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Juju Adams edited this page Mar 7, 2021 · 10 revisions


Returns: Polyline struct

Argument Name Purpose
0 pointArray Array of x/y coordinate pairs for sequential points on the polyline

N.B. A shape will only draw when you call the .Draw() method.


Polylines have the following methods:



Argument Name Purpose


.Blend(color, alpha)

Argument Name Purpose
0 color Color of the line
1 alpha Alpha value of the line



Argument Name Purpose
0 pixels Width of the line


.Cap(startType, endType)

Argument Name Purpose
0 startType Cap type for the start of the line, either "none", "square", "round", or "closed"
1 endType Cap type for the end of the line, either "none", "square", "round", or "closed"

If either cap type is "closed" then the polyline will be a closed loop with no caps.



Argument Name Purpose
0 type Join type, either "none", "miter", "bevel", or "round"