From faea2d14ab3cd789c109ae486c1fd0665cd0a6e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 21:46:27 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 01/14] updating Errors.json

 openapi-specs/code/Errors.json | 1165 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------
 1 file changed, 819 insertions(+), 346 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json b/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
index 3d4444873..4afe4b7f8 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
@@ -32,28 +32,16 @@
         "required": ["policy", "severity", "firstDetected"],
         "type": "object"
-      "BenchmarkEnum": {
-        "enum": [
-          "CIS KUBERNETES V1.5",
-          "CIS AWS V1.2",
-          "CIS AZURE V1.1",
-          "PCI-DSS V3.2",
-          "NIST-800-53",
-          "ISO27001",
-          "SOC2",
-          "CIS GCP V1.1",
-          "HIPAA",
-          "FEDRAMP (MODERATE)",
-          "PCI-DSS V3.2.1",
-          "CIS AWS V1.3",
-          "CIS AZURE V1.3",
-          "CIS DOCKER V1.2",
-          "CIS EKS V1.1",
-          "CIS GKE V1.1",
-          "CIS KUBERNETES V1.6",
-          "SLSA"
-        ],
-        "type": "string"
+      "BaseViolationToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": ["violationId", "suppressionType", "comment"],
+        "type": "object"
       "BranchScanFilters": {
         "anyOf": [
@@ -65,71 +53,64 @@
       "BranchScanMoreThanOneRepoFilters": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
-          "branch": {
-            "description": " ",
-            "type": "string"},
+          "benchmarks": {
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_BenchmarkEnum_"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "branch": { "type": "string" },
           "checkStatus": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CheckStatus" },
           "codeCategories": {
-            "description": "Code category filter (`codeCategories`) is also available as a search criteria (`scopes`). \n As a search criteria the `scopes` field is optional. And you can provide more than one code categories in this field. The platform searches for the `term` across issues that have the code categories you provide. \n The following code category scopes are applicable to this endpoint: \n - `IacMisconfiguration`: Issues with Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC or iac) templates and scripts that provision and manage cloud resources. \n - `vulnerabilites`: Findings related to known security vulnerabilities in open-source packages used in applications that could be exploited by attackers. \n - `buildintegrity`: Findings related to the integrity and security of the build pipeline or the software supply chain. \n - `Secrets`: Findings related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys, within code files. \n - `Licenses`: Filter value to retrieve issues related to the non-compliance with license requirements.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProjectsV2CodeCategory" },
-            "type": "array"},
-          "fileTypes": { 
-            "description": "File type filter. Use one of the available file type strings to retrieve issues with files of that type.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array"},
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "cwes": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "fileTypes": {
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_FileMetadata-at-type_"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "fixableOnly": { "type": "boolean" },
-          "gitUsers": {
-            "description": "Git user filter. Filter security findings based on the Git user who modified the code or configuration files.", 
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array"},
+          "gitUsers": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "iacCategories": {
-            "description": "(optional) Infrastructure as code categories filter: \n - `IAM` (Identity and Access Management): Issues related to IAM configurations. \n - `Monitoring`: Issues related to monitoring and observability configurations. \n - `Networking`: Issues related to network configurations, such as open ports, insecure protocols, or misconfigured security groups. \n - `Kubernetes`: Issues specific to Kubernetes cluster configurations. \n - `General`: Issues that do not fit into specific predefined categories. It may include issues related to best practices, compliance checks, or general security hygiene. \n - `Storage`: Issues related to storage configurations, such as public buckets, insecure access policies, or encryption settings. \n - `Public`: Issues related to public-facing resources, such as exposed APIs, publicly accessible assets, or misconfigured CDN (Content Delivery Network) settings. \n - `Drift`: Issues related to configuration drift, where the actual deployed infrastructure deviates from the desired state defined in the IaC templates. \n - `Compute`: Issues related to compute resources, including virtual machine configurations, instance roles, or container security.",
             "items": {
-              "enum": [
-                "IAM",
-                "Monitoring",
-                "Networking",
-                "Kubernetes",
-                "General",
-                "Storage",
-                "Public",
-                "Drift",
-                "Compute"
-              ],
-              "type": "string"
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_IncidentConfiguration-at-category_"
             "type": "array"
           "iacLabels": {
-            "description": "IaC filter. Use one of the following IaC labels to retrieve corresponding issues: \n - `CustomPolicy`: whether or not the presented security issue is associated with a custom policy created by the user. \n - `HasFix`: whether or not a fix suggestion is provided for the presented security issue.",
-            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/IacLabels" },
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_IacLabels_" },
             "type": "array"
-          "iacTags": { 
-            "description": "\n - Filter violation based on the tag assigned to the resource.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" },
-            "type": "array"},
+          "iacTags": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "licenseType": {
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LicenseEnum" },
             "type": "array"
+          "owasp": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "repositories": {
-            "description": "Repositories filter for retrieving issues detected the default branch scans specified repositories.",
             "items": { "type": "string" },
             "minItems": 2,
-            "type": "array"},
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "sastLabels": {
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SastLabelValue" },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "secretsRiskFactors": {
-            "description": "Secrets risk factor filter: \n - `PublicRepository`: Secret was found in a public repository. \n - `PrivateRepository`: Secret was found in a private repository. \n - `User`: User who committed the secret. \n - `Privileged`: Secret is for a role with privileged access to a Cloud Service Provider account. \n - `Valid`: Secret has been validated as an active secret by the service provider. \n - `Invalid`: Secret received an invalid response when used against the service provider’s API. \n - `Unknown`: Secret that could not be verified. \n - `FoundInHistory`: Secret was found in the Git history but not in the most recent commit.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecretsRiskFactor" },
-            "type": "array"},
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "severities": {
-            "description": "Severity filter: \n - `Critical`: High-risk vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that could lead to significant security breaches or data leaks. These issues require immediate attention and remediation. \n - `High`: Significant security issues that have the potential to be exploited or result in significant damage if left unaddressed. These findings should be addressed as a priority. \n - `Medium`: Issues that pose a potential security risk that are less severe than Critical and High. Remediation of these issues should be prioritized, but they may not require immediate attention. \n - `Low`: Low severity indicates issues that have a minimal impact on security or are relatively low-risk. While they may not pose an immediate threat, it is still recommended to address them to maintain a robust security posture. \n - `Info`: Info severity is used for informational findings or recommendations that do not pose an immediate security risk but provide helpful guidance, best practices, or suggestions for optimization. These findings can be considered as part of ongoing security hygiene efforts.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Severity" },
-            "type": "array"},
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "vulnerabilityRiskFactors": {
-            "description": "Vulnerability Risk Factors filter. Use one of the following vulnerability risk factor labels to retrieve corresponding issues: \n - `Attack Complexity`: Level of effort or skill required for an attacker to exploit a vulnerability. A higher complexity indicates that it is more challenging for an attacker to exploit the vulnerability. \n - `Attack Vector`: Path or means through which an attacker can exploit a vulnerability. It describes the method or entry point an attacker can use to access the vulnerable system or application. \n - `DoS (Denial of Service)`: DoS vulnerabilities that can be exploited to disrupt or disable the normal functioning of a system or application. \n - `HasFix`: Vulnerabilities that have a fix or solution, such as a patch, update, or recommended mitigation steps to address the vulnerability. \n - `RemoteExecution`: Vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely, without direct physical or local access to the target system. \n - `ExploitInTheWild`: Vulnerabilities with reports of active exploits in real-world attacks. If a vulnerability has an exploit in the wild, it means that attackers are actively taking advantage of the vulnerability. \n - `ExploitPOC`:  Proof of Concept exploits are vulnerabilities with a proof of concept code or demonstration that showcases the vulnerability's exploitation.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VulnerabilityRiskFactor" },
-            "type": "array"}
+            "type": "array"
+          }
         "required": ["repositories"],
         "type": "object"
@@ -137,71 +118,58 @@
       "BranchScanScanAllReposFilters": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
-          "branch": { 
-            "description": " ",
-            "type": "string" 
+          "benchmarks": {
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_BenchmarkEnum_"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          "branch": { "type": "string" },
           "checkStatus": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CheckStatus" },
           "codeCategories": {
-            "description": "Code category filter (`codeCategories`) is also available as a search criteria (`scopes`). \n As a search criteria the `scopes` field is optional. And you can provide more than one code categories in this field. The platform searches for the `term` across issues that have the code categories you provide. \n The following code category scopes are applicable to this endpoint: \n - `IacMisconfiguration`: Issues with Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC or iac) templates and scripts that provision and manage cloud resources. \n - `vulnerabilites`: Findings related to known security vulnerabilities in open-source packages used in applications that could be exploited by attackers. \n - `buildintegrity`: Findings related to the integrity and security of the build pipeline or the software supply chain. \n - `Secrets`: Findings related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys, within code files. \n - `Licenses`: Filter value to retrieve issues related to the non-compliance with license requirements.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProjectsV2CodeCategory" },
             "type": "array"
-          "fileTypes": { 
-            "description": "File type filter. Use one of the available file type strings to retrieve issues with files of that type.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array"},
+          "cwes": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "fileTypes": {
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_FileMetadata-at-type_"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "fixableOnly": { "type": "boolean" },
-          "gitUsers": { 
-            "description": "Git user filter. Filter security findings based on the Git user who modified the code or configuration files.", 
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array" },
+          "gitUsers": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "iacCategories": {
-            "description": "(optional) Infrastructure as code categories filter: \n - `IAM` (Identity and Access Management): Issues related to IAM configurations. \n - `Monitoring`: Issues related to monitoring and observability configurations. \n - `Networking`: Issues related to network configurations, such as open ports, insecure protocols, or misconfigured security groups. \n - `Kubernetes`: Issues specific to Kubernetes cluster configurations. \n - `General`: Issues that do not fit into specific predefined categories. It may include issues related to best practices, compliance checks, or general security hygiene. \n - `Storage`: Issues related to storage configurations, such as public buckets, insecure access policies, or encryption settings. \n - `Public`: Issues related to public-facing resources, such as exposed APIs, publicly accessible assets, or misconfigured CDN (Content Delivery Network) settings. \n - `Drift`: Issues related to configuration drift, where the actual deployed infrastructure deviates from the desired state defined in the IaC templates. \n - `Compute`: Issues related to compute resources, including virtual machine configurations, instance roles, or container security.",
             "items": {
-              "enum": [
-                "IAM",
-                "Monitoring",
-                "Networking",
-                "Kubernetes",
-                "General",
-                "Storage",
-                "Public",
-                "Drift",
-                "Compute"
-              ],
-              "type": "string"              
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_IncidentConfiguration-at-category_"
             "type": "array"
           "iacLabels": {
-            "description": "IaC filter. Use one of the following IaC labels to retrieve corresponding issues: \n - `CustomPolicy`: whether or not the presented security issue is associated with a custom policy created by the user. \n - `HasFix`: whether or not a fix suggestion is provided for the presented security issue.",
-            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/IacLabels" },
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_IacLabels_" },
             "type": "array"
-          "iacTags": { 
-            "description": "\n- Filter violation based on the tag assigned to the resource.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array" 
-          },
+          "iacTags": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "licenseType": {
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LicenseEnum" },
             "type": "array"
+          "owasp": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "repositories": {
-            "description": "Repositories filter for retrieving issues detected the default branch scans specified repositories.",
             "items": { "type": "string" },
             "maxItems": 0,
             "minItems": 0,
             "type": "array"
+          "sastLabels": {
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SastLabelValue" },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "secretsRiskFactors": {
-            "description": "Secrets risk factor filter: \n - `PublicRepository`: Secret was found in a public repository. \n - `PrivateRepository`: Secret was found in a private repository. \n - `User`: User who committed the secret. \n - `Privileged`: Secret is for a role with privileged access to a Cloud Service Provider account. \n - `Valid`: Secret has been validated as an active secret by the service provider. \n - `Invalid`: Secret received an invalid response when used against the service provider’s API. \n - `Unknown`: Secret that could not be verified. \n - `FoundInHistory`: Secret was found in the Git history but not in the most recent commit.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecretsRiskFactor" },
             "type": "array"
           "severities": {
-            "description": "Severity filter: \n - `Critical`: High-risk vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that could lead to significant security breaches or data leaks. These issues require immediate attention and remediation. \n - `High`: Significant security issues that have the potential to be exploited or result in significant damage if left unaddressed. These findings should be addressed as a priority. \n - `Medium`: Issues that pose a potential security risk that are less severe than Critical and High. Remediation of these issues should be prioritized, but they may not require immediate attention. \n - `Low`: Low severity indicates issues that have a minimal impact on security or are relatively low-risk. While they may not pose an immediate threat, it is still recommended to address them to maintain a robust security posture. \n - `Info`: Info severity is used for informational findings or recommendations that do not pose an immediate security risk but provide helpful guidance, best practices, or suggestions for optimization. These findings can be considered as part of ongoing security hygiene efforts.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Severity" },
             "type": "array"
@@ -215,73 +183,58 @@
       "BranchScanSingleRepoFilters": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
-          "branch": { 
-            "description": "Branch description.",
-            "type": "string" 
-          },
-          "checkStatus": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CheckStatus" 
+          "benchmarks": {
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_BenchmarkEnum_"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          "branch": { "type": "string" },
+          "checkStatus": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CheckStatus" },
           "codeCategories": {
-            "description": "Code category filter (`codeCategories`) is also available as a search criteria (`scopes`). \n As a search criteria the `scopes` field is optional. And you can provide more than one code categories in this field. The platform searches for the `term` across issues that have the code categories you provide. \n The following code category scopes are applicable to this endpoint: \n - `IacMisconfiguration`: Issues with Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC or iac) templates and scripts that provision and manage cloud resources. \n - `vulnerabilites`: Findings related to known security vulnerabilities in open-source packages used in applications that could be exploited by attackers. \n - `buildintegrity`: Findings related to the integrity and security of the build pipeline or the software supply chain. \n - `Secrets`: Findings related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys, within code files. \n - `Licenses`: Filter value to retrieve issues related to the non-compliance with license requirements.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProjectsV2CodeCategory" },
             "type": "array"
+          "cwes": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "fileTypes": {
-            "description": "File type filter. Use one of the available file type strings to retrieve issues with files of that type.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array"},
-          "fixableOnly": { "type": "boolean" },
-          "gitUsers": { 
-            "description": "Git user filter. Filter security findings based on the Git user who modified the code or configuration files.", 
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array" 
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_FileMetadata-at-type_"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          "fixableOnly": { "type": "boolean" },
+          "gitUsers": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "iacCategories": {
-            "description": "(optional) Infrastructure as code categories filter: \n - `IAM` (Identity and Access Management): Issues related to IAM configurations. \n - `Monitoring`: Issues related to monitoring and observability configurations. \n - `Networking`: Issues related to network configurations, such as open ports, insecure protocols, or misconfigured security groups. \n - `Kubernetes`: Issues specific to Kubernetes cluster configurations. \n - `General`: Issues that do not fit into specific predefined categories. It may include issues related to best practices, compliance checks, or general security hygiene. \n - `Storage`: Issues related to storage configurations, such as public buckets, insecure access policies, or encryption settings. \n - `Public`: Issues related to public-facing resources, such as exposed APIs, publicly accessible assets, or misconfigured CDN (Content Delivery Network) settings. \n - `Drift`: Issues related to configuration drift, where the actual deployed infrastructure deviates from the desired state defined in the IaC templates. \n - `Compute`: Issues related to compute resources, including virtual machine configurations, instance roles, or container security.",
             "items": {
-              "enum": [
-                "IAM",
-                "Monitoring",
-                "Networking",
-                "Kubernetes",
-                "General",
-                "Storage",
-                "Public",
-                "Drift",
-                "Compute"
-              ],
-              "type": "string"
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_IncidentConfiguration-at-category_"
             "type": "array"
           "iacLabels": {
-            "description": "IaC filter. Use one of the following IaC labels to retrieve corresponding issues: \n - `CustomPolicy`: whether or not the presented security issue is associated with a custom policy created by the user. \n - `HasFix`: whether or not a fix suggestion is provided for the presented security issue.",
-            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/IacLabels" },
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_IacLabels_" },
             "type": "array"
-          "iacTags": { 
-            "description": "\n- Filter violation based on the tag assigned to the resource.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array" 
-          },
+          "iacTags": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "licenseType": {
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LicenseEnum" },
             "type": "array"
+          "owasp": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "repositories": {
-            "description": "Repositories filter for retrieving issues detected the default branch scans specified repositories.",
             "items": { "type": "string" },
             "maxItems": 1,
             "minItems": 1,
             "type": "array"
+          "sastLabels": {
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SastLabelValue" },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "secretsRiskFactors": {
-            "description": "Secrets risk factor filter: \n - `PublicRepository`: Secret was found in a public repository. \n - `PrivateRepository`: Secret was found in a private repository. \n - `User`: User who committed the secret. \n - `Privileged`: Secret is for a role with privileged access to a Cloud Service Provider account. \n - `Valid`: Secret has been validated as an active secret by the service provider. \n - `Invalid`: Secret received an invalid response when used against the service provider’s API. \n - `Unknown`: Secret that could not be verified. \n - `FoundInHistory`: Secret was found in the Git history but not in the most recent commit.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecretsRiskFactor" },
             "type": "array"
           "severities": {
-            "description": "Severity filter: \n - `Critical`: High-risk vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that could lead to significant security breaches or data leaks. These issues require immediate attention and remediation. \n - `High`: Significant security issues that have the potential to be exploited or result in significant damage if left unaddressed. These findings should be addressed as a priority. \n - `Medium`: Issues that pose a potential security risk that are less severe than Critical and High. Remediation of these issues should be prioritized, but they may not require immediate attention. \n - `Low`: Low severity indicates issues that have a minimal impact on security or are relatively low-risk. While they may not pose an immediate threat, it is still recommended to address them to maintain a robust security posture. \n - `Info`: Info severity is used for informational findings or recommendations that do not pose an immediate security risk but provide helpful guidance, best practices, or suggestions for optimization. These findings can be considered as part of ongoing security hygiene efforts.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Severity" },
             "type": "array"
@@ -292,6 +245,104 @@
         "type": "object"
+      "CICDCve": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "CICDRunId": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "bulkSuppression": { "type": "boolean" },
+          "id": { "type": "string" },
+          "justification": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Justification" },
+          "repository": { "type": "string" },
+          "resourceId": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "id",
+          "violationId",
+          "resourceId",
+          "CICDRunId",
+          "repository"
+        ],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "CICDLicenseToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "bulkSuppression": { "type": "boolean" },
+          "causePackageId": { "type": "string" },
+          "fileId": { "type": "string" },
+          "justification": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Justification" },
+          "license": { "type": "string" },
+          "repository": { "type": "string" },
+          "rootPackageId": { "type": "string" },
+          "run": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "violationId",
+          "justification",
+          "causePackageId",
+          "rootPackageId",
+          "license",
+          "run",
+          "bulkSuppression",
+          "repository",
+          "fileId"
+        ],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "CICDViolation": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "CICDRunId": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "bulkSuppression": { "type": "boolean" },
+          "commentIds": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "creationDate": { "type": "string" },
+          "errorLines": {
+            "items": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "frameworkType": { "type": "string" },
+          "justification": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Justification" },
+          "justificationId": { "nullable": true, "type": "string" },
+          "metadataChecksMetadataPath": { "type": "string" },
+          "metadataLines": {
+            "items": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "repository": { "type": "string" },
+          "resourceId": { "type": "string" },
+          "runtimeId": { "nullable": true, "type": "string" },
+          "runtimeSourceId": { "nullable": true, "type": "string" },
+          "s3FilePath": { "type": "string" },
+          "s3FixFilePath": { "nullable": true, "type": "string" },
+          "severity": { "type": "string" },
+          "status": { "type": "string" },
+          "updatedDate": { "type": "string" },
+          "vcsCommentLine": { "nullable": true, "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "metadataChecksMetadataPath",
+          "metadataLines",
+          "violationId",
+          "resourceId",
+          "frameworkType",
+          "s3FilePath",
+          "CICDRunId",
+          "justificationId",
+          "status",
+          "repository",
+          "s3FixFilePath",
+          "creationDate",
+          "updatedDate",
+          "commentIds",
+          "vcsCommentLine",
+          "errorLines",
+          "severity"
+        ],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "CVE": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
@@ -360,86 +411,72 @@
         "type": "string"
       "CheckStatus": {
-        "description": "Security violation status filter. Filter scan results using a status value: \n - `Error`: Security violation was detected. \n - `Passed`: No security violation. \n - `Suppressed`: A security issue was identified, but was acknowledged and intentionally suppressed. \n - `FixPending`: An automated fix has been issued to the security violation, and is currently being applied to the associated resource.",
         "enum": ["Error", "Passed", "Suppressed", "FixPending"],
         "type": "string"
       "CicdRunsFilters": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
+          "benchmarks": {
