A collection of materials/references for the MPI lectures
- lecture 4: introduction to parallel computing
- lecture 5: Message Passing and MPI programming
- lecture 6: Collective operation and virtual topology
- lecture 7: domain decomposition with MPI
- lecture 8: Network basic for MPI applications
- lecture 9: MPI libraries and performance
- lecture 10:Performance model for MPI applications
- chapter 9 of reference 4 is a nice and detailed introduction to MPI. The final section of the chapter is lecture 7 and lecture 10.
- exercises and tutorials on MPI are present all over the web. Here a couple of examples:
- [Here a very good starting point]https://www.mcs.anl.gov/research/projects/mpi/tutorial/index.html)
- Another simple tutorial
The code here provided is taken from the website of reference 4 book It is a "simple" fortran implementation of the Jacobi solver in 3D
To compile, load the MPI module and then:
mpif77 -ffixed-line-length-none Jacobi_MPI_vectormode.F -o jacoby3D.x
To run the code
mpirun --mca btl ^openib -np 24 ./jacoby3D.x
get the benchmark:
git pull https://github.com/intel/mpi-benchmarks
Enter in the dir:
cd mpi-benchmarks/src_c
Compile the code, once you load the module:
Run the executable across two nodes:
mpirun -np 2 --map-by node --report-bindings ./IMB-MPI1 PingPong
Run the executable across two socket:
mpirun -np 2 --report-bindings --map-by socket ./IMB-MPI1 PingPong
Run the executable within the same socket:
mpirun -np 2 --report-bindings --map-by socket ./IMB-MPI1 PingPong
Run the executable using a different protocol: tcp and not infiniband
mpirun -np 2 --mca pml ob1 --mca btl tcp,self --mca btl_tcp_if_include br0 ./IMB-MPI1 PingPong