This code for EECDCR was originally used in the paper:
"Revisiting Joint Modeling of Cross-document Entity and Event Coreference Resolution"
Shany Barhom, Vered Shwartz, Alon Eirew, Michael Bugert, Nils Reimers and Ido Dagan. ACL 2019.
A neural model implemented in PyTorch for resolving cross-document entity and event coreference. The model was trained and evaluated on the ECB+ corpus.
The code belongs to Shany Barhom ([email protected]) and was used inside the Xcoref as one of the baselines. Original github project is Please contact Shany for questions about the original model and code.
- PyTorch
- PyTorch 0.4.0 with CUDA 9.0 on Linux can be installed using the command:
pip install
- torch 1.2.0 and torchvision 0.4.0 for different OS:
pip install torch==1.2.0+cu92 torchvision==0.4.0+cu92 -f --user
(if you experience troubles, try without "user" option and then with it) If torchvision does not show up in a list of installed packages, runpip install torchvision
and then rerun the installation with the version above.
- PyTorch 0.4.0 with CUDA 9.0 on Linux can be installed using the command:
- AllenNLP
pip install allennlp==0.9.0
Download the following archive, exract the files,
and place the models cd_entity_best_model and cd_event_best_model into ./resources/eecdcr_models
The other model files will be downloaded directly from the code or can be downloaded manually:
- model
- Place the model into