diff --git a/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/nexus-repository-migrator.nuspec b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/nexus-repository-migrator.nuspec
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bf44656b0097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/nexus-repository-migrator.nuspec
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ nexus-repository-migrator
+ Nexus Repository Migrator
+ Sonatype
+ chocolatey-community, jpruskin
+ Migrator for the Sonatype Nexus Repository database.
+ https://help.sonatype.com/en/orientdb-downloads.html
+ https://github.com/sonatype/nexus-public
+ https://help.sonatype.com/en/migrating-to-a-new-database.html
+ nexus-repository migration sonatype nexus
+ Sonatype
+ http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html
+ false
+ https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/chocolatey-community/chocolatey-packages@f459e946d7b1926ee89c2b415ec8507dffe99218/icons/nexus-repository.png
+ https://help.sonatype.com/repomanager3/release-notes
diff --git a/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1 b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5fd2a310a475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ .Synopsis
+ Migrates Sonatype Nexus Repository 3.70.1-02 to the H2 database type
+ .Example
+ .\ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1
+ .Example
+ .\ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1 -JavaPath .\path\to\java.exe
+ [string]$JavaPath,
+ [switch]$Force
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\nexus-helpers.ps1 -Verbose:$false
+foreach ($Service in Get-NexusRepositoryServiceInstall) {
+ if ($Force -or (Test-NexusMigratorRequired -DataDir (Split-Path $Service.DataFolder) -ProgramDir $Service.ProgramFolder)) {
+ Write-Host "Preparing for database migration..."
+ $MigrationFiles = Join-Path $env:Temp "dbmigration-$($Service.ServiceName)"
+ $PreMigrationIssues = @()
+ if (Test-NexusMigratorFreeSpaceProblem -Drive $MigrationFiles.Split(':')[0] -DatabaseFolder (Join-Path $Service.DataFolder "db")) {
+ $PreMigrationIssues += "Cannot migrate database with available disk space"
+ }
+ if (Test-NexusMigratorMemoryProblem) {
+ $PreMigrationIssues += "Cannot migrate database with available memory"
+ }
+ # Test if contained JRE is compatible, otherwise check JAVA_HOME, otherwise...
+ $JavaPath = @(
+ $JavaPath
+ Join-Path $Service.ProgramFolder "\jre\bin\java.exe"
+ Convert-Path $env:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe
+ Convert-Path $env:ProgramFiles\*\jre-*\bin\java.exe
+ ) | Where-Object {
+ $_ -and
+ (Test-Path $_) -and
+ (([version](Get-ItemProperty -Path $_).VersionInfo.ProductVersion).Major -in 8, 11)
+ } | Select-Object -First 1
+ if (-not $JavaPath) {
+ $PreMigrationIssues += "Nexus Migrator requires JRE 8 or JRE 11. Please provide a -JavaPath to a compatible version."
+ }
+ # See: https://help.sonatype.com/en/orientdb-downloads.html
+ $MigratorDownload = @{
+ Url = 'https://download.sonatype.com/nexus/nxrm3-migrator/nexus-db-migrator-3.70.1-03.jar'
+ FileFullPath = Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "nexus-db-migrator.jar"
+ Checksum = "02ea88e88e7d5d7f9d8a1738c9c0363fde636fc22e295efddf9d0f5e7bed982a"
+ ChecksumType = "SHA256"
+ }
+ if (-not (Test-Path $MigratorDownload.FileFullPath)) {
+ $ProgressPreference, $CurrentProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue", $ProgressPreference
+ try {
+ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $MigratorDownload.Url -OutFile $MigratorDownload.FileFullPath -UseBasicParsing
+ } finally {
+ $ProgressPreference = $CurrentProgressPreference
+ }
+ }
+ $MigratorHash = Get-FileHash -Path $MigratorDownload.FileFullPath -Algorithm $MigratorDownload.ChecksumType
+ if ($MigratorHash.Hash -ne $MigratorDownload.Checksum) {
+ $PreMigrationIssues += "The hash of the downloaded file '$($MigratorDownload.Url | Split-Path -Leaf)' ('$($MigratorHash.Hash)') did not match the expected hash ('$($MigratorDownload.Checksum)')."
