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+name: Sphinx build
+ push:
+ branches: [ "main", "development" ]
+ pull_request:
+ branches: [ "main" ]
+ build:
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ steps:
+ # Checkout and build the docs with sphinx
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ - name: Build HTML
+ uses: ammaraskar/sphinx-action@master
+ with:
+ docs-folder: "docs/user_guide"
+ # pre-build-command: "mkdir /tmp/sphinx-log"
+ - name: Upload artifacts
+ uses: actions/upload-artifact@v1
+ with:
+ name: html-docs
+ path: docs/user_guide/build/html/
+ # Deploys to the gh-pages branch if the commit was made to main, the
+ # gh-pages then takes over serving the html
+ - name: Deploy
+ uses: peaceiris/actions-gh-pages@v3
+ if: github.ref == 'refs/heads/main'
+ with:
+ github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
+ publish_dir: docs/build/html
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+-r ../../requirements.txt
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+++ b/docs/user_guide/source/catalog_organisation.rst
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+.. _catalog_organisation:
+Catalog Organisation
+When a user PUTs files to the NLDS, the files are recorded in a catalog on
+behalf of the user. The user can then list which files they have in the catalog
+and also search for files based on a regular expression. Additionally, users
+can associate a label and tags, in the form of *key:value* pairs with a file or
+collection of files.
+*Figure 1* shows a simplified version of the structure of the catalog, with just
+the information relevant to the user remaining.
+.. figure:: ./simple_catalog.png
+ Figure 1: Simplified view of the NLDS data-catalog
+The terms in figure 1 are explained below:
+#. :ref:`Holdings`
+#. :ref:`Transactions`
+#. :ref:`Tags`
+#. :ref:`File`
+#. :ref:`Location`
+.. _holding:
+**Holdings** are collections of files, that the user has chosen to collect
+together and assign a label to the collection. A reason to collect files in a
+holding might be that they are from the same experiment, or climate model run,
+or measuring campaign. Users can give the holding a **label**, but if they do
+not then a seemingly random **label** will be assigned to the holding. This is
+actually the id of the first **transaction** that created the holding. Users
+can change the **label** that a holding has at any time.
+**Holdings** are created when a user PUTs a file into the NLDS, using either the
+``nlds put`` or ``nlds putlist`` command. These commands take a **label**
+argument with the ``-l`` or ``--label`` option. The first time a user PUTs a
+file, or list of files, into a **holding**, the **holding** will be created.
+If a **label** is specified then the **holding** will be assigned that **label**.
+If a **label** is not specified then the seemingly random **label** will be
+After this, if a user PUTs a file into the NLDS and specifies a **label** for a
+**holding** that already exists, then the file will be added to that **holding**.
+If the **holding** with the specified **label** does not exist then the file
+will be added to a new **holding**. This leads to the behaviour that, if a
+**label** is not specified when PUTting a file (or list of files) into the NLDS,
+a new **holding** will be created for each file (or list of files).
+Reading this, you may ask the question "What happens if I add a file that
+already exists in the NLDS?". This is a good question, and a number of rules
+cover it:
+1. The ``original_path`` of a file must be unique within a **holding**. An
+error is given if a user PUTs a file into a **holding** that already exists and
+the file with ``original_path`` already exists in the **holding**.
+2. The ``original_path`` does not have to be unique across **holdings**.
+Multiple files with the same ``original_path`` can exist in the NLDS, providing
+that they belong to different **holdings**, with different **labels**.
+3. Users can GET files without specifying which **holding** to get them from,
+i.e. the ``-l`` or ``--label`` option is not given when ``nlds get`` or ``nlds
+getlist`` commands are invoked. In this case, the newest file is returned.
+Organising the catalog in this way means that users can use the NLDS as an
+iterative backup solution, by PUTting files into differently labelled
+**holdings** at different times. GETting the files will returned the latest
+files, while leaving the older files still accessible by specifying the
+**holding** **label**.
+.. _transaction:
+**Transactions** record the user's action when PUTting a file into the NLDS.
