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* [mod_trust_clientip](modules/mod_trust_clientip/mod_trust_clientip.md)
* [mod_userid](modules/mod_userid/mod_userid.md)
* [mod_secure_link](modules/mod_secure_link/mod_secure_link.md)
+ * [mod_wasmplugin](modules/mod_wasmplugin/mod_wasmplugin.md)
* Operations
* [Command line options](operation/command.md)
* [Environment variables](operation/env_var.md)
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+# mod_wasmplugin
+## Introduction
+Bfe supports calling user-defined wasm plugins (following the proxy-wasm specification, https://github.com/proxy-wasm/spec) in the processing flow of http request/response.
+The mod_wasmplugin module is responsible for running wasm plugins and invoking them according to user-defined rules.。
+## Module Configuration
+### Description
+| Config Item | Description |
+| ---------------------| ------------------------------------------- |
+| Basic.DataPath | String
Path of rule configuration |
+| Basic.WasmPluginPath | String
Folder path for storing wasm plugin files |
+| Log.OpenDebug | Boolean
Debug flag of module
Default value: `False` |
+### Example
+DataPath = mod_wasm/mod_wasm.data
+## Rule Configuration
+### Description
+| Config Item | Description |
+| ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Version | String
Version of config file |
+| BeforeLocationRules | Object
List of wasm plugin rules for the HandleBeforeLocation callback point |
+| BeforeLocationRules[] | Object
A rule |
+| BeforeLocationRules[].Cond | String
Condition expression, See [Condition](../../condition/condition_grammar.md) |
+| BeforeLocationRules[].PluginList | Object
List of wasm plugins to invoke when the condition is matched |
+| BeforeLocationRules[].PluginList[] | String
Name of the wasm plugin |
+| ProductRules | Object
Wasm plugin rules for each product |
+| ProductRules{k} | String
Product name |
+| ProductRules{v} | Object
List of wasm plugin rules |
+| ProductRules{v}[] | Object
A rule |
+| ProductRules{v}[].Cond | String
Condition expression, See [Condition](../../condition/condition_grammar.md) |
+| ProductRules{v}[].PluginList | Object
List of wasm plugins to invoke when the condition is matched |
+| ProductRules{v}[].PluginList[] | String
Name of the wasm plugin |
+| PluginMap | Object
Dictionary of wasm plugins |
+| PluginMap{k} | String
Name of the wasm plugin |
+| PluginMap{v} | Object
A wasm plugin |
+| PluginMap{v}.Name | String
Name of the wasm plugin |
+| PluginMap{v}.WasmVersion | String
Version of the wasm file |
+| PluginMap{v}.ConfVersion | String
Version of the configuration file |
+| PluginMap{v}.InstanceNum | Integer
Number of running instances of the wasm plugin |
+### Example
+ "Version": "20240101000000",
+ "BeforeLocationRules": [{
+ "Cond": "req_path_prefix_in(\"/headers\", false)",
+ "PluginList": [ "headers" ]
+ }],
+ "ProductRules": {
+ "local_product": [{
+ "Cond": "default_t()",
+ "PluginList": []
+ }]
+ },
+ "PluginMap": {
+ "headers": {
+ "Name": "headers",
+ "WasmVersion": "20240101000000",
+ "ConfVersion": "20240101000000",
+ "InstanceNum": 20
+ }
+ }
+## Wasm Plugin Files
