@remi-kazeroni, @LisaBock, @hb326, @alistairsellar, @SarahAlidoost, @rswamina, @breisolino, @tepmo42, @ledm, @ehogan
- Advertise new releases
- Assign 1-2 persons to check required updates regarding the recent release
- Advertise upcoming events
- Open tutorials
- Answering questions on GitHub Discussions
- Survey to the user base: status?
- Open issues:
- Required updates of episodes: “Installation guide”, “Debugging” and “Writing your own diagnostic” → the last two are updated
- Adding general (short) presentation about ESMValTool (could be placed on the ESMValTool website)
- Adding guidelines to deliver different kinds of tutorials
- Adding episode about model simulation monitoring to the tutorial
- Outdated issues
- Open pull requests
- Discuss @ledm's Idea about introducing esmvaltool to general public
- Policy/guidelines for tutorial delivery - should they notify the UET in advance etc.
Announcing releases: on the website, on Twitter, via the mailing-list. Special care of backward incompatible changes. More effort could be made on advertising, rather than just announcing (see canva.com). We could prepare a checklist (messages to send out: what and where) and template messages to announce the releases. Responsibles: same persons as for the tutorial updates after that release based on the change-log of the release.
[@LisaBock, @SarahAlidoost]: prepare the first checklist and open issues for updates required in episodes
Advertizing upcoming events should follow a similar process as for the releases (website, twitter, github).
Open Tutorials: We could start with 2 in a year. The first one could cover the basic episodes. Next one could focus on more advanced topics. Issues: access to computing resources, time zones. Do we really to deliver tutorials if not bound to projects? We could assess the needs based on the planned survey (see next point). The UET could organize these 2 trainings with support from the Tech Team.
[@rswamina, @breisolino, @ehogan] will organize the first training next year.
To be discussed later: computing platform (only where ESMValTool is centrally installed?).
Monitoring questions/issues opened by new usuer on GH and left unanswered (see https://github.com/ESMValGroup/ESMValTool/discussions). How to best coordinate that with the Tech Team? Many questions could be answered by the Tech Team, but others by the Science Team,
[Cross Team Meeting] to discuss that and get back to the UET
Survey: Currently Bouwe is working on reviewing the questions of the survey. @SarahAlidoost will give update about it again in our next meeting.
[Feedback from Science Team:] ask users about the ability to do scientific review
@SarahAlidoost: Reviewers needed for PR on episode updates.
@LisaBock will do
Introducing esmvaltool to general public: We could prepare a 1-2 min Youtube video for that. Hiring a student helper for that?
DLR (@hb326) will explore that possibility
Policy/guidelines for tutorial delivery should also list to contact the UET for a short chat about e.g. required updates.