- [1976] new directions in cryptography, by diffie && hellman
- [1978] a method for obtaining digital signature, by l.m. adleman et al
- [1979] secrecy, authentication, and public key systems, by raph c. merkle
- [1998] financial cryptography in 7 layers, by i. grigg
- [2000] contracts in cyberspace, by d. friedman
- gödel, escher, bach, by d. hofstadter
- applied cryptography, by b. schneier
- a graduate course in applied cryptography, by d. boneh et al.
- understanding cryptography, by c. paar et al.
- an introduction to mathematical cryptography, by j. hoffstein et al.
- handbook of applied cryptography, by a. menezes et al.
- the machinery of freedom, by d. friedman
- denationalisation of money, by f.a. hayek
- from crossbows to cryptography, by c. hammill
- codes and secrets, by h.s. zim
- the codebreakers, by d. kahn
- the puzzle palace, by j. bamford
- the art of unix programming, by e.s. raymond