Disclaimer: In these notes, as in other posted material, I speak for myself, and not on behalf of IBM.
Analytics depends on good data, but also on tidy data, i.e. data that is structured, annotated, normalized, and correlated. It is generally estimated that 80% of data analysis effort is spent pre-processing the data, i.e. to "tidy it up" [1]. Virtually all systems designed to handle unstructured and semi-structured data (e.g. log files) are based on heavy use of regular expressions.
Yet, regular expressions are limited in what kinds of patterns they can recognize, and they are notoriously difficult to understand and maintain [2]. Data tidying systems that depend on collections of regular expressions are fragile. A big data analytics solution that depends on pre-processing with regular expressions is subject to the high cost of getting the regular expressions right in the first place, and then extending and maintaining the collection of expressions.
There are also run-time issues with regular expressions. "Regex" implementations have highly variable performance characteristics that depend on the input data. Most will consume exponential time on some input, taking seconds instead of microseconds to process a single line [3].
Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs) do not have these limitations [4]. PEGs have many similarities to regular expressions, and use many of the same operators (like * and +), and features (like character classes, e.g. [a-z] and [:punct:]). PEGs are more powerful than regular expressions, though, and can recognize recursive structures like XML and JSON. PEGs also permit linear-time implementations (in the size of the input).
Tools for using PEGs have been scarce. Rosie is a tool for tidying up data that is easy to use, powerful, and efficient. The Rosie Pattern Language (RPL) is a pattern programming language providing:
- A readable pattern syntax which can contain whitespace and comments;
- Pattern composition, for building patterns out of other patterns;
- A pattern macro facility for generating new patterns;
- Packages which separate patterns into different namespaces, making it easy to share pattern definitions;
- An interactive debugger that can step through pattern matching against sample input;
- A translator that can convert many existing “regex” into RPL;
- A compact, efficient run-time for data tidying.
Rosie leverages a compact and efficient PEG implementation written in C [5] that includes an interpreter for the Lua language [6]. The RPL compiler and related tools are written in Lua, and the RPL extension language (in which users can add features) is Lua.
Rosie and RPL are being used in IBM in several projects to parse, annotate, normalize, and correlate raw data prior to use in analytics implemented in Spark.
[1] Dasu and Johnson, AT&T Labs, “Data Mining and Data Quality”
[2] "In my experience the hardest part is to get the regular expressions for parsing the log files right" says the author of Grok Constructor. (http://grokconstructor.appspot.com)
[3] "Notice that Perl requires over sixty seconds to match a 29-character string" says Russ Cox, researcher at Google, Bell Labs. (https://swtch.com/~rsc/regexp/regexp1.html)
[4] Ford, "Parsing Expression Grammars: A Recognition-Based Syntactic Foundation", POPL 2004
[5] Ierusalimschy, "A Text Pattern-Matching Tool based on Parsing Expression Grammars", Software: Practice and Experience (2008, John Willey and Sons)
[6] Lua (http://www.lua.org)
Rosie uses patterns (written in Rosie Pattern Language, or RPL) to transform unstructured or semi-structured text input into structured output. Currently, the output is in JSON format, although additional output formats are planned.
Many useful patterns are supplied in the Rosie distribution. You may write additional patterns, or modify the ones supplied. If there is already a machine-readable description of the input format (e.g. a log format configuration), then it may be possible to automatically generate Rosie patterns from such a description.
A pattern in Rosie Pattern Language may be specified using literal strings and characters and character sets, or it may be built out of other patterns. The ability to compose patterns is one of the strengths of RPL.
On start-up, Rosie loads a set of files containing Rosie Pattern Language, i.e. pattern definitions. One of the patterns defined in these files can then be used to match lines of input; this is the match pattern. When running, Rosie is applying the match pattern to each line of input.
By default, Rosie processes input one line at a time, where the marker that separates lines is a single newline character. Rosie generates one JSON structure (output) for each line of input. The output structure contains an entry for each named component of the match pattern. Every important field within a pattern has a name, and Rosie’s output pairs each name with the corresponding value parsed out of the input line.
Whatever stage comes after Rosie in the data pipeline can then see every important value in each line of input. For example, we can use a pattern like this one to parse a simple log entry:
syslog = datetime_RFC3339 ip_address {process ":"} message
The line above defines the pattern named syslog
to be a datetime, followed by an ip address, a string that is a process followed by a colon (“:”), and a message. Each of the identifiers used to define syslog
, etc.) are defined separately. For example, process
is defined as:
process = { word {"["int"]"}? }
... and matches strings like "sshd[16537]" and "syslogd". For now, note that pattern elements inside braces {...}
are elements that are glued together with no whitespace separating them, e.g. "[16537]" and not "[ 16537 ]".