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_BenchmarkEnum_"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "checkStatus": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CheckStatus" },
           "codeCategories": {
-            "description": "The `scopes` search criteria is also available as a filter.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProjectsV2CodeCategory" },
             "type": "array"
+          "cwes": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "enforcementLevel": {
-            "description": "Scan Status filter. Use one of the following scan statuses to retrieve corresponding issues: \n - `HARD_FAIL`: The HARD_FAIL enforcement level indicates that a policy violation must be addressed, and it will result in a failure condition. When a violation is categorized as HARD_FAIL, it means that it is considered critical and must be resolved before the scan or evaluation can pass. \n - `SOFT_FAIL`: The SOFT_FAIL enforcement level represents a policy violation that is not critical but should still be addressed. While a SOFT_FAIL violation does not result in an immediate failure condition, it is considered a warning or advisory, indicating a potential security or compliance issue that needs attention. \n - `PASS`: The PASS enforcement level indicates that a policy is being evaluated, and no violations or issues have been identified. When a policy evaluation results in a PASS status, it means that the criteria defined by the policy have been met, and no corrective action is required. \n - `UNKNOWN`: The UNKNOWN enforcement level signifies that the status or evaluation of a policy could not be determined. This may occur due to various reasons, such as missing or incomplete information, unsupported configurations, or other limitations in the scanning process.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ScanStatuses" },
             "type": "array"
-          "fileTypes": { 
-            "description": "File type filter. Use one of the available file type strings to retrieve issues with files of that type.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "fileTypes": {
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_FileMetadata-at-type_"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "fixableOnly": { "type": "boolean" },
-          "gitUsers": { 
-            "description": "Git user filter. Filter security findings based on the Git user who modified the code or configuration files.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, 
-            "type": "array" },
+          "gitUsers": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "iacCategories": {
-            "description": "(optional) Infrastructure as code categories filter: \n - `IAM` (Identity and Access Management): Issues related to IAM configurations. \n - `Monitoring`: Issues related to monitoring and observability configurations. \n - `Networking`: Issues related to network configurations, such as open ports, insecure protocols, or misconfigured security groups. \n - `Kubernetes`: Issues specific to Kubernetes cluster configurations. \n - `General`: Issues that do not fit into specific predefined categories. It may include issues related to best practices, compliance checks, or general security hygiene. \n - `Storage`: Issues related to storage configurations, such as public buckets, insecure access policies, or encryption settings. \n - `Public`: Issues related to public-facing resources, such as exposed APIs, publicly accessible assets, or misconfigured CDN (Content Delivery Network) settings. \n - `Drift`: Issues related to configuration drift, where the actual deployed infrastructure deviates from the desired state defined in the IaC templates.  \n - `Compute`: Issues related to compute resources, including virtual machine configurations, instance roles, or container security.    \n - `Secrets`: Issues related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys. \n - `Serverless`: Issues specific to serverless function configurations, such as function permissions or environment variable protection. \n - `Elasticsearch`: Issues related to Elasticsearch configurations, such as exposed clusters, lack of encryption, or insecure access controls. \n - `Logging`: Issues related to log management and monitoring. \n - `Policy3D`: Issues related to 3rd-party policies or standards. It involves evaluating and ensuring compliance with external security policies or regulatory frameworks.",
             "items": {
-              "enum": [
-                "IAM",
-                "Monitoring",
-                "Networking",
-                "Kubernetes",
-                "General",
-                "Storage",
-                "Public",
-                "Drift",
-                "Compute"
-              ],
-              "type": "string"
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_IncidentConfiguration-at-category_"
             "type": "array"
           "iacLabels": {
-            "description": "IaC label filter. Use one of the following IaC labels to retrieve corresponding issues: \n - `CustomPolicy`: whether or not the presented security issue is associated with a custom policy created by the user. \n - `HasFix`: whether or not a fix suggestion is provided for the presented security issue.",
-            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/IacLabels" },
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/EnumValues_IacLabels_" },
             "type": "array"
-          "iacTags": { 
-            "description": "Filter violation based on the tag assigned to the resource.",
-            "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "iacTags": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "licenseType": {
-            "description": "License type filter. Use one of the available license type strings to retrieve identified violations affiliated with the specified license type.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LicenseEnum" },
             "type": "array"
+          "owasp": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
           "repositories": {
-            "description": "Repositories filter for retrieving issues detected in PR scans and CICD runs on specific repository.",
             "items": { "type": "string" },
             "maxItems": 1,
             "minItems": 1,
             "type": "array"
-          "runId": { 
-            "description": "(required): Scan ID filter. Provide a PR scan or CICD run ID to retrieve issues from the corresponding PR scan or CICD run.",
-            "format": "double", 
-            "type": "number" },
+          "runId": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "sastLabels": {
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SastLabelValue" },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
           "secretsRiskFactors": {
-            "description": " Secrets risk factor filter: \n - `PublicRepository`: Secret was found in a public repository. \n - `PrivateRepository`: Secret was found in a private repository. \n - `User`: User who committed the secret. \n - `Privileged`: Secret is for a role with privileged access to a Cloud Service Provider account. \n - `Valid`: Secret has been validated as an active secret by the service provider. \n - `Invalid`: Secret received an invalid response when used against the service provider’s API. \n - `Unknown`: Secret that could not be verified. \n - `FoundInHistory`: Secret was found in the Git history but not in the most recent commit.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecretsRiskFactor" },
             "type": "array"
           "severities": {
-            "description": "Severity filter. \n - `Critical`: High-risk vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that could lead to significant security breaches or data leaks. These issues require immediate attention and remediation. \n - `High`: Significant security issues that have the potential to be exploited or result in significant damage if left unaddressed. These findings should be addressed as a priority. \n - `Medium`: Issues that pose a potential security risk that are less severe than Critical and High. Remediation of these issues should be prioritized, but they may not require immediate attention. \n - `Low`: Low severity indicates issues that have a minimal impact on security or are relatively low-risk. While they may not pose an immediate threat, it is still recommended to address them to maintain a robust security posture. \n - `Info`: Info severity is used for informational findings or recommendations that do not pose an immediate security risk but provide helpful guidance, best practices, or suggestions for optimization. These findings can be considered as part of ongoing security hygiene efforts.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/Severity" },
             "type": "array"
           "vulnerabilityRiskFactors": {
-            "description": "Vulnerability Risk Factors filter. Use one of the following vulnerability risk factor labels to retrieve corresponding issues: \n - `Attack Complexity`: Level of effort or skill required for an attacker to exploit a vulnerability. A higher complexity indicates that it is more challenging for an attacker to exploit the vulnerability. \n - `Attack Vector`: Path or means through which an attacker can exploit a vulnerability. It describes the method or entry point an attacker can use to access the vulnerable system or application. \n - `DoS` (Denial of Service): DoS vulnerabilities that can be exploited to disrupt or disable the normal functioning of a system or application. \n - `HasFix`: Vulnerabilities that have a fix or solution, such as a patch, update, or recommended mitigation steps to address the vulnerability. \n - `RemoteExecution`: Vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely, without direct physical or local access to the target system. \n - `ExploitInTheWild`: Vulnerabilities with reports of active exploits in real-world attacks. If a vulnerability has an exploit in the wild, it means that attackers are actively taking advantage of the vulnerability. \n - `ExploitPOC`:  \"Proof of Concept\" exploits are vulnerabilities with a proof of concept code or demonstration that showcases the vulnerability's exploitation.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VulnerabilityRiskFactor" },
             "type": "array"
@@ -448,6 +485,49 @@
         "type": "object"
       "CodeStatus": { "enum": ["hasFix"], "nullable": false, "type": "string" },
+      "CvesAccountsViolationToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "accountIds": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "cves": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "violationId",
+          "suppressionType",
+          "comment",
+          "accountIds",
+          "cves"
+        ],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "CvesViolationToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "accountIds": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "cves": {
+            "items": {
+              "properties": {
+                "cve": { "type": "string" },
+                "id": { "type": "string" },
+                "uuid": { "type": "string" }
+              },
+              "required": ["uuid", "id", "cve"],
+              "type": "object"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": ["violationId", "suppressionType", "comment", "cves"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "DefaultBranchViolationToFix": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
@@ -492,6 +572,138 @@
         "type": "object"
+      "EnumValues_BenchmarkEnum_": {
+        "enum": [
+          "CIS KUBERNETES V1.5",
+          "CIS AWS V1.2",
+          "CIS AZURE V1.1",
+          "PCI-DSS V3.2",
+          "NIST-800-53",
+          "ISO27001",
+          "SOC2",
+          "CIS GCP V1.1",
+          "HIPAA",
+          "FEDRAMP (MODERATE)",
+          "PCI-DSS V3.2.1",
+          "CIS AWS V1.3",
+          "CIS AZURE V1.3",
+          "CIS DOCKER V1.2",
+          "CIS EKS V1.1",
+          "CIS GKE V1.1",
+          "CIS KUBERNETES V1.6",
+          "SLSA"
+        ],
+        "nullable": false,
+        "type": "string"
+      },
+      "EnumValues_FileMetadata-at-type_": {
+        "enum": [
+          "build.gradle",
+          "",
+          "build.gradle.kts",
+          "pom.xml",
+          "requirements.txt",
+          "package-lock.json",
+          "package.json",
+          "bower.json",
+          "go.sum",
+          "go.mod",
+          "tf",
+          "json",
+          "yml",
+          "yaml",
+          "template",
+          ".checkov.baseline",
+          "hcl",
+          "Dockerfile",
+          "",
+          "METADATA",
+          "bicep",
+          "Pipfile.lock",
+          "Pipfile",
+          "yarn.lock",
+          "Gemfile",
+          "Gemfile.lock",
+          "gemspec",
+          "env",
+          "",
+          "",
+          "",
+          "",
+          "app.js",
+          "config.js",
+          "dev.js",
+          "",
+          "",
+          "private.pem",
+          "privatekey.pem",
+          "index.php",
+          "config.php",
+          "config.xml",
+          "strings.xml",
+          "app.module.ts",
+          "environment.ts",
+          "tpl",
+          "tfvars",
+          "unknown",
+          "csproj",
+          "packages.config",
+          "Directory.Packages.props",
+          "paket.dependencies",
+          "paket.references",
+          "paket.lock",
+          "sln",
+          "config",
+          "composer.json",
+          "composer.lock"
+        ],
+        "nullable": false,
+        "type": "string"
+      },
+      "EnumValues_IacLabels_": {
+        "enum": ["CustomPolicy", "HasFix"],
+        "nullable": false,
+        "type": "string"
+      },
+      "EnumValues_IncidentConfiguration-at-category_": {
+        "enum": [
+          "IAM",
+          "Compute",
+          "Monitoring",
+          "Networking",
+          "Kubernetes",
+          "General",
+          "Storage",
+          "Secrets",
+          "Public",
+          "Vulnerabilities",
+          "Drift",
+          "BuildIntegrity",
+          "Licenses",
+          "Logging",
+          "Serverless",
+          "Elasticsearch",
+          "VCS",
+          "Policy3D",
+          "Sast",
+          "Artifact Integrity Validation",
+          "Cider Kill Chain",
+          "Credential Hygiene",
+          "Data Protection",
+          "Dependency Chain Abuse",
+          "Dependency Chains",
+          "Flow Control Mechanisms",
+          "Input Validation",
+          "Patches & Updates",
+          "Pipeline-Based Access Controls (PBAC)",
+          "Pipeline Flow Control",
+          "Poisoned Pipeline Execution (PPE)",
+          "System Configuration",
+          "Supply Chain"
+        ],
+        "nullable": false,
+        "type": "string"
+      },
       "ErrorInFile": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
@@ -595,119 +807,66 @@
         "properties": {
           "data": {
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ViolationError" },
-            "type": "array"
-          },
-          "hasNext": { "type": "boolean" }
-        },
-        "required": ["data", "hasNext"],
-        "type": "object"
-      },
-      "ErrorsPoliciesGroupedByResource": {
-        "additionalProperties": false,
-        "properties": {
-          "data": {
-            "items": {
-              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PoliciesByResourceAndTypeResponse"
-            },
-            "type": "array"
-          },
-          "hasNext": { "type": "boolean" }
-        },
-        "required": ["data", "hasNext"],
-        "type": "object"
-      },
-      "FileMetadataWithErrors": {
-        "additionalProperties": false,
-        "properties": {
-          "commitId": { "type": "string" },
-          "creationDate": { "type": "string" },
-          "errorsCount": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
-          "id": { "type": "string" },
-          "name": { "type": "string" },
-          "path": { "type": "string" },
-          "prId": { "type": "string" },
-          "repositoryId": { "type": "string" },
-          "type": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FileTypeEnum" },
-          "updatedDate": { "type": "string" }
-        },
-        "required": [
-          "id",
-          "name",
-          "type",
-          "commitId",
-          "prId",
-          "path",
-          "repositoryId",
-          "creationDate",
-          "updatedDate"
-        ],
-        "type": "object"
-      },
-      "FileType": {
-        "enum": [
-          "tf",
-          "json",
-          "yml",
-          "yaml",
-          "template",
-          ".checkov.baseline",
-          "hcl",
-          "Dockerfile",
-          "package.json",
-          "package-lock.json",
-          "bower.json",
-          "pom.xml",
-          "build.gradle",
-          "build.gradle.kts",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "go.sum",
-          "go.mod",
-          "requirements.txt",
-          "METADATA",
-          "bicep",
-          "Pipfile.lock",
-          "Pipfile",
-          "yarn.lock",
-          "Gemfile",
-          "Gemfile.lock",
-          "gemspec",
-          "env",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "app.js",
-          "config.js",
-          "dev.js",
-          "",
-          "",
-          "private.pem",
-          "privatekey.pem",
-          "index.php",
-          "config.php",
-          "config.xml",
-          "strings.xml",
-          "app.module.ts",
-          "environment.ts",
-          "tpl",
-          "tfvars",
-          "unknown",
-          "csproj",
-          "packages.config",
-          "Directory.Packages.props",
-          "paket.dependencies",
-          "paket.references",
-          "paket.lock",
-          "sln",
-          "config",
-          "composer.json",
-          "composer.lock"
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "hasNext": { "type": "boolean" }
+        },
+        "required": ["data", "hasNext"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "ErrorsPoliciesGroupedByResource": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "data": {
+            "items": {
+              "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PoliciesByResourceAndTypeResponse"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "hasNext": { "type": "boolean" }
+        },
+        "required": ["data", "hasNext"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "FileMetadataWithErrors": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "commitId": { "type": "string" },
+          "creationDate": { "type": "string" },
+          "errorsCount": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "id": { "type": "string" },
+          "name": { "type": "string" },
+          "path": { "type": "string" },
+          "prId": { "type": "string" },
+          "repositoryId": { "type": "string" },
+          "type": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FileTypeEnum" },
+          "updatedDate": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "id",
+          "name",
+          "type",
+          "commitId",
+          "prId",
+          "path",
+          "repositoryId",
+          "creationDate",
+          "updatedDate"
-        "type": "string"
+        "type": "object"
       "FileTypeEnum": {
         "enum": [
+          "build.gradle",
+          "",
+          "build.gradle.kts",
+          "pom.xml",
+          "requirements.txt",
+          "package-lock.json",
+          "package.json",
+          "bower.json",
+          "go.sum",
+          "go.mod",
@@ -716,17 +875,7 @@
-          "package.json",
-          "package-lock.json",
-          "bower.json",
-          "pom.xml",
-          "build.gradle",
-          "build.gradle.kts",
-          "",
-          "go.sum",
-          "go.mod",
-          "requirements.txt",
@@ -799,7 +948,7 @@
             "type": "array"
           "fileTypes": {
-            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FileType" },
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProjectFileType" },
             "type": "array"
           "repository": { "type": "string" },
@@ -852,7 +1001,7 @@
           "filePath": { "type": "string" },
           "fileTypes": {
-            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/FileType" },
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProjectFileType" },
             "type": "array"
           "repository": { "type": "string" },
@@ -909,10 +1058,7 @@
         "required": ["data", "hasNext"],
         "type": "object"
-      "IacLabels": { 
-        "enum": ["CustomPolicy", "HasFix"], 
-        "type": "string" 
-      },
+      "IacLabels": { "enum": ["CustomPolicy", "HasFix"], "type": "string" },
       "IacPolicyResponse": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
@@ -958,6 +1104,7 @@
+          "Sast",
           "Artifact Integrity Validation",
           "Cider Kill Chain",
           "Credential Hygiene",
@@ -975,6 +1122,16 @@
         "type": "string"
+      "Justification": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "createdBy": { "type": "string" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" }
+        },
+        "required": ["comment", "createdBy"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "LicLabel": {
         "properties": {
           "label": {
@@ -1014,7 +1171,6 @@
         "type": "object"
       "LicenseEnum": {
-        "description": "License type filter. Use one of the available license type strings to retrieve identified violations affiliated with the specified license type.",
         "enum": [
@@ -1515,6 +1671,23 @@
         "type": "string"
+      "LicenseTypeSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "licenseTypes": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "violationId",
+          "suppressionType",
+          "comment",
+          "licenseTypes"
+        ],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "LicensesGroupedByResourceResponse": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
@@ -1555,17 +1728,56 @@
         "required": ["moduleReferences", "moduleFile", "fixedCode", "code"],
         "type": "object"
+      "OpenSearchPaginationRequest": {
+        "properties": {
+          "limit": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "offset": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "searchAfter": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "useSearchAfterPagination": { "type": "boolean" }
+        },
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "OrganizationAndPolicyToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "organizationId": { "type": "string" },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "violationId",
+          "suppressionType",
+          "comment",
+          "organizationId"
+        ],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "PacakgeLabelsValue": { "enum": ["Indirect Package"], "type": "string" },
+      "PackageLicenseSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "packages": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "suppressByRoot": { "type": "boolean" },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "violationId",
+          "suppressionType",
+          "comment",
+          "packages",
+          "suppressByRoot"
+        ],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "PaginationRequest": {
         "properties": {
-          "limit": { 
-            "description": "Number of items to return. A non-negative integer that indicates the number of issues from the result list to return. By default, all the matching issues are returned. The default value is 100 and the maximum value is 10000.",
-            "format": "double", 
-            "type": "number" },
-          "offset": { 
-            "description": "A non-negative integer that indicates the number of items from the start of the results list to skip in the response. The offset parameter, along with the limit parameter, enables you to paginate the results. For example, if you use an offset value of 100 and a limit of 200, the response will contain issues starting from 101 to 300 in the results (matching issues) list. The default value is 0 for no offset, which returns results starting from the first issue.",
-            "format": "double", 
-            "type": "number" }
+          "limit": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "offset": { "format": "double", "type": "number" }
         "type": "object"
@@ -1577,6 +1789,21 @@
           { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LicensesGroupedByResourceResponse" }
+      "ProjectFileType": {
+        "enum": [
+          "build.gradle",
+          "",
+          "build.gradle.kts",
+          "pom.xml",
+          "requirements.txt",
+          "package-lock.json",
+          "package.json",
+          "bower.json",
+          "go.sum",
+          "go.mod"
+        ],
+        "type": "string"
+      },
       "ProjectsV2CodeCategory": {
         "enum": [
@@ -1585,12 +1812,44 @@
-          "Secrets"
+          "Secrets",
+          "BuildIntegrityRepo",
+          "BuildIntegrityOrg",
+          "BuildIntegrity",
+          "Weaknesses"
         "type": "string"
       "ResourceScanType": {
-        "enum": ["Buildtime", "Runtime"],
+        "enum": ["Runtime", "Buildtime"],
+        "type": "string"
+      },
+      "ResourceToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "accountId": { "type": "string" },
+          "id": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": ["id", "accountId"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "ResourceViolationToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "resources": {
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceToSuppress" },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": ["violationId", "suppressionType", "comment", "resources"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "SastLabelValue": {
+        "enum": ["CustomPolicy", "CWE top 25", "OWASP top 10"],
         "type": "string"
       "ScanStatuses": {
@@ -1616,14 +1875,10 @@
       "SearchControllerParams": {
         "properties": {
           "scopes": {
-            "description": "(optional) You can provide one or more code categories in this field. The platform searches for the `term` across issues that have the code categories you provide. The following code category scopes are applicable to this endpoint: \n - `IacMisconfiguration`: Issues with Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC or iac) templates and scripts that provision and manage cloud resources. \n - `vulnerabilites`: Findings related to known security vulnerabilities in open-source packages used in applications that could be exploited by attackers. \n - `buildintegrity`: Findings related to the integrity and security of the build pipeline or the software supply chain. \n - `Secrets`: Findings related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys, within code files. \n - `Licenses`: Filter value to retrieve issues related to the non-compliance with license requirements.",
             "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ProjectsV2CodeCategory" },
             "type": "array"
-          "term": { 
-            "description": "The `term` field is required. It can be a single word, or multiple words joined by the ‘or’ and ‘and’ logical operators.", 
-            "type": "string" 
-          }
+          "term": { "type": "string" }
         "required": ["term"],
         "type": "object"
@@ -1646,7 +1901,7 @@
         "type": "string"
       "Severity": {
-        "enum": ["INFO", "LOW", "MEDIUM", "HIGH", "CRITICAL"],
+        "enum": ["CRITICAL", "HIGH", "MEDIUM", "LOW", "INFO"],
         "type": "string"
       "SmartFix": {
@@ -1695,6 +1950,76 @@
         "type": "string"
+      "SourcesViolationToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "accountIds": { "items": { "type": "string" }, "type": "array" },
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": ["violationId", "suppressionType", "comment", "accountIds"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "SubmitActionsMetadata": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "owner": { "type": "string" },
+          "pr": { "type": "string" },
+          "repoName": { "type": "string" },
+          "runNumber": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "sourceBranchName": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": ["owner", "repoName", "runNumber"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
+      "SubmitActionsRequest": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "cvesToSuppress": {
+            "items": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CICDCve" },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "metadata": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubmitActionsMetadata" },
+          "sourceType": { "type": "string" },
+          "type": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubmitActionsType" },
+          "violationsToFix": {
+            "items": {
+              "anyOf": [
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CICDViolation" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/DefaultBranchViolationToFix" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/VulnerabilityToFix" }
+              ]
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "violationsToSuppress": {
+            "items": {
+              "anyOf": [
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CICDViolation" },
+                {
+                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CvesAccountsViolationToSuppress"
+                },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/ResourceViolationToSuppress" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/TagsViolationToSuppress" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SourcesViolationToSuppress" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/BaseViolationToSuppress" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CvesViolationToSuppress" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/LicenseTypeSuppress" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PackageLicenseSuppress" },
