SDK class encapsulating stableswap pool functions.
This class will either interact with internal StableSwapFacet pools or external StableSwap pools depending on which type of pool is being used for each asset. Note: SDK currently only supports internal StableSwapFacet pools.
▸ addLiquidity(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amounts
, minToMint?
, deadline?
): Promise
Prepares the transaction request for adding liquidity to a pool.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
domainId |
string |
undefined |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
undefined |
The address of local or adopted token. |
amounts |
string [] |
undefined |
The amounts of the tokens to swap. |
minToMint |
string |
"0" |
(optional) The minimum acceptable amount of LP tokens to mint. |
deadline |
number |
undefined |
(optional) The deadline for the operation. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
▸ calculateAddLiquidityPriceImpact(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amountX
, amountY
): Promise
| BigNumber
Calculates the price impact of adding liquidity to a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
amountX |
string |
The amount of token X (index 0 of the pool), in the token's native precision. |
amountY |
string |
The amount of token Y (index 1 of the pool), in the token's native precision. |
| BigNumber
Price impact for adding liquidity, in 1e18 precision.
▸ calculatePriceImpact(tokenInputAmount
, tokenOutputAmount
, virtualPrice?
, isDeposit?
): BigNumber
Calculates the price impact depending on whether liquidity is being deposited or withdrawn.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
tokenInputAmount |
BigNumber |
undefined |
The amount of inbound tokens (LP tokens for withdrawals, total tokens for deposits, dx for swaps), in 1e18 precision. |
tokenOutputAmount |
BigNumber |
undefined |
The amount of outbound tokens (total tokens for withdrawals, LP tokens for deposits, dy for swaps), in 1e18 precision. |
virtualPrice |
BigNumber |
undefined |
(optional) The current virtual price of the pool. |
isDeposit |
boolean |
true |
(optional) Whether this is a deposit or withdrawal. |
The price impact.
▸ calculateRemoveLiquidityPriceImpact(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amountX
, amountY
): Promise
| BigNumber
Returns the price impact of removing liquidity from a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
amountX |
string |
The amount of token X (index 0 of the pool), in the token's native precision. |
amountY |
string |
The amount of token Y (index 1 of the pool), in the token's native precision. |
| BigNumber
The price impact for removing liquidity, in 1e18 precision.
▸ calculateRemoveSwapLiquidity(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amount
, index
): Promise
Calculates the amounts of underlying tokens returned.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
amount |
string |
The amount of the LP token to burn on withdrawal. |
index |
number |
The index of the token to withdraw. |
Calculated amount of underlying token returned.
▸ calculateRemoveSwapLiquidity(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amount
): Promise
Calculates the amounts of underlying tokens returned.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
amount |
string |
The amount of the LP token to burn on withdrawal. |
Array containing amount of each underlying token returned, in correct index order.
▸ calculateSwap(domainId
, tokenAddress
, tokenIndexFrom
, tokenIndexTo
, amount
): Promise
Calculates the amount of tokens received on a swap.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
tokenIndexFrom |
number |
The index of the token to sell. |
tokenIndexTo |
number |
The index of the token to buy. |
amount |
BigNumberish |
The number of tokens to sell, in the "From" token's native decimal precision. |
Minimum amount received, in the "To" token's native decimal precision.
▸ calculateSwapPriceImpact(domainId
, amountX
, tokenX
, tokenY
): Promise
Calculates the price impact of a swap.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
amountX |
string |
The amount of tokens to swap, in the token's native precision. |
tokenX |
string |
The address of the token to swap from. |
tokenY |
string |
The address of the token to swap to. |
The price impact for swapping, in 1e18 precision.
▸ calculateTokenAmount(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amounts
, isDeposit?
): Promise
Calculates the minimum LP token amount from deposits or withdrawals.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
domainId |
string |
undefined |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
undefined |
The address of local or adopted token. |
amounts |
string [] |
undefined |
The amounts of the tokens to deposit/withdraw, in the correct index order and in each token's native precision. |
isDeposit |
boolean |
true |
(optional) Whether this is a deposit or withdrawal. |
Minimum LP tokens received, in 1e18 precision.
▸ calculateYield(feesEarned
, principal
, days
): Object
Calculates apr and apy.
Name | Type | Description |
feesEarned |
number |
The total fees earned in the period. |
principal |
number |
The principal amount at the start of the period. |
days |
number |
The number of days to look back. |
Object containing apr and apy.
Name | Type |
apr |
number |
apy |
number |
▸ getAdopted(domainId
, tokenAddress
): Promise
Reads the adopted token.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
The adopted token.
▸ getDefaultDeadline(): number
Set to 1 hour from current time.
The default deadline, in unix time.
▸ getLPTokenAddress(domainId
, tokenAddress
): Promise
Reads the LP token address of a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
The LP token address.
▸ getPoolTokenAddress(domainId
, tokenAddress
, index
): Promise
Reads the token address of a specified index in a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
index |
number |
The index of the token in the pool. |
The address of the specified token in the pool.
▸ getPoolTokenBalance(domainId
, tokenAddress
, poolTokenAddress
): Promise
Reads the balance of a pool token.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
poolTokenAddress |
string |
The address of the pool token. |
The balance of the pool token.
▸ getPoolTokenIndex(domainId
, tokenAddress
, poolTokenAddress
): Promise
Reads the index of a token in a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of the local or adopted token. |
poolTokenAddress |
string |
The address of the token in the pool to get the index for. |
The index of the specified token in the pool or -1 if not found.
