diff --git a/WatchFaceFormat/README.md b/WatchFaceFormat/README.md index f44ead3e5..eec3e8347 100644 --- a/WatchFaceFormat/README.md +++ b/WatchFaceFormat/README.md @@ -47,12 +47,11 @@ cd SimpleDigital ./gradlew assembleDebug ``` -To then install and set as the current watch face on a device or emulator: +Additional commands that you can run from the command-line: -```shell -adb install watchface/build/outputs/apk/debug/watchface-debug.apk -adb shell am broadcast -a com.google.android.wearable.app.DEBUG_SURFACE --es operation set-watchface --es watchFaceId com.example.simpledigital -``` +- `./gradlew validateWff` - This only validates the WFF XML files, but will not build the APK. This task is automatically run as part of `assembleDebug` and + `bundleDebug`. +- `./gradlew validateWffAndInstall [--device ]` - builds and validates the watch face, then installs and sets on a connected device or emulator. For more guidance on building and signing release builds, see [signing guidance][signing] on developer.android.com