+                { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CICDLicenseToSuppress" },
+                {
+                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OrganizationAndPolicyToSuppress"
+                }
+              ]
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          }
+        },
+        "required": ["type", "violationsToFix", "violationsToSuppress"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "SubmitActionsResponse": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
@@ -1703,6 +2028,7 @@
         "required": ["data"],
         "type": "object"
+      "SubmitActionsType": { "enum": ["default", "pr"], "type": "string" },
       "SubmitResponse": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
@@ -1725,6 +2051,28 @@
         "required": ["repositoryId", "resourcesToFix", "packagesToFix"],
         "type": "object"
+      "TagsViolationToSuppress": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "comment": { "type": "string" },
+          "expirationTime": { "format": "double", "type": "number" },
+          "suppressionType": { "type": "string" },
+          "tags": {
+            "items": {
+              "properties": {
+                "key": { "type": "string" },
+                "value": { "type": "string" }
+              },
+              "required": ["value", "key"],
+              "type": "object"
+            },
+            "type": "array"
+          },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": ["violationId", "suppressionType", "comment", "tags"],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "Type": {
         "enum": [
@@ -1918,10 +2266,39 @@
-          "IsUsed"
+          "IsUsed",
+          "ReachableFunction",
+          "ManifestInRuntime",
+          "RepositoryInRuntime",
+          "PackageInRuntime"
         "type": "string"
+      "VulnerabilityToFix": {
+        "additionalProperties": false,
+        "properties": {
+          "frameworkType": { "type": "string" },
+          "id": { "type": "string" },
+          "owner": { "type": "string" },
+          "packageName": { "type": "string" },
+          "packageVersion": { "type": "string" },
+          "repoName": { "type": "string" },
+          "resourceId": { "type": "string" },
+          "s3FilePath": { "type": "string" },
+          "violationId": { "type": "string" }
+        },
+        "required": [
+          "violationId",
+          "resourceId",
+          "frameworkType",
+          "s3FilePath",
+          "owner",
+          "repoName",
+          "packageName",
+          "packageVersion"
+        ],
+        "type": "object"
+      },
       "module": {
         "additionalProperties": false,
         "properties": {
@@ -1961,6 +2338,7 @@
   "paths": {
     "/code/api/v1/errors/file": {
       "post": {
+        "deprecated": true,
         "description": "List errors in files",
         "operationId": "getErrorsInFile",
         "parameters": [
@@ -2045,20 +2423,22 @@
         "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
         "summary": "Lists All Errors in File Path",
         "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSProjects_READ"],
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"\"\n\nquerystring = {\"limit\":\"SOME_INTEGER_VALUE\",\"offset\":\"SOME_INTEGER_VALUE\"}\n\npayload = {\n    \"CICDRunId\": 0,\n    \"authors\": [\"string\"],\n    \"branch\": \"string\",\n    \"categories\": [\"IAM\"],\n    \"codeStatus\": [\"hasFix\"],\n    \"excludeCategories\": [\"IAM\"],\n    \"filePath\": \"string\",\n    \"fileTypes\": [\"tf\"],\n    \"repository\": \"string\",\n    \"repositoryId\": \"string\",\n    \"search\": {\n        \"options\": [\"path\"],\n        \"text\": \"string\",\n        \"title\": \"title\"\n    },\n    \"severities\": [\"INFO\"],\n    \"sourceTypes\": [\"Github\"],\n    \"tags\": [\n        {\n            \"key\": \"string\",\n            \"value\": \"string\"\n        }\n    ],\n    \"types\": [\"Errors\"]\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers, params=querystring)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/file\"\n\nquerystring = {\"limit\":\"SOME_INTEGER_VALUE\",\"offset\":\"SOME_INTEGER_VALUE\"}\n\npayload = {\n    \"CICDRunId\": 0,\n    \"authors\": [\"string\"],\n    \"branch\": \"string\",\n    \"categories\": [\"IAM\"],\n    \"codeStatus\": [\"hasFix\"],\n    \"excludeCategories\": [\"IAM\"],\n    \"filePath\": \"string\",\n    \"fileTypes\": [\"build.gradle\"],\n    \"repository\": \"string\",\n    \"repositoryId\": \"string\",\n    \"search\": {\n        \"options\": [\"path\"],\n        \"text\": \"string\",\n        \"title\": \"title\"\n    },\n    \"severities\": [\"CRITICAL\"],\n    \"sourceTypes\": [\"Github\"],\n    \"tags\": [\n        {\n            \"key\": \"string\",\n            \"value\": \"string\"\n        }\n    ],\n    \"types\": [\"Errors\"]\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers, params=querystring)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url '' \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"CICDRunId\":0,\"authors\":[\"string\"],\"branch\":\"string\",\"categories\":[\"IAM\"],\"codeStatus\":[\"hasFix\"],\"excludeCategories\":[\"IAM\"],\"filePath\":\"string\",\"fileTypes\":[\"tf\"],\"repository\":\"string\",\"repositoryId\":\"string\",\"search\":{\"options\":[\"path\"],\"text\":\"string\",\"title\":\"title\"},\"severities\":[\"INFO\"],\"sourceTypes\":[\"Github\"],\"tags\":[{\"key\":\"string\",\"value\":\"string\"}],\"types\":[\"Errors\"]}'"
+            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url 'http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/file?limit=SOME_INTEGER_VALUE&offset=SOME_INTEGER_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"CICDRunId\":0,\"authors\":[\"string\"],\"branch\":\"string\",\"categories\":[\"IAM\"],\"codeStatus\":[\"hasFix\"],\"excludeCategories\":[\"IAM\"],\"filePath\":\"string\",\"fileTypes\":[\"build.gradle\"],\"repository\":\"string\",\"repositoryId\":\"string\",\"search\":{\"options\":[\"path\"],\"text\":\"string\",\"title\":\"title\"},\"severities\":[\"CRITICAL\"],\"sourceTypes\":[\"Github\"],\"tags\":[{\"key\":\"string\",\"value\":\"string\"}],\"types\":[\"Errors\"]}'"
     "/code/api/v1/errors/files": {
       "post": {
+        "deprecated": true,
         "description": "List files with errors",
         "operationId": "getErrorsFiles",
         "parameters": [],
@@ -2104,20 +2484,22 @@
         "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
         "summary": "Lists Files with Errors",
         "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSProjects_READ"],
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"CICDRunId\": 0,\n    \"authors\": [\"string\"],\n    \"branch\": \"string\",\n    \"categories\": [\"IAM\"],\n    \"codeStatus\": [\"hasFix\"],\n    \"excludeCategories\": [\"IAM\"],\n    \"fileTypes\": [\"tf\"],\n    \"repository\": \"string\",\n    \"repositoryId\": \"string\",\n    \"search\": {\n        \"options\": [\"path\"],\n        \"text\": \"string\",\n        \"title\": \"title\"\n    },\n    \"severities\": [\"INFO\"],\n    \"sourceTypes\": [\"Github\"],\n    \"tags\": [\n        {\n            \"key\": \"string\",\n            \"value\": \"string\"\n        }\n    ],\n    \"types\": [\"Errors\"]\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/files\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"CICDRunId\": 0,\n    \"authors\": [\"string\"],\n    \"branch\": \"string\",\n    \"categories\": [\"IAM\"],\n    \"codeStatus\": [\"hasFix\"],\n    \"excludeCategories\": [\"IAM\"],\n    \"fileTypes\": [\"build.gradle\"],\n    \"repository\": \"string\",\n    \"repositoryId\": \"string\",\n    \"search\": {\n        \"options\": [\"path\"],\n        \"text\": \"string\",\n        \"title\": \"title\"\n    },\n    \"severities\": [\"CRITICAL\"],\n    \"sourceTypes\": [\"Github\"],\n    \"tags\": [\n        {\n            \"key\": \"string\",\n            \"value\": \"string\"\n        }\n    ],\n    \"types\": [\"Errors\"]\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"CICDRunId\":0,\"authors\":[\"string\"],\"branch\":\"string\",\"categories\":[\"IAM\"],\"codeStatus\":[\"hasFix\"],\"excludeCategories\":[\"IAM\"],\"fileTypes\":[\"tf\"],\"repository\":\"string\",\"repositoryId\":\"string\",\"search\":{\"options\":[\"path\"],\"text\":\"string\",\"title\":\"title\"},\"severities\":[\"INFO\"],\"sourceTypes\":[\"Github\"],\"tags\":[{\"key\":\"string\",\"value\":\"string\"}],\"types\":[\"Errors\"]}'"
+            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/files \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"CICDRunId\":0,\"authors\":[\"string\"],\"branch\":\"string\",\"categories\":[\"IAM\"],\"codeStatus\":[\"hasFix\"],\"excludeCategories\":[\"IAM\"],\"fileTypes\":[\"build.gradle\"],\"repository\":\"string\",\"repositoryId\":\"string\",\"search\":{\"options\":[\"path\"],\"text\":\"string\",\"title\":\"title\"},\"severities\":[\"CRITICAL\"],\"sourceTypes\":[\"Github\"],\"tags\":[{\"key\":\"string\",\"value\":\"string\"}],\"types\":[\"Errors\"]}'"
     "/code/api/v1/errors/files/{uuid}": {
       "get": {
+        "deprecated": true,
         "description": "Get the file metadata by UUID based on the customer's repository",
         "operationId": "getErrorsInFiles",
         "parameters": [
@@ -2171,17 +2553,18 @@
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"{uuid}\"\n\nquerystring = {\"include\":\"SOME_STRING_VALUE\"}\n\nheaders = {\"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"GET\", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/files/{uuid}\"\n\nquerystring = {\"include\":\"SOME_STRING_VALUE\"}\n\nheaders = {\"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"GET\", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request GET \\\n  --url '{uuid}?include=SOME_STRING_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'"
+            "source": "curl --request GET \\\n  --url 'http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/files/{uuid}?include=SOME_STRING_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'"
     "/code/api/v1/errors/getFixedCode": {
       "post": {
+        "deprecated": true,
         "description": "Returns a remediated resource code",
         "operationId": "getFixedCode",
         "parameters": [],
@@ -2219,20 +2602,22 @@
         "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
         "summary": "Get Fixed Resource Code using the selectedFix",
         "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSProjects_READ"],
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"\"\n\npayload = {\"error\": {\n        \"errorLines\": [0],\n        \"fixPath\": \"string\",\n        \"fixedCode\": \"string\",\n        \"fixes\": [\n            {\n                \"code\": \"string\",\n                \"fixedCode\": \"string\",\n                \"id\": \"string\",\n                \"inspectedKey\": \"string\",\n                \"percent\": 0,\n                \"recommenderType\": \"string\",\n                \"times\": 0\n            }\n        ],\n        \"frameworkType\": \"string\",\n        \"fullId\": \"string\",\n        \"inspectedKey\": \"string\",\n        \"metadataChecksMetadataPath\": \"string\",\n        \"metadataLines\": [0],\n        \"owner\": \"string\",\n        \"repoName\": \"string\",\n        \"resourceCode\": \"string\",\n        \"resourceId\": \"string\",\n        \"runtimeId\": \"string\",\n        \"runtimeSourceId\": \"string\",\n        \"s3FilePath\": \"string\",\n        \"selectedFix\": \"string\",\n        \"violationId\": \"string\"\n    }}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/getFixedCode\"\n\npayload = {\"error\": {\n        \"errorLines\": [0],\n        \"fixPath\": \"string\",\n        \"fixedCode\": \"string\",\n        \"fixes\": [\n            {\n                \"code\": \"string\",\n                \"fixedCode\": \"string\",\n                \"id\": \"string\",\n                \"inspectedKey\": \"string\",\n                \"percent\": 0,\n                \"recommenderType\": \"string\",\n                \"times\": 0\n            }\n        ],\n        \"frameworkType\": \"string\",\n        \"fullId\": \"string\",\n        \"inspectedKey\": \"string\",\n        \"metadataChecksMetadataPath\": \"string\",\n        \"metadataLines\": [0],\n        \"owner\": \"string\",\n        \"repoName\": \"string\",\n        \"resourceCode\": \"string\",\n        \"resourceId\": \"string\",\n        \"runtimeId\": \"string\",\n        \"runtimeSourceId\": \"string\",\n        \"s3FilePath\": \"string\",\n        \"selectedFix\": \"string\",\n        \"violationId\": \"string\"\n    }}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"error\":{\"errorLines\":[0],\"fixPath\":\"string\",\"fixedCode\":\"string\",\"fixes\":[{\"code\":\"string\",\"fixedCode\":\"string\",\"id\":\"string\",\"inspectedKey\":\"string\",\"percent\":0,\"recommenderType\":\"string\",\"times\":0}],\"frameworkType\":\"string\",\"fullId\":\"string\",\"inspectedKey\":\"string\",\"metadataChecksMetadataPath\":\"string\",\"metadataLines\":[0],\"owner\":\"string\",\"repoName\":\"string\",\"resourceCode\":\"string\",\"resourceId\":\"string\",\"runtimeId\":\"string\",\"runtimeSourceId\":\"string\",\"s3FilePath\":\"string\",\"selectedFix\":\"string\",\"violationId\":\"string\"}}'"
+            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/getFixedCode \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"error\":{\"errorLines\":[0],\"fixPath\":\"string\",\"fixedCode\":\"string\",\"fixes\":[{\"code\":\"string\",\"fixedCode\":\"string\",\"id\":\"string\",\"inspectedKey\":\"string\",\"percent\":0,\"recommenderType\":\"string\",\"times\":0}],\"frameworkType\":\"string\",\"fullId\":\"string\",\"inspectedKey\":\"string\",\"metadataChecksMetadataPath\":\"string\",\"metadataLines\":[0],\"owner\":\"string\",\"repoName\":\"string\",\"resourceCode\":\"string\",\"resourceId\":\"string\",\"runtimeId\":\"string\",\"runtimeSourceId\":\"string\",\"s3FilePath\":\"string\",\"selectedFix\":\"string\",\"violationId\":\"string\"}}'"
     "/code/api/v1/errors/gitBlameAuthors": {
       "get": {
+        "deprecated": true,
         "description": "Get all git blame author names per full repo name (owner and name)",
         "operationId": "getGitBlameAuthors",
         "parameters": [
@@ -2268,20 +2653,103 @@
         "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
         "summary": "List Git Authors of a Repository",
         "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSProjects_READ"],
+        "x-codeSamples": [
+          {
+            "lang": "Python + Requests",
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/gitBlameAuthors\"\n\nquerystring = {\"fullRepoName\":\"SOME_STRING_VALUE\",\"sourceType\":\"SOME_STRING_VALUE\"}\n\nheaders = {\"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"GET\", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+          },
+          {
+            "lang": "Shell + Curl",
+            "source": "curl --request GET \\\n  --url 'http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/gitBlameAuthors?fullRepoName=SOME_STRING_VALUE&sourceType=SOME_STRING_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'"
+          }
+        ]
+      }
+    },
+    "/code/api/v1/errors/submitActions": {
+      "post": {
+        "deprecated": true,
+        "description": "This api receive type of submit (PR\\DEFAULT), array of violationsToSuppress and array of violationsToFix, and\ninvoke the suppress\\fix function in the correct service (cicd\\remediations)",
+        "operationId": "submitActions",
+        "parameters": [],
+        "requestBody": {
+          "content": {
+            "application/json": {
+              "example": {
+                "type": "default",
+                "violationsToFix": [
+                  {
+                    "fixedCode": "",
+                    "frameworkType": "Terraform",
+                    "fullId": "BC_AWS_S3_14::milkanas/terragoat::/terraform/aws/",
+                    "metadataChecksMetadataPath": "checkov/milkanast/milkanas/terragoat/master/checkov_results/terraform/checks_metadata.json",
+                    "metadataLines": [1, 13],
+                    "owner": "milkanas",
+                    "repoName": "terragoat",
+                    "resourceId": "/terraform/aws/",
+                    "runtimeId": null,
+                    "runtimeSourceId": null,
+                    "s3FilePath": "checkov/milkanast/milkanas/terragoat/master/src/terraform/aws/",
+                    "violationId": "BC_AWS_S3_14"
+                  }
+                ],
+                "violationsToSuppress": [
+                  {
+                    "comment": "this is justification comment",
+                    "resources": [
+                      {
+                        "accountId": "orevron/terragoat",
+                        "id": "BC_GIT_6::orevron/terragoat::/terraform/"
+                      },
+                      {
+                        "accountId": "orevron/terragoat",
+                        "id": "BC_GIT_6::orevron/terragoat::/terraform/"
+                      }
+                    ],
+                    "suppressionType": "Resources",
+                    "violationId": "BC_AWS_S3_13"
+                  }
+                ]
+              },
+              "schema": { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubmitActionsRequest" }
+            }
+          },
+          "required": true
+        },
+        "responses": {
+          "200": {
+            "content": {
+              "application/json": {
+                "schema": {
+                  "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SubmitActionsResponse"
+                }
+              }
+            },
+            "description": ""
+          },
+          "401": { "description": "Insufficient role permissions" },
+          "422": { "description": "Request arguments validation error" },
+          "500": { "description": "type: TYPE not supported." }
+        },
+        "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
+        "summary": "Submit Remediation and Suppression Actions",
+        "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSProjects_CREATE"],
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"\"\n\nquerystring = {\"fullRepoName\":\"SOME_STRING_VALUE\",\"sourceType\":\"SOME_STRING_VALUE\"}\n\nheaders = {\"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"GET\", url, headers=headers, params=querystring)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/submitActions\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"cvesToSuppress\": [\n        {\n            \"CICDRunId\": 0,\n            \"bulkSuppression\": True,\n            \"id\": \"string\",\n            \"justification\": {\n                \"comment\": \"string\",\n                \"createdBy\": \"string\",\n                \"expirationTime\": 0\n            },\n            \"repository\": \"string\",\n            \"resourceId\": \"string\",\n            \"violationId\": \"string\"\n        }\n    ],\n    \"metadata\": {\n        \"owner\": \"string\",\n        \"pr\": \"string\",\n        \"repoName\": \"string\",\n        \"runNumber\": 0,\n        \"sourceBranchName\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"sourceType\": \"string\",\n    \"type\": \"default\",\n    \"violationsToFix\": [\n        {\n            \"CICDRunId\": 0,\n            \"bulkSuppression\": True,\n            \"commentIds\": [\"string\"],\n            \"creationDate\": \"string\",\n            \"errorLines\": [0],\n            \"frameworkType\": \"string\",\n            \"justification\": {\n                \"comment\": \"string\",\n                \"createdBy\": \"string\",\n                \"expirationTime\": 0\n            },\n            \"justificationId\": \"string\",\n            \"metadataChecksMetadataPath\": \"string\",\n            \"metadataLines\": [0],\n            \"repository\": \"string\",\n            \"resourceId\": \"string\",\n            \"runtimeId\": \"string\",\n            \"runtimeSourceId\": \"string\",\n            \"s3FilePath\": \"string\",\n            \"s3FixFilePath\": \"string\",\n            \"severity\": \"string\",\n            \"status\": \"string\",\n            \"updatedDate\": \"string\",\n            \"vcsCommentLine\": \"string\",\n            \"violationId\": \"string\"\n        }\n    ],\n    \"violationsToSuppress\": [\n        {\n            \"CICDRunId\": 0,\n            \"bulkSuppression\": True,\n            \"commentIds\": [\"string\"],\n            \"creationDate\": \"string\",\n            \"errorLines\": [0],\n            \"frameworkType\": \"string\",\n            \"justification\": {\n                \"comment\": \"string\",\n                \"createdBy\": \"string\",\n                \"expirationTime\": 0\n            },\n            \"justificationId\": \"string\",\n            \"metadataChecksMetadataPath\": \"string\",\n            \"metadataLines\": [0],\n            \"repository\": \"string\",\n            \"resourceId\": \"string\",\n            \"runtimeId\": \"string\",\n            \"runtimeSourceId\": \"string\",\n            \"s3FilePath\": \"string\",\n            \"s3FixFilePath\": \"string\",\n            \"severity\": \"string\",\n            \"status\": \"string\",\n            \"updatedDate\": \"string\",\n            \"vcsCommentLine\": \"string\",\n            \"violationId\": \"string\"\n        }\n    ]\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request GET \\\n  --url '' \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE'"
+            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/submitActions \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"cvesToSuppress\":[{\"CICDRunId\":0,\"bulkSuppression\":true,\"id\":\"string\",\"justification\":{\"comment\":\"string\",\"createdBy\":\"string\",\"expirationTime\":0},\"repository\":\"string\",\"resourceId\":\"string\",\"violationId\":\"string\"}],\"metadata\":{\"owner\":\"string\",\"pr\":\"string\",\"repoName\":\"string\",\"runNumber\":0,\"sourceBranchName\":\"string\"},\"sourceType\":\"string\",\"type\":\"default\",\"violationsToFix\":[{\"CICDRunId\":0,\"bulkSuppression\":true,\"commentIds\":[\"string\"],\"creationDate\":\"string\",\"errorLines\":[0],\"frameworkType\":\"string\",\"justification\":{\"comment\":\"string\",\"createdBy\":\"string\",\"expirationTime\":0},\"justificationId\":\"string\",\"metadataChecksMetadataPath\":\"string\",\"metadataLines\":[0],\"repository\":\"string\",\"resourceId\":\"string\",\"runtimeId\":\"string\",\"runtimeSourceId\":\"string\",\"s3FilePath\":\"string\",\"s3FixFilePath\":\"string\",\"severity\":\"string\",\"status\":\"string\",\"updatedDate\":\"string\",\"vcsCommentLine\":\"string\",\"violationId\":\"string\"}],\"violationsToSuppress\":[{\"CICDRunId\":0,\"bulkSuppression\":true,\"commentIds\":[\"string\"],\"creationDate\":\"string\",\"errorLines\":[0],\"frameworkType\":\"string\",\"justification\":{\"comment\":\"string\",\"createdBy\":\"string\",\"expirationTime\":0},\"justificationId\":\"string\",\"metadataChecksMetadataPath\":\"string\",\"metadataLines\":[0],\"repository\":\"string\",\"resourceId\":\"string\",\"runtimeId\":\"string\",\"runtimeSourceId\":\"string\",\"s3FilePath\":\"string\",\"s3FixFilePath\":\"string\",\"severity\":\"string\",\"status\":\"string\",\"updatedDate\":\"string\",\"vcsCommentLine\":\"string\",\"violationId\":\"string\"}]}'"
     "/code/api/v1/errors/supply-chain-fix": {
       "post": {
+        "deprecated": true,
         "description": "The API is responsible for handling remediations from the supply chain screen. It receives a repository's UUID,\na list of IaC resources UUIDs and a list of packages UUIDs to be remediated, and returns the remediation response when available",
         "operationId": "supply-chain-fix",
         "parameters": [],
@@ -2321,21 +2789,21 @@
         "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
         "summary": "Submit Remediation Operations from Supply Chain Screen",
         "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSSupplyChain_CREATE"],
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"packagesToFix\": [\"string\"],\n    \"repositoryId\": \"string\",\n    \"resourcesToFix\": [\"string\"]\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/supply-chain-fix\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"packagesToFix\": [\"string\"],\n    \"repositoryId\": \"string\",\n    \"resourcesToFix\": [\"string\"]\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"packagesToFix\":[\"string\"],\"repositoryId\":\"string\",\"resourcesToFix\":[\"string\"]}'"
+            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url http://undefinedundefined/code/api/v1/errors/supply-chain-fix \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"packagesToFix\":[\"string\"],\"repositoryId\":\"string\",\"resourcesToFix\":[\"string\"]}'"
-    "/code/api/v2/code-issues/branch_scan": {
+    "/api/v2/code-issues/branch_scan": {
       "post": {
-        "description": "Retrieves the code errors detected by Application Security during periodic scans.",
         "operationId": "getPeriodicFindings",
         "parameters": [],
         "requestBody": {
@@ -2347,21 +2815,22 @@
                     "properties": {
                       "filters": {
                         "$ref": "#/components/schemas/BranchScanFilters",
-                        "description": "Filters to retrieve selective issues. Use the following fields to filter the search results."
+                        "description": "Filters to retrieve selective issues. Use the following fields to filter the search results:\n- checkStatus: Security violation status filter. Filter scan results using a status value:\n     - Error: Security violation was detected.\n     - Passed: No security violation\n     - Suppressed: A security issue was identified, but was acknowledged and intentionally suppressed.\n     - FixPending: An automated fix has been issued to the security violation, and is currently being applied to the associated resource.\n- gitUsers: Git user filter. Filter security findings based on the Git user who modified the code or configuration files.\n- codeCategories: The `scopes` search criteria is also available as a filter.\n- secretsRiskFactors: Secrets risk factor filter:\n     - PublicRepository: Secret was found in a public repository.\n     - PrivateRepository: Secret was found in a private repository.\n     - User: User who committed the secret.\n     - Privileged: Secret is for a role with privileged access to a Cloud Service Provider account.\n     - Valid: Secret has been validated as an active secret by the service provider.\n     - Invalid: Secret received an invalid response when used against the service provider’s API.\n     - Unknown: Secret that could not be verified.\n     - FoundInHistory: Secret was found in the Git history but not in the most recent commit.\n- iacCategories (optional): Infrastructure as code categories filter:\n     - IAM (Identity and Access Management): Issues related to IAM configurations.\n     - Logging: Issues related to log management and monitoring.\n     - Monitoring: Issues related to monitoring and observability configurations.\n     - Networking: Issues related to network configurations, such as open ports, insecure protocols, or misconfigured security groups.\n     - Kubernetes: Issues specific to Kubernetes cluster configurations.\n     - General: Issues that do not fit into specific predefined categories. It may include issues related to best practices, compliance checks, or general security hygiene.\n     - Serverless: Issues specific to serverless function configurations, such as function permissions or environment variable protection\n     - Elasticsearch: Issues related to Elasticsearch configurations, such as exposed clusters, lack of encryption, or insecure access controls.\n     - Storage: Issues related to storage configurations, such as public buckets, insecure access policies, or encryption settings.\n     - Secrets: Issues related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys.\n     - Public: Issues related to public-facing resources, such as exposed APIs, publicly accessible assets, or misconfigured CDN (Content Delivery Network) settings. Vulnerabilities - Vulnerabilities in your code or infrastructure including issues related to outdated software versions, known security vulnerabilities, or insecure dependencies. Compute - Issues related to compute resources, including virtual machine configurations, instance roles, or container security. VCS (Version Control Systems) -  Issues associated with version control systems, such as Git repositories. Build Integrity - Issues related to the integrity of your build processes or artifacts. It involves ensuring that the build pipeline is secure, free from tampering, and follows secure build practices. Licenses - Issues related to open-source licenses in your codebase. Drift - Issues related to configuration drift, where the actual deployed infrastructure deviates from the desired state defined in the IaC templates. Policy3D - Issues related to 3rd-party policies or standards. It involves evaluating and ensuring compliance with external security policies or regulatory frameworks.\n- severities: Severity filter:\n     - Critical: High-risk vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that could lead to significant security breaches or data leaks. These issues require immediate attention and remediation.\n     - High: Significant security issues that have the potential to be exploited or result in significant damage if left unaddressed. These findings should be addressed as a priority.\n     - Medium: Issues that pose a potential security risk that are less severe than Critical and High. Remediation of these issues should be prioritized, but they may not require immediate attention.\n     - Low: Low severity indicates issues that have a minimal impact on security or are relatively low-risk. While they may not pose an immediate threat, it is still recommended to address them to maintain a robust security posture.\n     - Info: Info severity is used for informational findings or recommendations that do not pose an immediate security risk but provide helpful guidance, best practices, or suggestions for optimization. These findings can be considered as part of ongoing security hygiene efforts.\n- iacTags: Filter violation based on the tag assigned to the resource.\n- fileTypes: File type filter. Use one of the available file type strings to retrieve issues with files of that type.\n- Benchmarks: Benchmarks filter. Use one of the available benchmark strings to retrieve issues based on the corresponding security benchmark or compliance standard.\n- iacLabels: IaC filter. Use one of the following IaC labels to retrieve corresponding issues:\n     - CustomPolicy: whether or not the presented security issue is associated with a custom policy created by the user.\n     - HasFix: whether or not a fix suggestion is provided for the presented security issue.\n- vulnerabilityRiskFactors: Vulnerability Risk Factors filter. Use one of the following vulnerability risk factor labels to retrieve corresponding issues:\n     - Attack Complexity: Level of effort or skill required for an attacker to exploit a vulnerability. A higher complexity indicates that it is more challenging for an attacker to exploit the vulnerability.\n     - Attack Vector: Path or means through which an attacker can exploit a vulnerability. It describes the method or entry point an attacker can use to access the vulnerable system or application.\n     - DoS (Denial of Service): DoS vulnerabilities that can be exploited to disrupt or disable the normal functioning of a system or application.\n     - HasFix: Vulnerabilities that have a fix or solution, such as a patch, update, or recommended mitigation steps to address the vulnerability.\n     - RemoteExecution: Vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely, without direct physical or local access to the target system.\n     - ExploitInTheWild: Vulnerabilities with reports of active exploits in real-world attacks. If a vulnerability has an exploit in the wild, it means that attackers are actively taking advantage of the vulnerability.\n     - ExploitPOC:  \"Proof of Concept\" exploits are vulnerabilities with a proof of concept code or demonstration that showcases the vulnerability's exploitation.\n- licenseType: License type filter. Use one of the available license type strings to retrieve identified violations affiliated with the specified license type.\n- repositories: Repositories filter for retrieving issues detected the default branch scans specified repositories."
