- Names legend:
- Bouwe Andela @bouweandela
- Klaus Zimmermann @zklaus
- Remi Kazeroni @remi-kazeroni
- Manuel Schlund @schlunma
- Saskia Sloosveldt @sloosvel
- Valeriu Predoi @valeriupredoi
- Date: 8 November 2022 3pm UK time
- Participants: @bouweandela @zklaus @remi-kazeroni @schlunma @sloosvel @valeriupredoi
- Chair and minutes taker: @valeriupredoi
Topics added to the discussion item page
Topics discussed (5 in total):
- @bouweandela - should
be added as a dependency and can it replace the regridding schemes that are currently implemented in ESMValCore?- discussion summary: @zklaus mentions we added it as a pure dependency just for others to use it in diagnostics; @bouweandela mentions that Core bits can call it and use it, but one needs to install it manually, but @sloosvel mentions that some bits work with the regular iris regridder but crash with the iris-esmf one; also @schlunma mentions some schemes are missing from either (not complementary). @zklaus mentions it's encouraging to have the option for users to just call it and use it. The outlook is to include it in Core (with tests and performance etc)
- @bouweandela - Administration of the ESMValTool VM would be a good topic for discussion. At the moment everyone needs root permissions on it to get anything done. It would be good to clean the permissions so only two people need root access.
- discussion summary: @bouweandela proposes two VMAdmins - possibly Bouwe and @remi-kazeroni to have everything done in terms of permissions, we agreed Bouwe and Remi as VMAdmins; also discussed: we should look at what we store on the VM and nuke what we don't need from release results, plus look at individual recipes that may produce large intermediary files that we store -> @remi-kazeroni and @bouweandela will have a look together ❤️
- @bouweandela - another topic for discussion: what to do with the commit message when merging a pull request? We have some guidance here: https://docs.esmvaltool.org/en/latest/community/review.html#merge, but a quick look at git log shows that many of us do not follow this. @ESMValGroup/esmvaltool-coreteam I just changed the settings to automatically populate the commit message with the pull request description, please comment if you (dis)like this!
- discussion summary: Commit messages should be nicer and more descriptive: compress and expand as needed - at merge point, right before merging, edit the text in the merge text box
- @zklaus: Discord or alternatives should be discussed as well. It seems Discord has some difficulties for us, so we should affirm its use or decide to try an alternative, such as Slack or going back to Gitter/Matrix.
- discussion summary: Discord it don't work for @bouweandela and @valeriupredoi - like really not; it works partially for @zklaus (missed messages). Klaus: a side client for Gitter - but maybe Mattermost vs Slack - Slack better but 90 day archive deleted. Freebie Slack set up by @zklaus - try it out first among us (TLT) then toot about it. Klaus has already set up a trial Slack group (thank you!).
- @bouweandela: We also need a plan for maintaining the Zenodo records. Preferably we would need a shared email address, because it is not possible to have more than 1 email address associated with a Zenodo record.
- discussion summary: @bouweandela says we need a TLT email address where we can send/receive emails from for the Zenodo integration. @schlunma says there a Gmail delegated account (for groups)? We look into it - @valeriupredoi will look into this 👍 ; @remi-kazeroni mentions Support for multiple curators per community on Zenodo is considered but this might only be a long-term solution for us (see Zenodo Issue );