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PyPI package FreeBSD port


Once you have installed Python and its packages manager pip, use one of the following commands, depending on if you want only this tool, the full set of PNU tools, or PNU plus a selection of additional third-parties tools:

pip install pnu-portstreelint
pip install PNU
pip install 'PNU[freebsd]' # if you use a platform other than FreeBSD
pip install pytnix



portstreelint - FreeBSD ports tree lint


portstreelint [--nocfg] [--gencfg|-g FILE] [--show-cat|-C] [--show-mnt|-M] [--cat|-c LIST] [--mnt|-m LIST] [--port|-p LIST] [--tree|-t DIR] [--plist NUM] [--broken NUM] [--deprecated NUM] [--forbidden NUM] [--unchanged NUM] [--check-host|-h] [--check-url|-u] [--output|-o FILE] [--debug] [--info] [--version] [--help|-?] [--]

The aliases ptlint and ptl are also available to shorten the command name.


The portstreelint utility checks the FreeBSD ports tree Index and some parts of the ports' Makefiles for errors and warnings.

By default it will scan the whole port tree, but you can select a subset of the ports with the options --cat|-c for categories, --mnt|-m for maintainers and --port|-p for ports. All these options expect a parameter which can be a single item or a comma-separated list of items. If you combine several of these operators they will perform as a logical AND.

The --mnt|-m option defaults to for unspecified domains.

In order to know which categories or maintainers are available for selection, you can use the --show-cat|-C and --show-mnt|-M options to view all the categories and maintainers with their number of associated ports.

The two costlier analysis are disabled by default. You can check if the port's www sites hostnames are resolvable with the --check-host|-h option (takes about 15 minutes on the whole port tree). And you can check if the port's www sites URL are available with the --check-url|-u option, which implies the previous one (takes about 6 hours on the whole port tree).

The checks list includes:

  • Nonexistent Makefile
  • Nonexistent INDEX:port-path
  • Unusual INDEX:installation-prefix (warning)
  • Too long INDEX:comments (> 70 characters) (warning)
  • Uncapitalized INDEX:comments
  • INDEX:comments ending with a dot
  • INDEX:comments different from Makefile:COMMENT
  • Nonexistent INDEX:description-file
  • URL ending INDEX:description-file
  • INDEX:description-file content same as INDEX:comment
  • INDEX:description-file content no longer than INDEX:comment
  • Nonexistent pkg-plist, Makefile:PLIST_FILES/PLIST/PLIST_SUB (debug)
  • Makefile:PLIST_FILES abuse (warning)
  • INDEX:maintainer different from Makefile:MAINTAINER
  • Unofficial categories (warning)
  • INDEX:categories different from Makefile:CATEGORIES
  • Empty INDEX:www-site
  • Unresolvable INDEX:www-site (optional)
  • Unaccessible INDEX:www-site (optional)
  • INDEX:www-site different from Makefile:WWW
  • Ports marked with an EXPIRATION_DATE (warning)
  • Ports marked as BROKEN, FORBIDDEN or DEPRECATED for too long (warning)
  • Ports unchanged for a long time (info)
  • Makefile:PORTVERSION and Makefile:DISTVERSION used simultaneously
  • VuXML vulnerabilities for the current port versions (warning)
  • Missing Makefile:LICENSE
  • Unofficial licenses (warning)
  • Unnecessary Makefile:LICENSE_COMB=single (warning)
  • Unnecessary Makefile:LICENSE_COMB=multi (warning)

It's possible to change the default values for PLIST_FILES abuse, BROKEN_since, DEPRECATED_since, FORBIDDEN_since and Unchanged_since with the --plist, --broken, --deprecated, --forbidden and --unchanged options, followed by a number of files for the first one and a number of days for the others. And you can select a port tree in a location other than /usr/ports with the --tree|-t option.

Finally, there's a --output|-o option to generate a CSV delimited file with the per-maintainer findings to a specified filename. This allows for automated processing of the results, such as, for example, sending warning emails, storing results and displaying only diffs since previous run...

