diff --git a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/html/index.html.glb b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/html/index.html.glb
index 1ee84c96..acc9dedc 100755
--- a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/html/index.html.glb
+++ b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/html/index.html.glb
@@ -160,21 +160,6 @@
- /*function ltoggle(id) {
- var el = document.getElementById(id);
- var img = document.getElementById("arrow");
- var box = el.getAttribute("class");
- if(box == "lhide"){
- el.setAttribute("class", "lshow");
- delay(img, "./pngs/arrowleft.png", 400);
- }
- else{
- el.setAttribute("class", "lhide");
- delay(img, "./pngs/arrowright.png", 400);
- }
- } */
// function delay
diff --git a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_angle.fd/angle.f90 b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_angle.fd/angle.f90
index e7f35f51..3235678f 100755
--- a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_angle.fd/angle.f90
+++ b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_angle.fd/angle.f90
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ program angle
implicit none
integer ftyp,cyc,chan,open_status,prd
- integer d1, d7, d30, ctr
+ integer d1, d5_7, dmax, ctr, ndays
integer ges, anl, avg, sdv
logical exist
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ program angle
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:):: ttl_sin, ttl_emiss, ttl_ordang4
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:):: ttl_ordang3, ttl_ordang2, ttl_ordang1
- ! arrays for d1, d7, and d30 values, which are written to data files
+ ! arrays for d1, d5_7, and dmax values, which are written to data files
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:) :: count, penalty
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:) :: omg_nbc, tot_cor, omg_bc
real,allocatable,dimension(:,:,:,:,:,:) :: fixang, lapse, lapse2
@@ -105,8 +105,9 @@ program angle
real :: scan_stepsz = 1.00
integer :: scan_nstep = 90
integer :: nregion = 5
+ integer :: cyc_per_day = 4
namelist /input/ satname, nchanl, ncycle, scan_start, &
- scan_stepsz, scan_nstep, nregion
+ scan_stepsz, scan_nstep, nregion, cyc_per_day
@@ -221,10 +222,6 @@ program angle
allocate ( ordang2 (2,3,nstep,nchanl,nregion,2) )
allocate ( ordang1 (2,3,nstep,nchanl,nregion,2) )
- do rgn=1,nregion
- write(6,*) 'rgn = ', rgn
- end do
! initialize arrays
@@ -439,11 +436,29 @@ program angle
! to see more.
-! Process data for the 3 time periods (d1, d7, d30)
+! Process data for the 3 time periods (d1, d5_7, dmax) (global sources)
+! Note: When cyc_per_day == 24 (rgn sources) the 2nd period (d5_7) will
+! actually only be 5 days (120 cycles). It will usually be the
+! same as dmax, which is set to ncycles. Regional plots only
+! include the d1 and d5, but I'm keeping the dmax value in the
+! output file because global sources still use it and I don't
+! want to create a difference in file format.
- d1 =4
- d7 =28
- d30 = ncycle
+ d1 = cyc_per_day
+ if ( cyc_per_day == 24 ) then
+ ndays = 5
+ else
+ ndays = 7
+ end if
+ d5_7 = cyc_per_day * ndays
+ if ( d5_7 > ncycle ) then
+ d5_7 = ncycle
+ end if
+ dmax = ncycle
do ftyp=1,2
do chan=1,nchanl
@@ -612,9 +627,9 @@ program angle
ordang1(ftyp,1,astep,chan,rgn,2), rmiss )
end if
- else if( cyc == d7 ) then
+ else if( cyc == d5_7 ) then
if( ttl_cnt(ftyp,astep,chan,rgn) > 0.00 ) then
- count(ftyp,2,astep,chan,rgn) = ttl_cnt(ftyp,astep,chan,rgn)/d7
+ count(ftyp,2,astep,chan,rgn) = ttl_cnt(ftyp,astep,chan,rgn)/d5_7
penalty(ftyp,2,astep,chan,rgn) = ttl_pen(ftyp,astep,chan,rgn) / &
@@ -711,9 +726,9 @@ program angle
ordang1(ftyp,2,astep,chan,rgn,2), rmiss )
end if
- else if( cyc == d30 ) then
+ else if( cyc == dmax ) then
if( ttl_cnt(ftyp,astep,chan,rgn) > 0.00 ) then
- count(ftyp,3,astep,chan,rgn) = ttl_cnt(ftyp,astep,chan,rgn)/d30
+ count(ftyp,3,astep,chan,rgn) = ttl_cnt(ftyp,astep,chan,rgn)/dmax
penalty(ftyp,3,astep,chan,rgn) = ttl_pen(ftyp,astep,chan,rgn) / &
@@ -1452,10 +1467,8 @@ program angle
! write results to time.txt files
- 82 FORMAT(A10,',',A10,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',' &
- ,F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',' &
- ,F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',' &
- ,F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',',F12.6,',')
+ 83 FORMAT(A10,',',A10,',')
+ 84 FORMAT(F12.6,',')
do chan=1,nchanl
@@ -1501,31 +1514,22 @@ program angle
! fixang data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges fixang rgn 1, avg ges fixang rgn 2, avg ges fixang rgn 3,
- ! avg ges fixang rgn 4, avg ges fixang rgn 5, avg anl fixang rgn 1,
- ! avg anl fixang rgn 2, avg anl fixang rgn 3, avg anl fixang rgn 4,
- ! avg anl fixang rgn 5,
- ! sdv ges fixang rgn 1, sdv ges fixang rgn 2, sdv ges fixang rgn 3,
- ! sdv ges fixang rgn 4, sdv ges fixang rgn 5, sdv anl fixang rgn 1,
- ! sdv anl fixang rgn 2, sdv anl fixang rgn 3, sdv anl fixang rgn 4,
- ! sdv anl fixang rgn 5
+ ! avg ges fixang rgn 1-n, avg anl fixang rgn 1-n,
+ ! sdv ges fixang rgn 1-n, sdv anl fixang rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=fixang_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' fixang_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_fixang(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_fixang(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1533,25 +1537,22 @@ program angle