▸ getPoolTokenDecimals(domainId
, tokenAddress
, poolTokenAddress
): Promise
Reads the decimal precision of a token in a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain id of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
poolTokenAddress |
string |
The address of the token in the pool to get the precision for. |
The decimal precision of the specified token in the pool or -1 if not found.
▸ getRepresentation(domainId
, tokenAddress
): Promise
Reads the representation asset of the pool. The representation asset is the adopted asset on the canonical domain and local (nextAsset) otherwise.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
The representation (local or adopted) token.
▸ getTokenPrice(tokenSymbol
): Promise
Fetches the current price of a token.
Name | Type | Description |
tokenSymbol |
string |
The symbol for the token. |
The price of the token.
▸ getTokenSupply(domainId
, tokenAddress
): Promise
Reads the ERC20 token supply.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the ERC20 token. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of the ERC20 token. |
The balance of the address.
▸ getTokenUserBalance(domainId
, tokenAddress
, userAddress
): Promise
Reads the ERC20 token balance of an address.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the ERC20 token. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of the ERC20 token. |
userAddress |
string |
The address to get the balance of. |
The balance of the address.
▸ getUserPools(domainId
, userAddress
): Promise
<{ info
: Pool
; lpTokenBalance
: BigNumber
; poolTokenBalances
: BigNumber
[] }[]>
Retrieves the Pools that a user has LP tokens for.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
userAddress |
string |
The address of the user to get the pools for. |
<{ info
: Pool
; lpTokenBalance
: BigNumber
; poolTokenBalances
: BigNumber
[] }[]>
Array of Pool objects.
▸ getVirtualPrice(domainId
, tokenAddress
): Promise
Reads the virtual price of a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
The virtual price, scaled to the pool's decimal precision (10^18).
▸ getYieldStatsForDays(domainId
, tokenAddress
, unixTimestamp
, days
): Promise
| { totalFeesFormatted
: number
; totalLiquidityFormatted
: number
; totalVolume
: BigNumber
; totalVolumeFormatted
: number
Calculates the fees, liquidity, and volume of a pool for the days prior to the specified unix time.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
unixTimestamp |
number |
The unix time to start the look back from. |
days |
number |
The number of days to look back. |
| { totalFeesFormatted
: number
; totalLiquidityFormatted
: number
; totalVolume
: BigNumber
; totalVolumeFormatted
: number
Object containing fees, liquidity, and volume, in 1e18 precision.
▸ removeLiquidity(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amount
, minAmounts?
, deadline?
): Promise
Returns the transaction request for removing liquidity from a pool.
Name | Type | Description |
domainId |
string |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
The address of local or adopted token. |
amount |
string |
The amount of LP tokens to burn. |
minAmounts |
string [] |
(optional) The minimum amounts of each token to withdraw. |
deadline |
number |
(optional) The deadline for the operation. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
▸ removeLiquidityOneToken(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amount
, minAmount?
, deadline?
): Promise
Returns the transaction request for removing liquidity from a pool.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
domainId |
string |
undefined |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
undefined |
The address of local or adopted token. |
withdrawTokenAddress |
string |
undefined |
The address of the token to withdraw. |
amount |
string |
undefined |
The amount of LP tokens to burn. |
minAmount |
string |
"0" | (optional) The minimum acceptable amount of the token to withdraw. |
deadline |
number |
One hour from current time. | (optional) The deadline for the operation. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
▸ removeLiquidityImbalance(domainId
, tokenAddress
, amounts
, maxBurnAmount?
, deadline?
): Promise
Returns the transaction request for removing liquidity from a pool.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
domainId |
string |
undefined |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
undefined |
The address of local or adopted token. |
amounts |
string [] |
undefined |
The amount of LP tokens to burn. |
maxBurnAmount |
string |
"0" (Use total LP balance) | (optional) The max LP tokens the user is willing to burn. |
deadline |
number |
One hour from current time. | (optional) The deadline for the operation. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
▸ swap(domainId
, tokenAddress
, from
, to
, amount
, minDy?
, deadline?
): Promise
Returns the transaction request for performing a swap in a pool.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
domainId |
string |
undefined |
The domain ID of the pool. |
tokenAddress |
string |
undefined |
The address of local or adopted token. |
from |
string |
undefined |
The address of the token to sell. |
to |
string |
undefined |
The address of the token to buy. |
amount |
string |
undefined |
The amount of the selling token to swap. |
minDy |
number |
0 |
(optional) The minimum amount of the buying token to receive. |
deadline |
number |
undefined |
(optional) The deadline for the operation. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
▸ Static
): Promise
Create a singleton instance of the SdkPool class.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
_config |
Object |
undefined | SdkConfig object. |
_config.chains |
Record <string , { providers: string[] }> |
undefined | Chain config, at minimum with providers for each chain. |
_config.signerAddress |
string |
undefined | Signer address for transactions. |
_config.logLevel |
"fatal" | "error" | "warn" | "info" | "debug" | "trace" | "silent" |
"info" | (optional) Logging severity level. | |
"testnet" | "mainnet" |
"mainnet" | (optional) Blockchain environment to interact with. |
providers.TransactionRequest object.
import { SdkPool } from "@connext/sdk";
const config = {
signerAddress: "<wallet_address>",
network: "mainnet",
chains: {
6648936: { // the domain ID for Ethereum Mainnet
providers: [""],
1869640809: { // the domain ID for Optimism
providers: [""]
1886350457: { // the domain ID for Polygon
providers: [""]
const sdkPool = await SdkPool.create(config);
{% hint style="info" %} See the Deployments page for all domain IDs and asset addresses. {% endhint %}