- [1982] blind signatures for untraceable payments, by d. chaum
- [1982] computer systems by mutually suspicious-groups, by d. chaum
- [1988] the dining cryptographers problem, by d. chaum
- [1988] untraceable electronic mail, return addresses, and digital pseudonyms, by d. chaum
- [1989] online cash checks, by d. chaum
- [1990] implementing fault-tolerant services using the state machine approach, by f.b. schneider
- [1991] how to timestamp a digital document, by s. harber et al.
- [1994] for-pay remailers, by h. finney
- [1994] the cyphernomicon, t.c. may
- [1994] politics vs. technology, by h. finney
- [1995] smart contracts glossary, by n. szabo
- [1997] the idea of smart contracts, by n. szabo
- [1997] formalizing and securing relationships on public networks, n. szabo
- [1998] digital bearer settlement, by r. hettinga
- [2000] improving time stamping schemes, by a. bonneczae et al.
- [2001] trusted third parties are security holes, n. szabo
- [2002] shelling out: the origins of money, by n. szabo
- [2004] scarce objects, by n. szabo
- [2005] from imperial china to cyberspace, by d. friedman
- [2014] tribute to hal finney at the nakamoto institute
- [2017] money blockchains and social scalability, by n. szabo
- [2023] exploring the potential for life in the internet and blockchain, by cia officer
- [2024] サトシ's is the best gladiator [video]
- on the origins of money, by c. menger
- the ethics of money production, by j.g. hulsmann
- what has government done to our money, by m.n. rothbard
- anarchy, state, and utopia, by r. nozick
- crypto: how the code rebels beat the government saving privacy in the digital age, by i. janwar
- cypherpunks, by j. assange