Note: Pre-packaged plug-ins can be downloaded from here
Clone the universal-connectors project: git clone
Enter the universal-connector project folder: cd /path/to/universal-connectors
Run the script: sh
Find the required plug-ins in packagedPlugins: ls packagedPlugins
First, follow the steps in Developing a plug-in for Guardium Data Protection
Then, to package a plug-in that is suitable for Guardium Insights, you also need to include additional files, in this structure:
|_ filter.conf
|_ manifest.json # details ...
- datasourceManifest.json: Specifies the input and filter names (when installed on Logstash), as well as the supported platforms ("on-premise", "AWS", "Azure", "GCP", or a new platform of your choice).
- config.json: Contains parameters that are completed by Guardium Insights users.
- lang_en.json: Describes the parameters.
- YourPluginNamePackage folder contains:
- filter.conf: A validated Logstash filter configuration (could also be an input, but usually a filter), with parameters names as placeholders. These values will be replaced by user input, according to the input fields you specified in config.json.
- A Logstash offline plug-in package. This is the plug-in you created for GDP (see links above for instructions).
- manifest.json: Describes the plug-in type ("filter" or "input"), its mechanism ("push" or "pull"), as well as the id/name of the plug-in after it is installed on Logstash, supported data source(s), and other valuable meta-data.