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The S3 block account public access solution enables the S3 account level settings within each AWS account
in the AWS Organization.
The Amazon S3 Block Public Access feature provides settings for access points, buckets, and accounts to help you manage public access to Amazon S3 resources. By default, new buckets, access points, and objects don't allow public access. However, users can modify bucket policies, access point policies, or object permissions to allow public access. S3 Block Public Access settings override these policies and permissions so that you can limit public access to these resources.
With S3 Block Public Access, account administrators and bucket owners can easily set up centralized controls to limit public access to their Amazon S3 resources that are enforced regardless of how the resources are created.
Key solution features:
- Sets S3 block account public access settings for all existing accounts including the
management account
and future accounts. - Ability to exclude accounts via provided account tags.
- Triggered when new accounts are added to the AWS Organization, account tag updates, and on account status changes.
S3 Block Public Access provides four settings. This solution applies the settings to the account, which applies to all buckets and access points that are owned by that account.
- BlockPublicAcls
- Setting this option to TRUE causes the following behavior:
- PUT Bucket acl and PUT Object acl calls fail if the specified access control list (ACL) is public.
- PUT Object calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.
- If this setting is applied to an account, then PUT Bucket calls fail if the request includes a public ACL.
- Setting this option to TRUE causes the following behavior:
- IgnorePublicAcls
- Setting this option to TRUE causes Amazon S3 to ignore all public ACLs on a bucket and any objects that it contains.
- BlockPublicPolicy
- Setting this option to TRUE for a bucket causes Amazon S3 to reject calls to PUT Bucket policy if the specified bucket policy allows public access, and to reject calls to PUT access point policy for all of the bucket's access points if the specified policy allows public access.
- RestrictPublicBuckets
- Setting this option to TRUE restricts access to an access point or bucket with a public policy to only AWS service principals and authorized users within the bucket owner's account. This setting blocks all cross-account access to the access point or bucket (except by AWS service principals), while still allowing users within the account to manage the access point or bucket.
- All resources are deployed via AWS CloudFormation as a
andStack Instance
within the management account or a CloudFormationStack
within a specific account. - The Customizations for AWS Control Tower solution deploys all templates as a CloudFormation
. - For parameter details, review the AWS CloudFormation templates.
- The
Lambda IAM Role
is used by the Lambda function to identify existing and future accounts that need S3 Block Account Public Access configured. - The
S3 Block Account Public Access IAM Role
is assumed by the Lambda function to set S3 Block Account Public Access for the management account and the member accounts. - The
Event Rule IAM Role
is assumed by EventBridge to forward Global events to theHome Region
default Event Bus.
- The
AWS Control Tower Lifecycle Event Rule
triggers theAWS Lambda Function
when a new AWS Account is provisioned through AWS Control Tower. - The
Organization Compliance Scheduled Event Rule
triggers theAWS Lambda Function
to capture AWS Account status updates (e.g. suspended to active).- A parameter is provided to set the schedule frequency.
- See the Instructions to Manually Run the Lambda Function for triggering the
AWS Lambda Function
before the next scheduled run time.
- The
AWS Organizations Event Rule
triggers theAWS Lambda Function
when updates are made to accounts within the organization.- When AWS Accounts are added to the AWS Organization outside of the AWS Control Tower Account Factory. (e.g. account created via AWS Organizations console, account invited from another AWS Organization).
- When tags are added or updated on AWS Accounts.
- If the
Home Region
is different from theGlobal Region (e.g. us-east-1)
, then global event rules are created within theGlobal Region
to forward events to theHome Region
default Event Bus. - The
AWS Organizations Event Rule
forwards AWS Organization account update events.
- SQS dead letter queue used for retaining any failed Lambda events.
- The AWS Lambda Function contains the logic for configuring the S3 block public access settings within each account.
- All the
AWS Lambda Function
logs are sent to a CloudWatch Log Group</aws/lambda/<LambdaFunctionName>
to help with debugging and traceability of the actions performed. - By default the
AWS Lambda Function
will create the CloudWatch Log Group and logs are encrypted with a CloudWatch Logs service managed encryption key. - Parameters are provided for changing the default log group retention and encryption KMS key.
- SNS Topic used to notify subscribers when messages hit the Dead Letter Queue (DLQ).
- SNS Topic used to fanout the Lambda function for setting the S3 block account public access configuration.
- The
AWS Lambda Function
configures the block public access settings for the account.
- The
S3 Block Account Public Access IAM Role
is assumed by the Lambda function within the management account to set S3 Block Account Public Access for the account.
- Download and Stage the SRA Solutions. Note: This only needs to be done once for all the solutions.
- Verify that the SRA Prerequisites Solution has been deployed.
- No AWS Organizations Service Control Policies (SCPs) are blocking the
API actions
Choose a Deployment Method:
In the management account (home region)
, launch an AWS CloudFormation Stack using one of the options below:
Option 1: (Recommended) Use the sra-s3-block-account-public-access-main-ssm.yaml template. This is a more automated approach where some of the CloudFormation parameters are populated from SSM parameters created by the SRA Prerequisites Solution.
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file $HOME/aws-sra-examples/aws_sra_examples/solutions/s3/s3_block_account_public_access/templates/sra-s3-block-account-public-access-main-ssm.yaml --stack-name sra-s3-block-account-public-access-main-ssm --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM
Option 2: Use the sra-s3-block-account-public-access-main.yaml template. Input is required for the CloudFormation parameters where the default is not set.
aws cloudformation deploy --template-file $HOME/aws-sra-examples/aws_sra_examples/solutions/s3/s3_block_account_public_access/templates/sra-s3-block-account-public-access-main.yaml --stack-name sra-s3-block-account-public-access-main --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM --parameter-overrides pOrganizationId=<ORGANIZATION_ID> pRootOrganizationalUnitId=<ROOT_ORGANIZATIONAL_UNIT_ID> pSRAStagingS3BucketName=<SRA_STAGING_S3_BUCKET_NAME>
How to verify after the pipeline completes?
- Log into an account and navigate to the S3 console page
- Select the
Block Public Access settings for this account
in the side menu and verify the settings match the parameters provided in the configuration
- Download and Stage the SRA Solutions. Note: Get the latest code and run the staging script.
- Update the existing CloudFormation Stack or CFCT configuration. Note: Make sure to update the
SRA Solution Version
parameter and any new added parameters.
- In the
management account (home region)
, delete the AWS CloudFormation Stack (sra-s3-block-account-public-access-main-ssm
) created above. - In the
management account (home region)
, delete the AWS CloudWatch Log Group (e.g. /aws/lambda/<solution_name>) for the Lambda function deployed.
- In the
management account (home region)
. - Navigate to the AWS Lambda Functions page.
- Select the
next to the Lambda Function and selectTest
from theActions
menu. - Scroll down to view the
Test event
. - Click the
button to trigger the Lambda Function with the default values. - Verify that the updates were successful within the expected account(s).