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Realtime chat


Real Time Chat project is built on Django, Django Rest Framework, Vue.js and Django Channels.

Vue.js is used to consume the API to show the initial room chats, and also when a new message come from the web socket, it use the power of Vue.js to update the DOM elements.

The concept of the projects is the "Rooms", it has N number of rooms and the users can interact with each room. The users need to be logged to can use the chat and the room's content is updated in real time using web sockets.

Also, an user can execute a bot command, writing "/stock=APPL". It will execute a web socket call to another server dedicated to the bot process. The bot will get the data of APPL and show the result into the room for all users.

The application is using some good code practices, like documentation, query optimization (select and prefetch related to improve foreign keys), structure of directories and files.

The project has unit test that coverage the Rest API to get a room's messages: python test

Technical setup (It take about 5 minutes)

Redis setup

  1. We used docker to setup redis configuration.

    The port 6379 for realtime-chat and the port 6378 for realtime-chat-bot projects

  2. docker run -p 6379:6379 -d redis:2.8

  3. docker run -p 6378:6379 -d redis:2.8

Development environment

  1. Remember, This is for development environment. For production or any deployment setup, this use environment variables.

  2. Clone the project and go to the directory using the terminal/console

  3. Install requirements with pip install -r requirements.txt

  4. You need to create a file allocated into realtime_chat/ (At the same level that

  5. This file should contains the Database info and realtime chat bot URL (Second project url/port execution)

        ENGINE = "django.db.backends.postgresql"
        NAME = "realtime_chat"
        HOST = "localhost"
        PORT = "5432"
        USER = "myuser"
        PASSWORD = "mypassword"
        REALTIME_CHAT_BOT_URL = "localhost:8001"
  6. Execute the commands:

    • python makemigrations
    • python migrate
    • python create_super_user
    • python populate_rooms
    • python populate_users
  7. You can login into /sysadmin to see the admin interface.

    • The login credentials are:

      • username: superadmin
      • password: 123456
    • Here you can create new users, rooms and see the chats

  8. The command populate_users created some users to can interact with the realtime chat

    • Login credentials (The password is the same for all users):
      • users: ['andresduque', 'nelsonmartinez', 'wendylugo]
      • password: 123456
  9. You can execute the unit test to the API with the command python test

  10. Go to localhost:8000 or your project url execution and then, you will be redirected to the login or rooms url. You can start having fun now ;)

  11. You can go to localhost:8000/chat/rooms/1 to see the API response with all chats of the room by the ID wrote in the URL.