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5. Shiproom

la edited this page Dec 9, 2020 · 6 revisions
shiproom queries illustration

Tracking feature progress

Shiproom is a meeting where the current status of products and features are evaluated as to their progress in the sprint lifecycle. You will be expected to present the current sprint requirements query and make call outs for missing dates and blocked doc requirements.

Teams shiproom is held every Tuesday and 9:30am PST.

Prepare for Shiproom:

  1. Go the the Docs query Docs needed which lists all features where docs are needed.
  2. Add a child requirement to the feature:

NOTE: The requirement title must include [Docs][R4:date] + exact feature title.

The work item feature must have the following fields completed:

✔ R0 (Target Date)
✔ R4 (R4Target Date)
✔ PM Owner

  1. Engage PM owners at R0 (Target date)

  2. If you are blocked by lack of information,

    • @mention the PM

    • Add the requested information template for the appriate repo.

      templates drop-down menu

NOTE: During Shiproom, call out all of the blocked work items and the PM owner to determine if the R4 date is correct and to establish a target date to receive the requested information.

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