .or. iip(i) == 0) icount = icount + 1
+ sum = wgtw(i) + wgte(i)
+ if (sum < 0.99999_r8 .or. sum > 1.00001_r8) icount = icount + 1
+ if (wgtw(i) < 0._r8 .or. wgtw(i) > 1._r8) icount = icount + 1
+ if (wgte(i) < 0._r8 .or. wgte(i) > 1._r8) icount = icount + 1
+ end do
+ if (icount > 0) then
+ write(iulog,*)'BILIN: j=',j,' Something bad in longitude indices or weights'
+ call endrun('BILIN: Something bad in longitude indices or weights')
+ end if
+ !
+ ! Do the interpolation, 1st in longitude then latitude
+ !
+ do k=1,nlev
+ do i=1,nlonin
+ igrid(i) = arrin(i,k,jjm(j))*wgts(j) + arrin(i,k,jjp(j))*wgtn(j)
+ end do
+ do i=1,nlonout(j)
+ arrout(i,k,j) = igrid(iim(i))*wgtw(i) + igrid(iip(i))*wgte(i)
+ end do
+ end do
+ end do
+ return
+ end subroutine bilin
+subroutine vertinterp(ncol, ncold, nlev, pin, pout, arrin, arrout, &
+ extrapolate, ln_interp, ps, phis, tbot)
+ ! Vertically interpolate input array to output pressure level. The
+ ! interpolation is linear in either pressure (the default) or ln pressure.
+ !
+ ! If above the top boundary then return top boundary value.
+ !
+ ! If below bottom boundary then use bottom boundary value, or optionally
+ ! for T or Z use the extrapolation algorithm from ECMWF (which was taken
+ ! from the NCL code base).
+ use physconst, only: rair, rga
+ !------------------------------Arguments--------------------------------
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncol ! number active columns
+ integer, intent(in) :: ncold ! column dimension
+ integer, intent(in) :: nlev ! vertical dimension
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pin(ncold,nlev) ! input pressure levels
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: pout ! output pressure level
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: arrin(ncold,nlev) ! input array
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: arrout(ncold) ! output array (interpolated)
+ character(len=1), optional, intent(in) :: extrapolate ! either 'T' or 'Z'
+ logical, optional, intent(in) :: ln_interp ! set true to interolate
+ ! in ln(pressure)
+ real(r8), optional, intent(in) :: ps(ncold) ! surface pressure
+ real(r8), optional, intent(in) :: phis(ncold) ! surface geopotential
+ real(r8), optional, intent(in) :: tbot(ncold) ! temperature at bottom level
+ !---------------------------Local variables-----------------------------
+ real(r8) :: alpha
+ logical :: linear_interp
+ logical :: do_extrapolate_T, do_extrapolate_Z
+ integer :: i,k ! indices
+ integer :: kupper(ncold) ! Level indices for interpolation
+ real(r8) :: dpu ! upper level pressure difference
+ real(r8) :: dpl ! lower level pressure difference
+ logical :: found(ncold) ! true if input levels found
+ logical :: error ! error flag
+ !----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ alpha = 0.0065_r8*rair*rga
+ do_extrapolate_T = .false.
+ do_extrapolate_Z = .false.
+ if (present(extrapolate)) then
+ if (extrapolate == 'T') do_extrapolate_T = .true.
+ if (extrapolate == 'Z') do_extrapolate_Z = .true.
+ if (.not. do_extrapolate_T .and. .not. do_extrapolate_Z) then
+ call endrun ('VERTINTERP: extrapolate must be T or Z')
+ end if
+ if (.not. present(ps)) then
+ call endrun ('VERTINTERP: ps required for extrapolation')
+ end if
+ if (.not. present(phis)) then
+ call endrun ('VERTINTERP: phis required for extrapolation')
+ end if
+ if (do_extrapolate_Z) then
+ if (.not. present(tbot)) then
+ call endrun ('VERTINTERP: extrapolate must be T or Z')
+ end if
+ end if
+ end if
+ linear_interp = .true.
+ if (present(ln_interp)) then
+ if (ln_interp) linear_interp = .false.
+ end if
+ do i = 1, ncol
+ found(i) = .false.
+ kupper(i) = 1
+ end do
+ error = .false.
