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The Toolbox to compute the Sentinel-1 A/B in StripMap mode with Matlab and Doris 5.0

The Sentinel-1 SM Toolbox is a set of Matlab functions to easly compute the Sentinel-1 A/B interferograms in StripMap mode. The objective is to have a simplest file of parameters to run Doris 5.0.

The Toolbox contains:

  • computation_Sentinel_SM.m: main function to run the interferogram computation
  • read_data_Sentinel_SM.m: function to read the S1 data and the orbit files, to create the file for Doris 5.0
  • detection_orbit_files.m: function to detect the good orbit file in one directory
  • readSent1Data.m: function to read the SLC images by Louis-Philippe Rousseau
  • getTIFFinfo.m: function to read the tiff informations by Louis-Philippe Rousseau
  • cmap_sar.csv: colormap for the interfergrams
  • sar.m colormap for the interfergrams (in the Matlab format)
  • card_raw.input: input card to run the computation_Sentinel_SM.m function.

The other requirements:

  • xml2struct.m
  • ToolBox Envi for Matlab to create the UTM products (optionnal)
  • ToolBox Mapping of Matlab to create the DEM geometry products (optionnal)
  • The readSent1Data.m function to read the SLC images by Louis-Philippe Rousseau
  • The getTIFFinfo.m function to read the tiff informations by Louis-Philippe Rousseau

The links to find the Matlab files are:

The functions by Louis-Philippe Rousseau can be fund in his Github:

System requirements:

  • Linux / Mac (using of the bash language)


  1. Installation of Doris 5.0:
  2. Download the Toolbox
  3. Download the required files from the Mathworks website

How to compute a S1 StripMap interferogram?

  1. Download the two S1 StripMap images
  2. Download the orbit files (optionnal)
  3. Design of the full input card or the incomplete input card
  4. In Matlab:



An input card example:

Parameters to compute the Sentinel 1 StripMap Interferogram
By Alexis Hrysiewicz (LMV / OPGC / UCA / INSU)

Doris Parameters
Path_of_Doris_processor:            /usr/local/Doris_5 #Directory of Doris core
Path_of_Doris_function:             /usr/local/Doris_utility #Directory of Cpxfiddle function
Path_of_MATLAB_Sentinel_Toolbox:    ???? #Directory of Sentinel SM Toolbox
Global parameters
Path_for_the_excecution:    ???? #Where do you can compute the interferogram
Data_of_the_Master:         ???? #Full path of the Master (.zip or .SAFE) 
Data_of_the_Slave:          ???? #Full path of the Slave (.zip or .SAFE) 
Choice_of_the_polarition:   vv #vv, hh, vh, or hv 

Path_of_orbits:             ???? #Directory of the orbit file 

Name_of_the_input:          date #date or #orbits
Colormap_of_the_display:    /home/alexis/Documents/MATLAB/Sentinel_SM_toolbox/cmap_sar.csv
RAM_Memory_(MB):            4000

Parameters of the DEM
Path_of_the_DEM:            ???? #Full path of the DEM file 
Number_of_lines:            1000
Number_of_pixels:           1000
Latitude_DEM:               0
Longitude_DEM:              0
Delta_Latitude:             0.1
Delta_Longitude:            0.1
Value_of_NO_data:           0

Processing Parameters #See Doris manuel for these parameters
Extraction ------------------------------- YES
First_line_master:     1
Last_line_master:      19680
First_pixel_master:    1
Last_pixel_master:     10120
First_line_slave:      1
Last_line_slave:       19680
First_pixel_slave:     1
Last_pixel_slave:      10120

Multilooking ----------------------------- YES
In_Azimuth:     2
In_Range:       2

Master_Timing ---------------------------- YES
MTE_NWIN        30
MTE_WINSIZE     1024 512

Coarse_Correlation ----------------------- YES
CC_NWIN         21
CC_WINSIZE      1024 512
CC_INITOFF      orbit

Fine_Correlation ------------------------- YES
The default parameters are fine. 

DEM_Correlation -------------------------- NO
For the next version

Resample_of_the_slave -------------------- YES
RS_METHOD       rc12p

Interferogram_formation ------------------ YES
FE_DEGREE       5
FE_NPOINTS      501
SRP_METHOD      polynomial

Computation_of_topo_Phase ---------------- YES
The default parameters are fine.

Substraction_of_the_topo_Phase ----------- YES
The default parameters are fine.

Filter_of_the_phase  --------------------- YES
PF_METHOD       goldstein
PF_ALPHA        0.125
PF_OVERLAP      16

Coherence_formation ---------------------- YES

Geolocalisation  ------------------------- YES
On the DEM grid

Finalisation of the processing 
Removing_the_unused_files: YES

GEOTIFF_creating  ------------------------ YES
Latitude_extention:     0   0                              
Longitude_extention:    1   1  
Step_latitude:          0.1         
Step_longitude:         0.1
Method_Geotiff:         natural
Mode_O2I:               YES        dem.hdr #For the SNOV OI2


The authors are:

  • Alexis Hrysiewicz (Laboratoire Magmas et Volcans / OPGC / CNRS / IDR / INSU)
  • Delphine Smittarello (IsTerre / UGA / CNRS / USMB / IRD / IFSTTAR)

The authors thank Louis-Philippe Rousseau for the distribution of his functions.