! lapse data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges lapse rgn 1-5, avg anl lapse rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges lapse rgn 1-5, sdv anl lapse rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges lapse rgn 1-n, avg anl lapse rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges lapse rgn 1-n, sdv anl lapse rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=lapse_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' lapse_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_lapse(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_lapse(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1560,25 +1561,22 @@ program angle
! lapse2 data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges lapse2 rgn 1-5, avg anl lapse2 rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges lapse2 rgn 1-5, sdv anl lapse2 rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges lapse2 rgn 1-n, avg anl lapse2 rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges lapse2 rgn 1-n, sdv anl lapse2 rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=lapse2_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' lapse2_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_lapse2(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_lapse2(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1586,25 +1584,22 @@ program angle
! mean data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges mean rgn 1-5, avg anl mean rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges mean rgn 1-5, sdv anl mean rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges mean rgn 1-n, avg anl mean rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges mean rgn 1-n, sdv anl mean rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=mean_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' mean_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_mean(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_mean(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1613,25 +1608,22 @@ program angle
! scangl data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges scangl rgn 1-5, avg anl scangl rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges scangl rgn 1-5, sdv anl scangl rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges scangl rgn 1-n, avg anl scangl rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges scangl rgn 1-n, sdv anl scangl rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=scangl_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' scangl_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_scangl(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_scangl(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1640,25 +1632,22 @@ program angle
! clw data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges clw rgn 1-5, avg anl clw rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges clw rgn 1-5, sdv anl clw rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges clw rgn 1-n, avg anl clw rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges clw rgn 1-n, sdv anl clw rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=clw_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' clw_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_clw(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_clw(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1667,25 +1656,22 @@ program angle
! cos data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges cos rgn 1-5, avg anl cos rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges cos rgn 1-5, sdv anl cos rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges cos rgn 1-n, avg anl cos rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges cos rgn 1-n, sdv anl cos rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=cos_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' cos_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_cos(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_cos(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1694,25 +1680,22 @@ program angle
! sin data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges sin rgn 1-5, avg anl sin rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges sin rgn 1-5, sdv anl sin rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges sin rgn 1-n, avg anl sin rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges sin rgn 1-n, sdv anl sin rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=sin_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' sin_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_sin(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_sin(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1721,25 +1704,22 @@ program angle
! emiss data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges emiss rgn 1-5, avg anl emiss rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges emiss rgn 1-5, sdv anl emiss rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges emiss rgn 1-n, avg anl emiss rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges emiss rgn 1-n, sdv anl emiss rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=emiss_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' emiss_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_emiss(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_emiss(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1748,25 +1728,22 @@ program angle
