From 7919dbc12566193d909d2adb4bb4c933db60f3a6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: OvidijusParsiunas Set this to true or define an object with properties to remove the initial setup guidance message. demo
",id:"demo",level:3},{value:"Base Example",id:"base-example",level:4},{value:"Custom Response Example",id:"custom-response-example",level:4},{value:"Types",id:"types",level:2},{value:"DemoErrors
",id:"DemoLoading",level:3}];function j(e){const s={a:"a",code:"code",em:"em",h1:"h1",h2:"h2",h3:"h3",h4:"h4",header:"header",li:"li",p:"p",pre:"pre",ul:"ul",...(0,o.R)(),...e.components};return(0,r.jsxs)(r.Fragment,{children:[(0,r.jsx)(s.header,{children:(0,r.jsx)(s.h1,{id:"demo",children:"Demo"})}),"\n",(0,r.jsx)(s.p,{children:"This is used by default to demonstrate the component's capabilities without connecting to any APIs."}),"\n",(0,r.jsx)(s.h3,{id:"demo",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"demo"})}),"\n",(0,r.jsxs)(s.ul,{children:["\n",(0,r.jsxs)(,{children:["Type: ",(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"true"})," | { ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ",(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"response?:"})," ",(0,r.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/connect#Response",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"Response"})})," | (",(0,r.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/messages/#MessageContent",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"message: MessageContent"})}),") => ",(0,r.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/connect#Response",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"Response"})}),", ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ",(0,r.jsx)(s.a,{href:"#DisplayErrors",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"displayErrors?: DisplayErrors"})}),", ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ",(0,r.jsx)(s.a,{href:"#DemoLoading",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"displayLoading?: DemoLoading"})}),", ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n\xa0\xa0\xa0\xa0 ",(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"displayFileAttachmentContainer?: boolean"})," ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n}}"]}),"\n"]}),"\n",(0,r.jsxs)(s.p,{children:["Set this to ",(0,r.jsx)(s.em,{children:"true"})," or define an object with properties to remove the initial setup guidance message. ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n",(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"response"})," is used to override the default demo response with a custom one. It can either be a ",(0,r.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/connect#Response",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"Response"})})," object or a function that returns\na ",(0,r.jsx)(s.a,{href:"/docs/connect#Response",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"Response"})})," object. ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\nThe following properties are used to toggle elements to showcase their design without making any user actions: ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n",(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"displayErrors"})," is used to display error messages. ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n",(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"displayLoading"})," is used to display various loading spinners. ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{}),"\n",(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{children:"displayFileAttachmentContainer"})," is used to display the element that encapsulates all of the files to be sent on the next message. ",(0,r.jsx)("br",{})]}),"\n","\n",(0,r.jsx)(l.A,{children:()=>n(61886).readdAutoNavShadowToggle()}),"\n",(0,r.jsx)(s.h4,{id:"base-example",children:"Base Example"}),"\n",(0,r.jsx)(t.A,{children:(0,r.jsx)(a.A,{style:{borderRadius:"8px"},demo:!0})}),"\n",(0,r.jsxs)(d.A,{children:[(0,r.jsx)(c.A,{value:"js",label:"Sample code",children:(0,r.jsx)(s.pre,{children:(0,r.jsx)(s.code,{className:"language-html",children:'demo
| {
| (message: MessageContent
) => Response
- displayLoadingBubble?: boolean
- displayFileAttachmentContainer?: boolean
- displayErrors?: {
- default?: boolean
- service?: boolean
- speechToText?: boolean
+ displayErrors?: DisplayErrors
+ displayLoading?: DemoLoading
+ displayFileAttachmentContainer?: boolean
is used to override the default demo response with a custom one. It can either be a Response
object or a function that returns
a Response
The following properties are used to toggle elements to showcase their design without making any user actions:
is used to display the loading bubble.
is used to display the element that encapsulates all of the files to be sent on the next message.
is used to display error messages; for the component via default
, an API error via service
and a speech to text issue via speechToText
-This is mainly used to showcase the override capabilities in errorMessages
. displayErrors
is used to display error messages.
is used to display various loading spinners.
is used to display the element that encapsulates all of the files to be sent on the next message.
chatElementRef.demo = {
response: (message) => {
const options = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'];
const userOption = message.text?.toLocaleLowerCase();
const aiOption = options[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];
let response = `I guessed ${aiOption}. `;
if (userOption === aiOption) response += 'Draw';
else if (userOption === 'rock') response += aiOption === 'paper' ? 'I win!' : 'You win!';
else if (userOption === 'paper') response += aiOption === 'scissors' ? 'I win!' : 'You win!';
else if (userOption === 'scissors') response += aiOption === 'rock' ? 'I win!' : 'You win!';
else response = 'Guess either Rock, Paper or Scissors';
return {text: response};
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
introMessage='{"text": "Rock, Paper, Scissors! Make your guess and see who wins!"}'
style="border-radius: 8px"
// ...other code
const chatElementRef = document.getElementById('chat-element');
chatElementRef.demo = {
response: (message) => {
const options = ['rock', 'paper', 'scissors'];
const userOption = message.text?.toLocaleLowerCase();
const aiOption = options[Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)];
let response = `I guessed ${aiOption}. `;
if (userOption === aiOption) response += 'Draw';
else if (userOption === 'rock') response += aiOption === 'paper' ? 'I win!' : 'You win!';
else if (userOption === 'paper') response += aiOption === 'scissors' ? 'I win!' : 'You win!';
else if (userOption === 'scissors') response += aiOption === 'rock' ? 'I win!' : 'You win!';
else response = 'Guess either Rock, Paper or Scissors';
return {text: response};
default?: boolean
, service?: boolean
, speechToText?: boolean
}Display various error messages. This is mainly used to showcase the override capabilities in errorMessages
displays a default component error.
is an API error.
is a speech to text issue error.
<deep-chat demo='{"displayErrors": {"service": true}}'></deep-chat>
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
<deep-chat demo='{"displayErrors": {"service": true}}' style="border-radius: 8px"></deep-chat>
message?: boolean
, history?:
{full?: boolean
, small?: boolean
} Display various loading spinners.
is a loading spinner inside a message bubble.
is a loading spinner that is displayed when messages are being loading via loadHistory
is a spinner that covers the entire chat message window on the initial load. small
is displayed when there are messages
+already present inside the chat. If full
is set to true and messages are added, the chat will automatically display the small
"displayLoadingBubble": true,
"displayFileAttachmentContainer": true,
"displayErrors": {"service": true}
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
"displayLoadingBubble": true,
"displayFileAttachmentContainer": true,
"displayErrors": {"service": true}
style="border-radius: 8px"
<deep-chat demo='{"displayLoading": {"message": true, "history": {"small": true}}}'></deep-chat>
<!-- This example is for Vanilla JS and should be tailored to your framework (see Examples) -->
<deep-chat demo='{"displayLoading": {"message": true, "history": {"small": true}}}' style="border-radius: 8px"></deep-chat>