+As alluded to above, in the :ref:`_holding` section, each **holding** can contain
+numerous **transactions**. A **transaction** is created every time a user PUTs
+a single file, or list of files, into the NLDS. This **transaction** is assigned
+to a holding based on the **label** supplied by the user. If a **label** is
+specified for a number of PUT actions, then the **holding** with that label will
+contain all the **transactions** arising from the PUT actions.
+A **transaction** contains very little information itself, but its place in the
+catalog hierarchy is important. As can be seen in figure 2, it contains a list
+of **files** and it belongs to a **holding**. This is the mapping that allows
+users to add files to **holdings** iteratively and at different times. For
+example, a user may PUT the files ``file_1``, ``file_2`` and ``file_3`` into the
+**holding** with ``backup_1`` **label** on the 23rd Dec 2023. The user may then
+PUT ``file_4``, ``file_5`` and ``file_6`` into the same **holding** on the 4th
+Jan 2024, by specifying the label ``backup_1``. This will have the effect of
+creating two **transactions** - one containing ``file_1``, ``file_2`` and ``file_3``
+and the other containing ``file_4``, ``file_5`` and ``file_6``, with the
+``backup_1`` **holding** containing both **transactions**. Therefore, all **files**
+(``file_1`` through to ``file_6``) are associated with the ``backup_1``
+**holding** at particular ``ingest_times``.
+If, at a later time, the user puts ``file_1`` to ``file_6`` into
+another **holding** with a **label** of ``backup_2`` then another
+**transaction** will be created with a later ``ingest_time`` and the **files**
+will be associated with the **transaction** and the ``backup_2`` **holding**.
+The **files** may have changed in the interim and, therefore, the **files**
+with the same filenames may be different in ``backup_2`` than they are in
+``backup_1``. This is the mechanism by which NLDS allows users to perform
+iterative backups and how users can get the latest files, via the ``ingest_time``.
+.. _tags:
+NLDS allows the user to associate **tags** with a **holding**, in a
+``key:value`` format. For example, a series of **holding** could have **tags**
+with the ``key`` as ``experiment`` and ``value`` as the experiment name or
+A **holding** can contain numerous **tags** and these are in addition to the
+**holdings** **label**. **Tags** can be used for searching for files in the
+``list`` and ``find`` commands.
+.. _file:
+The very purpose of NLDS is the long term storage of **files**, recording their
+details in a data catalog and then accessing (GETting) them when they are
+required. The **file** object in the data catalog records the details of a
+single **file**, including the original path of the file, its size and the
+ownership and permissions of the file. Users can GET files in a number of ways,
+including by using just the ``original_path`` where the NLDS will return the
+most recent file with that path.
+Also associated with **files** is the checksum of the file. NLDS supports
+different methods of calculating checksums, and so more than one checksum can
+be associated with a single file.
+.. _location:
+The user interacts with the NLDS by PUTting and GETting **files**, without knowing
+(or caring) where those **files** are stored. From a user view, the **files** are
+stored in the NLDS. In reality the NLDS first writes the **files** to *object
+storage*. Later the **files** are backed up to *tape storage*. When the NLDS
+*object storage* approaches capacity, **files** will be removed from the
+*object storage* depending on a policy which takes into account several variables,
+including when they were last accessed. If a user subsequently GETs a **file**
+that has removed from the *object storage* then the NLDS will first retrive
+the **file** from the *tape storage* to the *object storage* before copying it
+to the user specified target.
+The **location** object in the Catalog database is associated to a file, and
+can have one of three states:
+1. The **file** is held on the *object storage* only. It will be backed up
+to the *tape storage* later.
+2. The **file** is held on both the *object storage* and *tape storage*. Users
+can access the file without any staging required by the NLDS.
+3. The **file** is held on the *tape storage* only. If a user accesses the
+**file** then the NLDS will *stage* it to the *tape storage*, before completing
+the GET on behalf of the user. The user does not need to concern themselves
+with the details of this. However, accessing a file that is stored only on
+*tape* will take longer than if it was held on *object storage*.
diff --git a/docs/user_guide/source/command_ref.rst b/docs/user_guide/source/command_ref.rst
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+++ b/docs/user_guide/source/command_ref.rst
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+Command Line Reference
+The primary method of interacting with the Near-Line Data Store is through a
+command line client, which can be installed using the instructions.
