Hadoop tutorial with MapReduce, HDFS, Spark, Flink, Hive, HBase, MongoDB, Cassandra, Kafka + more! Over 25 technologies.
Course work and notes from Udemy Course by Frank Kane.
- Introduction to the Hadoop Eco-system
- MapReduce
- Pig
- Spark
- Hive
- Tez
- Mesos
- Zookeeper
- Oozie
- Apache Drill
- Apache Phoenix
- Presto
- Sqoop
- Kafka
- Flume
- HBase
- Cassandra
- MongoDB
- Spark Streaming
- Storm
- Flink
Apache Zepplin, Impala, Accumulo, Redis, Ignite, Elasticsearch, Kinesis, Apache NiFi, Falcon, Apache Slider.