This document provides the guide to add stream to OWT with SRT protocol.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- owt-server v4.3.x
- owt-client-javascript v4.3.x
- Use following command to patch SRT PR in owt-server 4.3.x branch.
It includes SRT streaming input and multiple SRT synchronization.
git clone
git checkout -t remotes/origin/4.3.x
cd owt-server
# srt streaming input and synchronization
curl | git am
# fix streaming out type error
curl | git am
- Install dependencies
cd owt-server
# re-install deps
rm ./build -rf
- Build OWT
./scripts/build.js -t mcu -r -c
- Use following command to patch SRT PR in owt-client-javascript 4.3.x branch.
git clone
git checkout -t remotes/origin/4.3.x
cd owt-client-javascript
curl | git am
- Build client sdk with following command
cd owt-client-javascript/scripts/
Pack OWT server and client and then start OWT:
cd owt-server
# create dist
./scripts/pack.js --full --install-module --no-pseudo --with-ffmpeg --sample-path <PATH>/owt-client-javascript/dist/samples/conference
cd ./dist
# update SRT test page and js script
cp owt-js-simple-samples/index.html extras/basic_example/public/
cp owt-js-simple-samples/script2.js extras/basic_example/public/
- Open https://serverip:3004 in Chrome browser
- Use ffmpeg command to start a SRT listener
# <ip> is local ip, set <port> to 20000 for test
ffmpeg -re -i test.mp4 -c copy -f mpegts srt://<ip>:<port>?mode=listener
- Select "caller" in streaming area in UI and input SRT listener url in "url" in UI and then click "streamingIn SRT start" button to add stream to OWT.
- Open https://serverip:3004 in Chrome browser
- Use default listener mode in UI and click "streamingIn SRT start" button to start a SRT listener in OWT, then the ip and port will return by the restful request and print in Chrome console. You can specify SRT listen port range in streaming_agent.toml:
# The SRT listening UDP port range
maxport = 20000 #default: 0
minport = 10000 #default: 0
- Use ffmpeg command to push a mp4 stream to owt server with following command:
# <ip> is local ip, set <port> to 20000 for test
./ffmpeg -re -i test.mp4 -c copy -f mpegts srt://<ip>:<port>
Then you can see srt streaming in mix stream.