Title: lidar-analysis
- positional arguments:
- location Location ('harv' or 'cata')
- optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit -s START, --start START Start Date in YYYYMMDD format -e END, --end END End Date in YYYYMMDD format -o OVFILE, --ovfile OVFILE File with overflight times. -f, --full Save all six minute data to single file (harv_all.csv or cata_all.csv) -d ONEDAY, --oneday ONEDAY Single Date in YYYYMMDD format -l LAST_DAY, --lastday LASTDAY Update last day run in file. Argument must be day in YYYYMMDD format -c COOPS, --coops COOPS Update last coops month run in file. Argument must be day in YYYYMM format --out OUT Change directory of output six minute data. Default is /srv/data/harvest/[harv or cata]/six_minute - Notes:
- Final Data is stored in harv_YYYYMM.csv and cata_YYYYMM.csv.
- Running Ranges of dates:
- If only start date is specified, the function is run from this start date through yesterday, and yesterdays date is written to "lastday_harv.txt"or "lastday_cata.txt" depending on the location chosen. If only the end date is specified, the initial date is read from one of these files and the function is run through the end date which is written to this file. If neither is specified, the function is run from the date in the file until yesterday, and yesterdays date is written to the file. If both are specified, the range is run and the file with the last run date ("lastday_harv.txt"/"lastday_cata.txt") is not read or written.
- Running single dates:
- If a single date is specified (-d), the file ("lastday_harv.txt" or "lastday_cata.txt") is not read or written. Only the single date is run.
- Running Overflight times:
- If the overflight time file is specified, The function will be run for each date/time in ovfile. It will average a 6-minute window around the overflight to give an accurate reading.
- Creating Full dataset:
- If -f is specified, all of the available final data files (data/harv_YYYYMM.csv or data/cata_YYYYMM.csv) are combined into one (data/harv_all.csv or data/cata_all.csv). This can be run with any other option.
raw data in $LIDARDATAFILE OR /srv/data/harvest/loc/uls/
bias_harv.txt or bias_cata.txt in ./lidar_analysis_files
lastcoopsmonth_harv.txt or lastcoopsmonth_cata.txt in ./lidar_analysis_files
lastday_harv.txt or lastday_cata.txt in ./lidar_analysis_files
- Final data in data/harv_YYYYMM.csv
- time Date and Time of Measurement
- D1 (Deg C) Air temperature
- F1_1 (mbars) Air pressure
- L1_1 (Voltage) DCP1 voltage
- L1_2 (Voltage) DCP2 voltage
- N1_1 (Meters) Bubbler 1 water level
- N1_2 (Meters) Bubbler 2 water level
- U1 (Meters) Bubbler Tsunami Water Level
- Y1_1 (Meters) Radar 1 water level
- Y1_2 (Meters) Radar 2 water level
- P6 (Meters) Predicted water level
- W1 (Meters) Verified water level (usually the same as Bubbler 1, except with a 5-cm correction)
- l_mean (Meters) Mean LiDAR Range Measurement
- l_median (Meters) Median of LiDAR Range Measurement
- l_std (Meters) Standard Deviation of LiDAR Range Measurement
- l_skew (Meters) Skew of LiDAR Range Measurement
- l_n (No Units) Number of LiDAR points in 6 minute window
- l_min (Meters) Minimum LiDAR measurement in 6 minute window
- l_max (Meters) Maximum LiDAR measurement in 6 minute window
- l_amp (Photons) Mean LiDAR amplitude meas. in 6 minute window
- l_Hs (Meters) LiDAR Significant Wave Height (4*STD)
- l (Meters) LiDAR measurement minus bias with Bubbler
- l_ssh (Meters) 20.150 - l - 0.05
- N1_1_ssh (Meters) 20.150 - N1_1 - 0.05
- Y1_1_ssh (Meters) 20.150 - Y1_1 - 0.05
- Final data in data/cata_YYYYMM.csv
- time Date and Time of Measurement
- A1 (Meters) Acoustic Water Level Measurement
- B1 (Meters) Water Level Measurement (Acoustic 2?)
- A1_t1 (Deg C) Air Thermistor Number 1
- A1_t2 (Deg C) Air Thermistor Number 2
- E1 (Deg C) Temperature Measurement
- F1 (mbars) Air Pressure
- L1_1 (Voltage) DCP1 voltage
- L1_2 (Voltage) DCP2 voltage
- U1 (Meters) Acoustic Tsunami Water Level
- P6 (Meters) Predicted water level
- W1 (Meters) Verified water level (usually the same as Acoustic 1, except with a 5-cm correction)
- l_mean (Meters) Mean LiDAR Range Measurement
- l_median (Meters) Median of LiDAR Range Measurement
- l_std (Meters) Standard Deviation of LiDAR Range Measurement
- l_skew (Meters) Skew of LiDAR Range Measurement
- l_n (No Units) Number of LiDAR points in 6 minute window
- l_min (Meters) Minimum LiDAR measurement in 6 minute window
- l_max (Meters) Maximum LiDAR measurement in 6 minute window
- l_amp (Photons) Mean LiDAR amplitude meas. in 6 minute window
- l_Hs (Meters) LiDAR Significant Wave Height (4*STD)
- l (Meters) LiDAR measurement minus bias with Bubbler
Adam Dodge
University of Colorado Boulder
Colorado Center for Astrodynamics Research
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
This python function is used to process the LiDAR data coming from either the Harvest Oil Platform or Catalina Island. The data is averaged from their input frequency to a data point every 6 minutes to compare to NOAA data. Within each 6 minute interval, data points greater than 5 standard deviations from the mean are removed. It also has the functionality to take in a file with overflight times at a specific location and return in-situ measurements from the respective tide gauges.