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Rijksoverheid for and by Linux enthusiasts

Linux support doesn't come out of the box, there are some hacks needed.

Citrix Workspace App

Note: you can only login with a softtoken (Digipass), see the SSC-ICT manual. This activation can only be done from a location where you can access . So you have to do this from a thin client (maybe managed hardware works too, but I don't have any gov managed hardware).

You can download a .deb, .rpm and .tar from Downloads / Citrix Workspace App.

Note: the current version 2104 from the 28th of April 2021 (icaclient_21.4.0.11_amd64.deb) somehow cripples the interprocess communication (IPC) of Firefox. See Ask Ubuntu and Linux Mint Forums. So stick with the older 2103 from the 9th of March 2021 (tested: no problems), or try the 2106 - Technology Preview from the 27th of May 2021 (untested).

Debian/Ubuntu procedure:

# manually download, or replace the gda: $ curl -OL '***
sudo apt install "$PWD/icaclient_21.3.0.38_amd64.deb"

Setup certificates

By default, Citrix Workspace App ships with a certificate store that doesn't trust, which is a problem.

There are multiple solutions.

  1. Use your default certificate store:
sudo mv /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts{,-provided}
sudo ln -s /etc/ssl/certs /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts
  1. Copy certificates to /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts and run /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util/ctx_rehash
sudo cp -R /some/place/with/pem-files /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts
sudo /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/util/ctx_rehash

Source Ask Ubuntu and Citrix Support Knowledge Center.

Setting HDPI

Since the beginning of 2021 Ivanti now forgets your Windows DPI / scaling settings after a lock, these locks are triggered if the session is idle for too long. I found this quite annoying, SSC-ICT didn't see this as a problem and only wants to fix this as NSK (niet-standaard-klantvraag), which costs money.

This is my workaround.

First install xdotool:

sudo apt install xdotool

Then for scaling to 200% use:

xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "^DWR-Next-v1909 \(SSL/TLS Secured, 256 bit\)$" windowactivate %1 key --delay 1000 Tab key --delay 500 --clearmodifiers --repeat 3 "Super_L+d" key --delay 500 --clearmodifiers Menu key --delay 100 --repeat 2 Up key --delay 2000 Return key --delay 100 --repeat 2 Tab key --delay 100 Return key --delay 100 --repeat 4 Down key --delay 100 Return key --delay 100 "Alt+F4"; #DWRhdpi

To combine this with an auto unlock, install xsel.

sudo apt install xsel

Then this is my setup, my password comes from my KeePassXC password manager and is 32 chars long:

PW=$(xsel -b);if [ "${#PW}" != "32" ]; then >&2 echo "found length ${#PWD} on clipboard: $PWD"; else xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "^DWR-Next-v1909 \(SSL/TLS Secured, 256 bit\)$" windowactivate %1 key --delay 1000 --window %1 'Ctrl+Alt+Delete' type "$PW" && xdotool search --onlyvisible --name "^DWR-Next-v1909 \(SSL/TLS Secured, 256 bit\)$" key --delay 4000 --window %1 Return key --delay 1000 --window %1 Tab key --delay 500 --window %1 --clearmodifiers --repeat 3 "Super_L+d" key --delay 500 --window %1 --clearmodifiers Menu key --delay 100 --window %1 --repeat 2 Up key --delay 2000 --window %1 Return key --delay 100 --window %1 --repeat 2 Tab key --delay 100 --window %1 Return key --delay 100 --window %1 --repeat 4 Down key --delay 100 --window %1 Return key --delay 100 --window %1 "Alt+F4"; fi #DWRunlock-hdpi



Please note: I could use 'Menu d' to go to Display settings, but sometimes this would shoot a 'd' to an open Outlook, deleting a message, so I replaced it with double Up.

Filesystem Share Cleanup

The Citrix Workspace App will create .access^ and .attribute^ files in the drives and folders you share. This is a cleanup command:

find -name '.access^' -size 0 -type f -delete && find -name '.attribute^' -type f -delete


Finally since 2021-05-10 there is a native Linux app!
There is a .deb and .rpm: Download Webex

Debian/Ubuntu procedure:

curl -sSfLo '/tmp/webex.deb' ''
sudo apt install '/tmp/webex.deb'
# Update WebEx oneliner: check installed deb package, extract deb package version from metadata with range requests, if there is an update, download and install
DEB_URL='';DEB_PKG='webex';dpkg --compare-versions $(dpkg-query -f '${Version}' -W "$DEB_PKG") lt $(curl -r "132-$(( $(curl -r "120-129" -sA '' "$DEB_URL") + 131 ))" -o - -sA '' "$DEB_URL" | tar -xzOf - './control' | grep -oP --color=never '^Version: \K.*$') && curl -sSfLo "/tmp/$DEB_PKG.deb" "$DEB_URL" && sudo apt install "/tmp/$DEB_PKG.deb"

Please note that virtual inputs don't work unless there is echo canceling on it.

Setup fake WebEx-proof mic:

pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=VirtualSink sink_properties=device.description=VirtualSink
pactl load-module module-null-sink sink_name=silence sink_properties=device.description="Silent_sink_for_echo_cancel"
pactl load-module module-echo-cancel sink_name=virtual-microphone source_name=virtual-microphone source_master=VirtualSink.monitor sink_master=silence aec_method=null source_properties=device.description=Virtual-Microphone sink_properties=device.description=Virtual-Microphone

Source Unix Stack Exchange.


Some other government organizations (e.g. VNG) or external suppliers use Microsoft Teams.

There is a .deb and .rpm: Download Teams

Debian/Ubuntu procedure:

curl -sSfLo '/tmp/teams.deb' '' # version
sudo apt install '/tmp/teams.deb'

Teams will setup /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teams.list:

# You may comment out this entry, but any other modifications may be lost.
deb [arch=amd64] stable main

Plus write and trust /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.gpg and setup ~/.config/autostart/teams.desktop.

Note that the autostart is restored after opening of Teams, you have to disable 'Auto-start application' in Settings->General, probably you also want to disable 'On close, keep the application running'.

You can only trust the Microsoft key for their repo:

# move Microsoft (Release signing) from trusted for all to a keyring
sudo mv /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.gpg /usr/share/keyrings/microsoft-keyring.gpg
# pin teams to signing key
sudo sed -i -r 's@\]@ signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/microsoft-keyring.gpg]@;3s/([^#])/# Manually added signed-by pin\n\1/' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/teams.list
# update:
sudo apt update
# after an update the .list file is untouched, but the microsoft.gpg is added again
# from now on you can use: $ sudo apt upgrade && sudo rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.gpg
# or just upgrade teams: $ sudo apt install teams && sudo rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/microsoft.gpg

Please note that the native Linux Teams app doesn't support a resolution higher than 720p (1280×720), so an Elgato Cam Link 4K won't work. There are certified devices for Microsoft Teams, although unsure if this is valid for the Linux client and all devices are supported in Linux. Using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) version 27 supports creating a Virtual Webcam and has full screen capture options via PipeWire on Wayland.

# list all Video4Linux devices
v4l2-ctl --list-devices
# check what formats a device supports, see the above comments about 1280×720
v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --list-formats-ext

As a backup you can use a browser, which does support 1080p (1920×1080), but Firefox is not supported so you have to use a Chromium based browser.