Coronavirus has forced our hand; as we now take shape and simply - are THE WIND LLC. (enjoy the nostalgia - we now have epidemic and pandemic to - wholly defeat).
Develop, define, profitably operate a true meritocracy within the Cannabis Industry; realizing a seven year exit strategy (05TEN26), which will serve as the means to fund the non-profit we are working towards pivoting into.
Draft Opioid Epidemic Resolution Article 05TEN19 and continue on the path as a novice researcher. Passionate. Determined. Found purpose on 05TEN19. Aim to educate earth on the Opioid Epidemic. New to research & web development. Launching website aiming for Opioid Epidemic Solutions and Drafting the Resolution.
Not naive to believe that one can just break into this field.
I WAS For about a week but quickly came to my sense after realizing how little I knew about web technologies and the obstacles that exist within the canna-business industry. I have been and will continue putting in the personal and professional work. While studying and targeting the prose in order to develop my style and copy, both effectively, and legally.
From a non-fault car accident led me to pain management in lieu of a double fusion back surgery on my upper back/lower neck (C4-C7) and in less than 8 months I managed to go from not even being on prescription medication to dependent, misusing, & finally abusing Oxycodone. This caused me to have Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). I spent five years fighting and failing to the disease. And the last two self-realizing, self-working, and fighting the toxic stigma disease at every crossroad I happen upon.
16 Dec, 2014 I Lost my Father to Colorectal Cancer and Early onset Parkinson's Disease.
__17 July, 2017__Become a first-time father to a beautiful baby girl born 7/17/17.
LOST Two Uncles and a First cousin. Who was also a first friend.
- Having passed away as a direct result of the Opioid Epidemic and Opioid Use Disorder. Career as an Operations Manager in the less-than-load transportation industry.
MANAGED To achieve the title that matched my college studies prior to turning to thirty. While being tasked with managing 400+ associates and running the 24/6 Atlanta break terminal operations. And finally, I was sent to prison for simple possession.
CERTAIN The profound understanding I have of OUD, from the perspective of a child whose mother suffers from it, as well as having fallen victim to the disease myself, gives me as much hands on real-life experience as anyone out there studying, researching, and attempting to fight the disease.
__ HOLD__ a fresh perspective and am completely cognizant of the American [in] Justice system as well as reentry and recidivism issues stemming from the national prison policy.
AIM TO ARTICULATE That knowledge to shine a light for the laywomen & men as well as the professionals & institutions. In order to help facilitate a solution to the Opioid Epidemic. Hopefully, someday even
The Opioid Epidemic Resolution: Article 05TEN19.
Unsuccessful in attaining gainful employment (equivalent to the nearly thirty years of reputable and recognized education; along with actual, on-the-job experience, I possess) for thirteen months and have been grossly underemployed for seven years now. That time frame dates back to the second week of February 2013 and
Arrest for simple possession of Class II & IV prescription medications. Namely Oxycodone & Diazepam.
THE SECOND Arrest occurred one year to the week later.
THE THIRD AND FINAL Arrest was on January 10, 2018. All three for simple possession.
ALL THREE For Class II & IV Simple Possession.
EACH Arrest (Oxycodone & Diazepam or Alprazolam).
TOTAL Of twelve pills.
EQUATE To twelve felony convictions.
- Starts with taking back control of the career.
- A pre-existing knowledge of the efficacy of cannabis, my Father having passed of Early Onset Parkinsons' coupled with End Stage Colorectal Cancer (who would stand behind and confirm that the Full Spectrum efficacy of cannabis Sativa was the only relief he'd know for the last three years of his life), and my own personal knowledge of the power of cannabidiol; after nearly succombing and turning back to pills only six months after release (stigma and the sentence you are put on post release is harder than any time I've ever known, combined) has helped me find confidence successfully taking on the wrongs I'm now righting through writing.
- Of a man-made disease that has killed more people than Vietnam OR World War II is going to take a whole hell of a lot more resources and creative problem solving than I could ever even attempt to assemble.
- To powerful information isn't always open source.
- Open-source is, it is fractured, tedious to gain efficient knowledge of best practices and workflow processes, especially while attempting to be market, brand build, and keep up with current events and emerging technologies developing at never-before-seen rates.
ADVERTISING on social media for an unpopular topic like Opioid Epidemic Education isn't a free service and discussing it effectively / objectively is all but impossible. .
- Consider what I have had to do just to find any sense of comfort or audience in effectively discussing the issue:
1. All accounts started at zero.
2. Any attempt at teaming up (and I have had interest from candidates with far biggernetworks and much better skillsets) has been squashed as soon as I give them the whole she-bang (letters similar to this one right here).
Never again will I attempt to hide my past, make excuses for my own shortcomings, or look at it as anything less than my life's purpose.
- That after approximately 6-12 (I wrote this on June 19, 2019 it's now been 6 months and 3 weeks since project inception) conservatively, I will be able to monetize my works through my website(s) and pivot possibilities.
Include affiliate relationships (having already established and vetted Savage cannabidiol, Franny's Farmacy, Cannabidiol Living, Direct Cannabidiol Online, AND discarded cbdMD, tryTHEcbd, American Shaman CBD, Your CBD Store and Cannabidiol Life) general business administrative and operations / logistics consults, ethical advertising; hopefully an efficacious high concentration phytocannabinod rich distillation.
