We used flake8 and black libraries to increase code quality.
usage: flake8 [options] file file ...
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Print more information about what is happening in flake8. This option is repeatable and will increase verbosity each time it is
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
Redirect report to a file.
--append-config APPEND_CONFIG
Provide extra config files to parse in addition to the files found by Flake8 by default. These files are the last ones read and so
they take the highest precedence when multiple files provide the same option.
--config CONFIG Path to the config file that will be the authoritative config source. This will cause Flake8 to ignore all other configuration files.
--isolated Ignore all configuration files.
--enable-extensions ENABLE_EXTENSIONS
Enable plugins and extensions that are otherwise disabled by default
--require-plugins REQUIRE_PLUGINS
Require specific plugins to be installed before running
--version show program's version number and exit
-q, --quiet Report only file names, or nothing. This option is repeatable.
--color {auto,always,never}
Whether to use color in output. Defaults to `auto`.
--count Print total number of errors to standard output after all other output.
--exclude patterns Comma-separated list of files or directories to exclude. (Default: ['.svn', 'CVS', '.bzr', '.hg', '.git', '__pycache__', '.tox',
'.nox', '.eggs', '*.egg'])
--extend-exclude patterns
Comma-separated list of files or directories to add to the list of excluded ones.
--filename patterns Only check for filenames matching the patterns in this comma-separated list. (Default: ['*.py'])
--stdin-display-name STDIN_DISPLAY_NAME
The name used when reporting errors from code passed via stdin. This is useful for editors piping the file contents to flake8.
(Default: stdin)
--format format Format errors according to the chosen formatter (default, pylint, quiet-filename, quiet-nothing) or a format string containing
%-style mapping keys (code, col, path, row, text). For example, ``--format=pylint`` or ``--format='%(path)s %(code)s'``. (Default:
--hang-closing Hang closing bracket instead of matching indentation of opening bracket's line.
--ignore errors Comma-separated list of error codes to ignore (or skip). For example, ``--ignore=E4,E51,W234``. (Default:
--extend-ignore errors
Comma-separated list of error codes to add to the list of ignored ones. For example, ``--extend-ignore=E4,E51,W234``.
--per-file-ignores PER_FILE_IGNORES
A pairing of filenames and violation codes that defines which violations to ignore in a particular file. The filenames can be
specified in a manner similar to the ``--exclude`` option and the violations work similarly to the ``--ignore`` and ``--select``
--max-line-length n Maximum allowed line length for the entirety of this run. (Default: 79)
--max-doc-length n Maximum allowed doc line length for the entirety of this run. (Default: None)
--indent-size n Number of spaces used for indentation (Default: 4)
--select errors Comma-separated list of error codes to enable. For example, ``--select=E4,E51,W234``. (Default: E,F,W,C90)
--extend-select errors
Comma-separated list of error codes to add to the list of selected ones. For example, ``--extend-select=E4,E51,W234``.
--disable-noqa Disable the effect of "# noqa". This will report errors on lines with "# noqa" at the end.
--show-source Show the source generate each error or warning.
--no-show-source Negate --show-source
--statistics Count errors.
--exit-zero Exit with status code "0" even if there are errors.
-j JOBS, --jobs JOBS Number of subprocesses to use to run checks in parallel. This is ignored on Windows. The default, "auto", will auto-detect the number
of processors available to use. (Default: auto)
--tee Write to stdout and output-file.