                       "search": {
                         "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchControllerParams",
-                        "description": "The `search` field allows you to search for a given term or set of terms across issues of a particular type or types. The `search` field consists of the `term` and the `scopes` fields.\n - `term`: field is required. It can be a single word, or multiple words joined by the ‘or’ and ‘and’ logical operators."
+                        "description": "The `search` field allows you to search for a given term or set of terms across issues of a particular type or types. The `search` field consists of the `term` and the `scopes` fields.\n - term: field is required. It can be a single word, or multiple words joined by the ‘or’ and ‘and’ logical operators.\n - scopes: field is optional. You can provide one or more code categories in this field. The platform searches for the `term` across issues that have the code categories you provide. The following code category scopes are applicable to this endpoint:\n     - IacMisconfiguration: Issues with Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC or iac) templates and scripts that provision and manage cloud resources.\n     - vulnerabilites: Findings related to known security vulnerabilities in open-source packages used in applications that could be exploited by attackers.\n     - buildintegrity: Findings related to the integrity and security of the build pipeline or the software supply chain.\n     - Secrets: Findings related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys, within code files.\n     - Licenses: Filter value to retrieve issues related to the non-compliance with license requirements."
                     "required": ["filters"],
                     "type": "object"
-                  { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/PaginationRequest" }
+                  { "$ref": "#/components/schemas/OpenSearchPaginationRequest" }
+          "description": "- offset: A non-negative integer that indicates the number of items from the start of the results list to skip in the response. The offset parameter, along with the limit parameter, enables you to paginate the results. For example, if you use an offset value of 100 and a limit of 200, the response will contain issues starting from 101 to 300 in the results (matching issues) list. The default value is 0 for no offset, which returns results starting from the first issue.\n- limit: Number of items to return. A non-negative integer that indicates the number of issues from the result list to return. By default, all the matching issues are returned. The default value is 100 and the maximum value is 10000.\n- useSearchAfterPagination: boolean - If true, use searchAfter pagination instead of offset pagination. Offset/limit is not supported for more than 10K records.\n- searchAfter: string array - An opaque cursor for pagination. Used with useSearchAfterPagination and limit. Send it on the second request from the response.",
           "required": true
         "responses": {
@@ -2380,21 +2849,21 @@
         "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
         "summary": "Get Code Issues from Periodic Scans",
         "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSProjects_READ"],
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"filters\": {\n        \"benchmarks\": [\"CIS KUBERNETES V1.5\"],\n        \"branch\": \"string\",\n        \"checkStatus\": \"Error\",\n        \"codeCategories\": [\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\n        \"fileTypes\": [\"string\"],\n        \"fixableOnly\": True,\n        \"gitUsers\": [\"string\"],\n        \"iacCategories\": [\"IAM\"],\n        \"iacLabels\": [\"CustomPolicy\"],\n        \"iacTags\": [\"string\"],\n        \"licenseType\": [\"OSI_APACHE\"],\n        \"repositories\": [],\n        \"secretsRiskFactors\": [\"PublicRepository\"],\n        \"severities\": [\"INFO\"],\n        \"vulnerabilityRiskFactors\": [\"AttackComplexity\"]\n    },\n    \"search\": {\n        \"scopes\": [\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\n        \"term\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"limit\": 0,\n    \"offset\": 0\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/api/v2/code-issues/branch_scan\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"filters\": {\n        \"benchmarks\": [\"CIS KUBERNETES V1.5\"],\n        \"branch\": \"string\",\n        \"checkStatus\": \"Error\",\n        \"codeCategories\": [\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\n        \"cwes\": [\"string\"],\n        \"fileTypes\": [\"build.gradle\"],\n        \"fixableOnly\": True,\n        \"gitUsers\": [\"string\"],\n        \"iacCategories\": [\"IAM\"],\n        \"iacLabels\": [\"CustomPolicy\"],\n        \"iacTags\": [\"string\"],\n        \"licenseType\": [\"OSI_APACHE\"],\n        \"owasp\": [\"string\"],\n        \"repositories\": [],\n        \"sastLabels\": [\"CustomPolicy\"],\n        \"secretsRiskFactors\": [\"PublicRepository\"],\n        \"severities\": [\"CRITICAL\"],\n        \"vulnerabilityRiskFactors\": [\"AttackComplexity\"]\n    },\n    \"search\": {\n        \"scopes\": [\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\n        \"term\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"limit\": 0,\n    \"offset\": 0,\n    \"searchAfter\": [\"string\"],\n    \"useSearchAfterPagination\": True\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"filters\":{\"benchmarks\":[\"CIS KUBERNETES V1.5\"],\"branch\":\"string\",\"checkStatus\":\"Error\",\"codeCategories\":[\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\"fileTypes\":[\"string\"],\"fixableOnly\":true,\"gitUsers\":[\"string\"],\"iacCategories\":[\"IAM\"],\"iacLabels\":[\"CustomPolicy\"],\"iacTags\":[\"string\"],\"licenseType\":[\"OSI_APACHE\"],\"repositories\":[],\"secretsRiskFactors\":[\"PublicRepository\"],\"severities\":[\"INFO\"],\"vulnerabilityRiskFactors\":[\"AttackComplexity\"]},\"search\":{\"scopes\":[\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\"term\":\"string\"},\"limit\":0,\"offset\":0}'"
+            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url http://undefinedundefined/api/v2/code-issues/branch_scan \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"filters\":{\"benchmarks\":[\"CIS KUBERNETES V1.5\"],\"branch\":\"string\",\"checkStatus\":\"Error\",\"codeCategories\":[\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\"cwes\":[\"string\"],\"fileTypes\":[\"build.gradle\"],\"fixableOnly\":true,\"gitUsers\":[\"string\"],\"iacCategories\":[\"IAM\"],\"iacLabels\":[\"CustomPolicy\"],\"iacTags\":[\"string\"],\"licenseType\":[\"OSI_APACHE\"],\"owasp\":[\"string\"],\"repositories\":[],\"sastLabels\":[\"CustomPolicy\"],\"secretsRiskFactors\":[\"PublicRepository\"],\"severities\":[\"CRITICAL\"],\"vulnerabilityRiskFactors\":[\"AttackComplexity\"]},\"search\":{\"scopes\":[\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\"term\":\"string\"},\"limit\":0,\"offset\":0,\"searchAfter\":[\"string\"],\"useSearchAfterPagination\":true}'"
-    "/code/api/v2/code-issues/code_review_scan": {
+    "/api/v2/code-issues/code_review_scan": {
       "post": {
-        "description": "Retrieves the code errors detected by Application Security during CI/CD scans.",
         "operationId": "getCicdFindings",
         "parameters": [],
         "requestBody": {
@@ -2406,11 +2875,11 @@
                     "properties": {
                       "filters": {
                         "$ref": "#/components/schemas/CicdRunsFilters",
-                        "description": "Filters to retrieve selective issues. Use the given fields to filter the search results:"
+                        "description": "Filters to retrieve selective issues. Use the following fields to filter the search results:\n- checkStatus: Security violation status filter. Filter scan results using a status value:\n     - Error: Security violation was detected.\n     - Passed: No security violation\n     - Suppressed: A security issue was identified, but was acknowledged and intentionally suppressed.\n     - FixPending: An automated fix has been issued to the security violation, and is currently being applied to the associated resource.\n- gitUsers: Git user filter. Filter security findings based on the Git user who modified the code or configuration files.\n- codeCategories: The `scopes` search criteria is also available as a filter.\n- secretsRiskFactors: Secrets risk factor filter:\n     - PublicRepository: Secret was found in a public repository.\n     - PrivateRepository: Secret was found in a private repository.\n     - User: User who committed the secret.\n     - Privileged: Secret is for a role with privileged access to a Cloud Service Provider account.\n     - Valid: Secret has been validated as an active secret by the service provider.\n     - Invalid: Secret received an invalid response when used against the service provider’s API.\n     - Unknown: Secret that could not be verified.\n     - FoundInHistory: Secret was found in the Git history but not in the most recent commit.\n- iacCategories (optional): Infrastructure as code categories filter:\n     - IAM (Identity and Access Management): Issues related to IAM configurations.\n     - Logging: Issues related to log management and monitoring.\n     - Monitoring: Issues related to monitoring and observability configurations.\n     - Networking: Issues related to network configurations, such as open ports, insecure protocols, or misconfigured security groups.\n     - Kubernetes: Issues specific to Kubernetes cluster configurations.\n     - General: Issues that do not fit into specific predefined categories. It may include issues related to best practices, compliance checks, or general security hygiene.\n     - Serverless: Issues specific to serverless function configurations, such as function permissions or environment variable protection\n     - Elasticsearch: Issues related to Elasticsearch configurations, such as exposed clusters, lack of encryption, or insecure access controls.\n     - Storage: Issues related to storage configurations, such as public buckets, insecure access policies, or encryption settings.\n     - Secrets: Issues related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys.\n     - Public: Issues related to public-facing resources, such as exposed APIs, publicly accessible assets, or misconfigured CDN (Content Delivery Network) settings. Vulnerabilities - Vulnerabilities in your code or infrastructure including issues related to outdated software versions, known security vulnerabilities, or insecure dependencies. Compute - Issues related to compute resources, including virtual machine configurations, instance roles, or container security. VCS (Version Control Systems) -  Issues associated with version control systems, such as Git repositories. Build Integrity - Issues related to the integrity of your build processes or artifacts. It involves ensuring that the build pipeline is secure, free from tampering, and follows secure build practices. Licenses - Issues related to open-source licenses in your codebase. Drift - Issues related to configuration drift, where the actual deployed infrastructure deviates from the desired state defined in the IaC templates. Policy3D - Issues related to 3rd-party policies or standards. It involves evaluating and ensuring compliance with external security policies or regulatory frameworks.\n- severities: Severity filter:\n     - Critical: High-risk vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that could lead to significant security breaches or data leaks. These issues require immediate attention and remediation.\n     - High: Significant security issues that have the potential to be exploited or result in significant damage if left unaddressed. These findings should be addressed as a priority.\n     - Medium: Issues that pose a potential security risk that are less severe than Critical and High. Remediation of these issues should be prioritized, but they may not require immediate attention.\n     - Low: Low severity indicates issues that have a minimal impact on security or are relatively low-risk. While they may not pose an immediate threat, it is still recommended to address them to maintain a robust security posture.\n     - Info: Info severity is used for informational findings or recommendations that do not pose an immediate security risk but provide helpful guidance, best practices, or suggestions for optimization. These findings can be considered as part of ongoing security hygiene efforts.\n- iacTags: Filter violation based on the tag assigned to the resource.\n- fileTypes: File type filter. Use one of the available file type strings to retrieve issues with files of that type.\n- Benchmarks: Benchmarks filter. Use one of the available benchmark strings to retrieve issues based on the corresponding security benchmark or compliance standard.\n- iacLabels: IaC filter. Use one of the following IaC labels to retrieve corresponding issues:\n     - CustomPolicy: whether or not the presented security issue is associated with a custom policy created by the user.\n     - HasFix: whether or not a fix suggestion is provided for the presented security issue.\n- vulnerabilityRiskFactors: Vulnerability Risk Factors filter. Use one of the following vulnerability risk factor labels to retrieve corresponding issues:\n     - Attack Complexity: Level of effort or skill required for an attacker to exploit a vulnerability. A higher complexity indicates that it is more challenging for an attacker to exploit the vulnerability.\n     - Attack Vector: Path or means through which an attacker can exploit a vulnerability. It describes the method or entry point an attacker can use to access the vulnerable system or application.\n     - DoS (Denial of Service): DoS vulnerabilities that can be exploited to disrupt or disable the normal functioning of a system or application.\n     - HasFix: Vulnerabilities that have a fix or solution, such as a patch, update, or recommended mitigation steps to address the vulnerability.\n     - RemoteExecution: Vulnerabilities that can be exploited remotely, without direct physical or local access to the target system.\n     - ExploitInTheWild: Vulnerabilities with reports of active exploits in real-world attacks. If a vulnerability has an exploit in the wild, it means that attackers are actively taking advantage of the vulnerability.\n     - ExploitPOC:  \"Proof of Concept\" exploits are vulnerabilities with a proof of concept code or demonstration that showcases the vulnerability's exploitation.\n- licenseType: License type filter. Use one of the available license type strings to retrieve identified violations affiliated with the specified license type.\n- repositories: Repositories filter for retrieving issues detected in PR scans and CICD runs on specific repository.\n- runId (required): Scan ID filter. Provide a PR scan or CICD run ID to retrieve issues from the corresponding PR scan or CICD run.\n- enforcementLevel: Scan Status filter. Use one of the following scan statuses to retrieve corresponding issues:\n     - HARD_FAIL: The HARD_FAIL enforcement level indicates that a policy violation must be addressed, and it will result in a failure condition. When a violation is categorized as HARD_FAIL, it means that it is considered critical and must be resolved before the scan or evaluation can pass.\n     - SOFT_FAIL: The SOFT_FAIL enforcement level represents a policy violation that is not critical but should still be addressed. While a SOFT_FAIL violation does not result in an immediate failure condition, it is considered a warning or advisory, indicating a potential security or compliance issue that needs attention.\n     - PASS: The PASS enforcement level indicates that a policy is being evaluated, and no violations or issues have been identified. When a policy evaluation results in a PASS status, it means that the criteria defined by the policy have been met, and no corrective action is required.\n     - UNKNOWN: The UNKNOWN enforcement level signifies that the status or evaluation of a policy could not be determined. This may occur due to various reasons, such as missing or incomplete information, unsupported configurations, or other limitations in the scanning process."
                       "search": {
                         "$ref": "#/components/schemas/SearchControllerParams",
-                        "description": "The `search` field allows you to search for a given term or set of terms across issues of a particular type or types. The `search` field consists of the `term` and the `scopes` fields. The `term` field is required."
+                        "description": "The `search` field allows you to search for a given term or set of terms across issues of a particular type or types. The `search` field consists of the `term` and the `scopes` fields.\n - term: field is required. It can be a single word, or multiple words joined by the ‘or’ and ‘and’ logical operators.\n - scopes: field is optional. You can provide one or more code categories in this field. The platform searches for the `term` across issues that have the code categories you provide. The following code category scopes are applicable to this endpoint:\n     - IacMisconfiguration: Issues with Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC or iac) templates and scripts that provision and manage cloud resources.\n     - vulnerabilites: Findings related to known security vulnerabilities in open-source packages used in applications that could be exploited by attackers.\n     - buildintegrity: Findings related to the integrity and security of the build pipeline or the software supply chain.\n     - Secrets: Findings related to the handling and management of sensitive information, such as API keys, passwords, or cryptographic keys, within code files.\n     - Licenses: Filter value to retrieve issues related to the non-compliance with license requirements."
                     "required": ["filters"],
@@ -2420,7 +2889,9 @@
-          }
+          },
+          "description": "- offset: A non-negative integer that indicates the number of items from the start of the results list to skip in the response. The offset parameter, along with the limit parameter, enables you to paginate the results. For example, if you use an offset value of 100 and a limit of 200, the response will contain issues starting from 101 to 300 in the results (matching issues) list. The default value is 0 for no offset, which returns results starting from the first issue.\n- limit: Number of items to return. A non-negative integer that indicates the number of issues from the result list to return. By default, all the matching issues are returned. The default value is 100 and the maximum value is 10000.",
+          "required": true
         "responses": {
           "200": {
@@ -2438,21 +2909,22 @@
         "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
         "summary": "Get Code Issues from Pull Requests Scans and CICD Runs",
         "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSProjects_READ"],
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"filters\": {\n        \"benchmarks\": [\"CIS KUBERNETES V1.5\"],\n        \"checkStatus\": \"Error\",\n        \"codeCategories\": [\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\n        \"enforcementLevel\": [\"HARD_FAIL\"],\n        \"fileTypes\": [\"string\"],\n        \"fixableOnly\": True,\n        \"gitUsers\": [\"string\"],\n        \"iacCategories\": [\"IAM\"],\n        \"iacLabels\": [\"CustomPolicy\"],\n        \"iacTags\": [\"string\"],\n        \"licenseType\": [\"OSI_APACHE\"],\n        \"repositories\": [\"string\"],\n        \"runId\": 0,\n        \"secretsRiskFactors\": [\"PublicRepository\"],\n        \"severities\": [\"INFO\"],\n        \"vulnerabilityRiskFactors\": [\"AttackComplexity\"]\n    },\n    \"search\": {\n        \"scopes\": [\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\n        \"term\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"limit\": 0,\n    \"offset\": 0\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/api/v2/code-issues/code_review_scan\"\n\npayload = {\n    \"filters\": {\n        \"benchmarks\": [\"CIS KUBERNETES V1.5\"],\n        \"checkStatus\": \"Error\",\n        \"codeCategories\": [\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\n        \"cwes\": [\"string\"],\n        \"enforcementLevel\": [\"HARD_FAIL\"],\n        \"fileTypes\": [\"build.gradle\"],\n        \"fixableOnly\": True,\n        \"gitUsers\": [\"string\"],\n        \"iacCategories\": [\"IAM\"],\n        \"iacLabels\": [\"CustomPolicy\"],\n        \"iacTags\": [\"string\"],\n        \"licenseType\": [\"OSI_APACHE\"],\n        \"owasp\": [\"string\"],\n        \"repositories\": [\"string\"],\n        \"runId\": 0,\n        \"sastLabels\": [\"CustomPolicy\"],\n        \"secretsRiskFactors\": [\"PublicRepository\"],\n        \"severities\": [\"CRITICAL\"],\n        \"vulnerabilityRiskFactors\": [\"AttackComplexity\"]\n    },\n    \"search\": {\n        \"scopes\": [\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\n        \"term\": \"string\"\n    },\n    \"limit\": 0,\n    \"offset\": 0\n}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"filters\":{\"benchmarks\":[\"CIS KUBERNETES V1.5\"],\"checkStatus\":\"Error\",\"codeCategories\":[\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\"enforcementLevel\":[\"HARD_FAIL\"],\"fileTypes\":[\"string\"],\"fixableOnly\":true,\"gitUsers\":[\"string\"],\"iacCategories\":[\"IAM\"],\"iacLabels\":[\"CustomPolicy\"],\"iacTags\":[\"string\"],\"licenseType\":[\"OSI_APACHE\"],\"repositories\":[\"string\"],\"runId\":0,\"secretsRiskFactors\":[\"PublicRepository\"],\"severities\":[\"INFO\"],\"vulnerabilityRiskFactors\":[\"AttackComplexity\"]},\"search\":{\"scopes\":[\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\"term\":\"string\"},\"limit\":0,\"offset\":0}'"
+            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url http://undefinedundefined/api/v2/code-issues/code_review_scan \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"filters\":{\"benchmarks\":[\"CIS KUBERNETES V1.5\"],\"checkStatus\":\"Error\",\"codeCategories\":[\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\"cwes\":[\"string\"],\"enforcementLevel\":[\"HARD_FAIL\"],\"fileTypes\":[\"build.gradle\"],\"fixableOnly\":true,\"gitUsers\":[\"string\"],\"iacCategories\":[\"IAM\"],\"iacLabels\":[\"CustomPolicy\"],\"iacTags\":[\"string\"],\"licenseType\":[\"OSI_APACHE\"],\"owasp\":[\"string\"],\"repositories\":[\"string\"],\"runId\":0,\"sastLabels\":[\"CustomPolicy\"],\"secretsRiskFactors\":[\"PublicRepository\"],\"severities\":[\"CRITICAL\"],\"vulnerabilityRiskFactors\":[\"AttackComplexity\"]},\"search\":{\"scopes\":[\"IacMisconfiguration\"],\"term\":\"string\"},\"limit\":0,\"offset\":0}'"
-    "/code/api/v2/git/blameAuthors": {
+    "/api/v2/git/blameAuthors": {
       "post": {
-        "description": "Get list of repositories authors\n\n| Name             | Required            | Type          | In   | Description                                                                     |\n|------------------|---------------------|---------------|------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| repositories     | no - default all user permitted repositories   | array<string>  | body  | array of repositories to get git blame authors for |\n| search           | no                                             | string         | query | repositories to filter by                          |\n| page             | no                                             | number         | query | pagination page number                             |\n| pageSize         | no                                             | number         | query | limit query results                                |\n\nRequest Example 1:\n```json ```\nResponse Example 1:\n```json\n[\n    { \"data\": [\"yoni\", \"yehuda\"], hasNext: false }\n]\n```\n\n\nRequest Example 2:\n```json ```\nResponse Example 2:\n```json\n[\n     { \"data\": [\"yoni\", \"yehuda\"], hasNext: false }\n]\n```",
+        "description": "Get list of repositories authors\n\n| Name             | Required            | Type          | In   | Description                                                                     |\n|------------------|---------------------|---------------|------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------|\n| repositories     | no - default all user permitted repositories   | array<string>  | body  | array of repositories to get git blame authors for |\n| search           | no                                             | string         | query | repositories to filter by                          |\n| page             | no                                             | number         | query | pagination page number                             |\n| pageSize         | no                                             | number         | query | limit query results                                |\n\nRequest Example 1:\n```json\n { \"repositories\": [\"prismacloudcas/terragoat\", \"prismacloudcas/checkov\"] }\n```\nResponse Example 1:\n```json\n[\n    { \"data\": [\"yoni\", \"yehuda\"], hasNext: false }\n]\n```\n\n\nRequest Example 2:\n```json\n { \"search\": \"prismacloudcas/terragoat\", \"page\": 0, \"pageSize\": 100  }\n```\nResponse Example 2:\n```json\n[\n     { \"data\": [\"yoni\", \"yehuda\"], hasNext: false }\n]\n```",
         "operationId": "getBlameAuthors",
         "parameters": [
@@ -2502,21 +2974,22 @@
           "500": { "description": "Could not get git blames authors" }
         "security": [{ "CustomAuthorizer": [] }],
-        "summary": "Get repositories blame authors",
+        "summary": "Get Repositories Blame Authors",
         "tags": ["Errors"],
+        "x-bc-required-permissions": ["CCSProjects_READ"],
         "x-codeSamples": [
             "lang": "Python + Requests",
-            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"\"\n\nquerystring = {\"search\":\"SOME_STRING_VALUE\",\"page\":\"SOME_NUMBER_VALUE\",\"pageSize\":\"SOME_NUMBER_VALUE\"}\n\npayload = {\"repositories\": [\"string\"]}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers, params=querystring)\n\nprint(response.text)"
+            "source": "import requests\n\nurl = \"http://undefinedundefined/api/v2/git/blameAuthors\"\n\nquerystring = {\"search\":\"SOME_STRING_VALUE\",\"page\":\"SOME_NUMBER_VALUE\",\"pageSize\":\"SOME_NUMBER_VALUE\"}\n\npayload = {\"repositories\": [\"string\"]}\nheaders = {\n    \"content-type\": \"application/json\",\n    \"authorization\": \"REPLACE_KEY_VALUE\"\n}\n\nresponse = requests.request(\"POST\", url, json=payload, headers=headers, params=querystring)\n\nprint(response.text)"
             "lang": "Shell + Curl",
-            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url '' \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"repositories\":[\"string\"]}'"
+            "source": "curl --request POST \\\n  --url 'http://undefinedundefined/api/v2/git/blameAuthors?search=SOME_STRING_VALUE&page=SOME_NUMBER_VALUE&pageSize=SOME_NUMBER_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'authorization: REPLACE_KEY_VALUE' \\\n  --header 'content-type: application/json' \\\n  --data '{\"repositories\":[\"string\"]}'"
-  "servers": [{ "url": "" }],
+  "servers": null,
   "tags": [{ "name": "Errors" }]