+ }
+ if ($PreMigrationIssues) {
+ Write-Error -Message ($PreMigrationIssues -join "`n") -ErrorAction Stop
+ }
+ $ServiceState = (Get-Service $Service.ServiceName).Status
+ New-NexusOrientDbBackup -DataDir (Split-Path $Service.DataFolder) -ServiceName $Service.ServiceName -DestinationPath $MigrationFiles
+ try {
+ Push-Location $MigrationFiles
+ Write-Host "Migrating database from 'OrientDb' to 'H2'"
+ # We could adjust the memory values to work on more systems,
+ # but these are the recommended arguments from Sonatype.
+ $JavaArgs = @(
+ "-Xmx16G"
+ "-Xms16G"
+ "-XX:+UseG1GC"
+ "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=28672M"
+ "-jar"
+ $MigratorDownload.FileFullPath
+ "--migration_type=h2"
+ "--yes"
+ )
+ & $JavaPath @JavaArgs
+ if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
+ throw "Migration of the database failed."
+ }
+ if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$MigrationFiles\nexus.mv.db", "Moving migrated database")) {
+ Copy-Item -Path $MigrationFiles\nexus.mv.db -Destination (Join-Path $Service.DataFolder "db")
+ }
+ $NexusConfigFile = Join-Path $Service.DataFolder "etc\nexus.properties"
+ if ((Get-NexusConfiguration -Path $NexusConfigFile).'nexus.datastore.enabled' -ne 'true' -and $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($NexusConfigFile, 'Updating Datastore Configuration')) {
+ (Get-Content $NexusConfigFile) | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch '^\W*nexus\.datastore\.enabled='} | Set-Content $NexusConfigFile
+ Add-Content -Path $NexusConfigFile -Value "nexus.datastore.enabled=true"
+ }
+ if ($ServiceState -eq 'Running') {
+ try {
+ Write-Host "Restarting '$($Service.ServiceName)'"
+ Restart-Service $Service.ServiceName
+ Wait-NexusAvailability -Hostname $Hostname -Config $NexusConfigFile -ErrorAction Stop
+ } catch {
+ Write-Error -Message (@(
+ "The Nexus service '$($Service.ServiceName)' was restarted, but did not recover."
+ "Check the logs at '$(Join-Path $Service.DataFolder "log")'"
+ ) -join "`n")
+ }
+ }
+ } finally {
+ Pop-Location
+ Remove-Item $MigrationFiles -Recurse
+ }
+ } else {
+ Write-Warning "'$($Service.DataFolder)' was not migrated"
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/Repair-Nexus371FailedUpgrade.ps1 b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/Repair-Nexus371FailedUpgrade.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1e291227b89d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/Repair-Nexus371FailedUpgrade.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+ .Synopsis
+ Repairs a broken upgrade of Sonatype Nexus Repository OSS
+ .Example
+ .\Repair-Nexus371FailedUpgrade.ps1
+ # Repairs the Nexus install, ending with a migrated database and version
+ .Example
+ .\Repair-Nexus371FailedUpgrade.ps1 -Rollback
+ # Repairs the Nexus install, ending with an unmodified database and version
+ # If selected, rolls the install back to 3.70.x instead of upgrading.