! ordang4 data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges ordang4 rgn 1-5, avg anl ordang4 rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges ordang4 rgn 1-5, sdv anl ordang4 rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges ordang4 rgn 1-n, avg anl ordang4 rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges ordang4 rgn 1-n, sdv anl ordang4 rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=ordang4_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' ordang4_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang4(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang4(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1775,25 +1752,22 @@ program angle
! ordang3 data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges ordang3 rgn 1-5, avg anl ordang3 rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges ordang3 rgn 1-5, sdv anl ordang3 rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges ordang3 rgn 1-n, avg anl ordang3 rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges ordang3 rgn 1-n, sdv anl ordang3 rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=ordang3_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' ordang3_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang3(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang3(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1802,25 +1776,22 @@ program angle
! ordang2 data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges ordang2 rgn 1-5, avg anl ordang2 rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges ordang2 rgn 1-5, sdv anl ordang2 rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges ordang2 rgn 1-n, avg anl ordang2 rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges ordang2 rgn 1-n, sdv anl ordang2 rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=ordang2_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' ordang2_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang2(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang2(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -1829,25 +1800,22 @@ program angle
! ordang1 data is arranged:
! one row for each time step (cycle) consisting of:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges ordang1 rgn 1-5, avg anl ordang1 rgn 1-5
- ! sdv ges ordang1 rgn 1-5, sdv anl ordang1 rgn 1-5
+ ! avg ges ordang1 rgn 1-n, avg anl ordang1 rgn 1-n
+ ! sdv ges ordang1 rgn 1-n, sdv anl ordang1 rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=ordang1_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' ordang1_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
do cyc=1,ncycle
- write(lsatout,82) trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc)), &
- t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,1,avg), t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,2,avg), &
- t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,3,avg), t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,4,avg), &
- t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,5,avg), t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,1,avg), &
- t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,2,avg), t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,3,avg), &
- t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,4,avg), t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,5,avg), &
- t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,2,sdv), &
- t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,4,sdv), &
- t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv), t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,1,sdv), &
- t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,2,sdv), t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,3,sdv), &
- t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,4,sdv), t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,5,sdv)
+ write(lsatout,83, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,ii,avg); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang1(ges,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') t_ordang1(anl,cyc,chan,ii,sdv); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
diff --git a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_summary.fd/summary.f90 b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_summary.fd/summary.f90
index e0f3091b..b8f9f460 100755
--- a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_summary.fd/summary.f90
+++ b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_summary.fd/summary.f90
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ program summary
integer luname,ldname,loname,lpname
integer cyc,ii,iflag,j,k,res,chan,ftyp,open_status
+ integer period_one
logical exist
@@ -219,9 +220,19 @@ program summary
! *****************************************************************************
! Observed - ges|anl with bias correction
! omgbc, omabc
-! Average and standard deviation by channel for 1 cycle and 30 days, 8 values
+! Note: If cyc_per_day is 24, indicating a regional source, then the first
+! period is not a single cycle but rather a day.
+! Average and standard deviation by channel for 1 period and 30 days, 8 values
! total for each channel (ges & anl).