From a19a272cbadaf0a27b0043bc38b08cf80c4b47ce Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 22:01:13 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 02/14] updating Errors.json

 openapi-specs/code/Errors.json | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json b/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
index 4afe4b7f8..06d6981e8 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
@@ -2439,7 +2439,7 @@
     "/code/api/v1/errors/files": {
       "post": {
         "deprecated": true,
-        "description": "List files with errors",
+        "description": "List files with errors.",
         "operationId": "getErrorsFiles",
         "parameters": [],
         "requestBody": {
@@ -2500,7 +2500,7 @@
     "/code/api/v1/errors/files/{uuid}": {
       "get": {
         "deprecated": true,
-        "description": "Get the file metadata by UUID based on the customer's repository",
+        "description": "Get the file metadata by UUID based on the customer's repository.",
         "operationId": "getErrorsInFiles",
         "parameters": [

From f37a59d2fae8381f6b31e09aeba3464369b451cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Sun, 23 Jun 2024 22:32:57 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 03/14] fixing description

 openapi-specs/code/Errors.json | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json b/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
index 06d6981e8..d86b58d51 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/Errors.json
@@ -2669,7 +2669,7 @@
     "/code/api/v1/errors/submitActions": {
       "post": {
         "deprecated": true,
-        "description": "This api receive type of submit (PR\\DEFAULT), array of violationsToSuppress and array of violationsToFix, and\ninvoke the suppress\\fix function in the correct service (cicd\\remediations)",
+        "description": "Invokes the suppress fix function in the correct service CI/CD remediations service based on the type of submit (PR or DEFAULT), array of violationsToSuppress, and array of violations to fix.",
         "operationId": "submitActions",
         "parameters": [],
         "requestBody": {

From bc456f53564af720b50d2f40e72c1a7cce340df0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 13:41:08 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 04/14] BCE-35599

 .../code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json       | 1777 +++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1777 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..464de809c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1777 @@
+	"components": {
+		"examples": {},
+		"headers": {},
+		"parameters": {},
+		"requestBodies": {},
+		"responses": {},
+		"schemas": {
+			"GetRepoImportanceScore": {
+				"properties": {
+					"repoId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"customerName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"repoScore": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"customRepoScore": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"nullable": true
+					},
+					"customComment": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"nullable": true
+					},
+					"customReporter": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"nullable": true
+					},
+					"customUpdatedAt": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"nullable": true
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"repoId",
+					"customerName",
+					"repoScore",
+					"customRepoScore",
+					"customComment",
+					"customReporter",
+					"customUpdatedAt"
+				],
+				"type": "object",
+				"additionalProperties": false
+			},
+			"SetRepoImportanceRequestBody": {
+				"properties": {
+					"repositoryId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"repoScore": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"nullable": true
+					},
+					"comment": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"nullable": true
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"repositoryId",
+					"repoScore"
+				],
+				"type": "object",
+				"additionalProperties": false
+			},
+			"RepositoryPrivacyLabel": {
+				"type": "string",
+				"enum": [
+					"public",
+					"private",
+					"internal"
+				],
+				"nullable": true
+			},
+			"RepositoryProvider": {
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"IVCSRepository": {
+				"properties": {
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS repository ID"
+					},
+					"customerName": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Customer Prisma ID"
+					},
+					"originId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"sessionId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"type": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"enum": [
+							"VCSRepository"
+						],
+						"nullable": false
+					},
+					"defaultBranch": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Default branch"
+					},
+					"hasCoderOwner": {
+						"type": "boolean",
+						"description": "Repository contains code owner file (True/False)"
+					},
+					"isArchived": {
+						"type": "boolean",
+						"description": "Archived repository (True/False)"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS Repository short name"
+					},
+					"fullName": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Repository full name"
+					},
+					"privacyLevel": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
+					},
+					"provider": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
+					},
+					"lastUpdated": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS Repository last update time"
+					},
+					"repositorySize": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "VCS Repository size"
+					},
+					"totalCommitsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "Total commits count"
+					},
+					"totalContributorsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "Total contributors count"
+					},
+					"isForkingAllowed": {
+						"type": "boolean",
+						"description": "Is forking allowed in the repository"
+					},
+					"defaultGithubActionsWorkflowPermission": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"enum": [
+							"read",
+							"write"
+						]
+					},
+					"isAllGithubActionsAllowed": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isGithubActionsEnabled": {
+						"type": "boolean",
+						"description": "Is Github Actions enabled in the repository"
+					},
+					"isRequiresCommitSignatures": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isRequiresStatusChecks": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isRestrictsPushes": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"openFixPRs": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"failedCustomerPRs": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"totalCustomerPRs": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"ciFiles": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "CI files path"
+					},
+					"url": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS Repository URL"
+					},
+					"casId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"workspaceId": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS workspace/integration ID"
+					},
+					"workspaceName": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS workspace/integration name"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"id",
+					"customerName",
+					"type",
+					"failedCustomerPRs",
+					"totalCustomerPRs",
+					"ciFiles",
+					"url",
+					"casId"
+				],
+				"type": "object",
+				"additionalProperties": false
+			},
+			"CIType": {
+				"enum": [
+					"githubActions",
+					"circleci",
+					"codebuild",
+					"jenkins"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"PipelineInfo": {
+				"properties": {
+					"pipeline": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"system": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"instance": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"pipeline",
+					"system",
+					"instance"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"ICiInstanceInfo": {
+				"properties": {
+					"ciType": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CIType",
+						"description": "CI pipeline type"
+					},
+					"customerName": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Customer Prisma ID"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "CI pipeline name"
+					},
+					"pipelines": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/PipelineInfo"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"ciType",
+					"customerName",
+					"id",
+					"name",
+					"pipelines"
+				],
+				"type": "object",
+				"additionalProperties": false
+			},
+			"Technology": {
+				"properties": {},
+				"additionalProperties": {
+					"properties": {
+						"percentage": {
+							"type": "number",
+							"format": "double"
+						},
+						"detectedDate": {
+							"type": "string",
+							"format": "date-time"
+						}
+					},
+					"required": [
+						"detectedDate"
+					],
+					"type": "object"
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"Technologies": {
+				"properties": {
+					"Unknown": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Data": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Programming": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Markup": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Prose": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Configuration": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"CICD": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Devops": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Documentation": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"License": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"PackageManager": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"DockerImage": {
+				"properties": {
+					"repoName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"imageName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"repoName",
+					"imageName"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"Contributor": {
+				"properties": {
+					"lastPush": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"permission": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Contributor permission"
+					},
+					"contributionsCounts": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "Number of contributions"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Contributor name"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"contributionsCounts",
+					"name",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"SecurityModule": {
+				"enum": [
+					"IAC",
+					"SCA",
+					"SECRETS",
+					"CICD"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"SeverityIssues": {
+				"properties": {
+					"CRITICAL": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"HIGH": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"MEDIUM": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"LOW": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"INFO": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"Issues": {
+				"allOf": [
+					{
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+					},
+					{
+						"properties": {
+							"moduleName": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						},
+						"type": "object"
+					}
+				]
+			},
+			"WeeklyCommitOnPR": {
+				"properties": {
+					"prevWeeklyCommits": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"currWeeklyCommits": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"branchName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"prevWeeklyCommits",
+					"currWeeklyCommits",
+					"branchName"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepoInfo": {
+				"allOf": [
+					{
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/IVCSRepository"
+					},
+					{
+						"properties": {
+							"weeklyCommitOnPrs": {
+								"items": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/WeeklyCommitOnPR"
+								},
+								"type": "array"
+							},
+							"issues": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Issues"
+							},
+							"contributorsCount": {
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							"contributors": {
+								"items": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Contributor"
+								},
+								"type": "array"
+							},
+							"dockerImages": {
+								"items": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/DockerImage"
+								},
+								"type": "array"
+							},
+							"categorizedTechnologies": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technologies"
+							},
+							"ciInstances": {
+								"properties": {},
+								"additionalProperties": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ICiInstanceInfo"
+								},
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						},
+						"required": [
+							"weeklyCommitOnPrs",
+							"issues"
+						],
+						"type": "object"
+					}
+				]
+			},
+			"RiskFactors": {
+				"properties": {
+					"isRepositoryDeployed": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isInternetExpose": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"CiInstancesHash": {
+				"properties": {},
+				"additionalProperties": {
+					"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ICiInstanceInfo"
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"ModuleIssues": {
+				"properties": {
+					"IAC": {
+						"allOf": [
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+							},
+							{
+								"properties": {
+									"TOTAL": {
+										"type": "number",
+										"format": "double"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"TOTAL"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"SCA": {
+						"allOf": [
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+							},
+							{
+								"properties": {
+									"TOTAL": {
+										"type": "number",
+										"format": "double"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"TOTAL"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"SECRETS": {
+						"allOf": [
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+							},
+							{
+								"properties": {
+									"TOTAL": {
+										"type": "number",
+										"format": "double"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"TOTAL"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"CICD": {
+						"allOf": [
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+							},
+							{
+								"properties": {
+									"TOTAL": {
+										"type": "number",
+										"format": "double"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"TOTAL"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						]
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"WeeklyCommitOnPrs": {
+				"properties": {
+					"prevWeeklyCommits": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"currWeeklyCommits": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"branchName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"prevWeeklyCommits",
+					"currWeeklyCommits",
+					"branchName"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"SourceTypes": {
+				"enum": [
+					"admissionController",
+					"AlibabaCloud",
+					"AWS",
+					"Azure",
+					"AzureOnPrem",
+					"AzureRepos",
+					"Bitbucket",
+					"bitbucketEnterprise",
+					"circleci",
+					"cli",
+					"codebuild",
+					"GCP",
+					"Github",
+					"githubActions",
+					"githubEnterprise",
+					"Gitlab",
+					"gitlabEnterprise",
+					"jenkins",
+					"Kubernetes",
+					"kubernetesWorkloads",
+					"terraformCloud",
+					"terraformEnterprise",
+					"tfcRunTasks",
+					"tfeRunTasks",
+					"Transporter",
+					"OnPrem"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"ApplicationId": {
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"CasApplication": {
+				"properties": {
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ApplicationId"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"name",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RdsRepoInfo": {
+				"properties": {
+					"applications": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CasApplication"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"exceedsCommitsLastSixMonths": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"exceedsCommits": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"lastReleaseTimestamp": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"releasesCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"lastTagTimestamp": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"tagsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"lastVcsIssueTimestamp": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"vcsIssuesCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"pipelineCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"isFork": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isPublic": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"organizationId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"importanceScore": {
+						"properties": {
+							"repoScore": {
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double",
+								"nullable": true
+							},
+							"customUpdatedAt": {
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double",
+								"nullable": true
+							},
+							"customReporter": {
+								"type": "string",
+								"nullable": true
+							},
+							"customRepoScore": {
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double",
+								"nullable": true
+							},
+							"customComment": {
+								"type": "string",
+								"nullable": true
+							}
+						},
+						"required": [
+							"repoScore",
+							"customUpdatedAt",
+							"customReporter",
+							"customRepoScore",
+							"customComment"
+						],
+						"type": "object"
+					},
+					"metadata": {
+						"properties": {
+							"runtimeImagesMetadata": {
+								"items": {
+									"properties": {},
+									"additionalProperties": {
+										"anyOf": [
+											{
+												"type": "string"
+											},
+											{
+												"type": "boolean"
+											}
+										]
+									},
+									"type": "object"
+								},
+								"type": "array"
+							},
+							"scansMetadata": {
+								"properties": {},
+								"additionalProperties": {
+									"anyOf": [
+										{
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										{
+											"type": "boolean"
+										}
+									]
+								},
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						},
+						"required": [
+							"runtimeImagesMetadata",
+							"scansMetadata"
+						],
+						"type": "object"
+					},
+					"images": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"integrationId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"source": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SourceTypes"
+					},
+					"weeklyCommitOnPrs": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/WeeklyCommitOnPrs"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"issues": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ModuleIssues"
+					},
+					"contributors": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Contributor"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"categorizedTechnologies": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technologies"
+					},
+					"ciInstances": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CiInstancesHash"
+					},
+					"contributorsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"customerName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"workspaceName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"workspaceId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"url": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"ciFiles": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"totalCommitsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"riskFactors": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RiskFactors"
+					},
+					"repositorySize": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"lastCommitTimestamp": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"lastUpdated": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"provider": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
+					},
+					"privacyLevel": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
+					},
+					"fullName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"isArchived": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"hasCoderOwner": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"defaultBranch": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"casId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"exceedsCommitsLastSixMonths",
+					"exceedsCommits",
+					"lastReleaseTimestamp",
+					"releasesCount",
+					"lastTagTimestamp",
+					"tagsCount",
+					"lastVcsIssueTimestamp",
+					"vcsIssuesCount",
+					"pipelineCount",
+					"isFork",
+					"isPublic",
+					"organizationId",
+					"importanceScore",
+					"metadata",
+					"images",
+					"integrationId",
+					"source",
+					"customerName",
+					"url",
+					"provider",
+					"fullName",
+					"name",
+					"isArchived",
+					"defaultBranch",
+					"casId",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RiskFactorsType": {
+				"enum": [
+					"isInternetExpose",
+					"isRepositoryDeployed"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"RepoImportanceScore": {
+				"enum": [
+					"HIGH",
+					"MEDIUM",
+					"LOW"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"VCSRepositoriesExternalFilters": {
+				"properties": {
+					"appIds": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"importanceScore": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoImportanceScore"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"owners": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "Array of repository owners, filter all repositories owned by specified owners"
+					},
+					"images": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"archived": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "An array with length of 1 containing either ‘true’ or ‘false’, filter between archived and not archived repositories"
+					},
+					"issues": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "Issues enum: [`IAC`, `SCA`, `SECRETS`, `CICD`, `SAST`]\nFilter repositories containing issues of the requested type"
+					},
+					"pipelines": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "Get all repositories linked to the specified pipelines"
+					},
+					"lastUpdated": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"format": "date-time"
+					},
+					"riskFactors": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RiskFactorsType"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"workspaceIds": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"privacyLevels": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "CI files path"
+					},
+					"technologies": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "Get repositories that make use of the specified technologies"
+					},
+					"providers": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"ids": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "VCS repository IDs"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Search repositories by free text"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"Pagination": {
+				"properties": {
+					"pageSize": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"page": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"pageSize",
+					"page"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"OrderBy": {
+				"properties": {
+					"isAsc": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"type": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"fieldName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"isAsc",
+					"type",
+					"fieldName"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepoRequestBody": {
+				"properties": {
+					"orderBy": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/OrderBy"
+					},
+					"pageConfig": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Pagination"
+					},
+					"filters": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/VCSRepositoriesExternalFilters"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"FilterData": {
+				"properties": {
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"name",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepositoriesPageFiltersData": {
+				"properties": {
+					"providers": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"pipelines": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"technologies": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"workspaces": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"repositories": {
+						"items": {
+							"allOf": [
+								{
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+								},
+								{
+									"properties": {
+										"workspaceId": {
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										"fullName": {
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										"provider": {
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										"casId": {
+											"type": "string"
+										}
+									},
+									"required": [
+										"workspaceId",
+										"fullName",
+										"provider",
+										"casId"
+									],
+									"type": "object"
+								}
+							]
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepoData": {
+				"properties": {
+					"isOnPrem": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"fullName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"casId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"fullName",
+					"casId",
+					"name",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepositoriesFiltersReturn": {
+				"properties": {
+					"totalCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"data": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"totalCount",
+					"data"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			}
+		},
+		"securitySchemes": {}
+	},
+	"info": {
+		"title": "TSOA",
+		"version": "1.0.0",
+		"description": "Build swagger-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node",
+		"license": {
+			"name": "MIT"
+		},
+		"contact": {
+			"name": "unknown"
+		}
+	},
+	"openapi": "3.0.0",
+	"paths": {
+		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/importance-score": {
+			"post": {
+				"operationId": "getRepositoriesImportanceScore",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "repository importance score data for the requested repositories",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"items": {
+										"$ref": "#/components/schemas/GetRepoImportanceScore"
+									},
+									"type": "array"
+								},
+								"examples": {
+									"Example 1": {
+										"value": [
+											{
+												"customerName": "customer name",
+												"repoScore": 5,
+												"customRepoScore": 1,
+												"customComment": "custom repo score description",
+												"customReporter": "",
+												"customUpdatedAt": 1719320604269
+											},
+											{
+												"customerName": "customer name",
+												"repoScore": 10,
+												"customRepoScore": null,
+												"customComment": null,
+												"customReporter": null,
+												"customUpdatedAt": null
+											}
+										]
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					"400": {
+						"description": "Maximum 5000 repositories can be updated within a single request"
+					},
+					"401": {
+						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get repositories importance score",
+				"summary": "Get Repositories Importance Score",
+				"tags": [
+					"Repository Importance Score"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"requestBody": {
+					"required": true,
+					"content": {
+						"application/json": {
+							"schema": {
+								"properties": {
+									"repositoryIds": {
+										"items": {
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										"type": "array"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"repositoryIds"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-bc-docs-scope": "prisma"
+			}
+		},
+		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/importance-score/set": {
+			"post": {
+				"operationId": "setRepositoryImportanceScore",
+				"responses": {
+					"204": {
+						"description": "Updated custom repository score data for the requested repositories"
+					},
+					"400": {
+						"description": "Maximum 5000 repositories can be updated within a single request"
+					},
+					"401": {
+						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Set repository importance score",
+				"summary": "Set Repository Importance Score",
+				"tags": [
+					"Repository Importance Score"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"requestBody": {
+					"required": true,
+					"content": {
+						"application/json": {
+							"schema": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SetRepoImportanceRequestBody"
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-bc-docs-scope": "prisma"
+			}
+		},
+		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories": {
+			"get": {
+				"operationId": "getVCSRepository",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "repositories",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"items": {
+										"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoInfo"
+									},
+									"type": "array"
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get all repositories and their metadata (Technologies, pipelines, contributors, etc..)",
+				"summary": "Get repositories (repositories page)",
+				"tags": [
+					"Repositories"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories connected to CI pipelines",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "include_pipelines",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "boolean"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories with deployed images",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "include_docker_images",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "boolean"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "order by repositories",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "order_by",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "requested page",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "page",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"format": "double",
+							"type": "number"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "page size",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "page_size",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"format": "double",
+							"type": "number"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by name",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "name",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by repository ID",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "ids",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"type": "string"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by provider",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "providers",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by technologies",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "technologies",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"type": "string"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by CI type",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "ci_files",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"type": "string"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by private or public",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "privacy_levels",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by workspace/integration ID",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "workspace_id",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "filter by last updated repositories",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "last_updated",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"format": "date-time",
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "filter ignored repos",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "should_filter_ignored_repos",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "boolean"
+						}
+					}
+				],
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor"
+			},
+			"post": {
+				"operationId": "getVCSRepositoryPage",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "repositories",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"anyOf": [
+										{
+											"items": {
+												"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoInfo"
+											},
+											"type": "array"
+										},
+										{
+											"items": {
+												"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RdsRepoInfo"
+											},
+											"type": "array"
+										}
+									]
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get repositories page",
+				"summary": "get repositories page",
+				"tags": [
+					"Repositories"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"requestBody": {
+					"description": "the body includes filters page configuration.",
+					"required": true,
+					"content": {
+						"application/json": {
+							"schema": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoRequestBody"
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-bc-docs-scope": "standalone,prisma"
+			}
+		},
+		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/count": {
+			"post": {
+				"operationId": "getVCSRepositoryCount",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "repositories",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"type": "number",
+									"format": "double"
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get repositories count",
+				"summary": "get the requested repositories count",
+				"tags": [
+					"ciderRepository"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"requestBody": {
+					"description": "the body includes filters page configuration.",
+					"required": true,
+					"content": {
+						"application/json": {
+							"schema": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoRequestBody"
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l2"
+			}
+		},
+		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/filter-data": {
+			"get": {
+				"operationId": "inCiderFilterData",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "filter",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoriesPageFiltersData"
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get repositories filter data",
+				"summary": "get all the relevant filters fields for repository",
+				"tags": [
+					"ciderRepository"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l3"
+			}
+		},
+		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/filters/repositories": {
+			"get": {
+				"operationId": "reposFilter",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "filter",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoriesFiltersReturn"
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get vcs repositories.",
+				"summary": "Get all vcs repositories that exist in the db",
+				"tags": [
+					"ciderRepository"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [
+					{
+						"description": "string to look for in repository full name.",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "search_term",
+						"required": true,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "how many items to skip.",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "skip",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"default": 0,
+							"format": "double",
+							"type": "number"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "how many items to return.",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "limit",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"default": 100,
+							"format": "double",
+							"type": "number"
+						}
+					}
+				],
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l2"
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"servers": [
+		{
+			"url": ""
+		}
+	],
+	"tags": [{ "name": "Repository Importance Score" }]
\ No newline at end of file

