Ecosystem Mapping.
Summaries: key ideas, history, actors, texts...
- 'Mapping Metamodern: Integral', A summary of Integral written by Eilidh 2022 ✅ 2024-03-11 Created page in wiki.
- 'Mapping Metamodern: Zen', A summary of Zen written by Eilidh 2022 ✅ 2024-03-11 Created page in wiki.
- 'Mapping Metamodern: Psychotherapy', A summary of Psychotherapy written by Eilidh 2022 ✅ 2024-03-11 Created page in wiki.
- 'Mapping Metamodern: Permaculture', A summary of Permaculture written by Eilidh 2022 ✅ 2024-03-11 Created page in wiki.
- 'Mapping Metamodern: Metamodernism', A summary of Metamodernism written by Eilidh 2022 ✅ 2024-03-11 Created page in wiki.
- 'Mapping Metamodern: Alternative Governance, A summary of Alternative Governance written by Eilidh 2022 ✅ 2024-03-11 Created page in wiki.
- 'Mapping Metamodern: Alternative Economics', A summary of Alternative Economics written by Eilidh 2022 ✅ 2024-03-11 Created page in wiki.
- 'Mapping Metamodern: Buddhism', A summary of Buddhism written by Eilidh 2022 ✅ 2024-03-11 Created page in wiki.
- 'Understanding the Metacrisis: A Brief Introduction', A brief explainer of what the metacrisis is - ❌ 2024-03-13 Elisa has disagreements with appropriateness of content & tone for the wiki, so won't be including for now
- Podcast and Transcript: 'Thomas Steininger on Emergent Dialogue and Transcending Individualism', "Rufus and Thomas explore emergent dialogue, the victories and shadow sides of individuation, and the integral and metamodern movements." ✅ 2024-03-13 Added to new page [[content/wiki/thomas-steininger|thomas-steininger]]
- Podcast and Transcript: 'Joseph Henrich and the Emergence of a (Rigorous) Culturology', "Rufus Pollock sits down with Professor Joseph Henrich to discuss the study of cultural evolution. Joe gives an insight into how the discipline has emerged and the interdisciplinary nature of the field. ✅ 2024-03-13 Added to new page [[content/wiki/joseph-henrich|joseph-henrich]]
- Podcast: 'Jeremy Lent on Interconnection & Shifting Worldviews', "In this episode, Jeremy and Rufus take apart the myth of man's innate selfishness and dig into how shifts in cultural consciousness have historically come about, what's coming next, and why we have reason to feel hopeful." ✅ 2024-03-13 Added to new page [[content/wiki/jeremy-lent|jeremy-lent]]
- 'Hannah Close on Animism, Kinship, and the Social Change Ecosystem', "During the conversation, Hannah reflects on relationships and kinship, her experience of the social change ecosystem, in particular being a woman within this space, animism and Schumacher College." ✅ 2024-03-13 Added to new page [[content/wiki/hannah-close|hannah-close]]
- 'Geoff Mulgan on Reigniting Social and Political Imagination', "In this episode Geoff and Theo explore why social and political imagination is important, why there is a deficit in social imagination in today's society, and what we can do about this." **✅ 2024-03-13 Added to new page [[content/wiki/geoff-mulgan|geoff-mulgan]]
- 'Tending the seeds of a "new" culture — Hope, History, and Humility', Blog post by Liam. Warns against seeing present cultural shifts as entirely "new" in ways that erase wisdom of seeing the situatedness of what's happening within history and lineage
- 'Self-Burning Confronts Us With Radical Concern, If We Let It', Blog post by Liam on the transmission of activist consciousness, through the example of self-burning
- Ecosystem Mapping Initiatives page, 🔥 See resources listed under Key Resources at the bottom of this page, especially preliminary research interviews
- Related Efforts, 🔥 Inbox of related efforts, either maps or resource banks for related fields, or other maps of same/similar field
- Other people's efforts to map "tribes" or "centres",
- 'The New School at Commonweal with Rufus Pollock', Podcast where Rufus discusses Mapping Metamodern ecosystem mapping project with Michael Lerner, host of The New School at Commonweal
- 'Mapping an Emerging Ecosystem: Partnership With The Institute for Integral Studies', Announcing partnership with IFIS
- 'Mapping For Emergence: Announcing a Collaboration to Chart the Emerging Metamodern Ecosystem', 🔥🔥Why map, context etc.
- 'State of Sensemaking Ecosystem Mapping Directory - Alpha Launch',
- 'An expedition to explore the new land of “culture-making”', Good summary of 2020 mapping
- Cohere+: an Erasmus+ project to uplevel the collective capacity of European change agents, Announcement of Cohere+ project
- Mapping Transformational Change Agents in Europe: Who do we Include?, Sharing Cohere+ mapping inclusion criteria, some examples of selected organisations, and some discussion questions
- Building the Field for Developmental Spaces: a new project in collaboration with Fetzer Institute, Commonweal & Ekskäret, Announcement of DDS field-building project
- Emergent Power: Key Challenges and Capacities for Change Agents of a Second Renaissance - a new report, Research report on educational challenges and needs for ecosystem change agents as part of Cohere+ project
- Domains, Maps and Rafts: common terminology for discussions on inner development, Explaining the "domains, maps, rafts" terminology for making sense of inner development
- Are We Experiencing The Second Renaissance? with Sylvie Barbier, Video in which Sylvie shares about her upcoming book "Second Renaissance" and its connection to Life Itself's vision for a radically, wiser, weller world.
- Results of the Inaugural Life Itself Research Hackathon 3rd June 2023, 🔥 Contains curated reading/resource lists on: a) Sensemaking, b) Tenzo, c) individual and group practices
- The Second Renaissance page, 🔥Intro to Second Renaissance course
- 'Cultivating an Emerging Paradigm', By Rufus and Tomas Bjorkman. "This essay summarizes a jointly developed theory of change. Its central thesis is the need to transition to a new cultural and social paradigm."
- 'Social Paradigm Shifts: A Pre-Survey of the Literature' 🔥 Written by Theo 2021. "a high-level overview of where relevant material might be found to support a more rigorous, future investigation into the question of social paradigm shifts." Covers Sociology, Cultural Studies, Psychology, Evolutionary Science, Social Movement Theory
- 'Critical Point: our reason for existence in a Nutshell', Nice, concise summary of context and challenge re need for paradigm shifts