#switch to Downloads directory
cd ~/Downloads
#make the script executable
chmod +x install.sh
#run the script
- Follow the install process
- Restart to apply yaru-remix
- Enable Yaru-remix theme toggle using Extensions or gnome-tweaks
- The themes can now be switched using Yaru-remix-theme-toggle from System Menu
The following video guides you through these steps.
- Download uninstall.sh from here
- Open Terminal and type:
#switch to Downloads directory
cd ~/Downloads
#make the script executable
chmod +x uninstall.sh
#run the script
- Follow the uninstall process
- Restart to remove yaru-remix
tested on: Arch Linux, Debian 10, Debian sid, Fedora 34, Fedora 33, Fedora 32, Manjaro Linux 20.2, Pop!-OS 20.10, Pop!-OS 20.04, Ubuntu 21.04, Ubuntu 20.10, Ubuntu 20.04, Ubuntu 18.04