Examples taken from 236363 - Databases
course in Technion - Israeli Institute of Technology. Credit to course staff.
Use https://sqliteonline.com/ and PostgreSQL.
Create the following tables:
create table Student(sid int, name varchar, year int);
insert into Student values
(861, 'Alma', 2),
(753, 'Amir', 1),
(955, 'Ahuva', 2),
(699, 'Adi', 2);
create table Enroll(sid int, course varchar, grade int);
insert into Enroll values
(861, 'DB', 79),
(861, 'PL', 82),
(753, 'PL', 93),
(955, 'DB', 99),
(955, 'AI', 72),
(699, 'DB', 95);
create table Course(name varchar, credit int);
insert into Course values
('DB', 3),
('PL', 2),
('AI', 3);
create table Employee(sid int, name varchar);
insert into Employee values
(233, 'Alma'),
(651, 'Avia'),
(122, 'Avi');
Basic selection - bag semantics
SELECT name, course FROM Student, Enroll WHERE Student.sid = Enroll.sid
We use
for set semantics.SELECT DISTINCT name FROM Student, Enroll WHERE Student.sid = Enroll.sid
to project on all attributesSELECT * FROM Student, Enroll WHERE Student.sid = Enroll.sid
We use
for attribute renamingSELECT name AS student, course AS coursename FROM Student, Enroll WHERE Student.sid = Enroll.sid
We can use functions on attributes, and we can add columns with constant values (i.e. 'great'):
SELECT sid, course, credit*grade AS cg, 'great' as comment FROM Course, Enroll WHERE grade>69
Use the same relation multiple times with different names:
SELECT Student.sid, name FROM Student, Enroll E, Enroll F WHERE Student.sid = E.sid AND Student.sid = F.sid AND E.course='DB' AND F.course='PL'
clause operators - https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_operators.aspSELECT * FROM Enroll WHERE grade between 70 AND 95 AND course <> 'PL'
SELECT * FROM Enroll WHERE course IN ('PL', 'OS', 'AI')
Set semantics:
Bag semantics
(SELECT name FROM Student) UNION ALL (SELECT name FROM Employee)
SELECT * FROM Student, Enroll WHERE Student.sid = Enroll.sid ORDER BY name, course
Ordering direction - ascending vs descending:
SELECT * FROM Student, Enroll WHERE Student.sid = Enroll.sid ORDER BY name ASC, course DESC
Ordering attributes don't have to be in the list of attributes we project, meaning, we first order (
) then project (SELECT
):SELECT Student.sid, course FROM Student, Enroll WHERE Student.sid = Enroll.sid ORDER BY name, course
We can limit the number of tuples in the result (Top K):
SELECT * FROM Student, Enroll WHERE Student.sid = Enroll.sid ORDER BY name ASC, course DESC LIMIT 3
Basic aggregates
SELECT COUNT(sid) as num, MAX(grade) as max FROM Enroll WHERE course='PL'
Basic grouping - Average per course:
SELECT course, ROUND(AVG(grade), 1) as avg FROM Enroll GROUP BY course
Grouping with conditions - average of 2nd year students with at least 5 credit points
SELECT S.name, SUM(T.grade*C.credit)*1.0/SUM(C.credit) as average FROM Student S, Enroll T, Course C WHERE S.sid=T.sid AND T.course = C.name GROUP BY S.sid, S.name, S.year HAVING S.year=2 AND SUM(C.credit)>=5;
SELECT S.name, SUM(T.grade*C.credit)*1.0/SUM(C.credit) as average FROM Student S, Enroll T, Course C WHERE S.sid=T.sid AND T.course = C.name AND S.year=2 GROUP BY S.sid, S.name HAVING SUM(C.credit)>=5;
Start from scratch at https://sqliteonline.com/ and PostgreSQL.
create table Customers(CustId int, CustName varchar, Faculty varchar, primary key (CustId));
insert into Customers values
(12345, 'Moshe Cohen', 'CS'),
(23456, 'Avi Barak', 'EE'),
(34567, 'Avi Barak', 'MED'),
(45678, 'Lior Edri', 'EE'),
(56789, 'Moshe Cohen', 'EE'),
(67890, 'Moshe Cohen', 'EE');
create table Books(BookId int, BookName varchar, Year int, MaxTime int, Pages int, Faculty varchar, primary key (BookId));
insert into Books values
(1111, 'Database Systems', 1998, 7, 348, 'CS'),
(1112, 'Database Systems', 1998, 14, 348, 'CS'),
(1113, 'Database Systems', 2001, 7, 424, 'CS'),
(2222, 'Database And Knowledge', 1998, 1, 390, 'CS'),
(2223, 'Database And Knowledge', 1998, 7, 390, 'EE'),
(3333, 'Electronic Circuits', 1998, 21, 180, 'EE'),
(4444, 'Genes 7', 1985, 7, 580, 'MED'),
(5555, 'Anatomy', 1988, 7, 450, 'MED');
: Note the use of ForeignKey viareferences
andon delete cascade
create table Ordered(CustId int references Customers on delete cascade, BookId int references Books on delete cascade, OrderDate Timestamp, primary key (CustId, BookId));
insert into Ordered values
(12345, 1111, '2002-10-14 00:00:00'),
(45678, 1112, '2002-10-24 00:00:00'),
(12345, 1113, '2002-10-30 00:00:00'),
(45678, 2222, '2002-10-12 00:00:00');
: note theNULL
during the insert.
create table Borrowed(BookId int references Books on delete cascade, CustId int references Customers on delete cascade, FromDate Timestamp, ToDate Timestamp, primary key (BookId, CustId));
insert into Borrowed values
(5555, 56789, '2002-10-13 00:00:00');
create table CSBooks as
select BookId, BookName
from Books
where Faculty = 'CS';
create table CSBooks2(Id, Name) as
select BookId, BookName
from Books
where Faculty = 'CS';
create view CsBooksView as
select BookId, BookName, MaxTime
from Books
where Faculty = 'CS';
Note that you can query CsBooksView
and this is under the section of views
However if you create a MATERIALIZED VIEW
drop view CsBooksView;
create materialized view CsBooksView as
select BookId, BookName, MaxTime
from Books
where Faculty = 'CS';
it won't show under views but it will still exist:
select * from CsBooksView
Insert via a query:
create table Readers(CustId int references Customers on delete cascade);
insert into Readers
select CustId from Ordered;
- Update everything:
update Books set MaxTime = 7
- Update with a filter:
update Books set Faculty = 'GEN' WHERE Faculty = 'MED'
- Set an expression:
update Books set MaxTime = MaxTime+1
- Delete with a filter:
delete from Ordered where CustId = 12345
- Delete everything:
delete from Ordered
Note the table still exists, only tuples are deleted. You can delete the table using:
drop table Ordered