The following steps will show you how to
- download and install grl on your system.
- use the installation to create an example.
- build and test the example project.
You need to have a Unix-like operating system such as Linux or Mac OS X installed on your machine in order to follow these steps. At the moment, there is no separate tutorial available for Windows users, but you can install CygWin as an alternative. Note, however, that grl can also be installed and used on Windows.
Clone the Git repository from GitHub as follows:
mkdir -p ~/local/src
cd ~/local/src
git clone
cd grl
or :doc:`download` a pre-packaged .tar.gz
of the latest release and unpack it using the following command:
mkdir -p ~/local/src
cd ~/local/src
tar xzf /path/to/downloaded/grl-$version.tar.gz
cd grl-$version
Configure the build system using CMake 2.8.4 or a more recent version:
mkdir build && cd build
ccmake ..
- Press
to configure the project. - Change
. - Set option
. - Make sure that option
is enabled. - Press
to generate the Makefiles.
CMake has generated Makefiles for GNU Make. The build is thus triggered by the make command:
To install BASIS after the successful build, run the following command:
make install
As a result, CMake copies the built files into the installation tree as specified by the
For the following tutorial steps, set up your environment as follows. In general, however,
only the change of the PATH
environment variable is recommended. The other environment
variables are only needed for the tutorial sessions.
Using the C or TC shell (csh/tcsh):
setenv PATH "~/local/bin:${PATH}"
setenv grl_EXAMPLE_DIR "~/local/share/grl/example"
Using the Bourne Again SHell (bash):
export PATH="~/local/bin:${PATH} "
export grl_EXAMPLE_DIR="~/local/share/basis/example"
Create an example using grl:
voluptate --velit esse --cillum dolore --eu
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
ipsum --in molestie
Congratulations! You just finished your first grl tutorial.
Now check out the :ref:`Tutorials` for more details regarding each of the above steps and in-depth information about the used commands if you like, or move on to the various :doc:`How-to Guides <howto>`.
The advanced tutorial slides give a more in-depth introduction to grl and its use including in-depth information and references to further documentation. For a less comprehensive tutorial-like introduction, please refer to the :ref:`FirstSteps` above.