For convenience, you can put your favourite options in a configuration file, which will be read before processing the environment and the command line, unless you use the --nocfg option. You can generate a default configuration file with the --gencfg|-g option followed by a filename. This file also offers full control over the checks to perform, and a way to discard false-positive vulnerabilities and unwanted licenses report messages.


Options Use
--nocfg Don't use the configuration file
--gencfg|-g FILE Generate a default configuration file in FILE
--show-cat|-C Show categories with ports count
--show-mnt|-M Show maintainers with ports count
--cat|-c LIST Select only the comma-separated categories in LIST
--mnt|-m LIST Select only the comma-separated maintainers in LIST
--port|-p LIST Select only the comma-separated ports in LIST
--tree|-t DIR Set ports directory (default=/usr/ports)
--plist NUM Set PLIST_FILES abuse to NUM files
--broken NUM Set BROKEN since to NUM days
--deprecated NUM Set DEPRECATED since to NUM days
--forbidden NUM Set FORBIDDEN since to NUM days
--unchanged NUM Set Unchanged since to NUM days
--check-host|-h Enable checking hostname resolution (long!)
--check-url|-u Enable checking URL (very long!)
--output|-o Enable per-maintainer CSV output to FILE
--debug Enable logging at debug level
--info Enable logging at info level
--version Print version and exit
--help|-? Print usage and this help message and exit
-- Options processing terminator


The PTLINT_DEBUG environment variable can be set to any value to enable debug mode.

If the system's PORTSDIR environment variable is set, it'll be used instead of the default "/usr/ports". But the --tree|-t DIR option will still override it.


The whole port tree under /usr/ports, or the location indicated by the PORTSDIR environment variable, or the --tree|-t argument:

  • as root, if you have installed portsnap, update to the last version with "portsnap fetch update"
  • or, if you have installed git, clone the latest repository with "git clone /usr/ports"

/usr/ports/INDEX-xx : where xx is the major version of FreeBSD that you are using (as I write this xx=14).

  • as root, get the last version with "cd /usr/ports ; make fetchindex"
  • or rebuild it from your port tree with "cd /usr/ports ; make index"

${HOME}/.ptlint : an INI-style configuration file.

  • Generate a default one with the --gencfg|-g option and tweak it to your taste.


The portstreelint utility exits 0 on success, and >0 if an error occurs.


To analyze the full port tree in the background, do:

$ nohup portstreelint --info -hu > stdout.txt 2> stderr.txt &

Results for this example are available there:

To analyze the full port tree in the background and generate a CSV file, do:

$ nohup portstreelint -huo csv_results.txt > /dev/null 2>&1 &

Results for this example are available there:

To analyze the ports of a specific maintainer identified by id@domain, do:

$ portstreelint --info -m id@domain


ports(7), lint(1), portlint(1), vuxml(3)

FreeBSD Porter's Handbook


The portstreelint utility is not a standard UNIX command.

This implementation tries to follow the PEP 8 style guide for Python code.


None. Works only on FreeBSD, but who needs anything else?

Packaged for FreeBSD as pyXX-pnu-portstreelint.


While working on the 4th version of the pysec2vuxml tool, I noticed there were errors in the FreeBSD port Index, so I built the portlint2 tool to analyze this more thoroughly...

After discussions on the freebsd-ports mailing list an interest in checking port vulnerabilities arose, which led me to convert that standalone command into a Python package in order to benefit from my vuxml library.


It is available under the 3-clause BSD license.


Hubert Tournier


The IGNORE mark check is not reliable because this tool doesn't parse the ports' Makefiles, but just loads their variables without regard to the conditional tests that may surround them.

The nonexistent plist check is not very helpful because there are still undocumented cases where the list is auto generated.

The ports using exotic versioning schemes will be skipped from the vulnerability check because the library we use for version comparisons is geared toward Python ports and limited for this usage.