bufferIndexOf(map, buffer, [index], [length], [offset]) - An IndexOf items function that returns an index
bufferIndexOf.create(map) - Creates a indexOf function that follows more of a RegExp usage.
Tradition indexOf type call.
This uses caching for the lookup map and function, it can be pretty inefficient if you are using different map objects for each call, even if they have the same items in them. Note: use the bufferIndexOf.create(map) for a dedicated function if you have predefined token sets you wish to search for.
- Map|Object map - the map of tokens to search for.
- Buffer buffer - buffer to search.
- number [index] - starting index.
- number [length] - ending index.
- number [offset] - subtracted from all indexes to allow for partial buffer searching.
- number - the index of the fould token
const bufIndexOf = require( './buffer-index-of-items.js' )
, map = { start: "starting token", finish: "ending token" }
, buf = Buffer.from( 'Most things worth starting are also worth finishing.' )
console.log( bufIndexOf( map, buf ) ); // 19
console.log( bufIndexOf( map, buf ) ); // 53
console.log( bufIndexOf( map, buf ) ); // -1
Generate a indexOf function for the given map
This uses caching for the lookup map and function, it can be pretty inificiate if you are using a different map objects, even if they have the same items in them.
- Map|Object map - the map of tokens to search for.
- indexOf - the indexOf function
This is a generated function returned from bufferIndexOf.create(map). It follows more the style of the RegExp#match method with a global flag except that it only returns a single token instead of an array.
- number lastIndex - index to start from (before) & ended (after).
- number index - the index of the token found.
- Buffer buffer - buffer to search.
- number [index] - starting index.
- number [length] - ending inde .
- number [offset] - subtracted from all indexes to allow for partial buffer searching.
- token - the index of the found token.
const bufIndexOf = require( './buffer-index-of-items.js' )
, map = { start: "starting token", finish: "ending token" }
, buf = Buffer.from( 'Most things worth starting are also worth finishing.' )
, tokenOf = bufIndexOf.create( map )
console.log( tokenOf( buf ), tokenOf.index, tokenOf.lastIndex ); // "starting token", 19, 24
console.log( tokenOf( buf ), tokenOf.index, tokenOf.lastIndex ); // "ending token", 53, 59
console.log( tokenOf( buf ), tokenOf.index, tokenOf.lastIndex ); // undefined, 0, 0