--benchmark Print benchmark information about this run of Flake8
--bug-report Print information necessary when preparing a bug report
--max-complexity MAX_COMPLEXITY
McCabe complexity threshold
--builtins BUILTINS define more built-ins, comma separated
--doctests also check syntax of the doctests
--include-in-doctest INCLUDE_IN_DOCTEST
Run doctests only on these files
--exclude-from-doctest EXCLUDE_FROM_DOCTEST
Skip these files when running doctests
Installed plugins: mccabe: 0.7.0, pycodestyle: 2.10.0, pyflakes: 3.0.1
In-line Ignoring Errors:
example = lambda: 'example' # noqa: E731
Ignoring Entire Files:
# flake8: noqa
flake8 --show-source .\triplea\cli\main.py
flake8 --show-source .\triplea\cli\aaa.py --ignore F401,W292
flake8 --show-source .\triplea\cli\ --ignore F401,W292 --max-line-length 150 --output-file cli.flake8
flake8 .\triplea\cli\ --select E225,E231 --show-source --output-file cli.txt --format '%(path)s:%(row)d:'
flake8 .\triplea\cli\ --output-file cli.txt --format pylint
flake8 .\triplea\cli\ --select E251 --output-file cli.txt --format pylint --show-source
flake8 .\triplea\cli\analysis.py --output-file cli2.txt --format pylint --show-source --max-line-length 150
black .\triplea\cli\analysis.py
flake8 .\triplea\cli\ --output-file cli2.txt --format pylint --show-source --max-line-length 150
black .\triplea\cli\
flake8 .\triplea\db\ --output-file cli2.txt --format pylint --show-source --max-line-length 250
black .\triplea\db\
flake8 .\triplea\ --output-file cli2.txt --format pylint --ignore F401,W503,W504,E203 --show-source --max-line-length 451
black .\triplea\
flake8 .\visualization\ --output-file cli2.txt --format pylint --ignore F401,W503,W504,E203 --show-source --max-line-length 451
black .\visualization\
flake8 .\triplea\ --count --exit-zero --max-complexity=10 --format pylint --ignore F401,W503,W504,E203 --max-line-length=451 --statistics
flake8 --config=.flake8 --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\cli\
black .\triplea\cli\
Per ine:
# noqa: E501
Per page:
# flake8: noqa
flake8 --config=.flake8 --count --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\ --no-show-source --statistics
4 C901 'export_rayyan_csv' is too complex (21)
24 E116 unexpected indentation (comment)
6 E117 over-indented
3 E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented
3 E125 continuation line with same indent as next logical line
14 E127 continuation line over-indented for visual indent
8 E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
1 E131 continuation line unaligned for hanging indent
17 E201 whitespace after '('
14 E202 whitespace before ')'
38 E203 whitespace before ':'
1 E211 whitespace before '('
6 E221 multiple spaces before operator
7 E222 multiple spaces after operator
24 E225 missing whitespace around operator
43 E231 missing whitespace after ','
4 E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
4 E252 missing whitespace around parameter equals
15 E261 at least two spaces before inline comment
5 E262 inline comment should start with '# '
24 E265 block comment should start with '# '
1 E271 multiple spaces after keyword
1 E301 expected 1 blank line, found 0
32 E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
84 E303 too many blank lines (3)
1 E402 module level import not at top of file
143 E501 line too long (112 > 90 characters)
1 E711 comparison to None should be 'if cond is None:'
4 E712 comparison to False should be 'if cond is False:' or 'if not cond:'
11 E722 do not use bare 'except'
1 E741 ambiguous variable name 'l'
78 F401 'json' imported but unused
1 F821 undefined name 'topics'
29 F841 local variable 'output_data' is assigned to but never used
63 W291 trailing whitespace
13 W292 no newline at end of file
84 W293 blank line contains whitespace
11 W391 blank line at end of file
flake8 --config=.flake8 --count --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\ --no-show-source --statistics --select E501
flake8 --config=.flake8 --count --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\ --no-show-source --statistics --ignore E501,W503,E722
black .\triplea\the_private_backyard.py
black .\triplea\the_private_backyard1.py
black .\triplea\the_private_backyard2.py
black .\triplea\the_private_backyard3.py
black .\triplea\the_private_backyard3.py
black .\triplea\the_private_backyard_mongodb.py
4 C901 'export_rayyan_csv' is too complex (21)
1 E303 too many blank lines (3)
82 E501 line too long (110 > 90 characters)
10 E722 do not use bare 'except'
1 E741 ambiguous variable name 'l'
1 F821 undefined name 'topics'
5 F841 local variable 'city' is assigned to but never used
104 353 61
black .\triplea\cli\
flake8 --config=.flake8 --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\cli\ --no-show-source --statistics
black .\triplea\client\
flake8 --config=.flake8 --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\client\ --no-show-source --statistics
black .\triplea\config\
flake8 --config=.flake8 --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\config\ --no-show-source --statistics
black .\triplea\db\
flake8 --config=.flake8 --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\db\ --no-show-source --statistics
black .\triplea\schemas\
flake8 --config=.flake8 --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\schemas\ --no-show-source --statistics
black .\triplea\service\
flake8 --config=.flake8 --count --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\service\ --no-show-source --statistics --select W291
flake8 --config=.flake8 --count --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\service\ --no-show-source --statistics --ignore E501,W503,E722
flake8 --config=.flake8 --count --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\service\ --no-show-source --statistics
4 C901 'export_rayyan_csv' is too complex (21)
1 E303 too many blank lines (3)
1 E402 module level import not at top of file
82 E501 line too long (110 > 90 characters)
2 E712 comparison to False should be 'if cond is False:' or 'if not cond:'
10 E722 do not use bare 'except'
1 E741 ambiguous variable name 'l'
5 F401 'networkx.classes.function.is_directed' imported but unused
1 F821 undefined name 'topics'
6 F841 local variable 'elapsed' is assigned to but never used
510 137 113 0
Don't forget # noqa: C901
black .\triplea\utils\
flake8 --config=.flake8 --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\utils\ --no-show-source --statistics
black .\triplea\
flake8 --config=.flake8 --count --output-file out-flake8.txt .\triplea\ --no-show-source --statistics --ignore E721,W503