+ ! Find indices of upper pressure bound
+ do k = 1, nlev - 1
+ do i = 1, ncol
+ if ((.not. found(i)) .and. pin(i,k)= pin(i,nlev)) then
+ if (do_extrapolate_T) then
+ ! use ECMWF algorithm to extrapolate T
+ arrout(i) = extrapolate_T()
+ else if (do_extrapolate_Z) then
+ ! use ECMWF algorithm to extrapolate Z
+ arrout(i) = extrapolate_Z()
+ else
+ ! use bottom value
+ arrout(i) = arrin(i,nlev)
+ end if
+ else if (found(i)) then
+ if (linear_interp) then
+ ! linear interpolation in p
+ dpu = pout - pin(i,kupper(i))
+ dpl = pin(i,kupper(i)+1) - pout
+ arrout(i) = (arrin(i,kupper(i))*dpl + arrin(i,kupper(i)+1)*dpu)/(dpl + dpu)
+ else
+ ! linear interpolation in ln(p)
+ arrout(i) = arrin(i,kupper(i)) + (arrin(i,kupper(i)+1) - arrin(i,kupper(i)))* &
+ log(pout/pin(i,kupper(i))) / &
+ log(pin(i,kupper(i)+1)/pin(i,kupper(i)))
+ end if
+ else
+ error = .true.
+ end if
+ end do
+ ! Error check
+ if (error) then
+ call endrun ('VERTINTERP: ERROR FLAG')
+ end if
+ !======================================================================================
+ real(r8) function extrapolate_T()
+ ! local variables
+ real(r8) :: sixth
+ real(r8) :: tstar
+ real(r8) :: hgt
+ real(r8) :: alnp
+ real(r8) :: t0
+ real(r8) :: tplat
+ real(r8) :: tprime0
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sixth = 1._r8 / 6._r8
+ tstar = arrin(i,nlev)*(1._r8 + alpha*(ps(i)/pin(i,nlev) - 1._r8))
+ hgt = phis(i)*rga
+ if (hgt < 2000._r8) then
+ alnp = alpha*log(pout/ps(i))
+ else
+ t0 = tstar + 0.0065_r8*hgt
+ tplat = min(t0, 298._r8)
+ if (hgt <= 2500._r8) then
+ tprime0 = 0.002_r8*((2500._r8 - hgt)*t0 + &
+ (hgt - 2000._r8)*tplat)
+ else
+ tprime0 = tplat
+ end if
+ if (tprime0 < tstar) then
+ alnp = 0._r8
+ else
+ alnp = rair*(tprime0 - tstar)/phis(i) * log(pout/ps(i))
+ end if
+ end if
+ extrapolate_T = tstar*(1._r8 + alnp + 0.5_r8*alnp**2 + sixth*alnp**3)
+ end function extrapolate_T
+ !======================================================================================
+ real(r8) function extrapolate_Z()
+ ! local variables
+ real(r8) :: sixth
+ real(r8) :: hgt
+ real(r8) :: tstar
+ real(r8) :: t0
+ real(r8) :: alph
+ real(r8) :: alnp
+ !-------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ sixth = 1._r8 / 6._r8
+ hgt = phis(i)*rga
+ tstar = tbot(i)*(1._r8 + alpha*(ps(i)/pin(i,nlev) - 1._r8))
+ t0 = tstar + 0.0065_r8*hgt
+ if (tstar <= 290.5_r8 .and. t0 > 290.5_r8) then
+ alph = rair/phis(i) * (290.5_r8 - tstar)
+ else if (tstar > 290.5_r8 .and. t0 > 290.5_r8) then
+ alph = 0._r8
+ tstar = 0.5_r8*(290.5_r8 + tstar)
+ else
+ alph = alpha
+ end if
+ if (tstar < 255._r8) then
+ tstar = 0.5_r8*(tstar + 255._r8)
+ end if
+ alnp = alph*log(pout/ps(i))
+ extrapolate_Z = hgt - rair*tstar*rga*log(pout/ps(i))* &
+ (1._r8 + 0.5_r8*alnp + sixth*alnp**2)
+ end function extrapolate_Z
+end subroutine vertinterp
+ subroutine get_timeinterp_factors (cycflag, np1, cdayminus, cdayplus, cday, &
+ fact1, fact2, str)
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose: Determine time interpolation factors (normally for a boundary dataset)
+ ! for linear interpolation.
