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NicClusterPolicy Custom Resource Example


The following NIC Cluster Policy example contains all the sub-components that NVIDA Network Operator can deploy. +This example should serve as a reference, it is not recommended to apply it as is to your cluster.


NOTE: Edit the example to contain only the required components for the target environment.

 apiVersion: mellanox.com/v1alpha1
+ kind: NicClusterPolicy
+ metadata:
+   name: nic-cluster-policy
+ spec:
+   ofedDriver:
+     image: doca-driver
+     repository: nvcr.io/nvidia/mellanox
+     version: 24.10-
+     upgradePolicy:
+       autoUpgrade: true
+       drain:
+         deleteEmptyDir: true
+         enable: true
+         force: true
+         timeoutSeconds: 300
+       maxParallelUpgrades: 1
+     startupProbe:
+       initialDelaySeconds: 10
+       periodSeconds: 10
+     livenessProbe:
+       initialDelaySeconds: 30
+       periodSeconds: 30
+     readinessProbe:
+       initialDelaySeconds: 10
+       periodSeconds: 30
+   rdmaSharedDevicePlugin:
+     image: k8s-rdma-shared-dev-plugin
+     repository: ghcr.io/mellanox
+     version: sha-4f3eb2224b8b5f97be3f17441ddee8d41753b7d5
+     # The config below directly propagates to k8s-rdma-shared-device-plugin configuration.
+     # Replace 'devices' with your (RDMA capable) netdevice name.
+     config: |
+       {
+         "configList": [
+           {
+             "resourceName": "rdma_shared_device_a",
+             "rdmaHcaMax": 63,
+             "selectors": {
+               "vendors": ["15b3"],
+               "deviceIDs": ["101b"]
+             }
+           }
+         ]
+       }
+   sriovDevicePlugin:
+     image: sriov-network-device-plugin
+     repository: ghcr.io/k8snetworkplumbingwg
+     version: v3.7.0
+     config: |
+       {
+         "resourceList": [
+           {
+             "resourcePrefix": "nvidia.com",
+             "resourceName": "hostdev",
+             "selectors": {
+               "vendors": ["15b3"],
+               "isRdma": true
+             }
+           }
+         ]
+       }
+   secondaryNetwork:
+     cniPlugins:
+       image: plugins
+       repository: ghcr.io/k8snetworkplumbingwg
+       version: v1.5.0
+     ipoib:
+       image: ipoib-cni
+       repository: ghcr.io/mellanox
+       version: v1.2.0
+     multus:
+       image: multus-cni
+       repository: ghcr.io/k8snetworkplumbingwg
+       version: v4.1.0
+       config: ''
+     ipamPlugin:
+       image: whereabouts
+       repository: ghcr.io/k8snetworkplumbingwg
+       version: v0.7.0
+   nvIpam:
+     image: nvidia-k8s-ipam
+     repository: ghcr.io/mellanox
+     version: v0.2.0
+     enableWebhook: false
+   ibKubernetes:
+     image: ib-kubernetes
+     repository: ghcr.io/mellanox/ib-kubernetes
+     version: v1.1.0
+     pKeyGUIDPoolRangeStart: "02:00:00:00:00:00:00:00"
+     pKeyGUIDPoolRangeEnd: "02:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"
+     ufmSecret: ufm-secret
+   nicFeatureDiscovery:
+     image: nic-feature-discovery
+     repository: ghcr.io/mellanox
+     version: v0.0.1
+   docaTelemetryService:
+     image: doca_telemetry
+     repository: nvcr.io/nvidia/doca
+     version: 1.16.5-doca2.6.0-host
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