+For any wasm plugin (with name `PlugName` for example) in the PluginMap, the following files need to be prepared in advance and stored in the path: ``/`PlugName`/
+| File Name | Description |
+| ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| PlugName.wasm | wasm file |
+| PlugName.md5 | md5 file of PlugName.wasm |
+| PlugName.conf | Custom configuration file for the plugin |
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* [mod_trust_clientip](modules/mod_trust_clientip/mod_trust_clientip.md)
* [mod_userid](modules/mod_userid/mod_userid.md)
* [mod_secure_link](modules/mod_secure_link/mod_secure_link.md)
+ * [mod_wasmplugin](modules/mod_wasmplugin/mod_wasmplugin.md)
* 运维管理
* [命令行工具及参数](operation/command.md)
* [环境变量说明](operation/env_var.md)
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+# mod_wasmplugin
+## 模块简介
+Bfe 支持在 http request/response 的处理流程中引入用户自定义的 wasm插件 (遵循 proxy-wasm 规范, https://github.com/proxy-wasm/spec)。
+mod_wasmplugin 负责运行 wasm插件,并根据自定义规则调用 wasm插件。
+## 基础配置
+### 配置描述
+模块配置文件: conf/mod_wasm/mod_wasm.conf
+| 配置项 | 描述 |
+| ---------------------| ------------------------------------------- |
+| Basic.DataPath | String
wasm插件规则配置的文件路径 |
+| Basic.WasmPluginPath | String
存放wasm插件文件的文件夹路径 |
+| Log.OpenDebug | Boolean
是否开启 debug 日志
默认值False |
+### 配置示例
+DataPath = mod_wasm/mod_wasm.data
+## wasm插件规则配置
+### 配置描述
+| 配置项 | 描述 |
+| ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| Version | String
配置文件版本 |
+| BeforeLocationRules | Object
HandleBeforeLocation 回调点的 wasm插件规则列表 |
+| BeforeLocationRules[] | Object
wasm插件规则详细信息 |
+| BeforeLocationRules[].Cond | String
描述匹配请求或连接的条件, 语法详见[Condition](../../condition/condition_grammar.md) |
+| BeforeLocationRules[].PluginList | Object
条件匹配时执行的wasm插件列表 |
+| BeforeLocationRules[].PluginList[] | String
wasm插件名 |
+| ProductRules | Object
各产品线的 wasm插件规则列表 |
+| ProductRules{k} | String
产品线名称 |
+| ProductRules{v} | Object
产品线下的 wasm插件规则列表 |
+| ProductRules{v}[] | Object
wasm插件规则详细信息 |
+| ProductRules{v}[].Cond | String
描述匹配请求或连接的条件, 语法详见[Condition](../../condition/condition_grammar.md) |
+| ProductRules{v}[].PluginList | Object
条件匹配时执行的wasm插件列表 |
+| ProductRules{v}[].PluginList[] | String
wasm插件名 |
+| PluginMap | Object
wasm插件字典 |
+| PluginMap{k} | String
wasm插件名 |
+| PluginMap{v} | Object
wasm插件详细信息 |
+| PluginMap{v}.Name | String
wasm插件名 |
+| PluginMap{v}.WasmVersion | String
wasm插件文件版本 |
+| PluginMap{v}.ConfVersion | String
wasm插件配置文件版本 |
+| PluginMap{v}.InstanceNum | Integer
wasm插件运行实例数 |
+### 配置示例
+ "Version": "20240101000000",
+ "BeforeLocationRules": [{
+ "Cond": "req_path_prefix_in(\"/headers\", false)",
+ "PluginList": [ "headers" ]
+ }],
+ "ProductRules": {
+ "local_product": [{
+ "Cond": "default_t()",
+ "PluginList": []
+ }]
+ },
+ "PluginMap": {
+ "headers": {
+ "Name": "headers",
+ "WasmVersion": "20240101000000",
+ "ConfVersion": "20240101000000",
+ "InstanceNum": 20
+ }
+ }
+## wasm插件文件
+对于 PluginMap 中的任意一个 wasm插件(名为`PlugName`),需要预先准备好以下文件,存放于路径: ``/`PlugName`/
+| 文件名 | 描述 |
+| ------- | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
+| PlugName.wasm | wasm 文件 |
+| PlugName.md5 | PlugName.wasm 的 md5 文件 |
+| PlugName.conf | 插件自定义配置文件 |