+ [Parameter(ParameterSetName="Repair")]
+ [Alias("Repair")]
+ [switch]$Rollback,
+ # Temporary Path for extracting files
+ [string]$ExtractPath = (Join-Path $env:Temp "nexus")
+$ProgressPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
+$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
+Import-Module $PSScriptRoot\nexus-helpers.ps1 -Verbose:$false
+# Test if Nexus JRE matches
+$JavaPath = @(
+ Join-Path $env:ProgramData "\nexus\jre\bin\java.exe"
+ Convert-Path $env:JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe
+ Convert-Path $env:ProgramFiles\*\jre-*\bin\java.exe
+) | Where-Object {
+ $_ -and
+ (Test-Path $_) -and
+ (([version](Get-ItemProperty -Path $_).VersionInfo.ProductVersion).Major -in 8, 11)
+} | Select-Object -First 1
+# Download Java if it's missing, via the old version of Nexus Repository
+if (-not $JavaPath -and -not ($JavaPath = Convert-Path "$ExtractPath\nexus-3.70.1-02\jre\bin\java.exe" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
+ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://sonatype-download.global.ssl.fastly.net/repository/downloads-prod-group/3/nexus-3.70.1-02-win64.zip -OutFile "$env:Temp\nexus-3.70.1-02.zip"
+ Expand-Archive -Path "$env:Temp\nexus-3.70.1-02.zip" -DestinationPath $ExtractPath
+ $JavaPath = Convert-Path "$ExtractPath\nexus-3.70.1-02\jre\bin\java.exe"
+ Remove-Item "$env:Temp\nexus-3.70.1-02.zip"
+$BackupLocation = "$PSScriptRoot\$(New-Guid)"
+Backup-NexusSSL -BackupLocation $BackupLocation
+# Get the "installed" and package version of Nexus
+$NexusVersion = Get-NexusVersion
+$null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe")
+$LatestPackageVersion = [Chocolatey.NugetVersionExtensions]::ToNormalizedStringChecked(
+ "$($NexusVersion -replace '-','.')"
+if ((Get-Service nexus).Status -ne 'running') {
+ if ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'Upgrade') {
+ & $PSScriptRoot\ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1 -JavaPath $JavaPath -Force
+ }
+ # The combined installation of old and new Nexus Java versions and supports
+ # causes the install to become un-startable. We'll replace it.
+ Remove-Item $env:ProgramData\nexus -Recurse
+ switch ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName) {
+ "Repair" {
+ Copy-Item -Path "$ExtractPath\nexus-3.70.1-02\" -Destination "$env:ProgramData\nexus" -Recurse
+ }
+ "Upgrade" {
+ # Download the matching version of Nexus
+ Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://sonatype-download.global.ssl.fastly.net/repository/downloads-prod-group/3/nexus-$($NexusVersion)-win64.zip -OutFile "$env:Temp\nexus-$($NexusVersion)-win64.zip"
+ Expand-Archive -Path "$env:Temp\nexus-$($NexusVersion)-win64.zip" -DestinationPath $ExtractPath -Force
+ Copy-Item -Path "$ExtractPath\nexus-$NexusVersion\" -Destination "$env:ProgramData\nexus" -Recurse
+ Remove-Item "$env:Temp\nexus-$($NexusVersion)-win64.zip"
+ # Ensure the package is in a good state, from CCR as we know the local repository isn't running.
+ choco upgrade nexus-repository --version $LatestPackageVersion --confirm --no-progress --source https://community.chocolatey.org/api/v2/ --skip-powershell
+ }
+ }
+} else {
+ Write-Warning "The service is already running. You don't need to repair."
+try {
+ Restore-NexusSSL -BackupLocation $BackupLocation
+} finally {
+ Remove-Item $BackupLocation -Recurse
+Restart-Service nexus
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1 b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b02da563c3ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/chocolateyInstall.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+$toolsDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
+$PackageParameters = Get-PackageParameters
+$MigratorDownload = @{
+ PackageName = $env:ChocolateyPackageName
+ Url = 'https://download.sonatype.com/nexus/nxrm3-migrator/nexus-db-migrator-3.70.1-03.jar'
+ FileFullPath = Join-Path $toolsDir "nexus-db-migrator.jar"
+ Checksum = '02ea88e88e7d5d7f9d8a1738c9c0363fde636fc22e295efddf9d0f5e7bed982a'
+ ChecksumType = 'SHA256'
+Get-ChocolateyWebFile @MigratorDownload
+$PowerShellScript = @{
+ packageName = $env:ChocolateyPackageName
+ PsFileFullPath = Join-Path $toolsDir "ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1"
+Install-ChocolateyPowershellCommand @PowerShellScript
+if ($PackageParameters.AttemptMigration) {
+ & $toolsDir\ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1 -ErrorAction Stop
+ Write-Host "You may now uninstall this package with 'choco uninstall $($env:ChocolateyPackageName) --confirm'."