From 0eab93187a961fe1a7c0bef932e6c8958307d39d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2024 13:49:30 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 05/14] BCE-35599

 .../code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json       | 368 ------------------
 1 file changed, 368 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
index 464de809c..fb51f3707 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -1398,374 +1398,6 @@
 				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
 				"x-bc-docs-scope": "prisma"
-		},
-		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories": {
-			"get": {
-				"operationId": "getVCSRepository",
-				"responses": {
-					"200": {
-						"description": "repositories",
-						"content": {
-							"application/json": {
-								"schema": {
-									"items": {
-										"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoInfo"
-									},
-									"type": "array"
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"description": "Get all repositories and their metadata (Technologies, pipelines, contributors, etc..)",
-				"summary": "Get repositories (repositories page)",
-				"tags": [
-					"Repositories"
-				],
-				"security": [
-					{
-						"CustomAuthorizer": []
-					}
-				],
-				"parameters": [
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories connected to CI pipelines",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "include_pipelines",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "boolean"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories with deployed images",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "include_docker_images",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "boolean"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "order by repositories",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "order_by",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "string"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "requested page",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "page",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"format": "double",
-							"type": "number"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "page size",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "page_size",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"format": "double",
-							"type": "number"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories by name",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "name",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "string"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories by repository ID",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "ids",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "array",
-							"items": {
-								"type": "string"
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories by provider",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "providers",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "array",
-							"items": {
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories by technologies",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "technologies",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "array",
-							"items": {
-								"type": "string"
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories by CI type",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "ci_files",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "array",
-							"items": {
-								"type": "string"
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories by private or public",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "privacy_levels",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "array",
-							"items": {
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "Get repositories by workspace/integration ID",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "workspace_id",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "string"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "filter by last updated repositories",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "last_updated",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"format": "date-time",
-							"type": "string"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "filter ignored repos",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "should_filter_ignored_repos",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "boolean"
-						}
-					}
-				],
-				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
-				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor"
-			},
-			"post": {
-				"operationId": "getVCSRepositoryPage",
-				"responses": {
-					"200": {
-						"description": "repositories",
-						"content": {
-							"application/json": {
-								"schema": {
-									"anyOf": [
-										{
-											"items": {
-												"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoInfo"
-											},
-											"type": "array"
-										},
-										{
-											"items": {
-												"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RdsRepoInfo"
-											},
-											"type": "array"
-										}
-									]
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"description": "Get repositories page",
-				"summary": "get repositories page",
-				"tags": [
-					"Repositories"
-				],
-				"security": [
-					{
-						"CustomAuthorizer": []
-					}
-				],
-				"parameters": [],
-				"requestBody": {
-					"description": "the body includes filters page configuration.",
-					"required": true,
-					"content": {
-						"application/json": {
-							"schema": {
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoRequestBody"
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
-				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
-				"x-bc-docs-scope": "standalone,prisma"
-			}
-		},
-		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/count": {
-			"post": {
-				"operationId": "getVCSRepositoryCount",
-				"responses": {
-					"200": {
-						"description": "repositories",
-						"content": {
-							"application/json": {
-								"schema": {
-									"type": "number",
-									"format": "double"
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"description": "Get repositories count",
-				"summary": "get the requested repositories count",
-				"tags": [
-					"ciderRepository"
-				],
-				"security": [
-					{
-						"CustomAuthorizer": []
-					}
-				],
-				"parameters": [],
-				"requestBody": {
-					"description": "the body includes filters page configuration.",
-					"required": true,
-					"content": {
-						"application/json": {
-							"schema": {
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoRequestBody"
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
-				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
-				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l2"
-			}
-		},
-		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/filter-data": {
-			"get": {
-				"operationId": "inCiderFilterData",
-				"responses": {
-					"200": {
-						"description": "filter",
-						"content": {
-							"application/json": {
-								"schema": {
-									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoriesPageFiltersData"
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"description": "Get repositories filter data",
-				"summary": "get all the relevant filters fields for repository",
-				"tags": [
-					"ciderRepository"
-				],
-				"security": [
-					{
-						"CustomAuthorizer": []
-					}
-				],
-				"parameters": [],
-				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
-				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
-				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l3"
-			}
-		},
-		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/filters/repositories": {
-			"get": {
-				"operationId": "reposFilter",
-				"responses": {
-					"200": {
-						"description": "filter",
-						"content": {
-							"application/json": {
-								"schema": {
-									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoriesFiltersReturn"
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"description": "Get vcs repositories.",
-				"summary": "Get all vcs repositories that exist in the db",
-				"tags": [
-					"ciderRepository"
-				],
-				"security": [
-					{
-						"CustomAuthorizer": []
-					}
-				],
-				"parameters": [
-					{
-						"description": "string to look for in repository full name.",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "search_term",
-						"required": true,
-						"schema": {
-							"type": "string"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "how many items to skip.",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "skip",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"default": 0,
-							"format": "double",
-							"type": "number"
-						}
-					},
-					{
-						"description": "how many items to return.",
-						"in": "query",
-						"name": "limit",
-						"required": false,
-						"schema": {
-							"default": 100,
-							"format": "double",
-							"type": "number"
-						}
-					}
-				],
-				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
-				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
-				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l2"
-			}
 	"servers": [

From 431a968579d05a3dde4c3e059328340c0efe03e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 19:11:45 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 06/14] new endpoints for BCE-35599

