Added the ability to have set timeouts for open and read connections. Add address validation API.
Added MIT license.
Great work @orenf Removes support for ruby 1.9.2 and 1.8.7 Upgrades httparty Runs on ruby 2.2.1 Fixes failing specs APIError message now returns valid Invoice object
The multi_json gem was way out of date, but updated it. We also moved over to using Travis for builds.
Looks like the tests were initally run against the production database (whops). I re-ran them against test and they're still working. No code changes for this, other than documenting the test endpoint.
Not much in the way of features so far, but the rough draft of the get_tax call is in, as well as error and warning message handling. Still need to update the docs with it once an API to the gem is finalized.