Suppose Rosie is asked to match the syslog
pattern against a raw line of input data like this one:
2015-08-23T03:36:25-05:00 sshd[16537]: Did not receive identification string from
The Rosie output will be a structure as follows: (see NOTE below)
[{"datetime_RFC3339":["2015-08-23T03:36:25-05:00", {“date_RFC3339":["2015-08-23"]}, {"time_RFC3339":["03:36:25-05:00"]}]}, {"ip_address":[""]}, {"process":["sshd[16537]", {“word":["sshd"]}, {"int":["16537"]}]}, {"NO_ID":["Did not receive identification string from", {"ip_address":[""]}]}]}]
From this output, we can see that:
- Rosie collected each piece of the
pattern and labeled the parts, e.g.datetime_RFC3339
. - The definition of the pattern
appears to have two parts, a date and a time, and those are separated out and labeled as well. - The
pattern must be an alias for some other patterns, because instead of seeing "message" as a label in the output, we see insteadNO_ID
. - The definition of the
pattern includes an ip address, we can infer, because Rosie parsed anip_address
out of the message and labeled it.
With structured output such as that above, the raw data has been transformed into something structured, with semantic tags. It is now possible to work with the data, such as in an analytics process.
There are several output formats; JSON is shown. Also, the entire original line of input (which matches the syslog
pattern as a whole) can optionally be included in the output, but is omitted along with some other output for clarity.
As a stand-alone executable, Rosie is suitable for processing files containing lines of input. Rosie may also be used to process streaming input, or "micro-batches". Rosie’s small executable size and quick start-up time make it possible to invoke Rosie as part of a data processing pipeline.
In addition to simply recognizing items of interest in the input, Rosie can be instructed to transform values, enumerate values, and perform other operations while processing each line. Normalization is one kind of transformation, e.g. timestamps in various formats may be normalized to an integer number of milliseconds since the epoch. Sanitizing, such as encryption of sensitive fields, is another kind of transformation.
Enumeration, on the other hand, is a meta-data calculation. If Rosie is instructed to enumerate a particular field, then all values for that field that appear in the input will be collected into a table. For example, which host names were seen in the input? Or, which queue names? An enumeration table is one piece of meta-data, and is saved so it can be used by subsequent stages in the data processing pipeline.
Another piece of meta-data is the range of values that a particular field has in the given input. When a field has values that can be compared in the sense of "value x precedes value y", Rosie can be instructed to save the range of a field seen in the input. When processing a file of log entries, for example, the range of the timestamp field tells you the time period spanned by those entries.
Since Rosie’s extension language is Lua, a full language, real-time processing such as transformations and enumerations can have side effects and access stored state. As a result, some interesting new uses of Rosie are possible. One example is to instruct Rosie to parse particular values out of an input stream and take action (send a message, run a script) as the values change in a specified way.
Rosie patterns are Parsing Expression Grammars (PEGs), not Regular Expressions (regex), although the two have much in common. If you know regex, you know most of the important features of PEGs, and the rest are easy to learn. See below for more.
Rosie's pattern language, RPL, inverts the usual regex concept that characters match themselves except when they are special, like "." and "?" and so many more. In RPL, to match a literal string of characters, you quote them. Within a quoted string, the only special character is the backslash, which is used as the escape character.
A string of characters outside of quotes, like word
or syslog
is an identifier that refers to a previously defined pattern. In this way, RPL is like a programming language: you can give names to patterns, and build new patterns out of old ones.
Outside of a quoted string, there are familiar operators that have the same meanings as they do in regex, such as ".", "*", "?", etc. There's never any confusion about when these characters are operators and when they are literal characters to be matched. If a character appears in a character set [...]
or a literal string "..."
, then it's a literal character to be matched.
In regex syntax, parentheses create both a group and a capture, except when they don't. (There are many rules and many cryptic syntaxes to remember when writing regex.) In RPL, parentheses (...)
and curly braces {...}
are always used for grouping, just like parentheses are used in mathematical and other expressions in most programming languages. Parentheses group expressions in normal mode, and curly braces group expressions in raw mode.
In the normal mode, Rosie tokenizes the input, using punctuation and (any amount or kind of) whitespace as token boundaries. This is kind of like the "word boundary" \b
concept from regex. Normally, Rosie behaves as if there is a regex word boundary between each element in a pattern.
In raw mode, Rosie does no tokenizing. Patterns are matched character by character, as is common for regex matching.
Having both modes makes it easy to switch back and forth between low-level syntax specifications (in raw mode) and higher level patterns composed of other patterns.