diff --git a/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1 b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..53ebbdd72dc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/tools/chocolateyUninstall.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
+$toolsDir = Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
+Uninstall-BinFile -Name "ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb" -Path $toolsDir\ConvertFrom-NexusOrientDb.ps1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/update.ps1 b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/update.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5061d336b947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/automatic/nexus-repository-migrator/update.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+Import-Module Chocolatey-AU
+function global:au_GetLatest {
+ $R = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://help.sonatype.com/en/orientdb-downloads.html -UseBasicParsing
+ $MigratorUrl = $R.Links.href | Where-Object {
+ $_ -like 'https://download.sonatype.com/nexus/nxrm3-migrator/nexus-db-migrator-3.70.*.jar'
+ }
+ if ($MigratorUrl.Count -ne 1) {
+ throw "Found $($MigratorUrl.Count) URLs that look like the migrator:`n $($MigratorUrl -join "`n ")"
+ }
+ if ($MigratorUrl -match "/nexus-db-migrator-(?3\.70\.\d+-\d+)\.jar$") {
+ $NexusMigratorVersion = $Matches.Version
+ }
+ $null = [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom("$env:ChocolateyInstall\choco.exe")
+ $LatestPackageVersion = [Chocolatey.NugetVersionExtensions]::ToNormalizedStringChecked(
+ "$($NexusMigratorVersion -replace '-','.')"
+ )
+ @{
+ NexusVersion = $NexusMigratorVersion
+ Version = $LatestPackageVersion
+ URL = $MigratorUrl
+ SHA256 = (Invoke-RestMethod "$MigratorUrl.sha256" -UseBasicParsing).Trim()
+ }
+function global:au_SearchReplace {
+ @{
+ ".\tools\chocolateyInstall.ps1" = @{
+ "(^\s*url\s*=\s*)('.*')" = "`$1'$($Latest.URL)'"
+ "(^\s*checksum\s*=\s*)('.*')" = "`$1'$($Latest.SHA256)'"
+ }
+ }
+update -ChecksumFor none
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/automatic/nexus-repository/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1 b/automatic/nexus-repository/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1
index 487a7948d080..6c3e664b2190 100644
--- a/automatic/nexus-repository/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1
+++ b/automatic/nexus-repository/tools/chocolateyinstall.ps1
@@ -56,60 +56,11 @@ if ($pp.ContainsKey("BackupSslConfig") -or $CurrentConfig.'application-port-ssl'
if (Test-NexusMigratorRequired -DataDir $TargetDataFolder -ProgramDir $TargetFolder) {
- Write-Host "Preparing for database migration..."