+Users must specify a command to the ``nlds`` and options and arguments for that
+``nlds [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...``
+As an overview the commands are:
+ | ``find Find and list files.``
+ | ``get Get a single file.``
+ | ``getlist Get a number of files specified in a list.``
+ | ``list List holdings.``
+ | ``meta Alter metadata for a holding.``
+ | ``put Put a single file.``
+ | ``putlist Put a number of files specified in a list.``
+ | ``stat List transactions.``
+Each command has its own specific options. The argument is generally the file
+or filelist that the user wishes to operate on. The full command listing is
+given below.
+.. click:: nlds_client.nlds_client:nlds_client
+ :prog: nlds
+ :nested: full
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# -- Project information -----------------------------------------------------
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#project-information
-project = 'Near-Line Data Store client'
-copyright = '2023, Neil Massey and Jack Leland'
+project = 'Near-Line Data Store'
+copyright = '2023, Centre for Environmental Data Analysis, Science and Technologies Facilities Council, UK Research and Innovation'
author = 'Neil Massey and Jack Leland'
-release = '0.1.0'
+version = '0.1.1'
+release = '0.1.1-RC1'
# -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#general-configuration
@@ -24,5 +24,5 @@
# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html#options-for-html-output
-html_theme = 'alabaster'
+html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'
html_static_path = ['_static']
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+.. _configuration:
+Configuration File
+When the user first invokes ``nlds`` from the command line or issues a command
+from the ``nlds_client.clientlib`` API, a configuration file is required in the
+user's home directory with the path:
+This configuration file is JSON formatted and contains the authentication
+credentials required by:
+ * The OAuth server
+ * The Object Storage
+It also contains the default user and group to use when issuing a request to the
+NLDS. These can be overriden by the ``-u|--user`` and ``-g|--group`` command
+line options.
+Finally, it contains the URL of the server and the API version, and the location
+of the OAuth token file that is also created the first time the ``nlds`` command
+is invoked.
+An example configuration file is shown below. Authentication details have been
+redacted. You will have to contact the service provider to gain these
+ {
+ "server" : {
+ "url" : "{{ nlds_api_url }}",
+ "api" : "{{ nlds_api_version }}"
+ },
+ "user" : {
+ "default_user" : "{{ user_name }}",
+ "default_group" : "{{ user_gws }}"
+ },
+ "authentication" : {
+ "oauth_client_id" : "{{ oauth_client_id }}",
+ "oauth_client_secret" : "{{ oauth_client_secret }}",
+ "oauth_token_url" : "{{ oauth_token_url }}",
+ "oauth_scopes" : "{{ oauth_scopes }}"",
+ "oauth_token_file_location" : "~/.nlds-token"
+ },
+ "object_storage" : {
+ "access_key" : "{{ object_store_access_key }}",
+ "secret_key" : "{{ object_store_secret_key }}"
+ },
+ "option" : {
+ "resolve_filenames" : "false"
+ }
+ }
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@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+.. Near-Line Data Store client documentation master file, created by
+ sphinx-quickstart on Thu Feb 2 16:17:53 2023.
+ You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+ contain the root `toctree` directive.
+Near-Line Data Store documentation
+The Near-Line Data Store (NLDS) is a multi-tiered storage solution that uses
+Object Storage as a front end to a tape library. It catalogs the data as it is
+ingested and permits multiple versions of files. It has a microservice
+architecture using a message broker to communicate between the parts.
+Interaction with NLDS is via a HTTP API, with a Python library and command-line
+client provided to users for programmatic or interactive use.
+.. toctree::
+ :maxdepth: 1
+ :caption: Contents:
+ installation.rst
+ configuration.rst
+ catalog_organisation.rst
+ tutorial.rst
+ status_codes.rst
+ command_ref.rst
+ license.rst
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`
+NLDS was developed at the `Centre for Environmental Data Analysis `_
+with support from the ESiWACE2 project. The project ESiWACE2 has received
+funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme
+under grant agreement No 823988.
+NLDS is Open-Source software with a BSD-2 Clause License. The license can be
+read :ref:`here `.
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@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+.. |br| raw:: html
+.. _installation:
+To use NLDS, first you must install the client software. This guide will show
+you how to install it into a Python virtual-environment (virtualenv) in your
+user space or home directory.