We don't worry about captures when writing RPL expressions. Everything that has a name (an identifier) is captured automatically. And there are ways to instruct Rosie definition which parts of a pattern to keep and which to discard, outside of the pattern definition. This makes it possible to write a pattern once, and use it in multiple ways, sometimes keeping most or all of the captures (which we call matches) and other times keeping very little. Sharing patterns and maintaining patterns are both easier when you can declare outside of the pattern definition itself how you want the matches handled. Read on for more about how RPL is a small language in ways that regex are not.
The Rosie pattern language intentionally resembles a programming language and not the cryptic syntax-laden regex form. Recall that, in RPL, literal strings must be appear in double quotes, as in most programming languages. Also, in RPL, whitespace and comments can appear in pattern definitions without changing the definition. This makes RPL very readable when compared to regex.
RPL statements are typically definitions, where a pattern is assigned a name, just like an assignment statement in programming. There are also aliases, which are very simple today but will grow into a macro facility. Pattern names and aliases live in set of namespaces that form a package system, which helps organize patterns, prevent name conflicts, and encourage pattern sharing. Finally, there are statements in RPL that are instructions which tell Rosie how to handle matches. For any given pattern, you can tell Rosie to keep certain sub-matches (which are like regex captures) and discard others. You can tell Rosie to transform a match on the fly, e.g. to convert timestamps into a canonical format such as microseconds since the epoch. You can tell Rosie to collect meta-data, such as the range of values seen.
An RPL expression may not be as compact as its regex equivalent (where such equivalent exists), but RPL is easier to write, understand, use, and maintain.
See below for additional information on the differences between RPL and regexes.
Rosie’s patterns are not regular expressions, though they share with regular expressions the ability to “recognize a language”. That is a formal way of saying that a Rosie pattern expression, like a regular expression, can be used to recognize certain input strings and reject others. Which strings are recognized and which are rejected depends, of course, on the pattern itself.
True regular expressions come from computing theory: they are expressions that recognize exactly the same sets of strings that can be recognized using a simple finite state machine. Two important properties of regular expressions are:
- Because they are based on a formal system, many important properties of regular expressions can be proved; and
- The complexity of recognizing or rejecting an input string is linear in the length of the input.
Property (1) is important for many reasons, one of which is that formal proofs allow implementations to transform regular expressions into equivalent ones that may execute faster. Another benefit of a formal basis is that it tells us how to compose simple expressions to make more complex ones. Property (2) reassures us that our software will not consume excessive memory or time when trying to match an expression against an input string.
These properties hold only for regular expressions that stick to the formal definition. In practice, what we call “regex” libraries (like PCRE, Perl regex, Java regex) contain significant extensions to the regular expression formalism, such as numbered/named captures, counted repetition, and back references. With these extensions, it becomes very hard to robustly compose regexes, and the performance of matching using a regex is quite variable. It can take exponential time in the length of the input!
Some other limitations are shared by the formal regular expressions and the widely used regex tools, such as the inability to match recursively defined input, such as XML or JSON. In computing theory, one turns to a context-free grammar (CFG) to write such patterns. Programming tools for using a CFG are not commonly available, though, and consequently most programmers are familiar only with one matching technology: the regex.
In ordinary use, the regex technology works well. Small regex patterns embedded in large programs allow easy extraction of data from strings; and regex patterns composed on the command line greatly aid administrative tasks. But when we have lots of patterns, regex solutions are fragile and unmaintinable. And when we have large amounts of data, the variable nature of regex performance can impact an entire solution.
When regex patterns become long, they become unreadable, even by the person who wrote them. A collection of non-trivial regexes is not maintainable in the way that, say, Python or Java code is. In this sense, regex is a poor basis for anything but the most trivial pattern matching tasks, because the regex approach does not scale as the patterns become more numerous and more complex.
Some examples comparing regex-based tools like Grok to Rosie are in the table below. Note the similarity of syntax where the concept is the same, such as the *
, +
, and ?
to specify repetition. And note how the relative lack of special characters in RPL means that the list of allowed characters in a Unix path can be written simply as [_%!$@:.,~-]
. All of the characters inside the square brackets simply represent themselves. None are special operators. (The lone exception in character sets is the dash that separates two characters in a range such as [a-z]
Grok and other regex tools | Rosie Pattern Language | Comment |
INT = (?:[+-]?(?:[0-9]+)) |
int = { [+-]? digit+ } |
These are comparable in readability. In RPL, digit is an alias for [:digit:] . |
path = unix_path / windows_path |
RPL is a bit cleaner, and uses / to mean "ordered choice". |
UNIXPATH (?>/(?>[\w_%!$@:.,~-]+|\.)*)+ |
unix_path = {"/" {[:alnum:]/[_%!$@:.,~-]}+ }+ |
What is (?> in regex? Should look that up. |
WINPATH (?>[A-Za-z]+:|\)(?:\[^ |