 .../code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json       | 1409 -----------------
 1 file changed, 1409 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
deleted file mode 100644
index fb51f3707..000000000
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1409 +0,0 @@
-	"components": {
-		"examples": {},
-		"headers": {},
-		"parameters": {},
-		"requestBodies": {},
-		"responses": {},
-		"schemas": {
-			"GetRepoImportanceScore": {
-				"properties": {
-					"repoId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"customerName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"repoScore": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"customRepoScore": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double",
-						"nullable": true
-					},
-					"customComment": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true
-					},
-					"customReporter": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true
-					},
-					"customUpdatedAt": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double",
-						"nullable": true
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"repoId",
-					"customerName",
-					"repoScore",
-					"customRepoScore",
-					"customComment",
-					"customReporter",
-					"customUpdatedAt"
-				],
-				"type": "object",
-				"additionalProperties": false
-			},
-			"SetRepoImportanceRequestBody": {
-				"properties": {
-					"repositoryId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"repoScore": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double",
-						"nullable": true
-					},
-					"comment": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"repositoryId",
-					"repoScore"
-				],
-				"type": "object",
-				"additionalProperties": false
-			},
-			"RepositoryPrivacyLabel": {
-				"type": "string",
-				"enum": [
-					"public",
-					"private",
-					"internal"
-				],
-				"nullable": true
-			},
-			"RepositoryProvider": {
-				"type": "string"
-			},
-			"IVCSRepository": {
-				"properties": {
-					"id": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "VCS repository ID"
-					},
-					"customerName": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "Customer Prisma ID"
-					},
-					"originId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"sessionId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"type": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"enum": [
-							"VCSRepository"
-						],
-						"nullable": false
-					},
-					"defaultBranch": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "Default branch"
-					},
-					"hasCoderOwner": {
-						"type": "boolean",
-						"description": "Repository contains code owner file (True/False)"
-					},
-					"isArchived": {
-						"type": "boolean",
-						"description": "Archived repository (True/False)"
-					},
-					"name": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "VCS Repository short name"
-					},
-					"fullName": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "Repository full name"
-					},
-					"privacyLevel": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
-					},
-					"provider": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
-					},
-					"lastUpdated": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "VCS Repository last update time"
-					},
-					"repositorySize": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double",
-						"description": "VCS Repository size"
-					},
-					"totalCommitsCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double",
-						"description": "Total commits count"
-					},
-					"totalContributorsCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double",
-						"description": "Total contributors count"
-					},
-					"isForkingAllowed": {
-						"type": "boolean",
-						"description": "Is forking allowed in the repository"
-					},
-					"defaultGithubActionsWorkflowPermission": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"enum": [
-							"read",
-							"write"
-						]
-					},
-					"isAllGithubActionsAllowed": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"isGithubActionsEnabled": {
-						"type": "boolean",
-						"description": "Is Github Actions enabled in the repository"
-					},
-					"isRequiresCommitSignatures": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"isRequiresStatusChecks": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"isRestrictsPushes": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"openFixPRs": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"failedCustomerPRs": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"totalCustomerPRs": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"ciFiles": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array",
-						"description": "CI files path"
-					},
-					"url": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "VCS Repository URL"
-					},
-					"casId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"workspaceId": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "VCS workspace/integration ID"
-					},
-					"workspaceName": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "VCS workspace/integration name"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"id",
-					"customerName",
-					"type",
-					"failedCustomerPRs",
-					"totalCustomerPRs",
-					"ciFiles",
-					"url",
-					"casId"
-				],
-				"type": "object",
-				"additionalProperties": false
-			},
-			"CIType": {
-				"enum": [
-					"githubActions",
-					"circleci",
-					"codebuild",
-					"jenkins"
-				],
-				"type": "string"
-			},
-			"PipelineInfo": {
-				"properties": {
-					"pipeline": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"system": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"instance": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"pipeline",
-					"system",
-					"instance"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"ICiInstanceInfo": {
-				"properties": {
-					"ciType": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CIType",
-						"description": "CI pipeline type"
-					},
-					"customerName": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "Customer Prisma ID"
-					},
-					"id": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"name": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "CI pipeline name"
-					},
-					"pipelines": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/PipelineInfo"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"ciType",
-					"customerName",
-					"id",
-					"name",
-					"pipelines"
-				],
-				"type": "object",
-				"additionalProperties": false
-			},
-			"Technology": {
-				"properties": {},
-				"additionalProperties": {
-					"properties": {
-						"percentage": {
-							"type": "number",
-							"format": "double"
-						},
-						"detectedDate": {
-							"type": "string",
-							"format": "date-time"
-						}
-					},
-					"required": [
-						"detectedDate"
-					],
-					"type": "object"
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"Technologies": {
-				"properties": {
-					"Unknown": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"Data": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"Programming": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"Markup": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"Prose": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"Configuration": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"CICD": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"Devops": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"Documentation": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"License": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					},
-					"PackageManager": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
-					}
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"DockerImage": {
-				"properties": {
-					"repoName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"imageName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"repoName",
-					"imageName"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"Contributor": {
-				"properties": {
-					"lastPush": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"permission": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "Contributor permission"
-					},
-					"contributionsCounts": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double",
-						"description": "Number of contributions"
-					},
-					"name": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "Contributor name"
-					},
-					"id": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"contributionsCounts",
-					"name",
-					"id"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"SecurityModule": {
-				"enum": [
-					"IAC",
-					"SCA",
-					"SECRETS",
-					"CICD"
-				],
-				"type": "string"
-			},
-			"SeverityIssues": {
-				"properties": {
-					"CRITICAL": {
-						"anyOf": [
-							{
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double"
-							},
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					"HIGH": {
-						"anyOf": [
-							{
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double"
-							},
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					"MEDIUM": {
-						"anyOf": [
-							{
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double"
-							},
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					"LOW": {
-						"anyOf": [
-							{
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double"
-							},
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					"INFO": {
-						"anyOf": [
-							{
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double"
-							},
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"Issues": {
-				"allOf": [
-					{
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
-					},
-					{
-						"properties": {
-							"moduleName": {
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
-							}
-						},
-						"type": "object"
-					}
-				]
-			},
-			"WeeklyCommitOnPR": {
-				"properties": {
-					"prevWeeklyCommits": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"currWeeklyCommits": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"branchName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"prevWeeklyCommits",
-					"currWeeklyCommits",
-					"branchName"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"RepoInfo": {
-				"allOf": [
-					{
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/IVCSRepository"
-					},
-					{
-						"properties": {
-							"weeklyCommitOnPrs": {
-								"items": {
-									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/WeeklyCommitOnPR"
-								},
-								"type": "array"
-							},
-							"issues": {
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Issues"
-							},
-							"contributorsCount": {
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double"
-							},
-							"contributors": {
-								"items": {
-									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Contributor"
-								},
-								"type": "array"
-							},
-							"dockerImages": {
-								"items": {
-									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/DockerImage"
-								},
-								"type": "array"
-							},
-							"categorizedTechnologies": {
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technologies"
-							},
-							"ciInstances": {
-								"properties": {},
-								"additionalProperties": {
-									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ICiInstanceInfo"
-								},
-								"type": "object"
-							}
-						},
-						"required": [
-							"weeklyCommitOnPrs",
-							"issues"
-						],
-						"type": "object"
-					}
-				]
-			},
-			"RiskFactors": {
-				"properties": {
-					"isRepositoryDeployed": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"isInternetExpose": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					}
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"CiInstancesHash": {
-				"properties": {},
-				"additionalProperties": {
-					"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ICiInstanceInfo"
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"ModuleIssues": {
-				"properties": {
-					"IAC": {
-						"allOf": [
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
-							},
-							{
-								"properties": {
-									"TOTAL": {
-										"type": "number",
-										"format": "double"
-									}
-								},
-								"required": [
-									"TOTAL"
-								],
-								"type": "object"
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					"SCA": {
-						"allOf": [
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
-							},
-							{
-								"properties": {
-									"TOTAL": {
-										"type": "number",
-										"format": "double"
-									}
-								},
-								"required": [
-									"TOTAL"
-								],
-								"type": "object"
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					"SECRETS": {
-						"allOf": [
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
-							},
-							{
-								"properties": {
-									"TOTAL": {
-										"type": "number",
-										"format": "double"
-									}
-								},
-								"required": [
-									"TOTAL"
-								],
-								"type": "object"
-							}
-						]
-					},
-					"CICD": {
-						"allOf": [
-							{
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
-							},
-							{
-								"properties": {
-									"TOTAL": {
-										"type": "number",
-										"format": "double"
-									}
-								},
-								"required": [
-									"TOTAL"
-								],
-								"type": "object"
-							}
-						]
-					}
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"WeeklyCommitOnPrs": {
-				"properties": {
-					"prevWeeklyCommits": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"currWeeklyCommits": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"branchName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"prevWeeklyCommits",
-					"currWeeklyCommits",
-					"branchName"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"SourceTypes": {
-				"enum": [
-					"admissionController",
-					"AlibabaCloud",
-					"AWS",
-					"Azure",
-					"AzureOnPrem",
-					"AzureRepos",
-					"Bitbucket",
-					"bitbucketEnterprise",
-					"circleci",
-					"cli",
-					"codebuild",
-					"GCP",
-					"Github",
-					"githubActions",
-					"githubEnterprise",
-					"Gitlab",
-					"gitlabEnterprise",
-					"jenkins",
-					"Kubernetes",
-					"kubernetesWorkloads",
-					"terraformCloud",
-					"terraformEnterprise",
-					"tfcRunTasks",
-					"tfeRunTasks",
-					"Transporter",
-					"OnPrem"
-				],
-				"type": "string"
-			},
-			"ApplicationId": {
-				"type": "string"
-			},
-			"CasApplication": {
-				"properties": {
-					"name": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"id": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ApplicationId"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"name",
-					"id"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"RdsRepoInfo": {
-				"properties": {
-					"applications": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CasApplication"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"exceedsCommitsLastSixMonths": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"exceedsCommits": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"lastReleaseTimestamp": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"releasesCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"lastTagTimestamp": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"tagsCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"lastVcsIssueTimestamp": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"vcsIssuesCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"pipelineCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"isFork": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"isPublic": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"organizationId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"importanceScore": {
-						"properties": {
-							"repoScore": {
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double",
-								"nullable": true
-							},
-							"customUpdatedAt": {
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double",
-								"nullable": true
-							},
-							"customReporter": {
-								"type": "string",
-								"nullable": true
-							},
-							"customRepoScore": {
-								"type": "number",
-								"format": "double",
-								"nullable": true
-							},
-							"customComment": {
-								"type": "string",
-								"nullable": true
-							}
-						},
-						"required": [
-							"repoScore",
-							"customUpdatedAt",
-							"customReporter",
-							"customRepoScore",
-							"customComment"
-						],
-						"type": "object"
-					},
-					"metadata": {
-						"properties": {
-							"runtimeImagesMetadata": {
-								"items": {
-									"properties": {},
-									"additionalProperties": {
-										"anyOf": [
-											{
-												"type": "string"
-											},
-											{
-												"type": "boolean"
-											}
-										]
-									},
-									"type": "object"
-								},
-								"type": "array"
-							},
-							"scansMetadata": {
-								"properties": {},
-								"additionalProperties": {
-									"anyOf": [
-										{
-											"type": "string"
-										},
-										{
-											"type": "boolean"
-										}
-									]
-								},
-								"type": "object"
-							}
-						},
-						"required": [
-							"runtimeImagesMetadata",
-							"scansMetadata"
-						],
-						"type": "object"
-					},
-					"images": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"integrationId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"source": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SourceTypes"
-					},
-					"weeklyCommitOnPrs": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/WeeklyCommitOnPrs"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"issues": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ModuleIssues"
-					},
-					"contributors": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Contributor"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"categorizedTechnologies": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technologies"
-					},
-					"ciInstances": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CiInstancesHash"
-					},
-					"contributorsCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"customerName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"workspaceName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"workspaceId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"url": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"ciFiles": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"totalCommitsCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"riskFactors": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RiskFactors"
-					},
-					"repositorySize": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"lastCommitTimestamp": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"lastUpdated": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"provider": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
-					},
-					"privacyLevel": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
-					},
-					"fullName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"name": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"isArchived": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"hasCoderOwner": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"defaultBranch": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"casId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"id": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"exceedsCommitsLastSixMonths",
-					"exceedsCommits",
-					"lastReleaseTimestamp",
-					"releasesCount",
-					"lastTagTimestamp",
-					"tagsCount",
-					"lastVcsIssueTimestamp",
-					"vcsIssuesCount",
-					"pipelineCount",
-					"isFork",
-					"isPublic",
-					"organizationId",
-					"importanceScore",
-					"metadata",
-					"images",
-					"integrationId",
-					"source",
-					"customerName",
-					"url",
-					"provider",
-					"fullName",
-					"name",
-					"isArchived",
-					"defaultBranch",
-					"casId",
-					"id"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"RiskFactorsType": {
-				"enum": [
-					"isInternetExpose",
-					"isRepositoryDeployed"
-				],
-				"type": "string"
-			},
-			"RepoImportanceScore": {
-				"enum": [
-					"HIGH",
-					"MEDIUM",
-					"LOW"
-				],
-				"type": "string"
-			},
-			"VCSRepositoriesExternalFilters": {
-				"properties": {
-					"appIds": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"importanceScore": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoImportanceScore"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"owners": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array",
-						"description": "Array of repository owners, filter all repositories owned by specified owners"
-					},
-					"images": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"archived": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array",
-						"description": "An array with length of 1 containing either ‘true’ or ‘false’, filter between archived and not archived repositories"
-					},
-					"issues": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array",
-						"description": "Issues enum: [`IAC`, `SCA`, `SECRETS`, `CICD`, `SAST`]\nFilter repositories containing issues of the requested type"
-					},
-					"pipelines": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array",
-						"description": "Get all repositories linked to the specified pipelines"
-					},
-					"lastUpdated": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"format": "date-time"
-					},
-					"riskFactors": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RiskFactorsType"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"workspaceIds": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"privacyLevels": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
-						},
-						"type": "array",
-						"description": "CI files path"
-					},
-					"technologies": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array",
-						"description": "Get repositories that make use of the specified technologies"
-					},
-					"providers": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"ids": {
-						"items": {
-							"type": "string"
-						},
-						"type": "array",
-						"description": "VCS repository IDs"
-					},
-					"name": {
-						"type": "string",
-						"description": "Search repositories by free text"
-					}
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"Pagination": {
-				"properties": {
-					"pageSize": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"page": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"pageSize",
-					"page"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"OrderBy": {
-				"properties": {
-					"isAsc": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"type": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"fieldName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"isAsc",
-					"type",
-					"fieldName"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"RepoRequestBody": {
-				"properties": {
-					"orderBy": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/OrderBy"
-					},
-					"pageConfig": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Pagination"
-					},
-					"filters": {
-						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/VCSRepositoriesExternalFilters"
-					}
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"FilterData": {
-				"properties": {
-					"name": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"id": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"name",
-					"id"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"RepositoriesPageFiltersData": {
-				"properties": {
-					"providers": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"pipelines": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"technologies": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"workspaces": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					},
-					"repositories": {
-						"items": {
-							"allOf": [
-								{
-									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
-								},
-								{
-									"properties": {
-										"workspaceId": {
-											"type": "string"
-										},
-										"fullName": {
-											"type": "string"
-										},
-										"provider": {
-											"type": "string"
-										},
-										"casId": {
-											"type": "string"
-										}
-									},
-									"required": [
-										"workspaceId",
-										"fullName",
-										"provider",
-										"casId"
-									],
-									"type": "object"
-								}
-							]
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					}
-				},
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"RepoData": {
-				"properties": {
-					"isOnPrem": {
-						"type": "boolean"
-					},
-					"fullName": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"casId": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"name": {
-						"type": "string"
-					},
-					"id": {
-						"type": "string"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"fullName",
-					"casId",
-					"name",
-					"id"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			},
-			"RepositoriesFiltersReturn": {
-				"properties": {
-					"totalCount": {
-						"type": "number",
-						"format": "double"
-					},
-					"data": {
-						"items": {
-							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoData"
-						},
-						"type": "array"
-					}
-				},
-				"required": [
-					"totalCount",
-					"data"
-				],
-				"type": "object"
-			}
-		},
-		"securitySchemes": {}
-	},
-	"info": {
-		"title": "TSOA",
-		"version": "1.0.0",
-		"description": "Build swagger-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node",
-		"license": {
-			"name": "MIT"
-		},
-		"contact": {
-			"name": "unknown"
-		}
-	},
-	"openapi": "3.0.0",
-	"paths": {
-		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/importance-score": {
-			"post": {
-				"operationId": "getRepositoriesImportanceScore",
-				"responses": {
-					"200": {
-						"description": "repository importance score data for the requested repositories",
-						"content": {
-							"application/json": {
-								"schema": {
-									"items": {
-										"$ref": "#/components/schemas/GetRepoImportanceScore"
-									},
-									"type": "array"
-								},
-								"examples": {
-									"Example 1": {
-										"value": [
-											{
-												"customerName": "customer name",
-												"repoScore": 5,
-												"customRepoScore": 1,
-												"customComment": "custom repo score description",
-												"customReporter": "",
-												"customUpdatedAt": 1719320604269
-											},
-											{
-												"customerName": "customer name",
-												"repoScore": 10,
-												"customRepoScore": null,
-												"customComment": null,
-												"customReporter": null,
-												"customUpdatedAt": null
-											}
-										]
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-					},
-					"400": {
-						"description": "Maximum 5000 repositories can be updated within a single request"
-					},
-					"401": {
-						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
-					}
-				},
-				"description": "Get repositories importance score",
-				"summary": "Get Repositories Importance Score",
-				"tags": [
-					"Repository Importance Score"
-				],
-				"security": [
-					{
-						"CustomAuthorizer": []
-					}
-				],
-				"parameters": [],
-				"requestBody": {
-					"required": true,
-					"content": {
-						"application/json": {
-							"schema": {
-								"properties": {
-									"repositoryIds": {
-										"items": {
-											"type": "string"
-										},
-										"type": "array"
-									}
-								},
-								"required": [
-									"repositoryIds"
-								],
-								"type": "object"
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
-				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
-				"x-bc-docs-scope": "prisma"
-			}
-		},
-		"/code/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/importance-score/set": {
-			"post": {
-				"operationId": "setRepositoryImportanceScore",
-				"responses": {
-					"204": {
-						"description": "Updated custom repository score data for the requested repositories"
-					},
-					"400": {
-						"description": "Maximum 5000 repositories can be updated within a single request"
-					},
-					"401": {
-						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
-					}
-				},
-				"description": "Set repository importance score",
-				"summary": "Set Repository Importance Score",
-				"tags": [
-					"Repository Importance Score"
-				],
-				"security": [
-					{
-						"CustomAuthorizer": []
-					}
-				],
-				"parameters": [],
-				"requestBody": {
-					"required": true,
-					"content": {
-						"application/json": {
-							"schema": {
-								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SetRepoImportanceRequestBody"
-							}
-						}
-					}
-				},
-				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
-				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
-				"x-bc-docs-scope": "prisma"
-			}
-		}
-	},
-	"servers": [
-		{
-			"url": ""
-		}
-	],
-	"tags": [{ "name": "Repository Importance Score" }]
\ No newline at end of file

From 60990b7f0dbf3c195f411b72d3349986f93da85c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2024 20:31:43 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 07/14] new endpoints for BCE-35599

 .../code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json       | 1769 +++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 1769 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0e975cbeb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1769 @@
+	"components": {
+		"examples": {},
+		"headers": {},
+		"parameters": {},
+		"requestBodies": {},
+		"responses": {},
+		"schemas": {
+			"GetRepoImportanceScore": {
+				"properties": {
+					"repositoryId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"repositoryScore": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "Relative importance of the repository as set by Prisma Cloud based on a data-driven approach.\nThe score is a numerical value from 1 to 10."
+					},
+					"customRepositoryScore": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"nullable": true
+					},
+					"customComment": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"nullable": true
+					},
+					"customReporter": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"nullable": true
+					},
+					"customUpdatedAt": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"nullable": true
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"repositoryId",
+					"repositoryScore",
+					"customRepositoryScore",
+					"customComment",
+					"customReporter",
+					"customUpdatedAt"
+				],
+				"type": "object",
+				"additionalProperties": false
+			},
+			"SetRepoImportanceRequestBodyPublicApi": {
+				"properties": {
+					"repositoryId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"customRepositoryScore": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"nullable": true,
+						"description": "User-defined repository score.\nProvide an integer from 1 (lowest importance) to 10 (highest importance) to indicate the relative importance of the repository as per your requirements.\nThis value overrides the system-calculated importance score."
+					},
+					"customComment": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"nullable": true
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"repositoryId",
+					"customRepositoryScore"
+				],
+				"type": "object",
+				"additionalProperties": false
+			},
+			"RepositoryPrivacyLabel": {
+				"type": "string",
+				"enum": [
+					"public",
+					"private",
+					"internal"
+				],
+				"nullable": true
+			},
+			"RepositoryProvider": {
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"IVCSRepository": {
+				"properties": {
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS repository ID"
+					},
+					"customerName": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Customer Prisma ID"
+					},
+					"originId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"sessionId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"type": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"enum": [
+							"VCSRepository"
+						],
+						"nullable": false
+					},
+					"defaultBranch": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Default branch"
+					},
+					"hasCoderOwner": {
+						"type": "boolean",
+						"description": "Repository contains code owner file (True/False)"
+					},
+					"isArchived": {
+						"type": "boolean",
+						"description": "Archived repository (True/False)"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS Repository short name"
+					},
+					"fullName": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Repository full name"
+					},
+					"privacyLevel": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
+					},
+					"provider": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
+					},
+					"lastUpdated": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS Repository last update time"
+					},
+					"repositorySize": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "VCS Repository size"
+					},
+					"totalCommitsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "Total commits count"
+					},
+					"totalContributorsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "Total contributors count"
+					},
+					"isForkingAllowed": {
+						"type": "boolean",
+						"description": "Is forking allowed in the repository"
+					},
+					"defaultGithubActionsWorkflowPermission": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"enum": [
+							"read",
+							"write"
+						]
+					},
+					"isAllGithubActionsAllowed": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isGithubActionsEnabled": {
+						"type": "boolean",
+						"description": "Is Github Actions enabled in the repository"
+					},
+					"isRequiresCommitSignatures": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isRequiresStatusChecks": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isRestrictsPushes": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"openFixPRs": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"failedCustomerPRs": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"totalCustomerPRs": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"ciFiles": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "CI files path"
+					},
+					"url": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS Repository URL"
+					},
+					"casId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"workspaceId": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS workspace/integration ID"
+					},
+					"workspaceName": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "VCS workspace/integration name"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"id",
+					"customerName",
+					"type",
+					"failedCustomerPRs",
+					"totalCustomerPRs",
+					"ciFiles",
+					"url",
+					"casId"
+				],
+				"type": "object",
+				"additionalProperties": false
+			},
+			"CIType": {
+				"enum": [
+					"githubActions",
+					"circleci",
+					"codebuild",
+					"jenkins"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"PipelineInfo": {
+				"properties": {
+					"pipeline": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"system": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"instance": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"pipeline",
+					"system",
+					"instance"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"ICiInstanceInfo": {
+				"properties": {
+					"ciType": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CIType",
+						"description": "CI pipeline type"
+					},
+					"customerName": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Customer Prisma ID"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "CI pipeline name"
+					},
+					"pipelines": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/PipelineInfo"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"ciType",
+					"customerName",
+					"id",
+					"name",
+					"pipelines"
+				],
+				"type": "object",
+				"additionalProperties": false
+			},
+			"Technology": {
+				"properties": {},
+				"additionalProperties": {
+					"properties": {
+						"percentage": {
+							"type": "number",
+							"format": "double"
+						},
+						"detectedDate": {
+							"type": "string",
+							"format": "date-time"
+						}
+					},
+					"required": [
+						"detectedDate"
+					],
+					"type": "object"
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"Technologies": {
+				"properties": {
+					"Unknown": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Data": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Programming": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Markup": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Prose": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Configuration": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"CICD": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Devops": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"Documentation": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"License": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					},
+					"PackageManager": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technology"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"DockerImage": {
+				"properties": {
+					"repoName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"imageName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"repoName",
+					"imageName"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"Contributor": {
+				"properties": {
+					"lastPush": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"permission": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Contributor permission"
+					},
+					"contributionsCounts": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double",
+						"description": "Number of contributions"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Contributor name"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"contributionsCounts",
+					"name",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"SecurityModule": {
+				"enum": [
+					"IAC",
+					"SCA",
+					"SECRETS",
+					"CICD"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"SeverityIssues": {
+				"properties": {
+					"CRITICAL": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"HIGH": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"MEDIUM": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"LOW": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"INFO": {
+						"anyOf": [
+							{
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						]
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"Issues": {
+				"allOf": [
+					{
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+					},
+					{
+						"properties": {
+							"moduleName": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SecurityModule"
+							}
+						},
+						"type": "object"
+					}
+				]
+			},
+			"WeeklyCommitOnPR": {
+				"properties": {
+					"prevWeeklyCommits": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"currWeeklyCommits": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"branchName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"prevWeeklyCommits",
+					"currWeeklyCommits",
+					"branchName"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepoInfo": {
+				"allOf": [
+					{
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/IVCSRepository"
+					},
+					{
+						"properties": {
+							"weeklyCommitOnPrs": {
+								"items": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/WeeklyCommitOnPR"
+								},
+								"type": "array"
+							},
+							"issues": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Issues"
+							},
+							"contributorsCount": {
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double"
+							},
+							"contributors": {
+								"items": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Contributor"
+								},
+								"type": "array"
+							},
+							"dockerImages": {
+								"items": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/DockerImage"
+								},
+								"type": "array"
+							},
+							"categorizedTechnologies": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technologies"
+							},
+							"ciInstances": {
+								"properties": {},
+								"additionalProperties": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ICiInstanceInfo"
+								},
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						},
+						"required": [
+							"weeklyCommitOnPrs",
+							"issues"
+						],
+						"type": "object"
+					}
+				]
+			},
+			"RiskFactors": {
+				"properties": {
+					"isRepositoryDeployed": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isInternetExpose": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"CiInstancesHash": {
+				"properties": {},
+				"additionalProperties": {
+					"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ICiInstanceInfo"
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"ModuleIssues": {
+				"properties": {
+					"IAC": {
+						"allOf": [
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+							},
+							{
+								"properties": {
+									"TOTAL": {
+										"type": "number",
+										"format": "double"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"TOTAL"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"SCA": {
+						"allOf": [
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+							},
+							{
+								"properties": {
+									"TOTAL": {
+										"type": "number",
+										"format": "double"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"TOTAL"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"SECRETS": {
+						"allOf": [
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+							},
+							{
+								"properties": {
+									"TOTAL": {
+										"type": "number",
+										"format": "double"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"TOTAL"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						]
+					},
+					"CICD": {
+						"allOf": [
+							{
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SeverityIssues"
+							},
+							{
+								"properties": {
+									"TOTAL": {
+										"type": "number",
+										"format": "double"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"TOTAL"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						]
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"WeeklyCommitOnPrs": {
+				"properties": {
+					"prevWeeklyCommits": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"currWeeklyCommits": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"branchName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"prevWeeklyCommits",
+					"currWeeklyCommits",
+					"branchName"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"SourceTypes": {
+				"enum": [
+					"admissionController",
+					"AlibabaCloud",
+					"AWS",
+					"Azure",
+					"AzureOnPrem",
+					"AzureRepos",
+					"Bitbucket",
+					"bitbucketEnterprise",
+					"circleci",
+					"cli",
+					"codebuild",
+					"GCP",
+					"Github",
+					"githubActions",
+					"githubEnterprise",
+					"Gitlab",
+					"gitlabEnterprise",
+					"jenkins",
+					"Kubernetes",
+					"kubernetesWorkloads",
+					"terraformCloud",
+					"terraformEnterprise",
+					"tfcRunTasks",
+					"tfeRunTasks",
+					"Transporter",
+					"OnPrem"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"CasApplication": {
+				"properties": {
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"name",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RdsRepoInfo": {
+				"properties": {
+					"applications": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CasApplication"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"exceedsCommitsLastSixMonths": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"exceedsCommits": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"lastReleaseTimestamp": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"releasesCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"lastTagTimestamp": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"tagsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"lastVcsIssueTimestamp": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"vcsIssuesCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"pipelineCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"isFork": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"isPublic": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"organizationId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"importanceScore": {
+						"properties": {
+							"repoScore": {
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double",
+								"nullable": true
+							},
+							"customUpdatedAt": {
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double",
+								"nullable": true
+							},
+							"customReporter": {
+								"type": "string",
+								"nullable": true
+							},
+							"customRepoScore": {
+								"type": "number",
+								"format": "double",
+								"nullable": true
+							},
+							"customComment": {
+								"type": "string",
+								"nullable": true
+							}
+						},
+						"required": [
+							"repoScore",
+							"customUpdatedAt",
+							"customReporter",
+							"customRepoScore",
+							"customComment"
+						],
+						"type": "object"
+					},
+					"metadata": {
+						"properties": {
+							"runtimeImagesMetadata": {
+								"items": {
+									"properties": {},
+									"additionalProperties": {
+										"anyOf": [
+											{
+												"type": "string"
+											},
+											{
+												"type": "boolean"
+											}
+										]
+									},
+									"type": "object"
+								},
+								"type": "array"
+							},
+							"scansMetadata": {
+								"properties": {},
+								"additionalProperties": {
+									"anyOf": [
+										{
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										{
+											"type": "boolean"
+										}
+									]
+								},
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						},
+						"required": [
+							"runtimeImagesMetadata",
+							"scansMetadata"
+						],
+						"type": "object"
+					},
+					"images": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"integrationId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"source": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SourceTypes"
+					},
+					"weeklyCommitOnPrs": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/WeeklyCommitOnPrs"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"issues": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/ModuleIssues"
+					},
+					"contributors": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Contributor"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"categorizedTechnologies": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Technologies"
+					},
+					"ciInstances": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/CiInstancesHash"
+					},
+					"contributorsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"customerName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"workspaceName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"workspaceId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"url": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"ciFiles": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"totalCommitsCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"riskFactors": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RiskFactors"
+					},
+					"repositorySize": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"lastCommitTimestamp": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"lastUpdated": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"provider": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
+					},
+					"privacyLevel": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
+					},
+					"fullName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"isArchived": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"hasCoderOwner": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"defaultBranch": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"casId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"exceedsCommitsLastSixMonths",
+					"exceedsCommits",
+					"lastReleaseTimestamp",
+					"releasesCount",
+					"lastTagTimestamp",
+					"tagsCount",
+					"lastVcsIssueTimestamp",
+					"vcsIssuesCount",
+					"pipelineCount",
+					"isFork",
+					"isPublic",
+					"organizationId",
+					"importanceScore",
+					"metadata",
+					"images",
+					"integrationId",
+					"source",
+					"customerName",
+					"url",
+					"provider",
+					"fullName",
+					"name",
+					"isArchived",
+					"defaultBranch",
+					"casId",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RiskFactorsType": {
+				"enum": [
+					"isInternetExpose",
+					"isRepositoryDeployed"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"RepoImportanceScore": {
+				"enum": [
+					"HIGH",
+					"MEDIUM",
+					"LOW"
+				],
+				"type": "string"
+			},
+			"VCSRepositoriesExternalFilters": {
+				"properties": {
+					"appIds": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"importanceScore": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoImportanceScore"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"owners": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "Array of repository owners, filter all repositories owned by specified owners"
+					},
+					"images": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"archived": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "An array with length of 1 containing either ‘true’ or ‘false’, filter between archived and not archived repositories"
+					},
+					"issues": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "Issues enum: [`IAC`, `SCA`, `SECRETS`, `CICD`, `SAST`]\nFilter repositories containing issues of the requested type"
+					},
+					"pipelines": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "Get all repositories linked to the specified pipelines"
+					},
+					"lastUpdated": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"format": "date-time"
+					},
+					"riskFactors": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RiskFactorsType"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"workspaceIds": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"privacyLevels": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "CI files path"
+					},
+					"technologies": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "Get repositories that make use of the specified technologies"
+					},
+					"providers": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"ids": {
+						"items": {
+							"type": "string"
+						},
+						"type": "array",
+						"description": "VCS repository IDs"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string",
+						"description": "Search repositories by free text"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"Pagination": {
+				"properties": {
+					"pageSize": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"page": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"pageSize",
+					"page"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"OrderBy": {
+				"properties": {
+					"isAsc": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"type": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"fieldName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"isAsc",
+					"type",
+					"fieldName"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepoRequestBody": {
+				"properties": {
+					"orderBy": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/OrderBy"
+					},
+					"pageConfig": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/Pagination"
+					},
+					"filters": {
+						"$ref": "#/components/schemas/VCSRepositoriesExternalFilters"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"FilterData": {
+				"properties": {
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"name",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepositoriesPageFiltersData": {
+				"properties": {
+					"providers": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"pipelines": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"technologies": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"workspaces": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					},
+					"repositories": {
+						"items": {
+							"allOf": [
+								{
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/FilterData"
+								},
+								{
+									"properties": {
+										"workspaceId": {
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										"fullName": {
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										"provider": {
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										"casId": {
+											"type": "string"
+										}
+									},
+									"required": [
+										"workspaceId",
+										"fullName",
+										"provider",
+										"casId"
+									],
+									"type": "object"
+								}
+							]
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					}
+				},
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepoData": {
+				"properties": {
+					"isOnPrem": {
+						"type": "boolean"
+					},
+					"fullName": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"casId": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"name": {
+						"type": "string"
+					},
+					"id": {
+						"type": "string"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"fullName",
+					"casId",
+					"name",
+					"id"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			},
+			"RepositoriesFiltersReturn": {
+				"properties": {
+					"totalCount": {
+						"type": "number",
+						"format": "double"
+					},
+					"data": {
+						"items": {
+							"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoData"
+						},
+						"type": "array"
+					}
+				},
+				"required": [
+					"totalCount",
+					"data"
+				],
+				"type": "object"
+			}
+		},
+		"securitySchemes": {}
+	},
+	"info": {
+		"title": "TSOA",
+		"version": "1.0.0",
+		"description": "Build swagger-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node",
+		"license": {
+			"name": "MIT"
+		},
+		"contact": {
+			"name": "unknown"
+		}
+	},
+	"openapi": "3.0.0",
+	"paths": {
+		"/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/importance-score": {
+			"post": {
+				"operationId": "getRepositoriesImportanceScore",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "repository importance score data for the requested repositories",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"items": {
+										"$ref": "#/components/schemas/GetRepoImportanceScore"
+									},
+									"type": "array"
+								},
+								"examples": {
+									"Example 1": {
+										"value": [
+											{
+												"repositoryId": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
+												"repositoryScore": 5,
+												"customRepositoryScore": 1,
+												"customComment": "custom repo score description",
+												"customReporter": "",
+												"customUpdatedAt": 1719320604269
+											},
+											{
+												"repositoryId": "XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
+												"repositoryScore": 10,
+												"customRepositoryScore": null,
+												"customComment": null,
+												"customReporter": null,
+												"customUpdatedAt": null
+											}
+										]
+									}
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					"400": {
+						"description": "Maximum 5000 repositories can be updated within a single request"
+					},
+					"401": {
+						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get repositories importance score",
+				"summary": "Retrieve the calculated importance score for each repository (string array), reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
+				"tags": [
+					"Repository Importance Score"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"requestBody": {
+					"required": true,
+					"content": {
+						"application/json": {
+							"schema": {
+								"properties": {
+									"repositoryIds": {
+										"items": {
+											"type": "string"
+										},
+										"type": "array"
+									}
+								},
+								"required": [
+									"repositoryIds"
+								],
+								"type": "object"
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-bc-docs-scope": "prisma"
+			}
+		},
+		"/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/importance-score/set": {
+			"post": {
+				"operationId": "setRepositoryImportanceScore",
+				"responses": {
+					"204": {
+						"description": "Updated custom repository score data for the requested repositories"
+					},
+					"400": {
+						"description": "Maximum 5000 repositories can be updated within a single request"
+					},
+					"401": {
+						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Set repository importance score",
+				"summary": "Set a custom importance score for a repository, reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
+				"tags": [
+					"Repository Importance Score"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"requestBody": {
+					"required": true,
+					"content": {
+						"application/json": {
+							"schema": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/SetRepoImportanceRequestBodyPublicApi"
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-bc-docs-scope": "prisma"
+			}
+		},
+		"/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories": {
+			"get": {
+				"operationId": "getVCSRepository",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "repositories",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"items": {
+										"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoInfo"
+									},
+									"type": "array"
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get all repositories and their metadata (Technologies, pipelines, contributors, etc..)",
+				"summary": "Get repositories (repositories page)",
+				"tags": [
+					"Repositories"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories connected to CI pipelines",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "include_pipelines",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "boolean"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories with deployed images",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "include_docker_images",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "boolean"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "order by repositories",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "order_by",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "requested page",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "page",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"format": "double",
+							"type": "number"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "page size",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "page_size",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"format": "double",
+							"type": "number"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by name",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "name",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by repository ID",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "ids",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"type": "string"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by provider",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "providers",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryProvider"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by technologies",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "technologies",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"type": "string"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by CI type",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "ci_files",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"type": "string"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by private or public",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "privacy_levels",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "array",
+							"items": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoryPrivacyLabel"
+							}
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "Get repositories by workspace/integration ID",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "workspace_id",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "filter by last updated repositories",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "last_updated",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"format": "date-time",
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "filter ignored repos",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "should_filter_ignored_repos",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "boolean"
+						}
+					}
+				],
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor"
+			},
+			"post": {
+				"operationId": "getVCSRepositoryPage",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "repositories",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"anyOf": [
+										{
+											"items": {
+												"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoInfo"
+											},
+											"type": "array"
+										},
+										{
+											"items": {
+												"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RdsRepoInfo"
+											},
+											"type": "array"
+										}
+									]
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get repositories page",
+				"summary": "get repositories page",
+				"tags": [
+					"Repositories"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"requestBody": {
+					"description": "the body includes filters page configuration.",
+					"required": true,
+					"content": {
+						"application/json": {
+							"schema": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoRequestBody"
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-bc-docs-scope": "standalone,prisma"
+			}
+		},
+		"/api/v1/vcs-repository/repositories/count": {
+			"post": {
+				"operationId": "getVCSRepositoryCount",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "repositories",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"type": "number",
+									"format": "double"
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get repositories count",
+				"summary": "get the requested repositories count",
+				"tags": [
+					"ciderRepository"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"requestBody": {
+					"description": "the body includes filters page configuration.",
+					"required": true,
+					"content": {
+						"application/json": {
+							"schema": {
+								"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepoRequestBody"
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l2"
+			}
+		},
+		"/api/v1/vcs-repository/filter-data": {
+			"get": {
+				"operationId": "inCiderFilterData",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "filter",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoriesPageFiltersData"
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get repositories filter data",
+				"summary": "get all the relevant filters fields for repository",
+				"tags": [
+					"ciderRepository"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [],
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l3"
+			}
+		},
+		"/api/v1/vcs-repository/filters/repositories": {
+			"get": {
+				"operationId": "reposFilter",
+				"responses": {
+					"200": {
+						"description": "filter",
+						"content": {
+							"application/json": {
+								"schema": {
+									"$ref": "#/components/schemas/RepositoriesFiltersReturn"
+								}
+							}
+						}
+					}
+				},
+				"description": "Get vcs repositories.",
+				"summary": "Get all vcs repositories that exist in the db",
+				"tags": [
+					"ciderRepository"
+				],
+				"security": [
+					{
+						"CustomAuthorizer": []
+					}
+				],
+				"parameters": [
+					{
+						"description": "string to look for in repository full name.",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "search_term",
+						"required": true,
+						"schema": {
+							"type": "string"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "how many items to skip.",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "skip",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"default": 0,
+							"format": "double",
+							"type": "number"
+						}
+					},
+					{
+						"description": "how many items to return.",
+						"in": "query",
+						"name": "limit",
+						"required": false,
+						"schema": {
+							"default": 100,
+							"format": "double",
+							"type": "number"
+						}
+					}
+				],
+				"x-bc-lambda-name": "vcs-repository-api",
+				"x-bc-permitted-roles": "owner,admin,member,developer,auditor",
+				"x-endpoint-service-level": "l2"
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	"servers": [
+		{
+			"url": "/"
+		}
+	]
\ No newline at end of file