! *****************************************************************************
+ if ( cyc_per_day == 24 ) then
+ period_one = 24
+ else
+ period_one = 1
+ end if
do ftyp=1,2
do j=1,nchanl
@@ -234,7 +245,7 @@ program summary
chan_omgbc = chan_omgbc + omg_bc( ftyp,cyc,j,1 )
chan_omgbc2 = chan_omgbc2 + omg_bc2( ftyp,cyc,j,1 )
- if( cyc == 1 ) then
+ if( cyc == period_one ) then
avg_omgbc( ftyp,j,1 ) = chan_omgbc
sdv_omgbc( ftyp,j,1 ) = chan_omgbc2
call avgsdv(chan_cnt, avg_omgbc( ftyp,j,1 ),sdv_omgbc( ftyp,j,1), 0.00)
@@ -324,7 +335,6 @@ program summary
! format: channel, use flage, ges values cycles 1-4, anl values cycles 1-4
do j=1,nchanl
-! write(loname,71) j, trim(use(j)), int(cnt(1,1,j,1)), int(cnt(1,2,j,1)), &
write(loname,71) chan_nums(j), trim(use(j)), int(cnt(1,1,j,1)), int(cnt(1,2,j,1)), &
int(cnt(1,3,j,1)), int(cnt(1,4,j,1)), &
int(cnt(2,1,j,1)), int(cnt(2,2,j,1)), &
@@ -336,7 +346,6 @@ program summary
! write tot_cor/count values to output file
! format: channel, use flage, tot_cor/cnt for 1 cycle, 4 cycles, 120 cycles
do j=1,nchanl
-! write(loname,72) j, trim(use(j)), &
write(loname,72) chan_nums(j), trim(use(j)), &
avg_tot_cor(1,j,1), avg_tot_cor(1,j,2), avg_tot_cor(1,j,3), &
avg_tot_cor(2,j,1), avg_tot_cor(2,j,2), avg_tot_cor(2,j,3)
@@ -360,7 +369,6 @@ program summary
end if
end do
-! write(loname,73) j, trim(use(j)), &
write(loname,73) chan_nums(j), trim(use(j)), &
avg_omgbc(1,j,1), sdv_omgbc(1,j,1), avg_omgbc(1,j,2), sdv_omgbc(1,j,2), &
avg_omgbc(2,j,1), sdv_omgbc(2,j,1), avg_omgbc(2,j,2), sdv_omgbc(2,j,2)
@@ -372,7 +380,6 @@ program summary
! format: channel, use flage, avg_pen for 1 cycle, 4 cycles, 120 cycles
! ges values), avg_pen for 1 cycle, 4 cycles, 120 cycles (ges values)
do j=1,nchanl
-! write(loname,72) j, trim(use(j)), &
write(loname,72) chan_nums(j), trim(use(j)), &
avg_pen(1,j,1), avg_pen(1,j,2), avg_pen(1,j,3), &
avg_pen(2,j,1), avg_pen(2,j,2), avg_pen(2,j,3)
diff --git a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_time.fd/time.f90 b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_time.fd/time.f90
index e9a1321f..f782e6ea 100755
--- a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_time.fd/time.f90
+++ b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/src/radmon_ig_time.fd/time.f90
@@ -334,23 +334,8 @@ program gatime
,F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',' &
- 78 FORMAT(A5,',',A10,',',I5.1,',',I5.1)
- 79 FORMAT(A5,',',A10,',',I5.1,',',I5.1,',',I5.1,',',I5.1,',',I5.1,',' &
- ,I5.1,',',I5.1,',',I5.1,',',I5.1,',',I5.1,',')
- 80 FORMAT(A5,',',A10,',',F9.3,',',F9.3)
- 81 FORMAT(A5,',',A10,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',' &
- ,F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3)
- 82 FORMAT(A5,',',A10,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',' &
- ,F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',' &
- ,F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',' &
- ,F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3)
- 83 FORMAT(A5,',',A10,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3,',',F9.3)
+ 84 FORMAT(A10,',',A10,',')
+ 85 FORMAT(F12.6,',')
write(6,*) 'after formats declared'
@@ -419,28 +404,19 @@ program gatime
! COUNT data is arranged:
! for each time step:
- ! chan, time, cnt ges rgn 1, cnt ges rgn 2, cnt ges rgn 3,
- ! cnt ges rgn 4, cnt ges rgn 5, cnt anl rgn 1,
- ! cnt anl rgn 2, cnt anl rgn 3, cnt anl rgn 4,
- ! cnt anl rgn 5
+ ! chan, time, cnt ges rgn 1-n, cnt anl rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=cnt_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' cnt_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
- do cyc=1,ncycle
- if( nregion == 1 ) then
- write(6,*) 'nregion = 1, writing cnt_out_file'
- write(lsatout,78) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- int(cnt(1,cyc,chan,1)), int(cnt(2,cyc,chan,1))
- else
- write(lsatout,79) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- int(cnt(1,cyc,chan,1)), int(cnt(1,cyc,chan,2)), &
- int(cnt(1,cyc,chan,3)), int(cnt(1,cyc,chan,4)), &
- int(cnt(1,cyc,chan,5)), int(cnt(2,cyc,chan,1)), &
- int(cnt(2,cyc,chan,2)), int(cnt(2,cyc,chan,3)), &
- int(cnt(2,cyc,chan,4)), int(cnt(2,cyc,chan,5))
- end if
+ do cyc=1,ncycle
+ write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') cnt(1,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') cnt(2,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -448,64 +424,41 @@ program gatime
! PENALTY data is arranged:
! for each time step:
- ! chan, time, pen ges rgn 1, pen ges rgn 2, pen ges rgn 3,
- ! pen ges rgn 4, pen ges rgn 5, pen anl rgn 1,
- ! pen anl rgn 2, pen anl rgn 3, pen anl rgn 4,
- ! pen anl rgn 5
+ ! chan, time, pen ges rgn 1-n, pen anl rgn 1-n,
