docker ps
docker images
- search for "containerofcats"
- click "acantril/containerofcats"
docker pull acantril/containerofcats
notice how it's pulling a few fs layers ..
docker images -a
docker inspect <imageID>
Run a container from the downloaded docker image
docker run -p 8081:80 acantril/containerofcats
browse to it - see the cats? :)
notice how the terminal is connected to the container
if we ctrl+c to exit.. the container stops
because the terminal is/was attached to the container
docker ps
we can run the container detached (-d), the terminal will drop back to the command prompt but the container is still running
docker run -p 8081:80 -d acantril/containerofcats
now it's running and we can continue working and access the container.
this command will show the port mappings, host:container (i'll cover this later in the course)
docker port <CONTAINERID>
we can execute commands inside the container, dont worry if you don't see the qemu part it depends on your architecture
docker exec -it <CONTAINERID> ps -aux
You can even run a shell inside a running container
docker exec -it <CONTANERID> sh
we can restart the container
docker restart <CONTAINDERID>
stop it
docker stop <CONTAINERID>
docker ps
docker ps -a
start it again
docker start <CONTAINERID>
docker ps
we can show logs
docker logs <CONTAINERID>
add timestamps
docker logs <CONTAINERID> -t
Stop the running container
docker stop <CONTAINERID>
Remove the stopped container
docker rm <CONTAINERID>
List the images we have locally
docker images
Remove the image we pulled from dockerhub
docker rmi <IMAGEID>