+#. log onto the machine where you wish to install the JDMA client into your
+ user space or home directory.
+#. Create a Python virtual environment: |br|
+ ``python3 -m venv ~/nlds-client``
+#. Activate the nlds-client: |br|
+ ``source ~/nlds-client/bin/activate``
+#. Install the nlds-client package from github: |br|
+ ``pip install git+https://github.com/cedadev/nlds-client.git@0.1.1#egg=nlds-client``
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+.. _license:
+NLDS License
+NLDS is Open Source software made available under a BSD 2-Clause License.
+BSD 2-Clause License
+Copyright (c) 2019-2023, Centre of Environmental Data Analysis Developers,
+Scientific and Technical Facilities Council (STFC),
+UK Research and Innovation (UKRI).
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
+ list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
+ this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
+ and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/user_guide/source/simple_catalog.puml
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+@startuml simple_catalog
+object "**Holding**" as holding {
+ label [STRING](unique with user)
+object "**Transaction**" as transaction {
+ ingest_time [DATETIME]
+object "**Tag**" as tag {
+ key [STRING]
+ value [STRING]
+object "**File**" as file {
+ original_path [STRING]
+ size [INT]
+ user [STRING]
+ group [STRING]
+ file_permissions [INT]
+object "**Location**" as location {
+ storage_type [OBJECT_STORAGE|TAPE]
+ access_time [DATETIME]
+object "**Checksum**" as checksum {
+transaction "1" *-- "many" file
+holding "1" *-- "many" transaction
+holding "1" *-- "many" tag
+file "1" *-- "many" location
+file "1" *-- "many" checksum
diff --git a/docs/user_guide/source/status_codes.rst b/docs/user_guide/source/status_codes.rst
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+.. _status_codes:
+Status Codes
+When the NLDS is asked to PUT or GET some data, the transaction goes through a
+number of states from initialisation to completion.
+The state of a transaction can be queried by using the ``nlds stat`` command
+in the ``nlds_client``.
+Transaction states
+|``-1``|``'INITIALISING'`` | Transaction is starting |
+| | | |
+|``0`` |``'ROUTING'`` | Transaction is in the message queue |
+| | | |
+|``1`` |``'SPLITTING'`` | Transaction is being split into smaller |
+| | | transactions. The user doesn't have to |
+| | | worry about this. |
+|``2`` |``'INDEXING'`` | Scanning the files and directories in |
+| | | the PUT transaction. |
+|``3`` |``'CATALOG_PUTTING'`` | Recording the scanned files into the |
+| | | catalog entry for the transaction. |
+|``4`` |``'TRANSFER_PUTTING'`` | Putting the files to the NLDS, actually |
+| | | transferring the data. |
+|``5`` |``'CATALOG_ROLLBACK'`` | Remove, from the catalog, any |
+| | | inaccessible files in the transaction. |
+|``6`` |``'CATALOG_GETTING'`` | Get a catalog entry. |
+| | | |
+|``7`` |``'TRANSFER_GETTING'`` | Getting the files from the NLDS. |
+| | | |
+|``8`` |``'COMPLETE'`` | Transaction has completed successfully. |
+| | | |
+|``9`` |``'FAILED'`` | Transaction has failed completely. |
+| | | |
+|``10``|``'COMPLETE_WITH_ERRORS'`` | Transaction has completed, but with some|
+| | | errors. |
+|``11``|``'COMPLETE_WITH_WARNINGS'``| Transaction has completed, but with some|
+| | | warnings |
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+This page is a tutorial on NLDS covering:
+* :ref:`Introduction to the NLDS `
+* :ref:`Setting up the NLDS client `
+* :ref:`Running the NLDS client for the first time `
+* :ref:`How the NLDS data catalog is organised `
+* :ref:`Getting help on the NLDS commands `
+* :ref:`Copying a single file (PUT) to the NLDS `
+* :ref:`Copying a list of files (PUTLIST) to the NLDS `
+* :ref:`Querying the status of a transaction (STAT) `
+* :ref:`Querying the file collections the user holds on the NLDS (LIST) `
+* :ref:`Querying the files the user holds on the NLDS (FIND) `
+* :ref:`Changing the label of a file collection (META)