+ !
+ ! Method: Assume 365 days per year. Output variable fact1 will be the weight to
+ ! apply to data at calendar time "cdayminus", and fact2 the weight to apply
+ ! to data at time "cdayplus". Combining these values will produce a result
+ ! valid at time "cday". Output arguments fact1 and fact2 will be between
+ ! 0 and 1, and fact1 + fact2 = 1 to roundoff.
+ !
+ ! Author: Jim Rosinski
+ !
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ implicit none
+ !
+ ! Arguments
+ !
+ logical, intent(in) :: cycflag ! flag indicates whether dataset is being cycled yearly
+ integer, intent(in) :: np1 ! index points to forward time slice matching cdayplus
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: cdayminus ! calendar day of rearward time slice
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: cdayplus ! calendar day of forward time slice
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: cday ! calenar day to be interpolated to
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: fact1 ! time interpolation factor to apply to rearward time slice
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: fact2 ! time interpolation factor to apply to forward time slice
+ character(len=*), intent(in) :: str ! string to be added to print in case of error (normally the callers name)
+ !
+ ! Local workspace
+ !
+ real(r8) :: deltat ! time difference (days) between cdayminus and cdayplus
+ real(r8), parameter :: daysperyear = 365._r8 ! number of days in a year
+ !
+ ! Initial sanity checks
+ !
+ if (np1 == 1 .and. .not. cycflag) then
+ call endrun ('GETFACTORS:'//str//' cycflag false and forward month index = Jan. not allowed')
+ end if
+ if (np1 < 1) then
+ call endrun ('GETFACTORS:'//str//' input arg np1 must be > 0')
+ end if
+ if (cycflag) then
+ if ((cday < 1._r8) .or. (cday > (daysperyear+1._r8))) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'GETFACTORS:', str, ' bad cday=',cday
+ call endrun ('get_timeinterp_factors GETFACTORS bad cday (1)')
+ end if
+ else
+ if (cday < 1._r8) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'GETFACTORS:', str, ' bad cday=',cday
+ call endrun ('get_timeinterp_factors GETFACTORS bad cday (2)')
+ end if
+ end if
+ !
+ ! Determine time interpolation factors. Account for December-January
+ ! interpolation if dataset is being cycled yearly.
+ !
+ if (cycflag .and. np1 == 1) then ! Dec-Jan interpolation
+ deltat = cdayplus + daysperyear - cdayminus
+ if (cday > cdayplus) then ! We are in December
+ fact1 = (cdayplus + daysperyear - cday)/deltat
+ fact2 = (cday - cdayminus)/deltat
+ else ! We are in January
+ fact1 = (cdayplus - cday)/deltat
+ fact2 = (cday + daysperyear - cdayminus)/deltat
+ end if
+ else
+ deltat = cdayplus - cdayminus
+ fact1 = (cdayplus - cday)/deltat
+ fact2 = (cday - cdayminus)/deltat
+ end if
+ if (.not. valid_timeinterp_factors (fact1, fact2)) then
+ write(iulog,*) 'GETFACTORS: ', str, ' bad fact1 and/or fact2=', fact1, fact2
+ call endrun ('get_timeinterp_factors GETFACTORS bad fact1 and/or fact2')
+ end if
+ return
+ end subroutine get_timeinterp_factors
+ logical function valid_timeinterp_factors (fact1, fact2)
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ !
+ ! Purpose: check sanity of time interpolation factors to within 32-bit roundoff
+ !
+ !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ implicit none
+ real(r8), intent(in) :: fact1, fact2 ! time interpolation factors
+ valid_timeinterp_factors = .true.
+ ! The fact1 .ne. fact1 and fact2 .ne. fact2 comparisons are to detect NaNs.
+ if (abs(fact1+fact2-1._r8) > 1.e-6_r8 .or. &
+ fact1 > 1.000001_r8 .or. fact1 < -1.e-6_r8 .or. &
+ fact2 > 1.000001_r8 .or. fact2 < -1.e-6_r8 .or. &
+ fact1 .ne. fact1 .or. fact2 .ne. fact2) then
+ valid_timeinterp_factors = .false.
+ end if
+ return
+ end function valid_timeinterp_factors
+end module interpolate_data