From 6e1b2a277d8147a40cee69bef29f99e1886edbc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 12:23:15 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 08/14] Updated json from Eden

 .../code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json       | 23 +++++++++++--------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
index 0e975cbeb..ff90241a8 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -19,20 +19,24 @@
 					"customRepositoryScore": {
 						"type": "number",
 						"format": "double",
-						"nullable": true
+						"nullable": true,
+						"description": "Custom repository importance score set by a user."
 					"customComment": {
 						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true
+						"nullable": true,
+						"description": "Custom comment for customRepositoryScore."
 					"customReporter": {
 						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true
+						"nullable": true,
+						"description": "Email address of the user who last set the customRepositoryScore."
 					"customUpdatedAt": {
 						"type": "number",
 						"format": "double",
-						"nullable": true
+						"nullable": true,
+						"description": "Date and time (in ms) when the customRepositoryScore was last set or modified."
 				"required": [
@@ -59,7 +63,8 @@
 					"customComment": {
 						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true
+						"nullable": true,
+						"description": "Comment explaining the assigned customRepositoryScore"
 				"required": [
@@ -1315,8 +1320,8 @@
 						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
-				"description": "Get repositories importance score",
-				"summary": "Retrieve the calculated importance score for each repository (string array), reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
+				"description": "Retrieve the calculated importance score for each repository (string array), reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
+				"summary": "Get repositories importance score.",
 				"tags": [
 					"Repository Importance Score"
@@ -1366,8 +1371,8 @@
 						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
-				"description": "Set repository importance score",
-				"summary": "Set a custom importance score for a repository, reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
+				"description": "Set a custom importance score for a repository, reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
+				"summary": "Set repository importance score.",
 				"tags": [
 					"Repository Importance Score"

From a8f61ef20866a7e46abef20ba7dc59d55ca9574a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: manukumar6 <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 21:32:29 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 09/14] Added category description

Signed-off-by: manukumar6 <>
 openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json | 11 +++++++++--
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
index ff90241a8..2ac8bd6ff 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -1770,5 +1770,12 @@
 			"url": "/"
-	]
\ No newline at end of file
+	],
+	"tags": [
+    {
+      "description": "The Repository Importance Score indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities.
+Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High). \n Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores. \n - Retrieve Calculated Scores: You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact. - Set Custom Scores (Optional): Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores.",
+      "name": "Repository Importance Score"
+    }
+  ]

From 9a1f4d490d038574da55ce99b72de9d53a87fdfe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: manukumar6 <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2024 22:33:15 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 10/14] Fixing formatting issues

Signed-off-by: manukumar6 <>
 openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json | 5 ++---
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
index 2ac8bd6ff..66b803286 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -1264,7 +1264,7 @@
 	"info": {
 		"title": "TSOA",
 		"version": "1.0.0",
-		"description": "Build swagger-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node",
+		"description": "The *Repository Importance Score* indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities. Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High). \n Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores. \n - Retrieve Calculated Scores: You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact. \n - Set Custom Scores (Optional): Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores.",
 		"license": {
 			"name": "MIT"
@@ -1773,8 +1773,7 @@
 	"tags": [
-      "description": "The Repository Importance Score indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities.
-Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High). \n Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores. \n - Retrieve Calculated Scores: You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact. - Set Custom Scores (Optional): Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores.",
+      "description": "The *Repository Importance Score* indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities. Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High). \n Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores. \n - Retrieve Calculated Scores: You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact. \n - Set Custom Scores (Optional): Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores.",
       "name": "Repository Importance Score"

From 35ee2d91987f3b45c12d5831a57a4b582f24e64f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2024 14:17:29 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 11/14] Updated json from Eden

 .../code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json       | 27 ++++++++-----------
 1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
index 66b803286..33d35be59 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -19,24 +19,20 @@
 					"customRepositoryScore": {
 						"type": "number",
 						"format": "double",
-						"nullable": true,
-						"description": "Custom repository importance score set by a user."
+						"nullable": true
 					"customComment": {
 						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true,
-						"description": "Custom comment for customRepositoryScore."
+						"nullable": true
 					"customReporter": {
 						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true,
-						"description": "Email address of the user who last set the customRepositoryScore."
+						"nullable": true
 					"customUpdatedAt": {
 						"type": "number",
 						"format": "double",
-						"nullable": true,
-						"description": "Date and time (in ms) when the customRepositoryScore was last set or modified."
+						"nullable": true
 				"required": [
@@ -63,8 +59,7 @@
 					"customComment": {
 						"type": "string",
-						"nullable": true,
-						"description": "Comment explaining the assigned customRepositoryScore"
+						"nullable": true
 				"required": [
@@ -1279,7 +1274,7 @@
 				"operationId": "getRepositoriesImportanceScore",
 				"responses": {
 					"200": {
-						"description": "repository importance score data for the requested repositories",
+						"description": "Repository importance score data for the requested repositories.",
 						"content": {
 							"application/json": {
 								"schema": {
@@ -1320,8 +1315,8 @@
 						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
-				"description": "Retrieve the calculated importance score for each repository (string array), reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
-				"summary": "Get repositories importance score.",
+				"description": "Get repositories importance score",
+				"summary": "Retrieve the calculated importance score for each repository (string array), reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
 				"tags": [
 					"Repository Importance Score"
@@ -1362,7 +1357,7 @@
 				"operationId": "setRepositoryImportanceScore",
 				"responses": {
 					"204": {
-						"description": "Updated custom repository score data for the requested repositories"
+						"description": ""
 					"400": {
 						"description": "Maximum 5000 repositories can be updated within a single request"
@@ -1371,8 +1366,8 @@
 						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
-				"description": "Set a custom importance score for a repository, reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
-				"summary": "Set repository importance score.",
+				"description": "Set repository importance score",
+				"summary": "Set a custom importance score for a repository, reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.\nThe HTTP status code 204 is returned to indicate that the repository score data for the requested repositories was updated successfully.",
 				"tags": [
 					"Repository Importance Score"

From be1aa2fb4493fedb4c6645bd55e86ff1fbbede18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 10:19:10 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 12/14] BCE-35599

 .../code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json       | 20 +++++++------------
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
index 33d35be59..ba1b959a9 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -1259,7 +1259,7 @@
 	"info": {
 		"title": "TSOA",
 		"version": "1.0.0",
-		"description": "The *Repository Importance Score* indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities. Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High). \n Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores. \n - Retrieve Calculated Scores: You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact. \n - Set Custom Scores (Optional): Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores.",
+		"description": "Build swagger-compliant REST APIs using TypeScript and Node",
 		"license": {
 			"name": "MIT"
@@ -1315,8 +1315,8 @@
 						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
-				"description": "Get repositories importance score",
-				"summary": "Retrieve the calculated importance score for each repository (string array), reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
+				"description": "Retrieve the calculated importance score for each repository (string array), reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.",
+				"summary": "Get repositories importance score",
 				"tags": [
 					"Repository Importance Score"
@@ -1366,8 +1366,8 @@
 						"description": "Unauthorized repositoryIds"
-				"description": "Set repository importance score",
-				"summary": "Set a custom importance score for a repository, reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.\nThe HTTP status code 204 is returned to indicate that the repository score data for the requested repositories was updated successfully.",
+				"description": "Set a custom importance score for a repository, reflecting the repository’s relative security criticality.\nThe HTTP status code 204 is returned to indicate that the repository score data for the requested repositories was updated successfully.",
+				"summary": "Set repository importance score",
 				"tags": [
 					"Repository Importance Score"
@@ -1765,11 +1765,5 @@
 			"url": "/"
-	],
-	"tags": [
-    {
-      "description": "The *Repository Importance Score* indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities. Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High). \n Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores. \n - Retrieve Calculated Scores: You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact. \n - Set Custom Scores (Optional): Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores.",
-      "name": "Repository Importance Score"
-    }
-  ]
+	]
\ No newline at end of file

From 82ec51820c80ba94fc4ef9621fe63b9ce47e94af Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 16:01:33 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 13/14] BCE-35599 manually added desc

 openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json | 14 ++++++++++----
 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
index ba1b959a9..1f4ef803c 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
 					"repositoryScore": {
 						"type": "number",
 						"format": "double",
-						"description": "Relative importance of the repository as set by Prisma Cloud based on a data-driven approach.\nThe score is a numerical value from 1 to 10."
+						"description": " Relative importance of the repository as set by Prisma Cloud based on a data-driven approach. The score is a numerical value from 1 to 10."
 					"customRepositoryScore": {
 						"type": "number",
@@ -26,10 +26,12 @@
 						"nullable": true
 					"customReporter": {
+						"description": "Email address of the user who last set the customRepositoryScore.",
 						"type": "string",
 						"nullable": true
 					"customUpdatedAt": {
+						"description": "customUpdatedAt: Date and time (in ms) when the customRepositoryScore was last set or modified.",
 						"type": "number",
 						"format": "double",
 						"nullable": true
@@ -779,11 +781,13 @@
 								"nullable": true
 							"customRepoScore": {
+								"description": "User-defined repository score. Provide an integer from 1 (lowest importance) to 10 (highest importance) to indicate the relative importance of the repository as per your requirements. This value overrides the system-calculated importance score.",
 								"type": "number",
 								"format": "double",
 								"nullable": true
 							"customComment": {
+								"description": "Comment explaining the assigned customRepositoryScore.",
 								"type": "string",
 								"nullable": true
@@ -1761,9 +1765,11 @@
-	"servers": [
-		{
-			"url": "/"
+	"servers": [{ "url": "" }],
+  	"tags": [
+		{ "name": "Repository Importance Score",
+		  "description": "The Repository Importance Score indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities.\n Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High).Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores.\n Retrieve Calculated Scores: You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact.\n Set Custom Scores (Optional): Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores."
\ No newline at end of file

From 02bb69533cafef6851171fec61c470a1aad7e22b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: mkumar6 <>
Date: Tue, 20 Aug 2024 21:18:38 +0530
Subject: [PATCH 14/14] BCE-35599 fixed the formatting

 openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
index 1f4ef803c..8fc061ded 100644
--- a/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
+++ b/openapi-specs/code/RepositoryImportanceScore.json
@@ -1768,7 +1768,7 @@
 	"servers": [{ "url": "" }],
   	"tags": [
 		{ "name": "Repository Importance Score",
-		  "description": "The Repository Importance Score indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities.\n Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High).Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores.\n Retrieve Calculated Scores: You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact.\n Set Custom Scores (Optional): Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores."
+		  "description": "The Repository Importance Score indicates the relative criticality of a repository, allowing  you to focus on the most critical repositories, thereby enabling you to make informed decisions about security vulnerabilities and safeguard the integrity of business-critical functionalities. \n\n Application Security assigns an importance score to a repository based on factors including maintenance frequency, usage, characteristics, path to production and more. The importance score ranges between 1-4 (Low), 5-7 (Medium) and 8-10 (High). \n\n Instead of the system-calculated importance score, you can assign a custom importance score to a repository to indicate its criticality relative to other repositories. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's specific evaluation of the repository's importance. Once set, the system uses the custom repository importance score. \n\n The following endpoints allow you to retrieve and set the calculated repository importance scores. \n\n* **Retrieve Calculated Scores:** You can retrieve the pre-calculated importance scores for repositories. The score reflects the relative criticality of each repository for security purposes based on the amount of commits and other factors such as business impact.\n\n* **Set Custom Scores (Optional):** Additionally, you can set a custom score for a repository. This allows you to incorporate additional context beyond the calculated metrics, reflecting your organization's evaluation of the repository's importance. When set, custom scores override system scores."