- $MigrationFiles = Join-Path $ExtractFolder "dbmigration"
- if (Test-NexusMigratorFreeSpaceProblem -Drive $MigrationFiles.Split(':')[0] -DatabaseFolder $TargetDataFolder\nexus3\db) {
- throw "Cannot migrate database with available disk space"
- }
- if (Test-NexusMigratorMemoryProblem) {
- throw "Cannot migrate database with available memory"
- }
- New-NexusOrientDbBackup -DataDir $TargetDataFolder -ServiceName $ServiceName -DestinationPath $MigrationFiles
- # See: https://help.sonatype.com/en/orientdb-downloads.html
- $MigratorDownload = @{
- PackageName = $env:ChocolateyPackageName
- Url = 'https://download.sonatype.com/nexus/nxrm3-migrator/nexus-db-migrator-3.70.1-03.jar'
- FileFullPath = Join-Path $toolsDir "nexus-db-migrator.jar"
- Checksum = "02ea88e88e7d5d7f9d8a1738c9c0363fde636fc22e295efddf9d0f5e7bed982a"
- ChecksumType = "SHA256"
- }
- Get-ChocolateyWebFile @MigratorDownload
- try {
- Push-Location $MigrationFiles
- Write-Host "Migrating database from 'OrientDb' to 'H2'"
- $JavaPath = Join-Path $TargetFolder "jre/bin/java.exe"
- $JavaArgs = @(
- "-Xmx16G"
- "-Xms16G"
- "-XX:+UseG1GC"
- "-XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=28672M"
- "-jar"
- $MigratorDownload.FileFullPath
- "--migration_type=h2"
- "--yes"
- )
- & $JavaPath @JavaArgs
- if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
- throw "Migration of the database failed."
- }
- Copy-Item -Path $MigrationFiles\nexus.mv.db -Destination $TargetDataFolder\nexus3\db\
- if ((Get-NexusConfiguration).'nexus.datastore.enabled' -ne 'true') {
- (Get-Content $NexusConfigFile) | Where-Object {$_ -notmatch '^\W*nexus\.datastore\.enabled='} | Set-Content $NexusConfigFile
- Add-Content -Path $NexusConfigFile -Value "nexus.datastore.enabled=true"
- }
- Remove-Item "$TargetFolder" -Recurse # This particular upgrade has more overlap than previous ones
- } finally {
- Pop-Location
- Remove-Item $MigrationFiles -Recurse
- }
+ Write-Error (@(
+ "This upgrade will fail if you do not migrate your database from OrientDb before proceeding."
+ "You can do this with the nexus-repository-migrator package, or following the upgrade instructions."
+ "For more details, please see: https://help.sonatype.com/en/orient-3-70-java-8-or-11.html"
+ ) -join "`n")
# Extract the Nexus program files, and overwrite any previous program files
diff --git a/automatic/nexus-repository/tools/helpers.ps1 b/automatic/nexus-repository/tools/helpers.ps1
index d5259eef1ebc..05b4e028e4b6 100644
--- a/automatic/nexus-repository/tools/helpers.ps1
+++ b/automatic/nexus-repository/tools/helpers.ps1
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ function Backup-NexusSSL {
begin {
if (-not (Test-Path $BackupLocation)) {
- Write-Host "Creating SSL Backup location"
$null = New-Item $BackupLocation -ItemType Directory
@@ -39,47 +38,114 @@ function Restore-NexusSSL {
if (Test-Path "$BackupLocation\jetty-https.xml") {
Copy-Item "$BackupLocation\jetty-https.xml" "$env:ProgramData\nexus\etc\jetty"
- Write-Host "Nexus is now available with the restored SSL configuration"
-function Wait-NexusAvailability {
+function Get-NexusCertificateDomain {
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
- [string]$Hostname,
+ [string]$DataDir = (Join-Path $env:ProgramData "sonatype-work"),
- [Parameter(Mandatory)]
- [Alias("Config")]
- [string]$NexusConfigFile = (Join-Path $env:ProgramData "\sonatype-work\nexus3\etc\nexus.properties")
+ [string]$ProgramDir = (Join-Path $env:ProgramData "nexus")
- # As the service is started, this should be present momentarily
- $Timer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
- while (-not ($ConfigPresent = Test-Path $NexusConfigFile) -and $Timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -le 60) {
- Write-Verbose "Waiting for '$($NexusConfigFile)' to become available ($($Timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) seconds waited)..."
- Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
+ $Config = Get-NexusConfiguration -Path $DataDir\nexus3\etc\nexus.properties
+ if ($Config.'nexus-args'.Split(',') -contains '${jetty.etc}/jetty-https.xml') {
+ [xml]$HttpsConfig = Get-Content $ProgramDir\etc\jetty\jetty-https.xml
+ $KeyToolPath = Join-Path $ProgramDir "jre/bin/keytool.exe"
+ $KeyStorePath = Join-Path (Join-Path $ProgramDir "etc/ssl") $HttpsConfig.SelectSingleNode("//Set[@name='KeyStorePath']").'#text'
+ $KeyStorePassword = $HttpsConfig.SelectSingleNode("//Set[@name='KeyStorePassword']").'#text'
+ if ((Test-Path $KeyToolPath) -and (Test-Path $KeyStorePath)) {
+ # Running in a job, as otherwise KeyTool fails when run without input
+ Start-Job {
+ $KeyToolOutput = $using:KeyStorePassword | & "$using:KeyToolPath" -list -v -keystore "$using:KeyStorePath" -J"-Duser.language=en" 2>$null
+ if ($KeyToolOutput -join "`n" -match "(?smi)Certificate\[1\]:\nOwner: CN=(?.+?)\n") {
+ $Matches.Domain
+ }
+ } | Receive-Job -Wait
+ }
+function Get-NexusUri {
+ param(
+ [Parameter()]
+ [string]$DataDir = (Join-Path $env:ProgramData "sonatype-work"),
+ [Parameter()]
+ [string]$ProgramDir = (Join-Path $env:ProgramData "nexus"),
+ [Parameter()]
+ [string]$ConfigPath = $(
+ if (Test-Path $DataDir/nexus3/etc/nexus.properties) {
+ "$DataDir/nexus3/etc/nexus.properties"
+ } elseif (Test-Path $ProgramDir/etc/nexus-default.properties) {
+ "$ProgramDir/etc/nexus-default.properties"
+ }
+ ),
- $nexusScheme, $nexusPort, $nexusPath = if ($ConfigPresent) {
- $Config = Get-NexusConfiguration -Path $NexusConfigFile
+ [string]$HostnameOverride
+ )
+ $Scheme, $Hostname, $Port, $Path = if (Test-Path $ConfigPath) {
+ $Config = Get-NexusConfiguration -Path $ConfigPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
if ($Config.'application-port-ssl' -gt 0) {
# This is to combat Package Internalizer's over-enthusiastic URL matching
('http' + 's')
+ if ($CertDomain = Get-NexusCertificateDomain -ConfigPath $ConfigPath) {
+ if (-not $script:OverriddenDomains) {$script:OverriddenDomains = @{}}
+ if ($CertDomain -notmatch '^\*') {
+ $CertDomain
+ } elseif ($CertDomain -match '^\*' -and $HostnameOverride -like $CertDomain) {
+ ($script:OverriddenDomains[$CertDomain] = $HostnameOverride)
+ } elseif ($CertDomain -match '^\*') {
+ while ($script:OverriddenDomains[$CertDomain] -notlike $CertDomain) {
+ $script:OverriddenDomains[$CertDomain] = Read-Host "Please provide the FQDN for Nexus matching the '$($CertDomain)' certificate"
+ }
+ $script:OverriddenDomains[$CertDomain]
+ }
+ } else {
+ Write-Warning "Could not figure out SSL configuration for $($env:ComputerName)"
+ $env:ComputerName
+ }
} elseif ($Config.'application-port' -gt 0) {
+ if ($HostnameOverride) {
+ $HostnameOverride
+ } else {
+ "localhost"
+ }
- # Set defaults if not present
- if (-not $nexusScheme) {$nexusScheme = 'http'}
- if (-not $nexusPort) {$nexusPort = '8081'}
+ # Set defaults if still not present
+ if (-not $Hostname) {$Hostname = "localhost"}
+ if (-not $Scheme) {$Scheme = 'http'}
+ if (-not $Port) {$Port = '8081'}
- $NexusUri = "$($nexusScheme)://$($Hostname):$($nexusPort)$($nexusPath)"
+ "$($Scheme)://$($Hostname):$($Port)$($Path)"
+function Wait-NexusAvailability {
+ param(
+ [Parameter()]
+ [string]$Hostname,
+ [Parameter(Mandatory)]
+ [Alias("Config")]
+ [string]$NexusConfigFile = (Join-Path $env:ProgramData "\sonatype-work\nexus3\etc\nexus.properties")
+ )
+ # As the service is started, this should be present momentarily
+ $Timer = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew()
+ while (-not ($ConfigPresent = Test-Path $NexusConfigFile) -and $Timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds -le 60) {
+ Write-Verbose "Waiting for '$($NexusConfigFile)' to become available ($($Timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds) seconds waited)..."
+ Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
+ }
+ $NexusUri = Get-NexusUri -Hostname $Hostname
Write-Host "Waiting on Nexus Web UI to be available at '$($NexusUri)'"
while ($Response.StatusCode -ne '200' -and $Timer.Elapsed.TotalMinutes -lt 3) {
@@ -318,12 +384,15 @@ function Test-NexusMigratorRequired {
Write-Error (@(
"Please upgrade nexus-repository to version 3.70.1-02 before upgrading further."
"You can do this by running 'choco upgrade nexus-repository --version --confirm'"
+ "You will then need to migrate your database from OrientDb to H2 or PostgreSQL."
"For more details, please see: https://help.sonatype.com/en/orient-pre-3-70-java-8-or-11.html"
) -join "`n")
- throw "Package cannot upgrade from '$($CurrentVersion)' to '$($env:ChocolateyPackageVersion)'"
+ throw "Package cannot upgrade from '$($CurrentVersion)'"
} elseif ($CurrentDeNexusVersion -eq $RequiredVersion) {
# We will upgrade if we are on OrientDb, otherwise leave it alone.
Test-NexusDatabaseType -Type "OrientDb" -DataDir $DataDir -ProgramDir $ProgramDir
+ } elseif ($CurrentDeNexusVersion -gt $RequiredVersion) {
+ Write-Verbose "Detected Nexus version '$($CurrentVersion)'. Will not attempt to upgrade."
@@ -411,4 +480,40 @@ function Test-NexusMigratorMemoryProblem {
return $Result
+function Get-NexusRepositoryServiceInstall {
+ <#
+ .Synopsis
+ If found, returns the name of the Nexus service and the install and data directories it uses.
+ .Example
+ Get-NexusRepositoryInstallValues
+ #>
+ [CmdletBinding()]
+ param(
+ # By default, we assume there is only one service. This searches for all installed services.
+ [switch]$AllResults
+ )
+ # If you have a lot of services, searching them all may take longer -
+ # so we can stop searching when we find the first service matching nexus.exe.
+ $ResultCount = @{}
+ if (-not $AllResults) {$ResultCount.First = 1}
+ $NexusService = Get-ChildItem HKLM:\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\ | Where-Object {
+ ($ImagePath = Get-ItemProperty -Path $_.PSPath -Name ImagePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -and
+ $ImagePath.ImagePath.Trim('"''').EndsWith('\nexus.exe')
+ } | Select-Object @ResultCount
+ foreach ($Service in $NexusService) {
+ $ServiceName = $Service.PSChildName
+ $TargetFolder = (Get-ItemProperty -Path $Service.PSPath).ImagePath.Trim('"''') | Split-Path | Split-Path
+ $DataFolder = Convert-Path (Join-Path $TargetFolder "$((Get-Content $TargetFolder\bin\nexus.vmoptions) -match '^-Dkaraf.data=(?.+)$' -replace '^-Dkaraf.data=')")
+ [PSCustomObject]@{
+ ServiceName = $ServiceName
+ ProgramFolder = $TargetFolder
+ DataFolder = $DataFolder
+ Endpoint = Get-NexusUri -DataDir (Split-Path $DataFolder) -ProgramDir $TargetFolder
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file