open(lsatout,file=pen_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' pen_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
- do cyc=1,ncycle
- if( nregion == 1 ) then
- write(lsatout,80) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- avg_pen(1,cyc,chan,1), avg_pen(2,cyc,chan,1)
- else
- write(lsatout,81) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- avg_pen(1,cyc,chan,1), avg_pen(1,cyc,chan,2), &
- avg_pen(1,cyc,chan,3), avg_pen(1,cyc,chan,4), &
- avg_pen(1,cyc,chan,5), avg_pen(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- avg_pen(2,cyc,chan,2), avg_pen(2,cyc,chan,3), &
- avg_pen(2,cyc,chan,4), avg_pen(2,cyc,chan,5)
- end if
+ do cyc=1,ncycle
+ write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') avg_pen(1,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') avg_pen(2,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
! OM[G|A]NBC data is arranged:
! for each time step:
- ! chan, time, avg omgnbc rgn 1, avg omgnbc rgn 2, avg ombnbc rgn 3,
- ! avg omgnbc rgn 4, avg omgnbc rgn 5, avg omanbc rgn 1,
- ! avg omanbc rgn 2, avg omanbc rgn 3, avg omanbc rgn 4,
- ! avg omanbc rgn 5,
- ! sdv omgnbc rgn 1, sdv omgnbc rgn 2, sdv omgnbc rgn 3,
- ! sdv omgnbc rgn 4, sdv omgnbc rgn 5, sdv omanbc rgn 1,
- ! sdv omanbc rgn 2, sdv omanbc rgn 3, sdv omanbc rgn 4,
- ! sdv omanbc rgn 5
+ ! chan, time, avg omgnbc rgn 1-n, avg omanbc rgn 1-n,
+ ! sdv omgnbc rgn 1-n, sdv omanbc rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=omgnbc_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' omgnbc_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
- do cyc=1,ncycle
- if( nregion == 1 ) then
- write(lsatout,83) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- avg_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,1), avg_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- sdv_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,1), sdv_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,1)
- else
- write(lsatout,82) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- avg_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,1), avg_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,2), &
- avg_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,3), avg_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,4), &
- avg_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,5), avg_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- avg_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,2), avg_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,3), &
- avg_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,4), avg_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,5), &
- sdv_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,1), sdv_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,2), &
- sdv_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,3), sdv_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,4), &
- sdv_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,5), sdv_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- sdv_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,2), sdv_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,3), &
- sdv_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,4), sdv_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,5)
- end if
+ do cyc=1,ncycle
+ write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') avg_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') avg_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') sdv_omgnbc(1,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') sdv_omgnbc(2,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -514,37 +467,22 @@ program gatime
! BIASCR (total correction) data is arranged:
! for each time step:
! chan, time,
- ! avg ges biascr rgn 1, avg ges biascr rgn 2, avg ges biascr rgn 3,
- ! avg ges biascr rgn 4, avg ges biascr rgn 5, avg anl biascr rgn 1,
- ! avg anl biascr rgn 2, avg anl biascr rgn 3, avg anl biascr rgn 4,
- ! avg anl biascr rgn 5,
- ! sdv ges biascr rgn 1, sdv ges biascr rgn 2, sdv ges biascr rgn 3,
- ! sdv ges biascr rgn 4, sdv ges biascr rgn 5, sdv anl biascr rgn 1,
- ! sdv anl biascr rgn 2, sdv anl biascr rgn 3, sdv anl biascr rgn 4,
- ! sdv anl biascr rgn 5
+ ! avg ges biascr rgn 1-n, avg anl biascr rgn 1-n,
+ ! sdv ges biascr rgn 1-n, sdv anl biascr rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=totcor_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' totcor_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
- do cyc=1,ncycle
- if( nregion == 1 ) then
- write(lsatout,83) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- avg_biascr(1,cyc,chan,1), avg_biascr(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- sdv_biascr(1,cyc,chan,1), sdv_biascr(2,cyc,chan,1)
- else