Purchases were made (and pivot plan's mapped out) in chronological order starting with the first domain purchase and business concept:
DELIVERING total quality management principles through continuous improvement, kaizen leadership and the Toyota Way 2001 methodology to assist farms, farmers, labs, and canna-business in developing a Twenty 20 supply chain and scaleable model.
DEDICATED to Opioid Epidemic Education & is the braintrust to the plan to develop a cannabidiol | CBD product for folks looking to enter into recovery. As well as for Chronic Pain victims looking for an alternative to the traditional opioid analgesic | agonist as treatment for the disorder. Which establishes the purpose for:
DETERMINED to create a compliant, effective, and profitable content marketing strategy as well as the best possible value high concentration phytocannabinoid rich distillation. Efficacy, sustainability, lean, and best business / quality management practices are our core values and competive advantages.
DRAWING a line in the sand and developing an investigative journalism framework that is non-existent in industry. Expecting and respecting inclusive and diverse practices. While setting the bar continuously higher (starting with ourself) to foster a more conscionable, conscientious cannabis cause than the one we managed to have steered into curently.
A CARROLL L. inspired ecommerce and self-learning reference utility for current and future clients AND prospective candidates.
GEORGIA Registered LLC with Secretary of State on 15 Nov 2018, the name come's from the book of Ecclesiastes and wildest dream I ever had while a yard from hell. All alone. In a prison cell. The model and IP Dev it now serves as, only manifested after the other 5 conceptual models came to light.
OPERATING Under the business Chasing the Wind, llc registered in the State of Georgia as an llc & federally registered with an EIN. That number can be made available upon request.
HAVING Been caste out. Shut out. Thrown out. And forgotten about. I've come to realize the power that many have found in similar fail big situations.
WHO Will be that bold brand, business, equity, or silent partner that goes against the Wind and starts Chasing it with reckless abandon?
Now comes from the failures aforementioned, which now occur far less often.
Is an actionable profitable partnership possibility based on authenticity, honesty, and the desire to do good things within the amazing and wildly successful cannabis community. It's fully wrapped in YHWH and coming your way.
Press release, proper partnerships, helping edit and develop long form case studies on the Crunchbase growth hack, Leafedin on Linkedin®, and Preamble-Project, maybe an influencer or two serving up the buzz, covers our marketing asks.
That has been the most welcoming to date, just over 30 days time almost 7 months in.
Right at 1,000 3,500 connections on Linked In and nearly 300 500 on twitter.
Over 5,000 150,000 hits a month on [The Chasing the Wind Pinterest™]( "Chasing the Pins is a discorganized timeline of the entire project and proof that the multi-pronged attack plan is a model full of opportunity at all 5 angles. Featuring cannabinoid content, cannabidiol affiliates', digital skills self-work, and epidemic awareness as its pillars of success.
CATALYSTS Continue to create amazing entrepreneurial opportunies.
COMPLIANCE Environments are an absolutely neccessity for not just
Is with a ZERO dollar ad spend, no team, not even a site until 18 Nov, 2019 and a $32.00 $2151.37 bootstrapped, teamless budget.
The thought of working as non-profit strictly under grants and fund raising/charitable donations crossed is open to discussion. However, business and operations is what I know. I'm extremely passionate about both, the business model, and the cannabis community as a whole.
Human Rights, Civil Rights, American Prison Policy, American Criminal [in]Justice System , Corporate Liability, Corporate Governance, Ethics, Stigma, Stereotype, Prejudice, Recidivism, Reentry, Endocannabinoid System | ECS, Phytocannabinoid Rich, Industrial Hemp and Hempseed derivative products, Cannabidiol, CBD, Cannabigerol, Broad Spectrum Hemp Extract, Tetrahydrocannabinol, THC, Green Entrepreneur Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA), Georgia State University, J Mack Robinson College of Business, Operations Management,
American Healthcare System, Chronic Pain, Cervical Radiculopathy, Cervical Stenosis, Herniated Disc, Back Pain Opioid Crisis, Addiction, Disease, Disability, Epidemics, Biopsychosocial model,Psychology, Psychosis, Mental Health Digital Skills Gap,, Accountability, Social Impact, Open Learning,
LEAFEDIN ON LINKEDIN™ [CHASING THE WIND, LLC™]( "Whole-self Professional Networking while putting YHWH above all things".) SLIDESHARE
TWITTER @OUDcollective @CannabisCogs
FACEBOOK Chasing the Wind, llc Cannabis Cognizance
INSTAGRAM Cannabis Cognizance Becoming Brennan
WILDERNESS WALKS Out of the Wilderness and into The Promised Land Blog | Blog Beginnings
CHASING THE PINS Interest in Pinterest™?
Lighting the freaking world on fire. Flipping it right side up. Changing perspective's. And rewriting the North American narrative for generations to come.
Stockpiled with stigma. While currently collecting that kindling.
Will you join up? It takes a whole helluva lot of wood to light the freaking world on fire? I need your support.
Brennan Poole Principal Chief of Operations Chasing the Wind, LLC Email Me