You can add new general user by this command
adduser username
You will see new folder with file authorized_keys
in /home/username/.ssh
To avoid insufficient authority type
user mod -aG sudo username
These operates are on your client not your server, type
ssh-keygen -t rsa
to create two ssh files. For mac user you will see new file id_rsa
under /Users/username/.ssh
For windows user its always under C:\Users\username\.ssh
create new folder .ssh
under /home/username
mkdir .ssh
Transfer id-rsa
to your server under /home/username/.ssh
by scp
(secure copy) . For example
scp \xxx\xxx\id_rsa remote_username@remote_ip:remote_file_or_folder
Then delete the original file authorized_keys
by rm authorized_keys
and rename your id_rsa
mv id_rsa authorized_keys
So far you will see this information use commond ll
-rw------- 1 root root 416 Jan 14 11:41 authorized_keys
It means the owner is root. You have to modify file's read and write permission
chmod 700 .ssh
chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys
cd ..
under /home
chmod 770 username
Back to the client under /Users/username/.ssh
, add new file
sudo vim config
Type the following
Host server
Port 22
User username
LocalForward 30572
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
ssh username@remote_ip
You will enter your username path
sudo su
Then enter the password, you will enter the root dictionary~