- write(lsatout,82) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- avg_biascr(1,cyc,chan,1), avg_biascr(1,cyc,chan,2), &
- avg_biascr(1,cyc,chan,3), avg_biascr(1,cyc,chan,4), &
- avg_biascr(1,cyc,chan,5), avg_biascr(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- avg_biascr(2,cyc,chan,2), avg_biascr(2,cyc,chan,3), &
- avg_biascr(2,cyc,chan,4), avg_biascr(2,cyc,chan,5), &
- sdv_biascr(1,cyc,chan,1), sdv_biascr(1,cyc,chan,2), &
- sdv_biascr(1,cyc,chan,3), sdv_biascr(1,cyc,chan,4), &
- sdv_biascr(1,cyc,chan,5), sdv_biascr(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- sdv_biascr(2,cyc,chan,2), sdv_biascr(2,cyc,chan,3), &
- sdv_biascr(2,cyc,chan,4), sdv_biascr(2,cyc,chan,5)
- end if
+ do cyc=1,ncycle
+ write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') avg_biascr(1,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') avg_biascr(2,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') sdv_biascr(1,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') sdv_biascr(2,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
@@ -552,37 +490,22 @@ program gatime
! OM[G|A]BC data is arranged:
! for each time step:
- ! chan, time, avg omgbc rgn 1, avg omgbc rgn 2, avg ombbc rgn 3,
- ! avg omgbc rgn 4, avg omgbc rgn 5, avg omabc rgn 1,
- ! avg omabc rgn 2, avg omabc rgn 3, avg omabc rgn 4,
- ! avg omabc rgn 5,
- ! sdv omgbc rgn 1, sdv omgbc rgn 2, sdv omgbc rgn 3,
- ! sdv omgbc rgn 4, sdv omgbc rgn 5, sdv omabc rgn 1,
- ! sdv omabc rgn 2, sdv omabc rgn 3, sdv omabc rgn 4,
- ! sdv omabc rgn 5
+ ! chan, time, avg omgbc rgn 1-n, avg omabc rgn 1-n,
+ ! sdv omgbc rgn 1-n, sdv omabc rgn 1-n
open(lsatout,file=omgbc_out_file,iostat=open_status, &
write(6,*)' omgbc_out_file opened, status: ', open_status
- do cyc=1,ncycle
- if( nregion == 1 ) then
- write(lsatout,83) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- avg_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,1), avg_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- sdv_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,1), sdv_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,1)
- else
- write(lsatout,82) trim(chan_nums(chan)), trim(times(cyc)), &
- avg_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,1), avg_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,2), &
- avg_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,3), avg_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,4), &
- avg_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,5), avg_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- avg_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,2), avg_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,3), &
- avg_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,4), avg_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,5), &
- sdv_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,1), sdv_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,2), &
- sdv_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,3), sdv_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,4), &
- sdv_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,5), sdv_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,1), &
- sdv_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,2), sdv_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,3), &
- sdv_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,4), sdv_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,5)
- end if
+ do cyc=1,ncycle
+ write(lsatout,84, Advance = 'No') trim(str_nchanl), trim(times(cyc))
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') avg_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') avg_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') sdv_omgbc(1,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ do ii = 1, nregion; write(lsatout,85, Advance = 'No') sdv_omgbc(2,cyc,chan,ii); end do
+ write(lsatout, *) ! Finish record
end do
diff --git a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/ush/mk_digital_ang.sh b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/ush/mk_digital_ang.sh
index 78b2d838..d891d405 100755
--- a/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/ush/mk_digital_ang.sh
+++ b/src/Radiance_Monitor/image_gen/ush/mk_digital_ang.sh
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
function large_mv () {
while read imgf; do
if [[ -s $imgf ]]; then
- mv -f $imgf ${IMGNDIR}/$1/.
+ mv -f $imgf ${IMGNDIR}/$1
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@ for type in ${SATYPE_LIST}; do
if [[ $ntimes -lt $ncycle ]]; then
+ cyc_per_day=$((24/$CYCLE_INTERVAL)) # number cycles per day
scan_start=`cat ./$scaninfo | grep $type | gawk '{print $2}'`
scan_stepsz=`cat ./$scaninfo | grep $type | gawk '{print $3}'`
@@ -119,6 +120,7 @@ for type in ${SATYPE_LIST}; do
+ cyc_per_day=${cyc_per_day},